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Large female pubic bone.

This was a comment I found and I HAVE EXACTLY THE SAME THING! I need to know how I can correct this! You have no idea the suffering we go through on a day to day basis looking like you have a male part instead of a female anatomy. I don't feel like a complete woman. I cannot wear sexy underwear and don't get me started on what wearing a swimsuit feels like or anything that's tight, so I'm always wearing things that are baggy and I'm soooooooooooooo tired of it. My Gynecologist says it normal, WHAT????????????!!!!!!!!! It's not normal for a female to have a LARGE bone sticking out! Believe me, you would not want to be me....
There has to be a surgical proceedure to reduce the bone there, so we can feel like women again.
See below...

when i started discovering my body as a young girl, i realized something different from everyone elses. my vagina looks really bony. when i lay down flat, my pelvic bone is protruding out. even standing up, i can see a big bump. more than normal from what i have seen. i have been told by friends "oh you have big vagina" and it really bothers me. i am embarrassed to be intimate. i did research but didnt come across anything. i'm 25 now and am still embarrassed to go to a doctor. i dont know what the problem really is. i used to crack my lower back, i dont know if that would do anything to it? but i dont feel any pain or anything. just physically, its very different, bony, and embarrassing from what i see. i've been told by several family members " are you wearing a pad" because its that noticeable. i know that if it was from birth, my mom would notice. because now they tell me things like you have fat, big, vagina. i really need to do something about it, but need to know what? and need to know what the problem really is and what may have caused it? and what kind of doctor i should see. and how i should explain it. please answer my questions asap. i cant take it anymore, and i find it embarrassing to share it w/ anyone else.
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I have heard of this problem and I believe there is plastic surgery for it.  You might want to post on the doctors forum.  It will cost you but they might know more about this issue than  the regular uneducated person.  Don't stop searching for an answer or solution.  I'm sure there is one!!!!
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79258 tn?1190630410
It is indeed perfectly normal. Mine's like this too :-) Pelvises come in all shapes and sizes. You just have a prominent pubic bone, is all. But if you're overweight, you can also develop a pretty big pad of fat that will make it look more prominent.

I don't know what's up with your family or friends, though. I can't imagine anyone saying you have a "big fat vagina" (apparently they don't have any understanding of female anatomy), or asking whether you're wearing a pad. Seems weird. Or are you maybe projecting your own feelings about your body?
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I have the same problem, and I agree, it's awful and embarrassing.I haven't talked with anyone about this, I guess, no one knows, since I try to hide it..
But I can't any longer. I'm sick of boys dumping me because I can't take the courage and have a sexual relationship... I'm sick of choosing carefully clothing, I'm sick of being unable to wear what normal women do! I'm sick of looking myself at the mirror - I'm really thin, but this enormous thing is all I see.

I do not want to sound pessimistic, but what can be done? As far as I have read, this bone helps for keeping one's balance. So it cannot be removed. Seriously, is there something that can be done?!
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Is it an actual bone or is it tissue?  If it's tissue, I would like to think that it could be easily removed.  The bone would be harder to remove, they would have to break it and then do some plastic surgery, but there must be some plastic surgery doctor that will do this for women.  I've seen them reconstruct faces on tv by breaking bones, removing them, placing them elsewhere, etc.

Why don't you try calling or contacting some plastic surgeons around the US at major surgery centers (Mayo clinic comes to mind) and see if they can do the surgery?  Maybe even contact the medical channel on tv, they are always performing uncommon surgeries or even common surgeries but in a new way.  

Don't lose hope either of you!!  If you want this bad enough, you will find a way to get it done!!!!
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Because I am not from the US... I am from a small Eastern European country with awful medical service... I simply cannot imagine getting this done here. And one more reason, I guess it will cost pretty much; not only the operation, but also the tickets and all the documents and hotels and etc.
I guess I just have to put money aside and postpone this.
And yes, it is a bone, I am sure about this. By the way, I don't know if this is connected, but I also noticed that the bones around my knee (the cap, I suppose?!) are jutting out, too; also my ribs. But I don't care at all about them, all I want is, as Anne has written above, is to feel like a woman
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I would say that there is a connection between this bone and bones on the rest of your body, still I do believe that there must be some operation to help you in this area.  I have heard that a lot of people are going to India for surgery because they are cheaper but also because the do a great job!  Even in the US, and even with insurance, people are going to India.  I am not sure if this is a better option for you or not, but something to keep in mind.  I truly hope it all works out for both you and Anne.  I'll be praying for you both...
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79258 tn?1190630410
After re-reading your post, I'm a little worried about an eating disorder. The fact that you're really thin and all your bones stick out might just be because you ARE really thin... everyone's hips and pubic bone and ribs and knees are gonna seem huge when there's no fat to even things out. And you have the mindset common to eating disorders. Just a thought. I'm really concerned about you. I hope that you can get the help you need.
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79258 tn?1190630410
"I'm sick of boys dumping me because I can't take the courage and have a sexual relationship... I'm sick of choosing carefully clothing, I'm sick of being unable to wear what normal women do! I'm sick of looking myself at the mirror - I'm really thin, but this enormous thing is all I see."

But don't you see, it's not your "enormous" pubic bone that's driving people away--it's your feelings about it. You're not even giving anyone a chance, because you're too insecure about your body to let anyone else even get near you. You've already judged yourself so harshly, you can't see how anyone else might see you differently.

But the truth is, no one is perfect, and no one has a perfect body. I bet a million dollars that even if you miraculously found some quack to do this "surgery" (which would be an unbelievably bad idea--no real doctor is going to agree to break your pelvis), you'd immediately find something else that's 'wrong'.

That's because the problem isn't in your body, it's in your head. It's how you see yourself that's all messed up. You don't have to sit around feeling bad about yourself, pushing people away, making yourself miserable. Make an appointment with a therapist. When you feel this bad about yourself, it's probably going to feel scary and really hard to open up to someone else. But honestly, give it a chance. Just talking about it will help. You are perfect and lovable just as you are. Therapy can help you see that for yourself.
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I'm so glad to know there are other girls out there with this same problem.
Listen, I am thin too; 5' 7" and my weight is 136. I do not have an eating disorder like someone else suggested.
Until you walk a mile in our shoes, you just don't know how it feels to have a large pubic bone. Finding pants, shorts, skirts, that will hide this is extremely difficult and womens clothing was NOT MADE FOR A LARGE PUBIC BONE!!! This is not the norm for a woman. Like I said, womens clothing, swimsuits, panties, etc are not made to accomodate a woman with a large pubic bone.
When I was growing up, I was made fun of-like kids would say, "you have a buldge" or "what's up with the buldge in your pants" or "you used to be a guy right?". Of course this effects your self esteem. But what do you go to a doctor and say? "Hey doc, I've got this large pubic bone and it's making me insecure-here take a look!" Yeah right....
If there was a surgery to reduce the size, life would be so much easier.
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I too don't have an eating disorder, I'm quite sure about this. My weight is 45 kg (sorry I don't know how to converge this) and I am 157 cm (don't know how to converge this, too).
But I don't think I have this *problem* out of thinness. If it was so, what about all the skinny models then? What about anorexic people? (I really have never heard or seen another girl with a problem like mine. Here I read for the first time about someone with the same complaint!)
I guess it's all about bone structure - as someone had said above, pelvises come in all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately.
I know that I probably take this flaw more serious than an unknown observer would. I know it probably seems more awful in my eyes than it actually is. But it's not simply a familiar little defect - if it was so, if it was common, I wouldn't be so scared! But this is something entirely unconceivable, I guess. It's extraordinary and new and rare, and has never been mentioned... If I was worried about my breasts, for example, well, this is the kind of things therapy can help about. Do you see what I mean?! I am scared enough to have found something so strangely peculiar about my body. And everyone I show it to would be equally scared!
I try to hide this... to choose careful my clothes... I guess no one have noticed it... Just once, in my early teenage years, when I didn't know that this is something wrong yet - I was with a guy, we weren't doing anything, just laying on the ground, too shy to make out  - at a point, he lay over me, perfectly calm and still... and he said "you know, something is hurting me". You just can't imagine how I feel since then. And this is just an example of being physically close to someone. Imagine what would the guy have said if we were making love?!
Sorry about the long post... and about my English, too
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I finally decided to Google my "protruding pelvic bone" and found these posts.  I've had this all my life - it's definately a bone and I'm 5'10, 180lbs so I don't have an eating disorder.  It's very embarrasing...as the others said, I can't wear many items of clothing...including most of the pant styles popular today (flat fronts) which would otherwise be ideal for my body.  Monkeyflower is focusing on our mental health - why is it so hard to believe we might actually have an "abnormal" pubic bone?  Although, and I dont understand this, my gyno says "all" women have that...which is total BS!  Not to sound like a perv, but I've seen tons of naked women and I've NEVER seen anyone with this.  Even going to a waterpark and seeing all different types of women in their bathing suits...even fat women look normal in that area.  I feel like a mutant.  I have a child so I know that everything is in working order, but there are times when it's briefly crossed my mind that I was a hermaphodite or something at birth and was "picked" to be a girl.  But I know that's only because I want to rationalize why I would have this horrible protrusion.  Anyway, you girls haven't posted for a while, I hope you read this because I want to know if you've learned anything else since June???? At the very least, it's nice to know I'm not alone.
Thanks for being there!
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  I'am a 58 year old male, i have been with more than my share of woman in my life, I had a 5 year relationship with one woman with a protruding pubic bone, i mean it was as big as my fist folded up. The first time i saw it i was kind of shocked but oddly aroused because it wasn't your every day L@@K  after several weeks into our relationship i grew to really like it as it gave me and her advantages that you wouldn't have otherwise, it also helped her to reach orgasam faster. if you learn how to use it to your advantage. I talked about it to some of my buddies and they all agreed that it is indeed a very exciting atribute. anyway do not consider your selves freaks but consider yourselves one of the very few lucky ones. PS, i don't miss my ex-girlfriend but i sure miss that love making.
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I have the same problem. I have noticed it scince i turned 10. My mom asked me " whats that?" i didnt know what she was atlkign about until i looked down and ever scince i have been embarrsed. I know that most of it is bone but some of it is fat (the mons pubis) covering the pubic bone. I have been searching high and low to try to find a solution. I have found soem sights that may help and ill list them at the end. It is interfering with my social life. I cant were and bikinis or sexy cloths becuase of it. Im still looking for the best options for treatment and prices. I dont think i can ever be intimate until this thing is removed. But the girl is right up there, dont give up trying to find a solution. We all need to stick together and try to help each other out:)

Some info that may be helpful to you:
(please return the favor)





I hope this helps. If you find any information please write back.
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335018 tn?1195175049
I know self-image is important and all, but speaking as (what I assume is) a normal male, I myself am absolutely incredibly attracted to a prominent "mont de Vénus."  And I definitely agree with chrply as far as making love to a woman with such a think.  I don't want to get all pervy with descriptions and stuff, but wow... I wish none of you ladies would think there's anything wrong with you, or with wearing clothes that do nothing to conceal this attribute.
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I found something that may be the cuase of this defect, check this out:

What is the reason for protrusion of the pubic bone?  
Q. I have a prominence of the bone which is below the stomach and above the thighs The bone is outwards (not flat) and is apparent if I wear skirts. Why is it like that and what can be done ? Is this the reason why I get back pain?

A. The bone that you are referring to is called pubic bone and this should normally be flat and not prominent. The important causes of this bone coming forward are any swelling inside the bone, deformity of spine or deformity of hip joint. All these three things have to be checked by examination and if necessary by X-ray. The same deformity can also be present because of vitamin-D deficiency in childhood and evidence of this will also be seen on X-ray. I advise you to consult an orthopaedic surgeon for examination and proper diagnosis of your condition.


you should check this out with your doctor... It might be serius :)
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Hey :) I’m so glad to see the discussion ‘revived’…
And I want to ask something I didn’t have the courage to ask last time: do any of you girls feel pain? Because sometimes I do. And I totally freak out! I don’t know why but I’m pretty sure it comes from ‘there’, you see, like this awful thing is growing even more and more, that’s how I feel it, hurting and even more protruding… At one point I even thought I have a cancer :)
Oh and about growing again. Well… I have the strangest feeling that this bone used to be smaller. Or perhaps I was smaller during puberty, I don’t know
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im 15 and have the same problem and i noticed about a year ago. I wanted to know if it will get bigger as i get older?
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The first time i realised i had a protruding pubic bone was when i was at the gym with a friend and we were doing the "superman bone" and it hurt my vagina so much, because the bone there was so large and digging into the floor. It sucks buying pants, and i definately cannot wear leggings without a long top. But i still feel like a woman!!my breasts and my hips make me feel like a woman. i would NEVER consider plastic surgery, i think its just how you perceive it. If people bring it up then f**k them, they're not worth it. It still works! theres nothing wrong with it!

I get conscious about sexual contact, but i think whatever..... a p*ssy is a p*ssy, he isnt gunna complain because hes getting some!

Just chill with it. Everyone has their flaws
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I've always adored women with prominent pubic mounds - I'm fortunate that both my late first wife and my second wife had/have a lovely bulge when they're lying down. The most sexually exciting girlfriends I have had (apart from the ones I married) also had pretty pubic mounds, and I have spent a lot of money on underwear that accentuates this. It certainly seems to go with enhanced clitoral sensitivity. For me there is nothing sexier than a girl in a bikini on the beach with a cute bulge - preferably with just a hint of clit showing through the fabric. Don't be shy, girls
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I just wanted to say that I have been searching the internet for ages and am so glad that i found this site. I thought I was all alone and I too, thought occasionally that maybe I was one of 'those babies' and my parents chose to have a girl! It didn't make any sense though - me being the 3rd girl in the family! lol. If nothing else, it's just nice to know that there is someone out there who has thought the same crazy thought that I had. I once thought that it was because my spine is so straight (resulting in a flat bottom) but have since noticed that other people with that same shape don't have large pubic bones. I am the only one I have ever seen who has such a large bone and I know how alone/rare I am because of gym work in high school where I was the only one (out of 60 girls) who couldn't do certain exercises. I don't want to scare anyone but I am wondering whether, with each baby I had, did it get bigger because it seems to worry me (as in being embarrassed) more now than when I was young. It almost seems ridiculous that at the age of 53, I would still be thinking about plastic surgery at all, but i seem to be getting more obsessed - perhaps as time goes by the disappointment becomes cumulative and not something you get used to.
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I'm 15 and i too have this problem - I go to an all girls boarding school and as you can imagine, it is terrible to see all the girls walking round house in their underwear and then not be able to do the same. I used to be bullied about it but then one day i just turned round and said.. "you know.. f*ck you all cause its not worth the energy" and to be honest it is right to say that. I am too scared of getting intimate and especially scared of getting intimate with guys who have been there before. I just wish someone understood and there was an easier answer to this.
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At least all the women on this message board understand - and that is something that we've never had before. One thing I have always said to myself is that at least I have legs and arms etc and am not disabled in any way. I know it's disabling in some ways, in that getting intimate for some is a problem, but apart from that (and when you find the right guy it won't matter in the least) it is probably a little problem. I think back to when I was young and I mustn't have been fully aware because I was more worried about a scar I had on my breast. My boyfriend who became my husband didn't care at all about the scar and has never mentioned my pubic bone. It turned out that he wasn't sexually active at the time anyway. He was also a wonderful person and serious about our relationship and I know he would never had commented on anything about our private lives to his mates. So I think, be fussy with whoever you become intimate with and I don't think guys really care about these things. I suppose they have their own worries with penis size etc, which, when you think about it, we don't really care much about. Decent women will not make fun of a man in that way and decent men/boys won't make fun of you either. I have always kept telling myself that it is just like having a big nose or big ears or whatever - just a different shape. It would be easier though, wouldn't it if it was more common? It must be hard for you in a boarding school. When I was young we were all a bit modest with each other, so it wasn't such a big issue. I reckon I'd feel it more if i was 15 now, 'cause like I said, I seem to be getting more obsessed as I get older. It's probably the times. You sound like a strong character, which is good, so all the best.
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I have it too! I'm 24 now but , while growing up, I constantly asked myself if something was wrong with me... or if I was not totally "female."  When I finally started to reach puberty I thought, okay I may be a girl.  Then I got my period and I thought, "Woo hoo!  I am a girl".  Now, in my twenties I thought, maybe I will never be able to get pregnant... I did get pregnant, totally unplanned, but I was SOO excited just to know that it was possible.  Anyway, I too will be searching for solutions to this bony problem and will post if I find any.  Keep posting anything you find!
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449359 tn?1205515658
i have it to and i am only 13 i think that when i'm older sex is gonna hurt and i wont be able to have babies. But now you say that you're pregnant i can stop worrying so much!
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