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Lump near clitoris

I have a small pea sized or smaller, lump right to the top right of my clitoris, I had another one to the top left a month or two back but it went away when my period ended. It is not painful, and has no strange color, there is no discharge and it does not get larger. It feels solid. Ever heard of this? Should I be frightened?
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I had the same issue which turned out to be an bartholin gland cyst. They appear when you ducts are clogged. They usually go away on their own. Please do not try to pop it, i made the mistake of bothering it and it turned into an abscess the size of a golf ball and i had to have it cut and drained
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I have like a small pimple looking thing on my clitoris and it doesn't hurt and I also have one smaller one on my labia minora but they don't hurt and it also doesn't itch,it's been there for about 5days now and I am in a new city where I don't have a doctor yet.what can I do
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I had the same thing I put witch hazel on it everyday for a couple hours and washed with warm water it eventually popped on its own kinda I squeezed it my self it was DISGUSTING ALOT OF BLOOD AND LIKE GREENISH LOOKIN PUS AND SMELLED GROSS I COULDNT BELIEVE IT I was so scared I had a STD I got checked everything negavtive it lasted about two whole weeks
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May I ask where you get that witch Hazel from so I can try it.
Witch hazel is available at drugstores and even grocery stores. You would find it near rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. It won't harm you but it might not help, it is a mild astringent. You would probably be better taking several warm sitzbaths in slightly salty water (like, seawater kind of salty) and then putting an antibiotic cream (such as Neosporin or Polysporin) on the area. With several warm water soaks, it should open on its own, messing with these by trying to pop them can make things worse.
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Girl you need to mess with it and pop it and put a baby wipe on it, it calms it down
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I myself have run into the same situation. There isn't much to worry about to be honest. When I had gotten checked the doctor had said that it was a simple cyst in which the sebaceous gland had become in flamed. She prescribed some antibiotics and put me on them for a few days and said to sit in a luke warm bath and soak then to gently massage it so it could pop on its own. If the antibiotics didn't work or the cyst began to grow more so after the certain amount of days then there would have to be a small surgery to rid of the fluid/puss. Lucky mine did happen to pop on its own after the bath.
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i have a pea size lump also i am scared cannot be intimate with my partner because its so close to the clitoris it cannot even be touched it wont pop it only swells come and goes but idk its been over 2 weeks now and nothing but i also have 2 bartholyns cysts one on each side and one was drained surgically and te other hasnt really progressed but it has to be drained as well GYNs are very booked and emergency rooms will not perform procedure this is painful and some may experience different symptoms but this is very discomforting for me and idk what to do i ahve tried everything but today i noticed it grew a bit more i did press it messed with it because it literally sticks a bit out its to my upper left hand corner and so hoping to read a helpful answer. thanks again...
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I'm 14 and I have a bump/blister thing near my clit!!  On my left labia. It sorta hurts like a pinching feeling. I've had it for a few weeks now and I don't know if it's getting bigger I think it is. Also it has like A white bump on it I hope it's just an ingrown hair! Please help and give me advice to make it go away . Thx
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I have also got this pea sized lump in the same place. I have tried popping it but I have just made it red and sore. The area is a little bit swollen and isn't very nice to touch. I've read somewhere that soaking in a hot bath is good but I don't know. Could anyone help please?
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If the bump is a clogged gland a warm bath or a warm wet wash rag + gentle massage over a few days (be gentle!). You may can massage it out in one session, but don’t rush it? You have a lot of glands in that area and sometimes they get clogged and all the need is a little help getting unstuck.
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Thank you for your comment. You have put myself and I am sure numerous other patients minds at rest ( until that all important doctors appointment) I have my gynae appointment tomorrow and I have been worrying out of my mind as I have had high grade pre cancerous cells in the past. However my symptoms are exactly the same as yours so I'll keep everything crossed it will be nothing more.

Thanks again for your detailed comment xxx
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Hello, What I seem to think all the bumps are is due to the clitoris not being circumcised like how a male is cut of the foreskin. Women have prepuce which is the skin covering the clitoris and if this skin was removed none of us would have a problem with keeping ourselves clean which none of us would have a build-up of white cream under the clitoris or on the side of our clitoris. I have had a problem with my clitoris being inflamed,  hurting to try to pull  back the skin to clean what is called smegma which is dead skin cells, sweat, and the smegma builds up to where adhesions form then the clitoris hood will not move back & forth to clean the area. Hurts really bad.
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not yet
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Did you go to your doctor or find out what this was? Any time any little thing comes up (like soreness/itchiness etc) I always jump to the worst conclusion like herpes, but usually it's a pretty minor thing. If you used a condom you should be ok.
I have a small lump just above my clitoris, it's not sore (thank god) but going to my GP in a couple days to find out. Anyone else have a lump that's not sore?
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I had sex about 10 days ago.

A few days later I was masterbating. I have semi long nails which I thought had been the cause of the sore left at the top of my clitoral hood. Soon after I felt a small bead at the top left side of my clitoris. It was pretty itchy so I kept scratching (thinking that as I seldom wear underwear I had just caught some bacteria down there leading to the itchiness) I scratched but it became more and more itchy and sores began forming all around my labia minora. Both sides of my groin started to be sore as well as the inside of my vagina. I dont know what is going on but I am scared that it is genital herpes.

There are so many factors that it could be. I was just in Haiti (water could be the cause) I use my hands to wipe my pee (hardly ever use toilet paper), and I masturbate a lot.

Please help me understand what this could be.
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You were very informative and knowledgeable, I am sure that your post helped a lot of people including me. Just wanted to thank you for your time and your post.
Pease and love to you
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i have a very painful lump right near the clitoris, i have a bladder leak problem and wear pads all the time, i think the pads at time due to my sitting or whatever get kinda jammed up in there . this hurts like hell any suggestions
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i have the same lump on my right side of my clit and the doctor keeps giving my antibiotics and they are not working, at the moment mine is the size of a bottle lid and i am really scared. ive not been able to sleep properly and everytime i wipe and walk and move it hurts like crazy
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i have the same lump on my right side of my clit and the doctor keeps giving my antibiotics and they are not working, at the moment mine is the size of a bottle lid and i am really scared. ive not been able to sleep properly and everytime i wipe and walk and move it hurts like crazy
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i have the exact same thing as you had, how did you get rid of it??
or does it just go away because i've had it for a few months now :/ i need some help!!!!
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Hey guys,

I had a small white lump, about half the size of a pea, on the right side of my clitoris. I was of course worried - it seemed to join my clitoris and the hood together. It was white, painless, and I only noticed it by chance. Went to see the doc about it, and she said it looked like a cyst/ polyp, but she didn't know and told me just to leave it and come back in a month.

I went back, by which time it had decreased in size to the size of about a sesame seed - still no pain/ discomfort though. The doc again had no idea, and said maybe a wart. I was pretty unsure of that, as I had shrunk rather than grown and didn't look like a wart, so I went to m local GUM Clinic and saw a consultant.

They gave me a full sexual health screen (standard - all fine) and the consultant took one look at it and said that's a swollen gland. She was annoyed at my GP for having suggested wart when the symptoms didn't match, and also I think for not recognising a swollen gland in the first place. She said to go back to the GP and ask for antibiotics if it hasn't gone down in a month. My personal theory is t resulted from vibrator use with my partner, but I'm not a doctor- that's purely my gut feeling because of where it is and when it appeared.

I as worried as hell, like a lot of you, and spent ages searching the net for an answer, but I just kept getting more and more panicked, and didn't find the rig answer. The best thing to do, whatever your age, is to go to our GP if you're worried. Better yet, your local GUM clinic, who can see you anonymously. Don't be nervous or embarrassed - they have seen it all before and are no phased by the sight of a vagina!

Good luck all - even if you're young, just get your *** to the doctor. They care much more about you being healthy than about embarassing body bits or telling your parents!
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Okay. I'm 20 and not sexually active. I found this site a bit ago looking for helping on this exact same issue. I had a small lump to the left of my clitoris, it was near the hair line so I figured it was a ingrown hair. Over time it got bigger and became white like there was puss in it or something and I knew it wasn't a pimple. It started to become concerning and very discomforting so I brought it up to my mom, it had grown exponentially going beyond the size of a peanut and with it pressing against my clit it was discomforting. Found this site and decided to soak myself in hot water and epsom salt until I went to see the female doctor for my first time. I'm not sexually active and it wasn't an STD. My doctor was impressed that I was using hot water and epsom salt. For those who have this issue, it's almost like a pimple, the pore becomes clogged and fills with air and/or puss. Soaking it in hot water can help as well as pressing a wash cloth that's been doused in hot water onto the lump. If you feel comfortable enough, it's best to pop it, and make sure you have something to clean the puss off. Maybe bust it against toilet paper or something. Sterilize it so it won't get affected (witch hazel, neosporin, hydrogen peroxide). If the puss gets out everywhere it may clog up another pore and you'll run into the same issue. There's nothing wrong with you, it happens, and there's probably a chance it'll come back. I was able to pop mine today but it took a bit of pressure but eventually I heard a small pop and it felt more like air was coming out (sorry for the icky details) but this is what you should do. I got tested for gonnareha as a procedure because of it but it was just a cyst filled with puss and air. Wanted to find this site one more time to inform everyone, if you have this, this is what you should do and this is what it is.
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Okay. I'm 20 and not sexually active. I found this site a bit ago looking for helping on this exact same issue. I had a small lump to the left of my clitoris, it was near the hair line so I figured it was a ingrown hair. Over time it got bigger and became white like there was puss in it or something and I knew it wasn't a pimple. It started to become concerning and very discomforting so I brought it up to my mom, it had grown exponentially going beyond the size of a peanut and with it pressing against my clit it was discomforting. Found this site and decided to soak myself in hot water and epsom salt until I went to see the female doctor for my first time. I'm not sexually active and it wasn't an STD. My doctor was impressed that I was using hot water and epsom salt. For those who have this issue, it's almost like a pimple, the pore becomes clogged and fills with air and/or puss. Soaking it in hot water can help as well as pressing a wash cloth that's been doused in hot water onto the lump. If you feel comfortable enough, it's best to pop it, and make sure you have something to clean the puss off. Maybe bust it against toilet paper or something. Sterilize it so it won't get affected (witch hazel, neosporin, hydrogen peroxide). If the puss gets out everywhere it may clog up another pore and you'll run into the same issue. There's nothing wrong with you, it happens, and there's probably a chance it'll come back. I was able to pop mine today but it took a bit of pressure but eventually I heard a small pop and it felt more like air was coming out (sorry for the icky details) but this is what you should do. I got tested for gonnareha as a procedure because of it but it was just a cyst filled with puss and air. Wanted to find this site one more time to inform everyone, if you have this, this is what you should do and this is what it is.
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fordyce spots- Fordyce spots are tiny raised, pale, red, white or skin colored spots or bumps located on the lips of the face and genitalia of males and females.

These bumps people normally freak out about ( I know I did when I first got em') and mistakenly mistake these for herpes or some type of STD.

They are not really painful but if you try to pop them there most likely will be some pain or irritation like would a pimple.  

Now... I have a red bump on the outside of my vagina it hasn't gotten any bigger as of yet but it's painful and red the size of a pea. The location is on the lower outside of my labia minora  right before or on the taint or runway as my boyfriend like to call it.... It is painful and I am scared!

Has anyone had this problem? IF so please reply.
I have also tried ointments. But doesn't seem to do anything. I have had bumps before but the doctors have always told me it was razor burn, Fordyce bumps, ingrown but this one is different. I don't know if it's because it's in a much more sensitive area or what?!?!
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I have the same thing but mine is underneath the skin and it's like a lump and a knot and I'm only 15 and it hurts I noticed it yesterday I don't know how long it has been there but when I feel on it or push on it it's really painful I don't know you can't pop it I tried but it just made it more painful and worse its very swollen than the other side of my vagina but I'm going to the doctor here soon and I'm scared to knowing what it is:(
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I got the samething. It hurt a little bit til I picked at and now it hurts more. Should I not pick at it and wait til it goes away? But should I be worried about it or not?
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Hello 2 days ago i woke up and my clit was slightly sore i looked at it in the mirror and there was a pie size red lump there its slightly sore not really but i do feel it. Please hell. I thought it was a pimple...lol... But there is no head on it
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