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growing labia minora?

i am 17 years old and ever since around the age of 8 or 10 my labia minora have seemed to grow, and have now  grown appoximately 5cm long and still seem to be growing. I dont hurt at all down there, there is no sign of redness of wart like growths or anything like that. i only feel uncomfortable sometimes as i may rub on my undies.
lately the skin on my perineum has been growing also and kind of attached to my labia, it seems like all the skin down there just keep growing! its not sore only uncomfortable. the skin has not changed in colour. im worried that my labia should not be increasing so much in size. i have never ever spoken about this, but lately have been really worried it may be something. i have had a few sexual parteners however this problem was already occuring before i ever had sex.
i dont like letting my boyfriend touch or look at me because i am embarressed.
im worried that this may be cancer of some sort, i have researched and looked at all the symptoms of different types of vulvar cancers however, none seem to really fit my description.
im scared to see a doctor because im emarressed i know i shouldnt be but id like to know more about this before i go to a doctor.
please help me
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it is normal to have your labia minor longer than the majora.  

since you are sexually active, you can make an appointment with your gynecologist to talk about your concerns.  if you feel uncomfortable talking to your doctor or nurse, by all means, find a doctor or nurse you do feel comfortable talking to.

many women, including myself, have labia minora longer than their majora.  since i was 8 or 9, i worried about it.  i even asked my mother about it.  because she knew nothing about what was normal and what wasn't normal, she ended up saying something to me that made me feel like i was deformed.

it wasn't until i was in my twenties when i asked my nurse about it.  she told me that my left labia minor was longer than my right and my labia majora, and that was normal and healthy.  i was so relieved when i heard those words "normal" and "healthy".  the emotional torture i went through thinking that there was something wrong with my body.

i'm glad you are asking about it here.

make an appointment with your doctor, and tell them that you know it is normal that labia minor can be longer than labia majora, but i want just want to make sure that everything is healthy and normal with me.

you will feel so much better.

good luck,
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thanx toni..
im not so bothered that their long because i know that is normal..
just that they are 'growing' and rapidly.. is this normal too?
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682385 tn?1226912499
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can u give birth wiv large labia cos its realy ugly wat if the midewife or docter look at me funny wen giving birth help!!!!! cus im even thinkin bout aven an abortion coz im to afraid of wot will b said about it help !!!!
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i am 14 and have the same exact problems you do.
it started when i was 8 years old and they have been growing ever since.
i finally got the courage to tell my mom and we immidiatly went to the doctor.
they checked it out which was a little embarassing but she had told me that i had tumors in my right ovaries and my kidney which is causing this and some other abnormal growths. i have to get these tumors removed this summer and they said when i do get them removed i will have alot more energy. also they have to trim down my labia where the growth started but im finally okay with that now because i know im not the only one with it.
its scary but going to the doctor will really relieve alot of stress and worry.
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ladies when it comes to down there, there is no normal, i dont think any 2 are the same! its never as weird as you think trust me!
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of course you can give birth with large labia minora! what do you think they will do - run away screaming at the sight of a vagina? this whole thing is starting to ruin peoples lives, it ruined mine for the best part of a year, when i tried to find people who looked like me. unfortunatly i did this by searching porn in a never ending quest, of course that just made me even more self concious. we are all different, the midwife will be concentrating on delivering you baby more than examining your vagina i imagine. please don't abort your baby because of self conciousness, you'll be a fantastic mother - don't let this idealogy of women ruin your childbirth.
good luck.
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this is sooo normal. honey its just skin! it's not a big deal! just realize how freaking sexy it is and love yourself
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I have the same thing. Once I turned 13 I started to realize that my vagina lips were larger than what I had imagined was "normal". Also one of my girlfriends I changed in front of saw it, and pretty much freaked out and told me how it was abnormal. It made me really self-conscience. I never asked a doctor because I know that it is normal & that theres nothing wrong with it, and i go to the gynecologist regularly and he never said anything about it. I also have been sexually active, now 17. No guy has ever complained or said anything bad about it (not to my face anyway). Some guys think the big labia is sexy and some guys think its disgusting or abnormal because they are uneducated. To this day, I am self-conscience about it..... but theres nothing I can really do.
It made me realize that in some countries, small labias are ugly & big ones are in...

I learned to love my vagina for what it is, but still am sometimes depressed about it.
Just remember, if the guy doesnt like it, or thinks its abnormal, he doesnt deserve it!
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hi!! im so relieve im not the only one who has problems about  labia.. i was 14   (and im 16 in present turning 17 this 2010) when i notices that my vagina is abnormal and was very worried i don't know wat to do... i can't tell it to my mom im so embarrassed and scared of wat the result would be... and i had another problems i got my period already but it stop suddenly and its been several months since i got my last period  and i can't seem to tell this to my mom.. i feel shameful and scared..i want to go to a  doctor to get check up but im so sacred &embarrassed  that he/she would say i got cancer or tumor or can't get pregnant  and i just can't accept that i don't know wat i'll do... please help
and do u know how to get menstruation again for age 16 to 17...
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It is common for women, especially young women to have irregular periods.  I am 29 and still have irregular periods.  Either way, it never hurts to see a doctor.  You sould have your first pap smear by age 18 anyway, one year early wont hurt.  Also, nothing wrong with bug labia.  I have two large lovely labia and my husband does not seem to mind.  Trust me, if he loves you, he will love your labia:)
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omg this is like my life story on this page! my boyfriend wants to have sex, but I keep pushing it off because I don't want him to see me...ever since I was about 7, they just started growing and I was like O.O so it is normal? it won't turn him off or make him grossed out?
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1330193 tn?1290758982
I'm 17 too and I have a similar problem. I've never had sex but my clitoral hood is kind of large. It sticks out of the lips and it's uncomfortable. I don't know if other girls have it or not. I feel like such a freak and I don't know if any guy would want me. I try not to think about it because of all the other important things that I have to think about, but it still bothers me and I'm reminded of it everytime I feel it rubbing on my panties. Alright I can live with the awkward size but I can't live with thediscomfort. The last thing I need is to get a bad grade on my test because I couldn't concentrate in class because my vagina is distracting me.
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Hi!! It's good to hear that there are lots of women with the same case as mine. But my only concern is that, my left labia minora is bigger than my right. Let's say, left labia minora is bigger than the majora, and right minora is smaller than majora - and the left minora -  and just quite larger than the clitoris. Is anyone here has the same case?? Please help! Thanks!
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Im 18 and I have that too, and bigger labia :/
I try not to think about it but I think I'll end up getting surgery when i can afford it
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I have the same thing, too. I always suspected it was because I hurt myself down there when I was in grade school (I was walking across bars, slipped and fell and the bar hit right between my legs) one labia minora is way longer than the other and has discoloration and some numbness along the outer edge with 'chicken-like skin' (bumpy) and it surpasses the labia majora (the lips) the other one is small and pink and smooth and I wish they were both like that. I plan on going to my gynecologist and asking her, because I am extremely self-conscious about my genitals. When I get my answer; I will definitely come back and letyou guys know what she says.
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i have the same problem, my inner labia is about two centimeters longer than my outer labia. I am 17 and i have never had children but I hear this is common in women who have had kids. I am embarassed to let anyone see or touch my vagina and it has kept be from being sexually active at all. it also looks bad in bathingsuits and in some underwear. As I researched, I saw many other women who also had this problem, and i actually realized that my vagina is beautiful compared to some of the others! A normal labia can be up to four inches long. I also saw that there is a surgery called labiaplasty that is about 4-6 thousand, that will shorten the labia size. So after doing your research if you are still not satisfied with the way you look down there, research the very painful and expensive cosmetic surgery.
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Ladys, there is nothing wrong with a large labia, actually is would say that there is nothing better than a large labia. Myself and most of the men that i have talked to about this agree that large labia's are beautiful! Trust me, your boyfriend will love your large labias and if he doesn't then he is probably a prude and the problem is with him. If this is the case I encourage you to let me know l and i would be delighted to treat you the way that you deserve to be treated!
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I  have the same problem to:s but i guess it isnt anything serious,because its not in the body its out of it..soo i guess even if we make an operation it wouldnt cost so much because they may just cut it? what do you think do you have any idea of the cost of the operation :S
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wow i am so relieved to read all of this in a way... i am only 13 and my labia hangs down about 2 fingers and it is so uncomfortable because it rubs.  Also, hey stick together which makes it sort of get in the way during my period.  I just cannot tell my mom because we have a terrible relationship and I am terrified to go to the doctors because I am worried the doctors will tell my mom about them being longs... I guess I have masturbated, although I dont really know.  I did it when I was younger but I didn't know what I was doing.  I do it without thinking about it every once in while but not too often, but they are still all stretched out and gross. ughh someone please help!
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wow the same thing these girls were saying was my problem since age 7-8 and up... i first noticed this when i would masturbate, i was molested by a family friend and only 3 people knows this not even my mom knows this... so growing up i thought it was my fault and thought this wasn't normal.... i hid it for years and then in 2008 i got sexually abused and was choked and beatened nearly to death which made me even more self conscious about myself... recently i found this site after breaking down to my boyfriend of 1 yr and 6 mnths which lives in Jamaica that i have something to tell him but i was too embarrassed which was the most secretive that i dealt with for years.... i finally told him that one of my labia is larger than the other and i never felt better and like an understanding boyfriend he told me he understands and loves it :D so girls don't be to hard on yourself  
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From a guys perspective its very attractive and alluring don't be embarrassed you will find that a majority of men love them just as I do!
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Wow. Reading this actually made me feel a whole lot better. I'm 14 & yet sexually active. I know I'm young. But it just happened. Well, usually when I have sex, I don't think about it. But once the guy ever wants to go down there and eat me out is when i worry. My Labia minora is long, and I hate it. It brings down my self-esteem. I'm not much of a shy person but thinking about it makes me feel so insecure. I think about how many girls have normal looking Labia minora's, like on porn tapes. Looking at them and thinking about it just makes me feel like a weirdo. Mine are atlease 2 inches long. Which I personally think is too long. I want to have sex without having to worry about how my vagina looks. Please help.
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This was great to read! I noticed that I wasn't normal down there when I was probably about 7 or 8 years old. It has been in the back of my mind ever since. I'm 17 years old now, and not happy with my life. Just like any other teenage girl in high school I want to have a relationship. But I can't ever let myself get that close to someone because I'm worried about what they'll think and say to me about it...not to mention what the guy might do about it. Let's face it, it's high school and boys find it hilarious to tell their buddies about the weird stuff that happens to them when they're hooking up with a girl. I really would rather be called a prude, than have everyone at school know my deepest darkest secret. It kills me to watch guys I really care about and know I could have an amazing relationship with just walk out the door because I can't give them what they want and need. The thing that scares me the most is that I don't want this to be the way I live the rest of my life. I don't want to die alone and unhappy. I want to have a family and kids just like anyone else, probably even more. I would do anything to be able to have the surgery to fix it, but I can't afford it on my own. I don't know how this will work out, but it's atleast comforting to know I'm not alone.
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