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Shooting pain through vagina and anus

I have sharp shooting pains through my vagina and anal area.  They only last a few seconds.  The build and peak like labor pains.  Say I'm in the kitchen and I'll feel it coming on so I have time to brace myself.  I'll set down whatever it is i'm holding and get ready.  I have to cross my legs, bend my knees, hold on to something, clench my body tight, and try to breathe.  Thank God it only lasts a few seconds.  My 14 yr. old son witnessed it yesterday and tried to call 911.  I kept signaling him not to.  I knew it wouldn't last long.  My gyno. didn't understand me when I tried to explain it to her.  What is going on?  Has anyone else experienced this kind of unbearable pain?  If the pain lasted even a min. I feel like I would just pass out and die from the pain. Honestly, it's worst than labor pains.  I never know when it's going to occur.  And when it does happend, I have to be standing to get through it, I can't be sitting.  I've also noticed that after the pain passes I'm out of breath and dizzy.  What is going on?  What should I be tested for?  Also, I've had a stabbing pain on my right side of my stomach under my rig cage.  It seems to move around the area.  Cannot take a deep breath in or yawn without tremendous pain.  Does anyone have an idea about what that could be?  Thankyou ahead of time to those who respond to my questions.
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I suggest a Gastrointerologist. The pain you describe sounds really bad and there is a reason, you just need a specialist to help you find it. Good luck! Hope you feel better soon.
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Hi there mynames leanne. i was reading about your shooting pains. i too had the exact same problem last nite but only in the anus. these pains lasted about an hour and i could hardly walk. i was just wondering if you have recently suffered a miscarriage because i did a little less than a week ago and i was wondering if it had anything to do with that cos i had these pains during the miscarriage too only not as bad. please write bk
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The right side of your rib cage pain sounds like gall bladder to me. I had mine out not long ago and the problem with stones felt that way.
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I have, had pain in my vagina and my anus too! but i just take 2 modrin and go to sleep because i can't deal with the pain. Hope we both can come up with a answer for this painful painful problem.
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I have the same exact thing happening to me and I am starting to get scared . I am a little afraid of doctors and haven't seen one in four years I have been putting the pain off because it happens only about once a month but this past time was the worst ever and it happened on and off all day. If anyone has any answers please email me. ***@**** Tank You.
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i know what pai you guys mean, i believe that it happens to me around ovulation so check your calendars next time it happens i tihnk it ovulation pain...hope that helps
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Hi sharpshooter:)

I am having the same problem. I have noticed it is gradually getting worse. One other thing I have noticed is the way I sit now.

I used to sit normally, but now I have been sitting further forward and bending over. Typing at a low coffee table. I don't know if this has anything to do with it.

It is very painful, and scary, and just like you it only lasts a couple of seconds.

Who is going to be the first to go to the doctor, I have been thinking about it. Maybe it will be me.

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I have had this pain off and on for 3 years now.  I have been tested for endometriosis and other STD's. All negative.  My GYN has come to the conclusion that i have cysts on my overies and it is just the leakage that is causing the cramping and pain.  That may be true, but why does my anus hurt?  I feel like i am being stabbed with a knife!  I went through child labor with no meds and this is comparable.  I was looking on the net tonight and have come up with a couple of things I would like to take to the doctor.  Anal pain:  Proctalgia Fugax.  They say it occurs in men and women and the cause is unknown.  To help deal with the pain they say to sit on the edge of the bath tug, sit on a tennis ball or just apply pressure.  Sit in a hot bath or apply ice.  Or take a mild pain killer, but since the pain does not last too long, this may not be effective.  The vaginal pain may be something more deep inside such as pelvic inflammatory disease, problems w/ the uterus, endometriosis, pelvic mass, bowel or bladder issues, scar tissue or ovarian cysts.  
I know I need to get to the doctor soon, but i don't know which way to go.  Is this a gynocalogial problem?  An intestinal problem? Any comments would be appreciated!  Kindest regards to all.  
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Sounds like something that happens to me,... it comes and goes, i only ever get it thru my vagina. The 1st time it happened was over 2yrs ago....i couldn't breathe or move it lasted for afew min's aswell...that was worst pain i've ever felt. Sharp stabbing pain right thru the middle up level with my belly botton. Since then i can get it once or twice a month, other times i dont get the pain at all. and most the time the pain is only just bareable. I usually just sit or stand depending on level of pain and grin and bare it. I dont have any children and when i seen the doctor about it she said i might have a slight case of endometriosis, and that was after i had test down, she said sometimes endo doesnt show up! Afew of my friends have endo and even tho it took time they are now preg and also i was preg early this yr (lost it) and think i may be again now!
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ooh, i have the same thing, It stops ya right in your tracks. I was in the store one time walking with a friend, and omg she was like are you ok? i felt like my whole inside tore or something cause the pain was soo sharp. Also just happened earlier as well. I'm scared to go to the doctor! =0| I hope there is some sort of anser for this for all of us, as to why it happens and what it is exactly..
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My friend and I both experience a pain like you have described during mestration only, that we actually refer to as "labor pains" because that's the only thing we could think to describe it as...ironically enough we've both never had children. I'm not sure what it is, but something with the period cycle seems to trigger it for both of us.
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girls,  it is plan old gas.  It happens alot and it feels like a knife going through you.  For some reason it happens alot before your period.  I would suggest that you watch what you eat and make sure you are drinking plenty of water.  Good Luck
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I have the same pain, but its usually pre-menstrual.  I always thought it was ovulation.  It feels like a knife stabbing through me and only last briefly...but it does not go unnoticed.
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I have had similar pains as the rest of you. For just over a year now i have had shooting pains in my vagina and abdominal pains, both sides and sometimes in the middle. There is no pattern to it and can happen at anytime and anywhere.

i went to my doctor who gave me an internal examination and said that my ovaries were 'slightly raised' (whatever that means) and said i should go for an ultrasound to check for ovarian cysts.

I was then called back again to have a smear test and was tested for chlamydia and any other STI's. The results were negative.

I am waiting for my ultrasounds (pelvic and internal) and then i go back to the doctor after a week for the results.

I have no idea what this could be, so any ideas from anyone would be greatly apprieciated.
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I have had this problem for years. I believe it to be Proctalgia Fugax. It is a severe, cramp-like pain, deep in the anal canal. It usually lasts for a few minutes, but can sometimes last for up to half an hour. You may feel a need to defecate urgently, but nothing happens. I may even make you feel dizzy, or give you a headache. It is a mysterious condition; no-one knows what causes it. but it is probably a spasm of the rectal or pelvic floor muscles. There are various methods of relieving the pain: putting pressure on the perineum, by sitting on the edge of your bath or on a tennis ball. Sit in hot water or alternatively, apply some ice. A hot drink may give some relief. I take 2 liguid Advils, walk around a bit and then go back to bed, when I can. As laying down makes it worse. The problem with medications that you could take from a doctor is that the episode is likely to be over before the drugs become active. I had a terrible episode this morning, and my husband wanted to call 911. So, I am looking up the info, to show him that it is not something to call 911 about. I usually have the episodes in the middle of the night.
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I was just reading online about an experimental therapy for this - don't know if you could get one of these to help, but it might work.  Here is the quote:

"One of the newer treatments, involves using an asthma inhaler of the beta-adrenergic type such as salbutamol. This relaxes smooth muscle in the bronchi in the lung, has a rapid onset of action, and is rarely associated with significant side effects at normal doses. The muscle in the lower bowel is similar smooth muscle. A recent German study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology involved a double-blind cross-over trial to evaluate the efficacy of inhaled salbutamol and the duration of symptoms in patients with proctalgia fugax.

The study showed that inhalation of 2 puffs of salbutamol shortened pain attacks in patients with severe proctalgia fugax compared with placebo (dummy treatment).

Compared to the placebo, salbutamol inhalation shortened the duration of severe pain, especially in patients having prolonged attacks. There were only 16 people involved in this study so the the results need to be confirmed in larger studies.


The Medic8
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I know exactly what you're talking about, it's an intense shooting pain that starts in my crotch and moves up toward my stomach.  It never lasts too long and I don't think it comes and goes in connection with my cycle.  One time it was so strong I actually jumped and the person across the table from me just thought I was having some kind of episode.  I have also noticed heavier and more painful (crampy) than normal periods.  Endometriosis runs in my family although I doubt this has any connection to the shooting pains.  I'm making an appt. but somehow I worry my doc is going to look at me like I'm crazy.
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I know that pain, It's took me a few months to realize it is usually about 14 days after my period.Last month I was late 2 weeks and I hadn't had that pain yet until then and what happened next? I had my period exactly 2 weeks later.
It hurts like crazy and can't explain it to anyone. Mine starts usually on the right but has happened on the left.It starts like gas build up or something then
travles down my side to vaginal and anal area and I think I need to go to the rest room.It doubles me over and I have had to pull over on the side of the road before, and actualy have to breath through it. It last about five minutes or more.
It is a building pain and presure type episode.
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I agree with you, its just gas! Gas hurts! I get the shooting pains on occasion, just "let it go" and you will feel better!
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I don't think its gas.Cause I don't have gas when I get these pains?

Its a VERY SHARP pain though my vagina/anal area shoots up

It hurts so bad. It usually only lasts few seconds/min.
Sometimes it might last a little longer.
I got it yesterday.
When I get it I can't sit or stay still.

I really wish I knew what it was.
When you go to the doc let me know what they say.

I thought I was the only one.
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I got this problem once about two weeks ago. It was while I was on my period. I had such bad pains in my butt it hurt to bad to go to the bathroom.. my sister said it happened to her once to, also while she was on her period. This is the only time its happened, and why to I only get the shooting pains during my period? Also when I'm off my period my right lower side kind of hurts.
Does anyone know whats happening?
I'm only 15
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I suffer the same shooting pains like electric shocks through the vagina and anus and into my stomach.I do suffer with intestinal problems and thought that it may be related to that ,as mine normally occurs when i have cramps in my lower left intestine .but on reading your comments im thinking it may be something to do with ovaluation ? Idont thinkit is wind/gas as i can suffer with trapped wind on occassion and  the pain is different
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I also get these intense waves of sharp shotting pain in my vaginal area- it is like right where the "lips" are- the pain is so strong it feels like contractions to me. I was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer and had surgery. I have had these pains for years, however it has gotten worse lately. I will see my gynecologist in 2 weeks for my cancer follow up- I will ask her about it and let you all know.  
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I have those shooting pain in the vaginal and anus too, just that it happens sometimes when I pee. I don't know whether it is just gas/wind or something else that I should be concern about. Any feedback will be much welcomed. Thanks.
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