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Horrible reaction to Monistat

I recently had a yeast infection and since I'd had them before and instantly knew what it was, I decided to try Monistat 3 day instead of making a trip to the doctor for the Diflucan, which is what I had done in the past. While I was using it I noticed that over the 3 day period it was getting harder for me to fit the application in and by day 3 I had completely swollen and it felt like it was on fire! The yeast infection is gone now, but I am still swollen and still have slight burning every now and then, not so much painful as it is annoying, and it has been 5 days since I used this product! It's going down a bit, but it seems to be taking its time..anyone know how I might be able to speed the healing process?? Next time I'll just get the Diflucan and avoid all of this!
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Itching so bad I took a brush to my vaginal area, many times. I told my doctor about it and every doctor I tell about this looks confused. It’s not a anaphylaxis (where you get shortness of breath), but something in this causes people a LOT of distress.
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I WISH I had read these posts before buying and using. I used the google reviews and went on and tried it. Bad idea. It's 2017 and some of these posts are dated from a few years ago. I'm willing to join a class action suit.
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So as you mentioned, all of these reactions happened to me too. This is my second time with a yeast infection and everytime, it burned LIKE HELL!!! This time was worse however because I waited to treat my infection and was starting to bleed and blister from it. (I waited because I was hoping it would just sort itself out. It won't while you're on antibiotics). It honestly felt like a thousand bees stinging my crotch for hours. And I felt really bad because my fiancé had to watch me writhe around helplessly. That being said, it did not last forever. The only thing I found that helped (a little) was that I took ibuprofen and decided to sleep on my stomach. It hurt more if I sat up or laid on my back. But when I turned on my stomach it seemed to calm down a bit. You will have to use the bathroom more than normal, but they said that's also a side effect. But yeah, it *****. Kudos to all of us who are survivors!!!
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Vulvodynia is from name brand toilet paper and friction from sex.emuaid first aid ointment0.5 oz 26$ with tax helps everything including the fungus.it stops nerve pain and swelling.and dollar stores 1$ toilet paper the name brand to has stuff that's bad.lint sticking down their is bad
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Typo name brand tp is bad and linty
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There's something called vulvodynia .emuaid first aid ointment 0.5 oz jar 20 plus tax 26 .also you should switch to dollar store $1 toilet paper.theirs a lot of stuff in name brand toilet paper thats that's giving women this problem that is the same symptom as a yeast infection
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I used it read inactive ingredients here they are benzoic acid,cetylalchol,isopropylmyristrate,polysorbate60,potassium hydroxide,propylene glycol,purified water, and stearyl alcohol,its on the narrow part of the box at bottom.
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I don't know how that number got their I should of checked a second time after writing .the 1 dollar brand of toilet paper the emuaid 0.5 oz will do the trick even for yeast its given lots of women their life back
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Their is a problem called vulvodynia it can be cause buy name brand toilet paper that's linty and sex not a disease its from friction.the cure for this is switch your toilet paper to the dollar brand.DG read pack.dollar tree has a softer brand blue and orange.emuaid product first aid ointment soothes pain get rid of nerve pain down their.theirs a 0.5 oz jar for 20 dollars plus tax makes it 26.00 I hope everyone gets well.
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Trust me, use diluted Apple Cider Vinegar on the vaginal area instead of Monistat or after  you take it. I use half and half but it burned a little during application so you may want to use 1/4 cup of ACV to 1 cup of water. Dab a clean cloth in the solution and then apply on vaginal area. Immediate relief. Also, try to drink two tablespoons of ACV every 8 hours until symptoms subside.
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I will try it as all the above burning from the Monistat is happening to me for past two days now. I have heard about the benefits of apple cider vinegar.  Thank you.
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I wonder if everyone with these horrific reactions may have been using the new tioconozole product...monistat 1 day....instead of the usual monistat miconozole cream that's been on the market for many years.
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I will make a long story short but after being treated w/ IV antibiotics. I was trying to treat myself with the one day treatment.  I was burning to death and thought it was still my uti.. I actually retreated with another one day.  By the time I reached my doc I hurt soooo bad(I can take pain too). . Im not a doc but I've heard that they put tons of Chems in it to try to kill the yeast in this uber one day dose, which is why it causes most  of us actual burns. I'm so mad that they still have it on the market.
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I am lying here trying to decide whether or not to leave this battery acid up my vagina. I really don't know how much longer I can take it. I am wondering what the acceptable percentage of people to suffer a reaction is acceptable to the FDA. Obviously, this is a thing.
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I want to chime in here and say that the same thing happened to me.  I had a severe allergic reaction with intense pain and swelling.  I had to go to the ER, but I could barely walk from the pain and the swelling.  I pray that people who are considering taking this drug to first research and find this thread and then find alternative (natural) ways to treat their YI.  I would never try this stuff again.  And, by the way, I had used these types of drugs to treat YIs in the past several times before and didn't react.  Then, suddenly this one time, I did.  So, you never know.
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Omg me too!! I had used it before and everything was fine... 2 weeks ago I used it and woke up from the pain and was completely swelled up! My skin was even burned! 10 days later and I've taken a diflucan but am still having slight issues.. just horrible. :(
Also my doctor totally said it was just a bad yeast and not related to the monestat. Umm please!
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I took monistat on Wednesday night night after my mom told me I had a yeast infection. I had no clue what was happening. I have never had a yeast infection before and I thought this was part of it. By Thursday it hurt so bad I couldn't even sit so I went to urgent care. Immediately upon telling my doctor what was going on he told me I had genital herpes. I have been with the same person for 3 years and just had a blood test done a year ago when getting my depo shot at a health dept. We always use condoms so I didn't understand. He did a test to see and told me that if it was positive I would know by the weekend. But I did not accept this and started googling then I found this thread and since it got worse I went back to a hospital in the middle of the night and he wouldn't even look because he said monistat does not have this serious of an allergic reaction and it was probably herpes. So I went and got benadryl and some ph wipes and I wake up today with it a lot better than it was. I don't think it should be removed from shelves because I know it helps people But it should clearly state can cause severe allergic reaction. This isn't the only thing I found of people talking about an allergic reaction and doctors should be made aware this CAN happen if you take monistat and not to just write it off as an std. The doctor even told me my fiance cheated on me because that's definitely what I have. Then gave me paperwork saying you experience your first outbreak within 2-3 weeks after you come in contact. With my New job I haven't even had a sexual encounter for over a month but the doctor still did not believe monistat could do this to someone. Please if you take this be cautious and if it starts to hurt more than you can bare take some benadryl.
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Don't get your nails done be cause they can nick a person and not clean the blood then use the tool on you.this is not your fault
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I will never use this again . I inserted the Monistat 3 day cream in . This is just my first night . It was about 10 when I first did it and I have been up itching since 4:30. I will never ever use this again . Next time , I should just go to the doctor because this is not a good product.
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I purchased a Monistat 1 in hopes that it would help cure my yeast infection. I have not used OTC treatments for years, I have always just wanted it out and went to the doctor and got diflucan.I had NO Pain or burning, only bad discharge. So at 9:00 pm I inserted the ovule before I went to bed. By 2:00 am I was wide awake with EXTREME burning and pain!! Never again will I ever purchase this. I am making an appointment this morning to see my doctor and get some diflucan. In the meantime... I had no other choice but find relief by getting it out!! (Douche...water and vinegar) Took about 6 times until it finally ran clear. But I'm feeling so much better. As for sleep... I work afternoons and have errands to run all morning. Monistat literally messed up my sleep and made me absolutely miserable! They need to quit selling this crap! Yes I know I've only got a yeast infection, I am almost 40 and have been in a relationship for years and have reacurring yeast infections. So I know I didn't misdiagnose myself. I read the reviews before I used it, but thought that that wouldn't happen to me. DONT BUY IT!!! Go to the doctor and get diflucan!!!
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I used the complete therapy of 1 day monistat and I started using it around 12:15am and I am still up due to the extreme pain and burning as you all described I think I am gonna go to the hospital because it is unbearable and hope they give me something to get me feeling better. Glad I found this thread and know I am not the only one having a horrible allergic reaction to this! Wish me luck! This thing has to come off the market because obviously it has caused problems to us and potentially to others who will buy it at the store. I'm not happy with this and it must be stopped!
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I purchased monistat on 2/6/16 and used it that night before bed about 11:30pm. I was awaken at 4:30am with burning, thinking it was a mild side effect from the drug I managed to fall back asleep. I was reawakened at about 7:30am with excruciating burning, irratation, itching and the worse swelling I thought could possibly happen to woman's genitalia. I could barely walk from the sever swelling of my ENTIRE genital area.
I was able to make it to "Urgent Care" and the doctor was astonished by what he saw, he couldn't even do a pelvic exam because of the swelling knowing it would cause intense pain, although he said he didn't need to do one because he could see what was going on and he took my word that this all happened from the use of monistat. I was immediately given a steroid shot and prescribed hydroxyzine for itching and an oral steroid called dexamethasone. For the pain I was prescribed hydrocodone, thats how severe my reaction was. It is Monday and I couldn't work and tomorrow is not looking likely.
To you *Specialmom* please find a thread that supports this poison to post on. We care less of how it has worked for you. Our concern is the damage it has caused our bodies and others. We are not naive enough to think this type of allergic reaction happens to every woman that has used this poison and it doesn't have to happen to all women to have this removed from the shelves. This particular thread began in 2008 and 8 yrs later women are still posting of its side effects. That's enough right there to remove it or at least be honest in warning women of a possible severe allergic reaction.
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I have used this product for years without incident. In fact it was always relieving. I bought it and used it last night and in a couple hours I felt like I was on fire. I am so swollen and sore I can't believe it. So look at me.  I'm a perfect example of someone who has used  this product over the years and now I have the allergic reaction. Awful.
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I had to use monistat for the first time in a few years last night ,after insert the burning started. Once I stood up it was so intense, it was horrible. I could only lay on my side with a cool rag down there but After about 2 hours it got to be bearable. This morning there is still some burning and stinging feeling. Not sure if I want to use the last two treatments or not, I never want to experience that pain ever again.
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I want to take a knife to my vag it hurts so  bad
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As a Brit, I generally use Diflucan and/or Canesten pessaries in the UK. I have found the Diflucan does not always cut it, so sometimes have to follow up with the messy pessaries.  Anyhow, a couple of nights before flying home, a yeast infection that began during my vacation was getting worse. Not wanting to sit on a long, transatlantic flight with the discomfort I ran into a CVS and purchased the one night Monistat treatment, assuming it was simply a US brand name and the contents would pretty much the same as we use in the UK. As instructed I insert the pessary at bedtime and snuggled own to sleep. Within 30 minutes my vagina was on fire and I had a pressing urge to pee. This continued all night and I had to keep getting up to pee and also try and get pain relief with a flannel doused in cold water - no ice. The burning is like nothing I have ever experienced and I am so sore. Now, almost a day on I am still in pain with intense burning and feel as if I am cut. I have never experienced any like this.  I am surprised that this product, which I now realize has caused dreadful reactions judging by the comments I am reading has not been removed from sale. It is not acceptable.
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I seriously want to pull my hair out! I'm 35 and this has never happened to me to this extreme. I was fine, doc recommended Diflucan and also mention to use Monistant since my YI easnt severe. I needed up douching myself with Coconut Oil which helped but in the back my head I could still remember what my doc said. So today went bought it and used it, instantly the itching and burning started. I was sweating through my scalp and wanted to bang my head on the bathroom mirror it was so bad. Right away i got bag of ice and put it in between, hoping it'll go away, if not in thinking of douching and rinsing the creme out. I will not use this product again. It shouldn't even be allowed to be sold!!! I'm a grown woman and almost started crying like baby and this was not acceptable!!!!
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Your post is older so you may not read this but I feel exactly the same way right now. It is horrible and so many people. Seem to be complaining they should reinvent a proper product and pull this off the market. Please read up on benefits of apple cider vinegar - a lot of other posts mentioned this. Sorry to hear of your pain.
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Don't take this the wrong way, I am experiencing the same awful symptoms, but this post made me laugh for 5 solid minutes. I actually forgot the burning and itching due to my amusement, thank you.
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Hi, I just read your comment. I'm living in pain for 3 months after I USED the cream. The doctors can't find the reason for my pain. I'm burning like hell. How you got better? Please let me know!
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