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Vaginal and anal tearing/fissures

For the last 6 months I have been getting tearing (look like paper cuts) in my vaginal area (1/4 to 1/2 inch long). I get the tears at least once or twice a week and they last from 2-4 days, go away for a few days and then come back. They continue to occur in the same locations;
1. Inside the vaginal lips on the sides almost always in the crease (between the labia minora and majora?)
2. Between the anus and vaginal opening (perineum)
3. Above the clitoris in the "hood" area.

This tearing is not related to intercourse since my husband and I are unable to do that due to the pain it causes me.  There is no real pain otherwise. I am getting some minor bleeding when I poop due to the tears in the anal area. The entire vaginal area is very itchy and if I scratch or rub the skin at all I often give myself one of these tears.  It seems as if the skin is very thin. There are no other symptoms that I am aware of.

I have had blood work and a biopsy done. Some of the things that I was tested for were; genital herpes, lichen sclerosus, lichen simplex chronicus, lichen planus, vulvar vestibulitis.  All results came back negative. The biopsy tested positive for "healing ulcers". My doctor does not seem to know what the problem is and is contacting a specialist in Lebanon, NH.

My Dr. prescribed an estrogen cream which did not seem to work. I have not been on any other medication for this. I am looking for some guidance as to what this condition may be and how to treat it. My husband & I want to get pregnant soon but I would like to resolve this issue first. Please help.
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After years of thinking something was wrong, while at least 8 differnent MDs/NPs have told me 8 different things here is what I have experienced and learned so far:

-i contracted HSVII at age 19

have had what i thought were 'outbreaks' for years, fine skin fissures in vagina/perineum, inflammation, shooting pain sometimes in upper thighs, butt, and vulvar (or crotchal region)-  had flareups 3-4 times a year at least w/o much improvement with anti-virals (episodic and suppressive)

i went to the doctor three years ago to get treatment, and the culture comes back negative for herpes...

throughout the past three years they've ruled out fungal and bacterial infxn, lichen schlerosis, and it herpes...

The info i've found that seems to fit the most is about Vulvodynia- although that is a vague term, meaning 'pain in the vulva'- it covers a wide array of symptoms- some of which I have, or have had at some point.  

This first website links the vulvar pain with skin fissures, although as a sidenote.


As to causes, I've read of Israeli researchers investigating the link between a vaginal disease called vulvar vestibulitis and HPV, but I don't think they've found anything conclusive about the presence of any virus in the women with these syptoms.

Perhaps a combination of causes-
I don't have the healthiest digestive system, although I eat somewhat healthy diet.  Is there a link with IBS?  What relation with HSV, HPV, or other viruses?  What relation with fibromyaliga and autoimmune disorders? What relation with trauma?

Things that have helped:
ONLY Cotton underwear
Cutting crotches out of pantyhose or use garter belt
No tight pants, lots of skirts or loose pants
Sitz baths (or just wash area) adding baking soda to lukewarm water
Patting, instead of wiping, after peeing
Cut down on bicycle riding

I've read of pelvic floor muscle excercises that are supposed to help, addressing any psychological effects of trauma- as vulvodynia includes pain with penetration so any sexual trauma might be contributing- This all reminds me so much of a friend  describing Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so I've called this Irritable Vulva Syndrome!
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i have it for the first time; I THINK, i dont want to get it worse, please help.. tea tree oil ?
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Glad to hear some have recovered... now I discovered somethings that might be part of our issues... public toilet paper  , I scratched and irriated myself, it's too rough, recycled who knows what chemicals we are putting on our privates  I use zinc baby diaper rash  cream, and Prep H ointment on my whole area, I have a problem with ALL Lubricating gels name brand and generic soo ,  so what works for me is  epsom salts SITZ bath it very healing, now we all know tight pants undies thongs etc are not a good idea, too loose is not good either do you sit alot in your car I seem to get more irriated sitting for long periods of time, i added a pillow and a viberating heat massage seat and I seem to be better, now take a multi vitamin with minerals  i'm sure with stress we are lacking something someplace, remember female PADS, tampons, spray shower gel  can make problems fragrance, chemicals added,  i find my problem is worse  when I wear a panty liner, i use xtra long if I wear one temperarly, now laundry soap dryer sheets  THEY CHANGE ingredients and don't have to tell us,  that happened to a friend she never strayed from her soap and got a severe bout of contact dermatitis, soo she called the company and thats what happened, same goes with shampoo and shaving gels and body washes,  soo those who like  oral  relations  SALIVA is not germ free and you add that to your sores it makes it worse...  SOAK in epsom salts AM and at Night  and hopefully  my tricks will help some of you, DHEA suppleement is hormones  that may help,

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Wow! I can't believe how many other women are suffering through this. I wanted to post because although my symptons are similar I believe all my problems started after the birth of my second child. With both children I had to have an episiotomy. First one, seven stitches, second one 12 stitches. These did not heal in the best way so they give me problems all the time. I have used antibiotic creams and have even tried some homeopathic treatments like tea tree oil and moistened seaweed wraps. Like everything else..temporary relief and then the cuts come back. I can be fine for a while and then like others, I shift the wrong way while driving or stretch down to get something and POP! there it goes again. I endlessly search the internet and Doctors for solutions but as yet no miracle cure. Keep the faith Ladies and keep communicating. Silence and embarrassment will not solve this problem. I will continue reading this link and adding any useful information I come across.
Take Care All!
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Posted Previously

4390evans, Apr 19, 2010 05:30PM
Hi everyone,
I had a baby last november and the doc suggested I go on the pill in jan and I went on it for 4 days then came off since then I have suffered from these vaginal fissures, to be honest I thought Id scratched myself. When the first one appeard I just shrugged it off and applied canesten then I was sitting watching a movie and I felt a pop then another, it didnt hurt at first but later it was really sore, then when i ran up the stairs I felt another I asked my partner to have a look and he said I was covered in little slits and they were also on the Vagina opening which explained why sex was painful, I went to the doc he gave be a Tropical cream to insert on a night which made it worse as i started to itch and there was LOADS of white discharge. I went to a different doc and he has given me METRONIDAZOLE 400g to be take 3 times a day and he also gave me canasten once, he said to apply vasaline to the cuts to give them chance to heal which I have done so, I also dont wipe when I go to the loo I pat and I think Its working I dont feel as bad or swolen fingers crossed people xx

Ok Just a quick update. I have been clear of these painfull fissures for nearly a month not one at all! Im so happy although I only suffered for a few months I honestly thought Id have to put up with this all my life, but Im glad to say they have GONE
Go to your doctors and ask for  METRONIDAZOLE 400g
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I am 40 years old with two teenage children.  I started using the depo shot after my last child was born (13 years ago) and haven't had a period since.  About six months ago I thought I had a yeast infection and went through the normal steps to control it (Monistat etc.) but it didn't go away. I called my Gyn that I have had for 17 years to see if she would call in a prescription for  pills that would help because it seemed like any cream I used just irritated it more. That didn't help either so I made an appointment to see my Gyn. She thought it was just a bad yeast infection and gave me more medicine. When it still didn't clear it up I made another apt.(over the last 17 years the only reason to see my Gyn was to have a baby or for my yearly apt. nothing else) to check to see if it could be something else. They checked to see if I was diabetic but I wasn't. By now I was itching so bad that I would get up in the night to shower.  I also had 2-3 tears at all times.  Then I got a rash on my rear so they sent me to a dermatologist and treated me for shingles.  The rash went away but the rest continued.(after about $750 worth of medicine)  Nothing seems to work, I am out of ideas. It isn't an STD but it seems to be correlated to long term BC, age, stress and I don't know what else.  Please help!
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