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wet vaginal noises.

I had my only child 4 years ago and had a very difficult birth where i experienced a bad tear and needed to go to surgery after to have the placenta removed and to have stitches.  Since then i have been experiencing some very embarrassing noises coming from my vagina when i walk or do exercises.  The noises sound as if i am wet or quite moist down there, but i do not have any vaginal discharge and i dont feel as if im overly wet either.  I have tried to speak to several different doctors but because i dont have a discharge they dont seem that bothered to help me because they say its not that serious.  I do my pelvic floor muscles regulary and dont have any incontinence problems.I seriously need to find out what is causing this embarassing problem though cause it is really affecting my confidence with sex.  I am even thinking of paying money to get a 'designer vagina' just to see if it will help matters, as i dont seem to be getting any help from anyone else.
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I experience it occasionally when I’m walking. It happens when there’s a bit of looseness. Can try doing kegels or other vaginal strengthening exercises. I experience it more when I’m wearing looser clothing like dresses. Thicker or tighter clothes either help or block the sound. You can also play music so that you can’t hear it. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m sure men actually think it’s attractive.
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I've also had this issue since the birth of my 3rd child. Thought I was the only one with the problem, but it seems it's quite common! Saw a gynaecologist today and asked him about it. Apparently it's because my pelvic floor muscles on one side are lower than the other (due to childbirth), and are also weaker on this side. This causes the labia to sit unevenly, i.e. one side higher than the other, so they don't 'come together' evenly, and the result is the popping sort of noise when walking. Unfortunately not much can be done about it other than surgery to try to even up the pelvic floor muscles. So no magic cure I'm afraid, but the gynaecologist also said quite a few women report this issue. At least there must be a significant proportion of us popping when we walk! Knowing it's pretty normal is reassuring although obviously I'd prefer to get rid of it if I could...
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I am getting the same thing ever since I had my son.  He's 9 months old.  It is NOT a quief.  A quief is when you get air inside your vagina and when it finally exits, it sounds a lot like a fart.  What I am talking about is my labia/lips.  It's like they're wet and when I stand up or walk it makes like a "pop pop" noise.  I can only describe it as sounding "squishy."  I too am not overly moist, and I never had this until after my son.  How do I stop it?!
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What can one do to minimise de wet noise coz, it's puttin me off sex nd it's killin my self-confidence, completely!
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I have the exact same problem. I use a vagisil powder and it sounds gross but its like it sopped up the wet and quiets my walk.....lol....had to throw a little humor in there but anyways try that......
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I did also have a baby 6 months ago if that will make a difference. And if it does then how long does it last?
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I have this noise as well and it is very annoying. I will dry down there with a towel several times and it still does not help. It is making me very self-conscious because I keep thinking that everybody can hear it cus I can hear it loud and clear. It sounds like there is discharge or that it is wet but there's no discharge and it isn't wet. I'm embarrassed to ask my doctor though. :/  has anybody gone to their doctor and found out what it is or does anybody know? Does anybody know how to stop it from doing it?
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also getting these strange embarrassing noises.   I think it is from a bladder infection and yeast infection.   It seems to happen after I void...

Sometimes in a public bathroom....I will be going to my obyn nurse practicioner in a couple of  months.  I will ask  her about this crazy noisy phenomen.....

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I know what she's talking about and it's not a farting sound (although I've experienced that, too).  It's as if things stick together down there and then open up again as you walk.  It's kind of like someone smacking their lips.  I, too, am searching for answers but have not found any yet and am too embarrassed to ask my doctor about it because I'm afraid there won't be anything they can do about it.
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I too just decided to research this situation. I have been having this sound coming from my vagina as I sleep. It seems to be in sync with either my breathing or my heartbeat because sometimes it can be heard going faster. It's so embarrassing when someone is sleeping next to me. Despite my change in position, or my putting something like a pillow or towel between my legs, the sound continues as if my lips or inside is closing and opening each time I breathe or my heart beats... Sounds like a very quiet popping, clicking, or even a smacking sound as if my vaginal walls are super moist and each time the sides touch, they open back up again with the same noise. Wth is going on?  I'm 44 years old and had 4 kids naturally, but they are all almost over 18 now.
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yep. its definately air. i sometimes get it during sex. while hes inside me. now THATS emberessing. but its normal. its not like youre farting. but in public, noone knows whats going on, so i dont know how you can hide that. but i am pretty sure its not a health things. its just air.
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145992 tn?1341345074
We've all experienced quiffs.  They are air pockets that get into the vagina and make that fart noise.  My friend used to get it when she was in the middle of yoga class.  It was embarrassing for her but it led to very amusing stories.  It's very normal but if it makes you uncomfortable than try doing different positions during sex that lessen the amount of air that builds up.  Guys don't even care, if they are experienced they know what it is.
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sounds like your just getting air up in there and it makes a farting noise right? then thats what i would think
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