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stress and trying to concieve

How tru is it that stress can play a big factor on tring to conceive. I am very prone to stress and the last couple of years our living situation has not been all that good and I cant seem to relax and enjoy sex. I want to start getting pregnant in the next 3months and I just need some suggestions
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thats totally normal your just broody and frustated. maybe attending a baby shower would do you good. feel the nice and exciting side of it instead of the pressure i want it now side. i was like you and tried for almost a year and a half to have my 2nd kid. i dwelled on it too much and it didnt happen. when i forgot about it it did. i ate slept and breathed to be pregnant. i cried every month my period came. id stand in shops looking at baby clothes and wasn't even pregnant. honestly put it outta your mind. do a bit of babysitting for a friend decorate eat healthy find something else to focus on. it will happen and il congratulate u now for when it does..............
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thats good you see things like that. your sooooooooo right, get your living arrangements sorted 1st, any debts payed off and be ready to have a baby. then uel be comfortable mentally and finiancialy and all will be good. then you can focus on and enjoy bringing your little 1 into the world stress free
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Thank you so much for your suggestions and help. I am focusing on a better job and going to school. I think once we are out of here we live it will be soo much better and I can enjoy my fiance and less stress. I just relaize that havin a child right now is not the right time and what the heck was I thinking. I just want to make sure I am ok to have one and when the time is right it wont be such a struggle
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ps sorry i posted that twice
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thats totally normal your just broody and frustated. maybe attending a baby shower would do you good. feel the nice and exciting side of it instead of the pressure i want it now side. i was like you and tried for almost a year and a half to have my 2nd kid. i dwelled on it too much and it didnt happen. when i forgot about it it did. i ate slept and breathed to be pregnant. i cried every month my period came. id stand in shops looking at baby clothes and wasn't even pregnant. honestly put it outta your mind. do a bit of babysitting for a friend decorate eat healthy find something else to focus on. it will happen and il congratulate u now for when it does..............
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Thank you soo much. I think alot of it is I am home al the time I dont have a job really and I am always on fb and everytime a baby pic is posted from a friend or family member I tend to get upset cus its not me. I feel awful sometimes cus I tend to not go to baby showers cus being there and seeing the happiness with a baby on the way just gets me soo down. I hate that I am like that
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it will happen when u least xpect it and when the time is right. everybodys different. u can try too hard believe it or not. put it to the back of ur mind a while and see what happens. relax b4 trying to make love. have a nice candle lit bath set the mood and most of all don't be thinking will i be caught this time or wont i. forget about it uel see. gud luck
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Thank you yes I do stress about having a baby too much somtimes thinking I will never have atleast one. I think more of it is my age being 32 my time clock is ticking and with all my friends in their 20's prego or have kids doesnt make it better either
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first and foremost u really need to relax and not think about concievin so much. yes it is very true stress delays things. if u want this its supposed to be a happy time not a stressful time. mind if i suggest being comfortable in ur living arrangements and let mother nature do the rest when you wont be under as much pressure. enjoy your partner before a baby when baby arrives uel have less time for each other trust me, me and my fiance have 4 kids
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