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Strange Involuntary Breath

I am a 53 year old female, non-smoker and have no weight problems, and no known health problems.

Over the past two years, I've had numerous episodes where my body takes involuntary deep breaths, one every 7-8 minutes, interspersed with my normal breathing.  The intake of breath can be when inhaling or exhaling, and it when it occurs, it disrupts a normal breath.  Often the involuntary breath feels "catchy" as if I'd been crying or sobbing when in fact I have not.  

When the involuntary breaths first started, Sometimes I would go for 3 months without an episode, but then it would come back again, last for a few weeks and go away again.

Within the past 4 months, I had a horrible cold, and then a bad case of bronchitis.  The involuntary breathing has started up with the cold, and it is now contiunous, every 7 to 10 minutes or so.

I recently had an upper endoscopy, and finished a regiment for h pylori bacteria, however this annoying problem remains.

Is it possible this could be related to stess?

I've mentioned it to my doctor, and she doesn't seem to be concerned about it,  Unfortunately, it is of concern to me, and I have no idea what might be causing it.

Any assistance that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.
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I have been having the same symptoms. I am a 59 year old African American male. This started about 5years ago and is still going on, intermittenly. And as with you my doctor do not seem to be concern. Still looking for some answers. Someone once told me that they was told by their doctor that it was from a  muscle strain. I don't know. I was lifting weights when it started though. But I need a professional diagnosis. This was to let you know that you are not alone;
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I get the same thing too!! My Dr. looked at me like I was a nut who worries too much! With me, this started, ...oh...maybe over a year ago, but with me it happens occassionally...like every few weeks, and then may do it a few times for a week. It feels like my throat, [like you say, involuntarily] opens up real quick, and sucks in a good breath of air. It can even happen when I am talking. It makes a sucking sound...my husband has heard it when we were lying in bed watching TV. Maybe it's just a quick little throat spasm?? I have had other muscle spasms in the past few years as I have a hypothyroid problem, which does affect the muscles. It's weird nonetheless...but I do feel better now knowig there are others with the same thing. I am 52, BTW....not overweight, don't smoke. [quit 4 years ago this month]

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I have that problem a well and have been diagnosed with hashimoto’s (thyroid issue).  It is very concerning to me as well.  
I too have been having this exact problem for about two or so years now, but I have had Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis for about 30 years. I was diagnosed around 23-24 years of age. No clue as to what is going on, but was recently diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Congestive Heart Failure and a few other fun medical issues, some of which are direct result of under treated Hypothyroidism, and some due to Genetics. May be connection. My Cardiologist has no comment.

Seattle, WA
I too have been having this exact problem for about two or so years now, but I have had Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis for about 30 years. I was diagnosed around 23-24 years of age. No clue as to what is going on, but was recently diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Congestive Heart Failure and a few other fun medical issues, some of which are direct result of under treated Hypothyroidism, and some due to Genetics. May be connection. My Cardiologist has no comment.

Seattle, WA
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I, too, have been having this problem more and more lately.  Did any of you ever find out what caused it?  It is annoying!  Has finally worried me enough to search here...was thinking maybe i was crazy!?!?  Glad to see there IS someone else out there with same thing!
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I know exactly what you and the others here are experiencing. I began to have the involuntary "extra" breaths earlier this year, and they occur fairly often. My doctor does not seem concerned either, and tried to explain it from the standpoint of how the brain and breathing work together.  It is both annoying and worrisome.  It is almost like a hiccup only it's a breath.
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I have the same problem. I am 44 and have recently come out of hospital were I was being treated for a severe case of pnuemonia. I had an operation that went wrong which resulted in me being admited into intensive care were I awoke 2 days later on life support. I now wonder if being put on a vetilator my have started this problem. It may also be because my lungs have not yet fully recovered although I will always now have scar damage to them. I am seeing doctor soon and will give an update.
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I can't believe that I found this site and it happens to others. I was afraid to tell the doc. because I just knew he was think I was crazy or chalk it up to nerves. If anyone finds the answer, please update.

Thanks, Kim
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I saw on a similar website that magnesium stops it
I saw on a similar website that magnesium stops it
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hey all, I did some research and did find this on www.biblelife.org
maybe this is a start.......keep reading ....it does say something about shallow breathing which I know I do sometimes cause it also contributes to my anixity..

Breathing is partly voluntary and partly involuntary. We can increase our breathing rate as we desire. We can take deep or shallow breaths as we desire. Therein lies a BIG problem. The involuntary breathing takes over when we are asleep, deprived of oxygen (hypoventilation) or have excessive oxygen (hyperventilation). Most of the time we simply ignore our breathing and let the involuntary system take over. Therein lies a BIG problem.
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For about 4 years, I have had this involuntary sharp intake of breath. It may occur when I am walking, talking or just resting.  Most of my doctors do not seem concerned; although it is quite nerve racking for me.  When I was taking a swallowing test, I was told I probably have laryngospasm - a brief spasm of the vocal chords.
I am happy to find a site which discusses this problem.  None of my friends or family could relate to my problem.  Best of health to all of you.
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  Happens to me too! Usually at night when I'm lying down.
  The sudden deep breath feels like my diaphragm muscle has suddenly contracted.  I can see how doctors would compare it to a hiccup, because that's what a hiccup results from (though that movement is a lot faster and seems more spasmic).  This movement is smoother, just deep, and it does feel a bit like a sob.
  Breathing is supposed to be mostly involuntary anyway, but you can tell when a breath catches you by surprise!
  Your main "breathing muscle" is your diaphragm.  When it contracts, it pulls down, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity, which increases lung volume, which causes a decrease in pressure.  Air always follows a pressure gradient (from high to low), so this causes air to rush in.  
  Two of the main nerves resposible for breathing are the Phrenic Nerve from the cervical spine (neck region) to the diaphragm, and the Vagus Nerve from the medulla. Brainstem participants are the medulla and pons.  Stimulation is also related to oxygen levels in the blood.
  With all that said, I have no answer (sorry!) but sometimes understanding the nuts and bolts helps.  Like, with knowing all that, would seem like a nerve thing?  Oxygen levels?  Both of the nerves are found in the neck, and the Vagus travels alongside a pretty big neck muscle...
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I had this following bronchitis, always when falling asleep.  They tapered off after some months.  Now I've had bronchitis again, + have experienced it again.  As an RN I have wondered if my O2 saturation in the blood is getting low as my sleep resp's become shallow.  (The pulse- oximeter they put on your finger in the docs office measures this as well as your pulse. You can buy yourself one in the drugstore...) I have decided it is a normal body response, taking care of us, + nothing to worry about.
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ps - i think the vagus nerve has something to do with voicebox control as well
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I have had this problem for a little over a year, it used to come and go every few months or so, I recently passed out in the middle if the night on my way out of the restroom (and could never figure out why) , and ever since these involuntary gasps for air have been non-stop about every 7 -10 minutes, I do notice that when I am busy and active I get them less, but with out fail -  when I sit and relax, I get them. Sometimes my neck wants to strech out (pointing my chin up) to get more air. But I don't feel like I can't breath, or I am out of breath. It's like when you cry a lot and have like 3-4 quick breaths in a row. I really feel like I am  breathing fine, getting enough air, It feels like a spasm, I think that relaxing, and sitting make it worse. Weird huh?
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I also wanted to note, I have noticed that I don't yawn as much, and when I do, It just never quite finishes, maybe it's an alternitive to yawning? I heard that yawning is the way your body gets more oxyegen....maybe.
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Same here.
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I'be been having this same problem for about six months.  Thinking of going to the doctor
but I don't really know how to explain it to her.  It's very strange and doesn't feel right.  Has anyone found out what might be causing it?  Everyone I've talked to about it looks at me like I'm crazy and have never heard of anything like it.
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I too have this problem which happened immediatley after surgery to remove my gallbladder.  It happened every 5 mins, then eventually 15 mins, 30 mins etc now its hourly.  I mentioned this to my doctor who said that the surgeons must have damaged my diaphram, and that it will hopefully settle itself down.  If not they would need to intervene, but he did not elaborate on what that meant!!.
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Glad to find this group. My involuntary gasping started about 2 months ago and I'm wondering what is causing it. I don't have any other obvious health problems. I do have plenty of stress. No job. No money. I think my problem is anxiety related. Gasping happens 2-3 times a day usually when I'm about to talk about lack of job and money with the wife  When it happens I make the gasping sound (air involuntarily being quickly pulled in) and I instinctively grab my throat or chest with my hands as if I'm choking (which I am not). Sometimes it can be 10 gasps in a row. My guess is that I need to practice stress control, relax more with deep breathing and get more exercise since I sit in front of the pc most of the day. I'm male and 54 years old.
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Your post certainly made me think. I to started having the involuntary breath right after gallbladder surgery (2005). It concerned me but since I have COPD I didn't think too much about it. I did mention it to my Pulmonologist and she didn't seem to be concerned. I still experience this but not quite as often as I did following the surgery. Now I am wondering if there is a problem with the diaphragm and how to go about having this checked and diagnosed.
Does anyone have any answers for this problem?
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My now 10 year old has been doing this since 6 weeks of age - once it starts it is every 1-2 minutes for 12-24 hours....  we haven't found any answers yet, but we sure would like to.  Can you offer any suggestions?
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I have had this problem since my surgery for a broken leg. I am otherwise in excellent health. Anybody find out what causes it?
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I'm so glad others are having this same problem.  My involuntary breaths started with just a couple a day about 6 months ago.  Now they seem to be much more freguent.  I went to a respiratory doctor for an unrelated matter several years ago, and am embarrassed to say I don't remember the lung ailment name she mentioned that I may have, but she said it wasn't exactly emphysema, something else ( but this was before the gasping thing).  I was also recently sent to the in- patient to have needles for pain in my back and the nurses were a little upset about my very low oxygen levels, they had to have me hyperventilate to achieve higher levels before they would let me get the procedure.  I'm wondering if it's your body reacting to low oxygen levels in your body telling you, hey you need some help with oxygen, type of thing. I know this can't be a great thing, if your body has to take over with the involuntary gasp for air, but would like to find out if it is damaging in any way, and if all of us should be concerned about the indications. If anyone finds out from a doctor please let us know.  I haven't told my doctor yet, as many of the rest of you, before I came on here, I thought he would think I was crazy.    
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I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis, which involves the vagus nerve. Since being diagnosed, I have started this same involuntary "gasp" for air. It's the strangest thing! I hope someone has answers quick. I'm 18 yrs old and very healthy besides the gastroparesis. I'm wondering if this has something to do with the vagus nerve...anyone have any answers????

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951771 tn?1246433824
i have the same symptoms
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I am very healthy non-smoker - 50 year old female that is not over weight and I do cardio 3 - 5 times a week and resistance training with weights.  I started having these same burst of involuntary intake of air a few weeks ago.  This is so strange.  I have had no previous surgery.  I do have allergies and began taking Clariten D which in the past I just took plain Clariten.  Also I started putting some Vicks vapor rub around my nose to breath easier when I go to bed.  I was worried that the Vicks could have added to this issue so I stopped doing this a few days ago but the sudden breaths still happen.  It is taking place all day long and it seams to be every 7 - 10 min.  It does not hurt at all, it's just strange and it is a little scary because I am wondering if there is something wrong with me.  Does anyone have an answer to this????
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I have had these involuntary intakes of breath now for about 3 weeks.
I am currently undergoing medical tests for a series of neurological problems.  Spasms, slurred speach, double vision, numbness of limbs. I have had these symptoms for nearly a year.
Could there be a connection?

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Involentry intakes of breath!
Do you believe in the spirit world?
Have you lost a parent or loved one before this started.
Tell them one for no two for yes
Try asking a question " is today monday" and wait for a reply.
Happy breathing.
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