1139187 tn?1355706647

panic mode RE: lymph nodes in neck no fatty Hela

Hi,   49 year old male here.  No thyroid ( removed in 2012).   About 4 months ago I noticed that when i did pull ups at the gym i had something pushing inside my neck on the right side that was uncomfortable.   I had 2 sonograms and a ct scan that didn't show anything abnormal.   Then most recently the pain started to get worse in my neck.  Went in and had a sonogram   The report is in my photo center here,  but basically they found 3 items which they believe to be reactive lymph nodes.  

None of the three seem to have Fatty Hela.   the biggest one is 1.3 CM  x  .4   CM  X1.     I do not really have any other symptoms to speak of except the pain in my neck.    I don't have a thyroid so it is hard to sometimes distinguish not feeling well from feeling well because i usually don't feel great most of the time.

I don't have weight loss,  i don't have any fatigue.  The only real thing i can tell is i have these painful things in my neck ( 2 on the right,  one on the left which doesnt hurt).

The ENT says we can leave it alone,   do FNA  or take the two out and look at them.  I chose to have them removed.       Also i have been on 2 rounds of steroids and 3 antibiotics but none of it worked.

2.   Subcentimeter Hypochoic nodules without clearly defined fatty hila.  These are not pathologic in size for lymph nodes but are abnormal in morphology and may represent reactive lymph nodes.    Continued clinical evaluation is advised.

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

thank you
21 Responses
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1081992 tn?1389903637
Hi, Bruce. Lymphoma seems unlikely at this point. Do you have successive scans that show the size has not increased over months? That would be a very optimistic sign.

While the presence of the hilum in a node almost always means not-cancer, the opposite isn't necessarily true: absence doesn't necessarily mean there is a cancer and the cause might be from inflammation instead. Besides, as you know, it's not sure that these even are nodes.

Is the pain possibly from repeated irritation from the pullups? Have you tried laying off from the pullups for a week or so to see if the pain subsides?

If they are nodes, the pain can be from inside as the swelling pushes against the enclosing 'capsule'. Painful nodes usually are not-cancer, btw.

Or a nodule or node can cause pain by pressing against a nearby nerve. The cause of the pain influences whether to remove the nodules for pain relief (besides the main purpose of seeing what they are made of). I'd probably lean towards only doing the FNA, except if the pain is bad enough to want removal of the nodules.

The shapes themselves seem like reactive nodes, being not round. Did you have a color doppler ultrasound that showed no suspicious blood flow? That'd also be a good sign of not-cancer.

Nodes can stay enlarged if there is scarring (fibrosis) inside from inflammation.

You didn't have thyroid cancer, right? That would change everything.

I'd mainly wonder if whatever caused your original thyroid problem is now causing these nodules. Do you have a family history of immune system dysfunctions?

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1081992 tn?1389903637
Have you been reading studies like this one about how Dupuytren's is associated with thyroid dysfunction?

"Musculoskeletal manifestations in patients with thyroid disease."
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1081992 tn?1389903637
Also, with the nodules being in the thyroid bed, I'd think that pretty much eliminates any thought of Virchow's node and chest involvement, etc.

Did you have radiation in that area for ablation?
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1139187 tn?1355706647
the nodules are right outside the thyroid bed.    The only thing i have had are 3 sonograms and a ct.  The first two scans did not show anything.   The final one did.   The only other thing i have noticed is that my lower back and my testicles ache in concert .

Yes i knew that about the DD,   my mom and brother both have DD as well.  I am the lucky one to have it really bad.  

DO you think its weird that these nodules are not getting any better ,  but in fact the pain seems to be getting worse and more painful?  I don't know if the nodules themselves are causing pain,   but the fact they are in there pushing against something that is causing the pain.

also weird that they are abnormal in morphology and do not have a fatty hila.    

and the pull up thing ,   it started when i did pull ups ( i could feel it by stressing the muscle)   but now,  the pain is there constant.     I don't have to do any pull ups to feel them.  In fact last night i could barely sleep because they hurt so bad ( or the area hurt)   .

Thank you for helping me
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1139187 tn?1355706647
i am noticing a slight increase in my tesicle pain ( in that area)  and my back pain ( lower back)   .   has me worried too
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That's what made me think of general immune activation, with the inflammation causing the pain. Signalling chemicals like interleukins from one site can stir up inflammation all over as they travel through the bloodstream.
1081992 tn?1389903637
It's not the usual thing, but also it's not all that rare for people to have enlarged nodes that don't go down - while still being not-cancer. Cat scratch fever is an example.

Your nodules are hypoechoic, which could be from fibrosis. That would mean that anti-inflammatories wouldn't reduce the size.

Normal immune cells such as neutrophils and macrophages can efface the normal node architecture, including the hilum.

Your problem might be from some granuloma.

It might be from inflammatory pseudotumor. That has in the DDx  nodular fasciitis - which might possibly have the same underlying cause as your DD.

Maybe your DD is worse than others because general immune activation is periodically stirring it up?

Regardless, I wouldn't go into the biopsy surgery worried that you might have lymphoma. In fact, you can even ask the surgeon immediately afterward about how the nodules looked to the naked eye. Cancer like a lymphoma would look ugly. When he says it didn't look like cancer, your mind would be set at ease immediately, rather than waiting for a followup office visit after microscopic evaluation by the pathologist.

The full resectional biopsy certainly does give a much better chance at diagnosis than just an FNA. As you know, the FNA can miss important cells just by chance; but also the pathologist can see the pattern of cells in the slices from the resection.
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1139187 tn?1355706647
thank you .  i have an appointment today with the surgeon and tomorrow with an oncologist.   I will report back to let you know if your suspicions were correct :)
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Okay, it's a deal :)

Just be aware that two different docs can say two different things. These kinds of cases are tricky and the only  way to find out for sure is the excisional biopsy. Sometimes, though rarely, that is not even sure.

I'd ask if there is extra surgical risk because of the pain possibly meaning that a nearby nerve is involved.

Good luck.
1139187 tn?1355706647
hey ken-
went to the Surgeon today.  She wants me to go see the oncologist to get him to work me up.  I have the insurance so I'm going to do it.  Now the nodules are painful on both sides.   She thinks its weird that i have painful non-fatty Hela nodes but really no other symptoms.  Honestly if it wasn't for the pain,  i wouldn't be having this conversation.  But its probably good because it brought it to my attention.

She doesnt want to remove the nodules yet because she wants to see what what the oncologist wants to do first.  She said the FNA is worthless because if it comes back unremarkable,   she will want to do the removal anyway so might as well wait.

In other news,  the steroids the internal med guy put me on made me feel so bad today ( day 4)  that it actually made me feel HYPERTHYROID  and made the pain everywhere hurt worse.

She re-did my sonogram today and the nodules did not get bigger.    thats a good sign.     But its just weird that i have these things in there,  but no other symptoms.  but extremely painful to touch.   Like i have the flu.  I wanted to update you,  if anything maybe my story will help if others come along after i am gone.
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People can have varied strange reactions to corticosteroids like prednisone - even strong emotional ones and I also remember one guy who had hallucinations at a traffic light. Did you stop it or ask your doc to stop it? You probably don't need a taper after only 4 days, but it's always best to ask the prescribing doc anyway since sudden withdrawal in long term users can be very dangerous.

A 'mineralocortocoid' effect of pred is water retention. Maybe that's what is involved in your pain, the nodules could be filling with water. You can try stopping all sodium immediately - and/or ask a doc for a diuretic like Bumex or whatever is newer. Did you suddenly gain a few pounds of water weight? Any ankle swelling?

A lymphoma node can be painful if it has a necrotic center that fills with blood (and pressure). But that should have showed on the sono. It's also rare.

649848 tn?1534633700
Hi everyone... I hope you don't mind if I jump into this conversation...

Bruce originally had Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, with nodules, which is what prompted his TT in the first place.  As we all know, Hashimoto's is autoimmune.  I'm not real familiar with DD, but considering all the other issues Bruce has had, if this is an immune reaction, wouldn't it make sense to think an issue would only crop up somewhere else?

I'd rather find the cause and try to stop it, if possible.
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Hi, Barb. Thanks for stopping in. What would you say would be the mechanism for these nodules forming? Would it be the same as for nodules forming inside a thyroid? Is it a known thing that these nodules might sometimes look like lymph nodes?

Btw, I had looked briefly at a Dupuytren's site,They make the claim that it is not immune caused. But I don't see how they can, in general, make that claim. It reminds me of how ITP was called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura for even years after everybody knew it was Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura.

I'm guessing that, although there is a genetic underpinning, the recurrence of Dupuytren's came about from some heightened inflammation. Besides a virus or some other event that preceded recurrence, I'd look maybe at leaky gut as being most probable.

Nodules are very common with Hashimoto's - I don't know very many people with Hashi's that don't have them.  Usually, when TT is done, there's a small amount of thyroid tissue left (Bruce didn't have cancer).  Since these nodules seem to be in the thyroid bed, I can't help wonder if they're simply growing out of remaining thyroid tissue just like regular nodules grow on a full thyroid.

While certain conditions, such as Dupuytren's and autoimmune conditions can run in families, there's a certain amount of research that indicates they can be triggered by certain viruses or bacteria.  For instance, strep can trigger type I diabetes and some studies have shown that EBV, along with several other viruses (including H. Pylori) can trigger Hashimoto's.

I agree that you need to take a good look at what's going on in the gut to figure out what's happening in the rest of the body. Candida and other yeasts, along with bacterial overgrowths, like H. Pylori can trigger Hashimoto's.  We know that once we have Hashimoto's, we always have it, though once the thyroid is destroyed those antibodies go into remission.  That's not to say other antibodies can't develop and other parts of the body attacked.
1139187 tn?1355706647
no ankle swelling BUT so weird,   some soreness in my calf /  ankle area.    weird.

I think its weird i just have some non fatty Hela nodules in the neck area with zero explanation    I guess thats the part I'm worried about :(
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I think you'l find that prednisone is known to cause muscle pain in some, especially in the legs.
1139187 tn?1355706647
Update  -  went to the oncologist today.   First of all i got yelled at because in 2010  i had a PEDA SCAN and it wasn't covered. LOL    

Then she told me I'm having an inflammatory response to something.   She started groping all my lymph nodes.  One on my neck is swollen and one next to my groin.   Then the one in the neck areas.  

She said that she doesnt think i have cancer.  I told her my back hurt so she agreed to a CT scan on my chest.   She also did blood work  but it didn't seem like a lot of blood.  Maybe one tube (  probably CBC and some sort of marker)

Then she told me NOT to get the unusual nodules out and biopsied because chances are they wont be anything.  they aren't "big enough"   and i told her "  3 CM tumours start off as 1 CM  and I'm not sitting on my butt and waiting".    

so i think next step is to have the lung X-ray,   and then if the pain doesnt leave  i am going to have the 3 non fatty Helas removed to biopsy.
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Well then, I'll take that as confirmation of what I've been saying all along: it's inflammation, not cancer. So that's good news :)  

I'll also repeat that I wouldn't have the resection except for the pain. You might first explore ways to alleviate the pain other than surgery or steroids. But if you do have the resection and all they do is check to eliminate cancer, then the opportunity is wasted to identify all the types and numbers of normal inflammatory cells present --  which would give clues as to what is actually happening and might very well also relate to all your problems.

The surgical risk is always there, which with node removal also includes lymphocaele.

The blood tests probably include hs-CRP.

At this point, I'd say that becoming too fixed on the possibility of cancer distracts from finding the real cause... which is probably immune related, and is as Barb refers to in mentioning Hashimoto's..
1139187 tn?1355706647
by the way,  I'm also off the regimen of prednisone and now both sides of my neck hurt
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If both sides hurt, it's not likely to be due to pressing on a nerve since both sides probably wouldn't be anatomically the same.

Have you tried ibuprofen?

Did anything happen before the recurrence of DD? Infection? Antibiotics? Super stress? A radical diet change? Do you consume lots of sugar?
the only thing that happened at the time of the onset was a massive case of strep.    But that was cleared up 4 months ago.    The pain that I'm feeling is from the inflamed nodules.  I also have pain when i breathe in.  Trying to get one of these idiot doctors to get me in for a CT scan.     Im still trying to get one of these nodes out to look under a microscope   -   i feel like a sitting duck!
The effects of strep can linger long after the strep, itself, has been eradicated. Or maybe the strep wasn't completely gone...

What antibiotic was used for the strep?

Have you ever been tested for things like candida, H. Pylori, etc?  Most of us have these things and they usually live happily with all the other bacteria in our bodies, but I just found out the hard way that sometimes, one or the other can take over and wreak havoc.  It can affect us all differently and some could easily have immune type inflammation.  Food allergies could also cause adverse reactions and it could be things we've eaten all our lives that suddenly cause our body to rebel.
And apparently thyroid nodules can sometimes be painful. Hypoechoic on a sono can also mean fluid-filled. Maybe the pullups caused irritation which caused more fluid to accumulate which caused more pain. So I just had a thought: an in-office procedure wherein a doc simply uses a syringe to pull out some fluid. It doesn't even have to be analyzed. If the pain subsides, then voila.

Since Bruce is having an FNA today, they should immediately see if what comes out is clear fluid or not.

All in all and with few clearcut options, if it were me I'd concentrate on living the most non-pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory life possible.
From my own experience, thyroid nodules can be very painful and the more one "plays" with them, the worse they get.  When there's inflammation, as with a bout of thyroiditis, even having a doctor palpate the thyroid or having an ultrasound can be very painful for hours afterward.  I used to find that certain yoga poses could cause pain in my neck.

I, too, would want the most anti-inflammatory, non-pharma life possible.  That would include a diet overhaul to remove inflammatory foods and make sure gut microbiome is adequate.
Aha, so then is there a Tx for painful nodules besides possibly draining? Besides just being palliative.

...or ibuprofen, as already suggested.
Replacement thyroid hormones, often, shrink nodules and calm thyroiditis.  I was really quite surprised that Bruce found someone to remove his thyroid, because that's pretty rare for a simple case of Hashimoto's, even with dominant nodules, if there's no cancer.

Treatment is, typically, the ibuprophen, and anything else that can make one comfy... I found that lightly massaging baby or other light oil on my neck helped, sometimes, as did placing a very lightweight, cool cloth on my neck help.  Aroma therapy can do wonders.

Most important was resisting the urge to rub or palpate the thyroid.  My thyroid is  atrophied now, but when I go to the endo and she attempts to palpate, it's sore for a couple of days.  

I've also learned that some foods are inflammatory... the more processed, the more inflammatory.  Even though many of us "think" we're eating a good diet, chances are, it's not nearly as good as it should be.  
1139187 tn?1355706647
and now  my back hurts when i breathe.    tomorrow chest X-ray and FNA>   both a waste of money.
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the breathing pain sounds probably muscular
649848 tn?1534633700
Bruce, when was the last time you had thyroid antibodies tested?  Do you have any idea what they might be, at this point?
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1139187 tn?1355706647
my antibodies are like 5 now.     So i went in to have the biopsy and they told me these suckers went from 1.05 CM  to .38  in my neck.     But I'm still in pain in my neck and back.     I don't feel like they got any smaller.   I can hardly function with this pain.

In addition,  i went to the ER last night,  ( I'm a cheap skate so for me to drop 2k on a visit there must really be something wrong)

they did a ct with and without,  and an Xray of my back and lungs.  Both were clear.

blood work came back perfect

Cancer markers from the oncologist came back fine too.

These nodules almost seem like they have their own life,  they are getting smaller and bigger like a blow fish!
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" they are getting smaller and bigger like a blow fish!"
funny :)

But instead of air, it might be mainly water going in and out -- depending on how recent the previous measurements were and also what the biopsy sample looked like.

Fibrosis wouldn't have changed so quickly.

Have you tried ice on the nodules for the pain?
1139187 tn?1355706647
I am starting to wonder now if its in my esophagus causing the problems and the nodules is a way of responding to it.  Or my stomach etc   I feel like i have increased random pain in random areas like my back,  under my ribs etc.  but maybe this is from being on too much hormone.    I don't know if its related as well but i have increased dirareah that shows my body is pushing it out too fast ( TMI).  anyway i think i need to have this nodule removed just for pain reasons alone.    But now i need to find someone to do it because my surgeon wants to do FNA first,  thats a waste of time.   And the ENT only has an opening on the 24th,  by then i may hang myself LOL
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almost feels like something is in my windpipe but i know that would of been picked up by scan?
Do you ever have trouble swallowing food?
1139187 tn?1355706647
ken,   now it shows this:

Changes of the total thyroidectomy there are some areas of hyper density present on post contrast images within the thyroidectomy bed which represent residua of the thyroid tissue.      

have you ever heard of them going in and just looking around like a Knee?
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I don't know the answer to that, it's not my field but I'd guess that they can't -- as there probably isn't a void to look into.
1139187 tn?1355706647
i have an update!   still have swollen lymph nodes on the right side of my neck and no one has any idea why!   thought i would say hi!
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1139187 tn?1355706647
and we are back.   strep throat 2 weeks ago.  Lymph node under neck back again.  Hurts like heck.  The strep is gone,  lymph node still very painful and present.  has anyone every heard of this?
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1139187 tn?1355706647
just in case anyone decides to search this up on here,  it is 2 years later and the neck thing Is back.   I have no idea what this is but I do know I just searched the problem up on here and MY post came up.    I am thinking that something auto immune or a virus gets the lymph nodes upset or something.    It is weird that almost exactly 2 years later my same issue is back.   Maybe this is my body's reaction to a virus.   But it is very scary how painful the lymph nodes can get when they are upset.  
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1081992 tn?1389903637
It was good of you to post the update, Bruce.

"It is weird that almost exactly 2 years later my same issue is back."

Maybe the timing is a coincidence, or maybe there is some trigger in your environment. Ultra humidity. Pollen. Mold. Parasite. Did you travel?
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