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Is there anyone who was able to convince a doctor about the reactions?

If yes, what did doctor say? I think if doctors are convinced, even if they do not have the explanation, they reach out to other doctors and initiate research.
If anyone visiting doctor soon, please tell them about all things so that they can provide guidance.

Try explaining this way: Hello doctor, I have a really strange condition. People around me(including me)  have watery eyes, cough, sneezing, and allergy like symptoms. I think some kind of allergic chemical is being expelled by my body. I do not think it is in my mind, because I have analyzed it multiple times, and I confirm that it is real. Is there anyway I can to testing of urine, stool, saliva, etc. to test for any abnormal chemicals?

Good Luck.
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HI, do you think that many here have not tried? Did they not visit health centers? as you will see Previous comments from years ago report the negativity on the part of doctors in understanding this state of PATM. Many made a pilgrimage from doctor to doctor until exhausting their economy in some cases. At least I visited about 5 health centers between public and private, blood tests, saliva, nostrils, feces, urine etc... If they understood you, it was a good time, however, a large part here when they were They sent them to the psychologist and later to the psychiatrist, the psychiatrist only gives you pills...... Greetings, I hope the PATM thing is cleared up.
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Yes I know many have visited doctors and been referred to psychiatrist. The reason is doctors don't believe such  condition is possible. That's because medical science do not recognize PATM.
All I was trying to say is, if anyone has already scheduled a visit with doctor, mention them " I understand that there is no such condition known to medical science. I confirm that my symptoms are real and it's not my dilutions. I believe this condition need to be researched."
Then they may communicate with other researcher to find the root cause.
Hope it make sense.
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My urologist coughs like crazy whenever I'm in his office, but interestingly enough his patients waiting in the lobby nor his wife or med assistant react.
Maybe because im scared of him... I still have flashbacks of that cystoscope
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