

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


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I had a brief sexual encounter in February of 2015. I knew the person very well and I confr...
Answer this question once you read everything else. Do you think she had a sexual relations...
Hello everyone, Sorry for (yet) another question about pvcs, but I find your answers ve...
Hey :) Could you help me with a short question? I would just like to have another opin...
Hello everyone i will try to tell you story of my anxiety :) I'm 18 years old and my first ...
Hi, My son is 7 months, his left testicle hasn't dropped. Pediatricians and Urologists say ...
So going on 11 days now since I slept with a girl who has hsv2 and still no legions or symp...
Greetings to Members and Visitors, A Warm Welcome to all of you. I ask that you pleas...
I'm gonna try and make a long story short. I am gay, I started seeing a guy while trave...
I recently had a colonoscopywhere 10 polyps were removed and benign. It also showed I have ...