

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on coldsore

One day I woke up with a swelling like a bug bute but later realized that there were white...
Hello- I have not been tested for Hsv1 but assume I have it as I have had cold sores off a...
Okay so I recently went in for a blood test is it possibly that my test for hsv2 is positiv...
I have had frequent coldsores since i was 7 years old.. I am 18 now, and yesterday I was ...
I'm having a lot of trouble trying to figure out what is going on. My husband and I are mon...
Hi, Husband and wife both monogamous in the past and present. I had 1st cold sores perhaps...
Hi, I am getting married in four days and need advice as I am extremely upset. I have had C...
In January of 2011 I had my first cold sore outbreak...2 coldsores came out. Looked to me j...
about a week ago i kissed and had oral sex with someone, a few days later i felt slight pai...
Last night , me and my gf who has hsv1 oral, whom ive been with for 4 yrs Had sex , and l...