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Posts on clingy

My fiance and I have been together for 5 years now (engaged for 1 year). I have 2 adult ch...
Hi - my boyfriend has a 14month old little girl (his only child) and she stays at his over ...
My 4 year old son has suddenly become very aggressive, clingy and does not want to go to pr...
I watch a 2.5 year old and 4.5 year old Monday through Friday. They live across the street ...
New symtptoms: (See recent relevant medical history below) In early Dec. 2010, my 10 year ...
Is it right that my girl friends 14 yo son clings to his mom? She constantly has to ask hi...
I have been with my boyfriend for approx 2 yrs. I used to live at his fathers house and bab...
My son is 11 years old. He is a very good kid, always been well behaved, a rule follower. N...
I have posted things on here before about if I should leave my husband but now I'm at the p...
I am not sure what to do... My 10 yr old stepdaughter clings and cuddles with her father...