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Posts on drugged

I went to a rave last night and I only had 2 drinks while I was there(a 4 hour period). I r...
I went to a rave last night and I only had 2 drinks while I was there(a 4 hour period). I r...
Hey ladies, so just the basics I'm 32 1/2 weeks prego, 3rd baby and pretty normal pregnancy...
I have a lot of sleep issues and the nausea and dizziness make it difficult to get sleep. S...
hi guys so today i went second day of uni and made some friends im 18 and they are around 1...
OK i meet a women at a safe house for abused women she had a little girl and was the girl f...
Hello, I am a male from Australia in my mid-20s and I am vacationing in Vietnam. While at...
hi there, so this past friday i was out at a party and i am pretty sure after 4 drinks wh...
Please you amy know im tapering off klonopin and for some reason i feel so ...
last night i went out with two new friends, I had three beers and three shots over a few ho...