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Addicted to Nurofen+

Hi all,
I hope I am posting this in the right place.
I will start at the beginning.
I have been using nurofen+ for about 2 1/2 years now, taking about 32 tablets a day, I know I am stupid for getting myself into this mess but I feel I am now stuck and can't see anyway out.
My wife found all the empty packets at the bottom of a cupboard and knew I had a problem previously.
Now my marriage looks like it could be over as she has told me I have to move out as she can't trust me anymore.
I have tried to stop cold turkey before but the withdrawals are too much and I don't even last a day before I start taking them again and I really don't know where to turn now.
I will take any advice/help I can get as I am at my wits end and the fact I am going to lose my family if I don't do something immediately is telling me its now or never.
Help please.
23 Responses
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Hi, folks,

It looks like the original poster hasn't posted in a couple of months and may not be around to respond, and newer, unrelated questions are beginning to crop up.  We'll close this discussion now, but anyone who wishes to start a new topic is welcome to do so -- just click the "Post a Question" button at the top of the page.


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4898964 tn?1381257899
It's hell on earth, there's no point sugar coating it.  After day 5-7 though things get a bit better every day.  Get some probiotics, some vitamin C and a something with magnesium (multi vit).  Epsom salt baths to help the creepy crawlies and just forget about sleeping.  Wanting to sleep will do your head in more than anything else, just ride with it.  Nap if you can.  Remember too that you have turned off your bodies natural production of painkillers.  Everything is   going to hurt until you start producing it yourself again.  Don't get despondent, the little voice is lying to you.   You will be able to deal with pain again without him.

I find the stance of your wife confusing, there must be something else going on here...  Though I must say that you can't understand a users mind until you've been there yourself...  Just get away from the man, have some faith in life and you may be surprised how things can change.  
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Vicodin is basically codeine. It is something called hydrocodone, which is made from codeine
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I would go to your local drugs n alcohol service. They are confidential n understanding. The offer counselling n substitute prescribing n it's on the NHS.
GPs don't tend to be very understanding in my opinion, however, I have heard of some who have been understanding of codeine addiction, so if you feel talking to the GP would help you, then go for it.
My GP put me on15 mg x 4 codeine phosphate which wasn't enough as from 700 mg codeine daily, I may as well gone cold turkey. However, he is good at listening to how I feel.
Maybe you could suggest al anon / nar anon to your wife so that she could have support for herself through this n suggest to her that she read up on addiction? She is probably scared for you n doesn't know how to deal with this. I would also ask your GP for a blood test to check your liver n kidneys. I've had two of these. If anything it'll assure both you n your wife that you haven't damagd anything. If you have, you can get help for it now.
Take care - and you're welcome to message me any time.

Evey x
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Has anyone stopped nurofen plus by weaning down on their own?
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3197167 tn?1348968606
If I remember right, you were checking out two options for help?  Have you pursued them both and rec'd your answers you were looking for?

The wheel that squeeks the loudest, gets the most grease.  There is a way to be polite....and yet persistant at the same time.  Seek help like you do the pills......your marriage, living situation, etc. will all get better when you do.  Your life depends on it.....go get em!  
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Anyone got any advice they can give me to shake myself out of this hole I am in.
I have called the drug clinic and they were supposed to call back and haven't, I am still taking these damn pills although I tried to cut back over the weekend to no avail.
I am no longer living with my wife and kids and don't know if my marriage will ever be saved.
Everything about my life is complete **** at the moment and it feels like there's nothing I can do.
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Hey Daniel....glad you posted an update.  Glad you have some options and that you are so open to checking them all out before you decide what's best for you.
As to what your dr. said.....I'd have to TOTALLY disagree with him.  I became addicted to pain pills due to a medical condition, too.  HOW we get started is really irrelevant.....it's WHAT HAPPENS to us when we put that substance(s) in our bodies.
Just in case you want to learn some more about addiction, there's this FABULOUS web site that has lots of helpful information on it.  Just key in "hbo.com/addiction" into your favorite search engine.
You can click on MANY articles, short videos, etc. that are there to help us understand "who is an addict", "understanding addiction in general", all about why we are vulnerable to relapse, treatment options, what works, what may not, on and on.  I find it an INVALUABLE source of learning about my illness.

You sound very wise to me.....and dr's are people, too.  They are as varied as any other group of professionals.  I have been told (and I believe it, too) that how much you use your drug of choice, when, where....all those issues can sidetrack us from the REAL issue.....WHAT HAPPENS TO US when we put that substance in our bodies.
Many yrs ago, when I was in a treatment center, this counselor told us a story about a man that only drank alcohol 3 times in his life.....the 1st time he lost his leg......the 2nd time he lost his wife.......the 3rd time he lost his life.
Hope you'll check back in and let us know what you decide and how you are doing......trust your instincts and your gut.....you sound like a very wise man~
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4341997 tn?1514588688
congrats on taking care of business!!  as for you doctor,  maybe he doesn't have much experience with addiction??  and doesn't really know the diff between dependence and addiction....it's a slippery slope either way....and only you know whether you're addicted...

you will get the help you need....just keep doing what you're doing...research and asking questions.....you are doing great!!  
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Hi all, just a follow up.
I had my docotors appointment yesterday and I think it went pretty well.
He was very understanding and they gave me a couple of options, one is an independent drug/alcohol clinic which has everything under one roof,councilling, plans to help me stop the pills, gps etc or they have a programme at the doctors.
I am going to give the independent guys a call and go and see what they can offer me and make a decision then.
I have also owned up and come clean to everyone close to me and told them exactly what I have been doing and they have all been very supportive.
What I will add that I haven't said before is that my parents are methadone addicts and have been for as long as I can remember, now I am not saying that is the reason I am addicted to these pills but my councillor who I see on friday evening said there may be a link between the two.
I was also a little surprised by a few things my doctor said and I didn't agree with him.
He said that I am not your usual addict, I am not a drug addict as I didn't start taking the drug to get high but was using them for medication and as such I am not an addict.
I disagreed but didn't say anything to him.
He also said that the independent place might not be for me as there are REAL drug addicts (heroin and crack etc) and alcoholics there, I may not feel comfortable being in that environment.
Again the reference to me not being a REAL addict.
I would like to get others opinions on this as I consider myself to be a drug addict, it doesn't matter that I can buy my drug over the counter.
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4341997 tn?1514588688
Good luck at the doctor today!  just be honest with him and he can help you...if you don't like what he says...find another doctor...this is YOUR life you are taking back....let us know how it went!  stay strong!
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I have a doctor's appointment today so will let you all know how I get on.
Just want to thanks to all for your words of kindness and encouragement.
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4204073 tn?1361831476
It's time to put shame and embarrassment behind you now.  Fear is what holds us in addiction.  Now you can face it head on and hold your head high that you are doing the right thing, despite the reason that brought you to this point.   You are not a bad person.   This is a disease that causes us to do things and behave in way we never thought we would.   Maybe when things calm down your wife will start to see that and can go to the Dr with you, go to Al-Anon meetings and learn with you more about it so you can begin your new sober life together.  
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Welcome to the forum, Daniel.  You are in good company here.  Unfortunately, for most of us, we have to get to the point you are at where we lose what is most important to us.
Glad to hear you will be seeing a dr tomorrow.  If you can be completely honest, knowing what you say is confidential, you should be able to get some help from your dr.  Meds to ease the w/drawal, a taper plan, etc.
Some peeps CAN taper....others CANNOT.  I'm one of the "cannots".
If I have pills, they end up in my mouth!  
Since you are going to be staying some place different for awhile, it is a great opportunity to dig in and get the w/drawals over with so you can begin a life of recovery.  
Reading all over this forum, old posts, new posts, journals, etc. will help you IMMENSELY.  You can read and learn that you are definitely not alone in this struggle.  Lots of tips.....but there is no way to have a "comfortable w/drawal" from narcotics.  Some of us have more discomfort than others, but you have to make up your mind to learn, equip yourself, dig in, be ready for "flu time", and then DO IT.
Many people work thru their w/drawals, some take a day or two off.....don't worry about that yet......just see your dr., equip yourself w/all the fabulous info on this forum, and decided for yourself what will work best for you.
Blessing to you.....you CAN do it~  
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I will be going to stay at my parents who know about the whole thing as my wife spoke with my mum earlier today.
I am sure if I asked them to help me by prescribing them then they would, I am not out of meds at the moment but the cramping comes and goes regardless of me taking meds or not.
Also severe constipation which I know is a side effect of these sort of drugs.
I just want to thank everybody who has replied to me, it is a great relief to know I am not alone in this.
I have just been frank and honest with my wife and told her my fears and that I feel ashamed and embarrassed, this is the main reason for me not saying anything to her or anyone else about this.
I can not remember the amount of times I have thought about or come close to just breaking down and begging her to help me but have never done so.
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Gosh I'm really sorry to hear about your situation.  Hoping things work out with your Dr so you can put this behind you and save your marriage.  

If the Dr route doesn't work out, if you are going to go stay with a friend, would they be willing to help prescribe your daily amounts?  

Are you out of meds now?  Are you starting withdraw (the stomach cramping)?  
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@ ricart, I have got to the point where I can't put it off any longer, I HAVE to quit.
As well as my marriage and family being on the line I am noticing stomach problems (cramping etc) sometimes quite severe.
As for giving tabs to my wife to (prescribe) me with, that isn't an option because from tomorrow she wants me out and I don't think there is anything I can do about that.
I am going to make an appointment with my doctor tomorrow and see what they say, I guess that's the first step as I am not sure what else I can do.
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4204073 tn?1361831476
I did a quick google on this stuff and the ibuprofen you are ingesting is what is scary to me.   Ibuprofen and Codeine can create alot of intestinal damage.  I'm not sure how the strength of these compares to Vicodin.  Are they similar in strength to Tylenol 3 with Codeine?    

Can you girlfriend help you with a taper plan?  Meaning she holds your tabs for you and only gives you what you can take for the day?   I know I could never taper.  I'd get weak and take another one just to get rid of the icky feelings.  

If you go to your Dr, everything you tell them is confidential and they will be happy to help you get off of the pills.  There is meds they can prescribe to help alleviate your wd symptoms.   If this is an option for you, I would go this route.  

Keep in touch and let us know how it's going.  
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1827057 tn?1397520277
Yes I think a doctor could help but you have got to put in the effort on this.
You need to start trying to quit or taper. It is not easy but it can be done.You have to want to quit.
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I currently take between 30-40 a day, I would like to think I could taper down but just don't know if I have the will power/strength to do it.
Do you know if I saw my doctor and explained my situation to them they would be able to help in anyway as I did talk to a previous doctor who I am no longer with and they just brushed it off as if it wasn't a major problem and I never pushed it any further.
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1827057 tn?1397520277
How many are you taking a day?   do you think you could taper?
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Sadly no, I don't have the money to check in anywhere and even if I did I couldn't get away from work as I am a chef and we are short handed as it is.
As far as giving somebody money, I have tried that but always find a way to buy them when withdrawals become too much.
I just wish I could be strong enough to kick it cold turkey but it seems from the research I have done that its not easy at all and not a pleasant experience either.
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1827057 tn?1397520277
Hey do you have the resources to check into a detox for a few days until you can get your head clear. Have you anywhere you can at least escape to and kick these for a few days.I am assuming you are buying these over the counter. Give someone all of your money to hold.Keep posting and let us know how you are.You can do it.You have to really want to. hang in there
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