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199177 tn?1490498534

After withdrawals are over what happens next.

Most of our members find the forum either  right before they start withdrawal or in the middle of withdrawals .It seems like its the lowest hardest part ofyour life coming off of drugs .What happens after the withdrawal is over ? What do you then  ? These are very important things to think about and its hard to think about when you are in the worst of the physical withdrawals.
Once your  past this point its time to find the resource's to stay off the drugs .I wish it was as easy as putting the drug down and never picking up again .I will be honest the wd was the easy partfor me. It was the long term sobriety that became the hard part .
      I needed to get to the to the root of my use and a strong system to stay clean .
There are different choices therapists ,addiction doctors ,Smart recovery ,na/aa talking to your church pastor .There is something for everybody .I know its really hard to ask for help but plz do its worth it .It has been 3 years and two months for me now I still have days that if I didn't have a good support system I would have used .PLz you are worth a sober lifetime don't cheat yourself out of it .
19 Responses
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82861 tn?1333453911
Now that's some great news buddy!  I hope you start off with a therapist you click with right off the bat.  You'll make it this time.  Believe!  :-)
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1472850 tn?1290125172
Hey Ya'll

I'm following up my Wife Jays post.  I agree with her wholeheartedly that something that we may or may not be aware of drives us to do what we do as addicts.  When bad things were happening to me as a young man, I covered the issues up with Opiates.  During the almost 30 years clean after, my mind went in to a protective kind of numb, defense  mode.  Over the past three years, for whatever reason, that defense system started breaking down and I again covered the issues with Opioids and Alcohol.

I have always been straight up with Jay about issues past and present.  But time builds more trust and enables you to share more detail.....  Jay was seeing a Psychologist for pain related issues and encouraged me to see her also.  It was the best thing I have done in a long time.  I have PTSD from multiple traumas from childhood through the early 80's.  The Psychologist has given me a new outlook on the world and helped me immensely.  You are not a bad person and it's not your fault.  She has helped me get off the Sub, and is helping me with the alcohol.  Make no mistake, it's tough to be straight up and pour your Soul out to somone and get called on it when you don't, but it is good stuff and will help you in the long run.

The shrink calls, emails and checks in outside of appointments when she knows something is up.  I have no doubt that she genuinely cares (Venice).

For Whatever It's Worth,

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1481358 tn?1288295091
After all these years of using drugs what I thought was having a good time its come to a head. Opiates came into my life at a very low point of my life. I still thought I took the pill cause I liked the buzz. Not because my wife had left with my little girl. Not because I sold my sucessful business to invest in an unsuccessful business. Not because I moved to a strang town in the middle of nowhere. I never bought into the whole your using to cover up the pain. To forget the pain. It took me 34 years to see the light. I got it now. The pain from childhood issues carried into adulthood. We all have something that just gets to us. Im happy I have na mtgs to go and just get things off my chest. I find alot of people in mtgs are there for the therapy side of it. It has nothing to do with drugs. Just admitting to myself that I was not using to get a buzz is huge! I got alot of work to do in the future and am looking forward to facing and dealing with the things the made me use. Its gonna be painful I know. Its ok. I havent felt really anything in along time. After reading what JAYBAY had to say something clicked in my head. Im gonna start to save a couple bucks so I can get to the root of the problem. Some one on one therapy.  I just wish I could with thinking they only want my  money.
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82861 tn?1333453911
I LOVE what gnarly said:  "face the very demons we where numbing out of our lives."  

It's just my personal opinion, but I really believe there is an always an underlying reason that people turn to drugs and/or alcohol.  It's not that addicts are weak, or bad, or evil, or flawed in any way.  Somewhere in there is a kernel of physical and/or emotional pain that leads to self-medicating and overmedicating.  

How many times have we heard from people who who got addicted to prescribed pain meds because they thought the drugs gave them an energy boost to get through the day?  I usually see these kinds of posts from women who are married with children and trying to hold down a full time job.  The pills fool them into believing they have to be drugged to get all the work done.  It never crosses anyone's mind to step back and rearrange their lives that have gone out of control.  Maybe downsizing the house and car and rethinking the difference between necessities and luxuries would result in a part time job, less stress.and no need to self-medicate.  Kids don't need "stuff" - they need parents in their lives.  Spouses should be no different.  Do you want a true life partner or a slave who is killing herself/ himself in order to keep up with the Joneses?

Then there's the poor people who have had horrific things happen to them in life and discover drugs and alcohol can shut most of it out.  They don't even realize that's what they're doing at the time.  The human animal is a lazy animal.  It's easier to take a pill or a drink than to have to face that kind of emotional pain.  Next thing they know, they need a pill or a drink to deal with every upset in life no matter how large or small.  My husband is one of these people.  After over 30 years clean, he relapsed badly for a number of reasons, but emotional pain was the root of it.  He is finally working through that and is off opiates.  Alcohol is another demon that needs to be slayed, but I'll give him credit - it's next to nothing compared to where he was at even a couple short months ago.

It's also easier to get help with detox and addiction recovery than it is to get psychological help for the problems that drove a person to addiction in the first place.  Look at all the free programs available like NA and AA.  If you're and addict/ alcoholic, there is plenty of support out there if you want it.  I defy anyone to find psychotherapy that easily.  Insurance policies pay more for a detox program than for psychological care that may have prevented full-blown addiction in the first place.  

It seems to me that addiction doesn't carry quite the same stigma that it once did.  Shoot, cigarette smokers are more outcast in society than addicts are.  People seem to find it easier to admit to and seek help for addiction than depression, bi-polar or other mental problems.  If an addict is ready to build a new life and asks for help, he'll get it.  If you have a mental problem, there is next to nothing available unless you've got a whole lot of money.  I don't entirely agree with everything in the 12-step programs, but they're better than no aftercare at all and have helped millions of people recover.  Again, it's just my opinion, but I believe addicts need one-on-one therapy not only to learn new coping skills but to root out the underlying pain.  Not an easy order to fill.  (Steps down from soapbox.)
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1510084 tn?1291824940
Its nice for me to read these stories, it sure does help! It seems like as soon as the physical symptoms are starting to subside, the mental side wants to find ways to get back into them things... its so sad, my employee (who is also my wifes uncle) gave me pills when the doc cut me off after an accident... I told him thursday and talked to him again on the phone today- that I cannot be around you because I ME not you but I AM AN ADDICT... He cried and apologized, said he thought he was helping me out... So sad, a dear friend, employee, relative, and a good friend long before the pills, had to be cut out of my life, because I am so weak... It just made the day a little tougher... A better day to you all tho, I love all you guys... truly i do
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199177 tn?1490498534
Funny thing is I can remember all of you comeing and how far everyone have you come .There has been ups and downs for all of us and it has been how we have chossen to handle them .We are all proof we  can all do it .
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271792 tn?1334979657
So many tries, so many failures.

It wasn't until I surrendered, got out of my own way and began listening to those who had gone before me that I was able to let the healing begin.

It took a long time but I finally learned that I can't, WE can. My support system is necessary for continued recovery.
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1032715 tn?1315984234
Your post to worried878 really made me laugh Sara,

You were exactly the same to me when I first got here 449 days ago,I have always tried to listen to what you have told me and it has helped to keep me clean and sober.
I think we have a rapport with our first contacts at medhelp,they mean so much to our recovery,My butt has had bruises from your constant kicks when I have needed them.

Thank You Sara.and everyone else

After the withdrawals Avisg stepped in along with Sara and started haunting me about aftercare,
I told them I was determined and could do this on my own,maybe I could have,who knows,but it has been so much easier having someone you can call and talk to in those desperate times.Thank You girls for all your help.
And thank you to everyone else that has input into my recovery,I'd love to mention you all by name but I'd be here for an eternity,But know I have appreciated you all.
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495284 tn?1333894042
Is that really you????!!!

You were at 90 days when i came to the forum and you always told me how important it was to get recovery care.  I was scared of you at first cuz you had all that clean time and i would sit and think man she has 90 days, that is 3 months and she is still breathing, i had best listen to her, and i did~~~~~~~~Thank you for being that scary lady for me!!!!          sara
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401095 tn?1351391770
Was just remembering,,it was during that gloomy, doomy phase that hit me after I quit, that my triggers came to the surface....I had never eally known what they were until then.  My ugly triggers were staring me in the face and I had to deal with them....I realized I had one major trigger and I dealt with that eventually but it took time.

Maybe this doomy part of wd/the mental part/is a needed thing in the wd process...cos I guess in a way i needed to realize what drove me to use and deal with those issues
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401095 tn?1351391770
Good post avisg

I guess when u have been thru this u can look back a while later and see how important making a plan to "stay clean" is
Folks are all in knots bout WDs..I remember I was afraid as well...and it wasnt much to it other than a few days of feeling a bit flu-like..100 mgs plus of hydros for 5 yrs was really nuttin..i slept alot, had a mild headache and a lil bit of nausea...not anything compared to some of the true flus i have endured in the past..i had stocked up on the supps in the Thomas recipe and exercised as much as i could during my 4 days off work to quit
It was the Aftermath that kicked my bu11 and I didnt see it coming...felt great for a week or 2 after i stopped..proud and motivated..I stopped exercising and sank into my couch..it was a total loss of motivation and fatige//a depression swamped me big time.  I had to do rocket shots to go to work...came home and didnt leave the house..posted here and that was about it//my social life disappeared
I decided to get off my rear end and make another plan...I re-read the thomas recipe and increased my supps to the recommended doses//tyrosine helped my nrg a lot.  I went to the gym whether i felt like it or not and upped my meetings to most every night..i made it but it was close to the 90 day mark before the fog lifted.

I guess it is normal to fear wd...but for most,who can look back upon the experience...physical wd was the easy part...staying clean is the hard part
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495284 tn?1333894042
Yep, gnarly summed it up.    Good post avis!!
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199177 tn?1490498534
great post
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199177 tn?1490498534
Wow part of my last post fanished .....I had six months clean and I learned the hard way that I needed help .I had mouth pain and I thought i could do the just a few pills ya in a week I was back up to what I had been using .So I took two weeks to taper back down because it was tramadol and thats when I new I need a support system and I found my theripist .It made all of the diffrance in the world ....
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1481358 tn?1288295091
It doesnt matter where or who we talk to too get help. I do believe you have to talk to someone. You cant quit alone.  For me its a mtg for others its a close friend or family. For others it right here on this site. You gotta have a place to puke. Gross I know. You know what Im saying. They dont call it support for nothing. Everyone needs alittle help some time. When I let my pride go is when I started to see a real change in myself.
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199177 tn?1490498534
U can share your recovery program it helps others....
.I started tapering right away by three weeks I was back off and then I choose found a theripist becuse I do best with one on one threatment .Its whatever works for every person we are all diffrent and have diffrent needs .
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Well put avisg....so many think this thing is over once they detox...nothing could be farther from the truth...addiction will not just go away because you quit using...theirs more to it then that it is the very way we think that needs to change...you need to learn what to do with cravings what things trigger you...and to face the very demons we where numbing out of our lives with aftercare you will learn the tools and skills to help you overcome your addiction
and you can live a clean and sober life in recovery...other wise your going to be riding the merry go round getting clean for a wile then back to using clean again then back to using
it no fun living this way make the effort and put some form of aftercare in place it will make this whole thing a whole lot ezer............Gnarly
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1481358 tn?1288295091
I second that! WDs are easy. It really is. Then you get some time under your belt and get the itch again. You think, one pill wont hurt at all. Whats the point of taking just one pill. Im on all or nothing type myself. After I relapsed this last time I made a deal with myself. Go to a meeting once a week for a year. Regardless of weather I was using or not, just go. Your right finding and  getting alittle self esteem is huge. Everyone desirves to live free of drugs, Im so far from perfect, pleasse know that about me. Its awesome to see 3 years and 2 months! Stories like yours are so important for me to see and people like me. Getting clean is the easy part. Staying clean for years, man that USED to seem impossiable to me. Not anymore.  So what does happen next? Im so ready to find out. Exciting!!! Im proud of you!!!
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1510084 tn?1291824940
I hope that posting our support systems here will be ok. I plan to use my wife who is in the loop, my pastor who is in the loop via phone but i will meet with him tonight, and also my mom n bros n sis's... none of whom are in the loop, but will be shortly.. I cannot keep this secret any longer, it's my only chance of staying off for good... Thanks all, any suggestions would be welcomed!
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