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Cocaine nose/face/mouth pain - PLEASE help!

Hi, I'm a 24 year old male and first started doing cocaine about 3 and a half years ago whilst on holiday. Basically did it most weekends since, but only at the weekends not during the week. Towards the end of last year I decided I no longer wanted to do coke, and started moving away from my friends who were all still doing it. Did it for the last time before Christmas, so 3 months ago now.
Thing is, since then I've had the worst pain in my nose I've ever experienced. The pain is centered on the bridge of my nose, and I get shooting pains in my septum and pain when breathing in. I have a severe pain in the roof of my mouth, feel as though I have liquid dripping down the back of my throat, and basically just feel like my nose is collapsing. I never had any problems whilst I did coke, it's only since January this year that the pain has appeared.

The tip of my nose is definitely narrower on either side (this is something I noticed about a year ago, but didn't realise at the time that cocaine could be the cause) and has been getting gradually worse over the past 3 months. I feel that if it doesn't stop the 'narrow points' on either side of my nose will meet in the middle and my nose will collapse - is this possible?

I've been to see an ENT specialist to said my septum wasn't perforated and that I didn't have a hole in the roof of my mouth, but I'm not convinced. He tried to reassure me and has given me a low dose of anti depressant which can be effective for facial pain, but I honestly can't understand why it's still happening now I've stopped using the coke. ENT guy is gonna refer me for a CT scan, but it's so frustrating as it can be 6 to 8 weeks inbetween seeing him, and in that time I feel like my nose deteriorates and the pain is getting worse.

Sorry for the long post, I'm just really anxious and scared. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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I agree with you BornTwoRiff. It may be a sinus infection. Or from doing the cocaine, it definitely caused changes in your nose to clog your sinuses and make the mucus build up and causing pressure on your sinuses. I now this is painful as it happened to me. Sinus pressure can cause all types of pain. Your teeth will always ache, you'll always get bad headaches, you'll grind your teeth from the pain, you may even get cavities from the mucus drip, but that's rare, and your nose will just feel like a backed up drain all the time. The most painful part of my experience was my aching teeth. Every one of my teeth would just ache with pain from the pressure constantly. My head would feel like it was being squeezed in a freak'in VICE constantly. My only relief I found was going to a Pain Management Doctor, who prescribed me prescription pain killers eventually in a large enough dose that it finally relieved my teeth pain and pressure in my head. But the pain killers only masked the problem. And unfortunately you may have this problem for the better part of your adult life. But there may be surgical procedures these days to relieve bad sinus pressure such as mine. But I'm afraid of surgery and trying to avoid it unless the pain becomes so great, the meds no longer work.

I know all this for a fact as I went through this about 30 years ago. I can write a book about the pain I suffered and what I did to make the pain stop. Sometimes the sinus pressure was so bad, I was seeking illegal pain killers. Not for recreational use mind you, but to try and get rid of my pain as I went through worsening episodes until my doctors were able to get it under control. One doctor even though I was nuts. The doctor told me also that it was all in my head and wanted to send me to a psychologist for what she thought was all in my head. I'm sorry, no one could even imagine the pain I was in from the sinus pressure. The teeth aching was the worst.

Please forgive this very long post. I'm only trying to help by telling you some facts that occurred in my life which is also occurring in yours. If you want more advice on the help I finally received, please post me a question.

This happened when I was 20 yo, I'm now 50 and 30 years of clean from cocaine use. I will never touch cocaine again after the pain I was in and the life I had to live. Even thinking about this pain makes my sinuses and teeth ache worse.

Just remember, everything in your Ears, Nose and Throat are connected to everything else in you head, either through bone, cartilage or just nerve cells. The radiating pain along the nerve cells from your sinuses is what's causing you grief. What effects your sinuses will definitely effect something else in your head, again because it's all connected, you may call it deferred pain if nothing else. And my sinuses were so clogged, I had lots of deferred pain from all the pressure. I'm sure and certain that I was always getting sinus infections as well and sore throats constantly. All caused by the improper drainage of the sinuses. Again, the teeth pain was unbearable. The pressure from my sinuses constantly caused my teeth to ache, in turn the teeth aching caused the roof of my mouth to be in so much pain, I too thought I had a whole in it. In a way, it like having an upper molar pulled. There's always a slight chance it will leave a hole between the roof of my mouth and my sinuses. Then, between the roof of my mouth aching and my teeth aching, I would constantly grind my teeth. This was a reaction to the pain of course if for no other reason I can think of.

I think I've said enough and again, I'm sorry about the very long post. I won't blame you if you don't want to ask me any questions about my experience. You may get another long post. But I'm just trying to make a point and help and maybe scare somebody into not using cocaine. If this post saves just one person from not doing and staying away from cocaine, then all this typing was not in vain and this long post worked. See, I can write a book about my pain and the ordeal I went through. But if I were you, ask your doctors how you can relieve your sinus pressure. Sometimes laying on one side, either in bed or on a solid surface helps. Your sinuses will drain to one side and at least give you relief on that side, and just switch whenever the pain gets unbearable on the side that's still clogged. Repeat the process of switching sides until you get tired from being worn out, or you just pass out from lack of sleep due to the pain. I please hope I run into that doctor again that wanted to send to to a shrink and saying to me that the pain was all in my head and all I wanted was the pain killers for rec use. I was very offended. If I can go back in time, I'd tell her to go see a shrink.

Thank you for listening to me go on and on and forgive the rant. Just trying to help. Good luck to everyone who is looking for pain relief. Pain can rule your life. I know, it's happening to me. Again, post a question for me and I will try and answer as soon as possible if you need further information about my ordeal.

Best of luck mate.
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I was on here trying to get a quick question answered and I read your post. I’m in a very similar boat as you were in. And I want to start off by saying that I don’t disagree or agree with you, but it just struck a cord with me. I’ve been diagnosed with chronic cluster headaches. If your aren’t familiar with what those are, they feel like a brain freeze in you head that doesn’ t stop. And now I have the “chronic” part of these which means I get these headaches daily, on and off. And about once a week, maybe once every 2 weeks I get an episode where one will hit and  it stays for about 2-4 days straight with more hours of the days with pain than without. I am turning 40 this year and have been dealing with this since my 30th Birthday and have been to more specialists than you can count and have listened to everyone’s ideas and remedies and homeopathic solutions. And yes I even did acupuncture and continue to do massage weekly for it. Nothing helps so I take my 4 Norcos a day that they will only allow me because of how strict all the laws have gotten and they also gave me some tramadol which does not much when I have a headache that is nicknamed “the suicide headache” because people would rather blow their brains out than deal with the pain. So I do feel where you were coming from, but the one thing that I finally found that helped me with my really bad days where I was wanting to blow my brains out was cocaine. And I even tried some molly and that helped a lot as well. If doctors would just get their heads out of their ***** and realize that some of us actually really need pain management and stronger meds then maybe we wouldn’t go to stronger drugs on our own. And I have a very addictive personality and I would much rather a doctor just give me a stronger pain killer and regulate it for me like he does my norcos but that’s not possible. So please tell me, I can either blow my brains out from the pain or I can use a drug that they actually used for pain relief years ago? I wish it wasn’t this way and I wish I wasn’t suffering like it sounded like you did years ago. But there is no cure for cluster headaches so it’   pain management.
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Your coke was cut with something bad
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I have a gud size hole completely thru my nose I haven't touched coke n 6 months but my pain is at nite I can't sleep due to me breathing hurts my nose n throat so bad my throat swells my eyes.pour water n da hole n my nose hurts so bad im up e ery hour at nite cryin. I do dat hot wash cloth shower ect. nun works wat can I do its takn my life over n im so tired. please help me
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yes, Cocaine decreases the size of your blood vessels. This makes your heart beat faster, and raises your blood pressure. Which means more blood pumping through a smaller tube, therefore you can feel the pulsating of the blood being pumped into your veins.

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2282793 tn?1339561164
im in same boat even worst mate its 5.12 amnow as im writing dis i woke up at 2pm did sum driving for mum got back home half hour later  went back asleep till 6pm had a hotdog to eat then went and got an 8th of proper flake sitting in smoking weed and doing that flake this happens everyday for 6years my nose is one big hole after bout 1cm from nostrls its not a lil hole like sum ppls on haer when i wake up i have got massive scabs of cartilage stuck sumwhere in there but really sore and wont come out i try everythng i can to relive the pain and congestion the only way i can clear is by doing a big line to stop the pain then my nose goes runny and 1 blow releases 1 massive scab that come out both nostrils where i have to grab 1 side and pull it down so the side i aint pulling goes up n pulls through other side
which very painfull but once its out i feel better i done it 2day but this time the other half snapped and didnt come out it was alot more painfull and bleed heavy for around 20mins i shined bright light im nose to see how big the hole was but my hole nose glowed bright red in all the weak spots but there was spots of the light i could c at the corner of my eyes what scared me more then the actuall whole light i could see through nostril  when shined it in opposite 1 im to eshamed to go anywhere for help and feel paranoid all the time when i leave the house i feel every knows and everyones looking and taking the **** when no1 has the right to do that to another person what makes me flip out and violent after its finished and calmed down i realise my violance is caused through my own paranoia. and where im ashamed of my addication i will not tell any1 how bad i feel health wise or turn to any1 to find the right way to deal with the damage snorting has done to my nose and face most people would start smoking crack if there septum was as bad as my was 3 years ago but i have smoked or would smoke that what makes me feel i would be worst then any doctor or ears nose and throat specalised have ever seen i dont no what the **** to do hows that for a worse story to put u off
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you mentioned "dints" on the side of your nose.  where exactly are you seeing these dints?  I feel like I have a little indentation in the tip of my nose in the middle of it and it seems to be getting worse.  any thoughts?

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Have you ever had any kind of addiction? Telling someone it's cancer is a real jerk move.  This person is not high, so don't call them paranoid.  People are here for help, don't antagonize them!  Come on, be nice!  Hopefully this never happens to anyone you care about.
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Cocaine has probably caused you to lose the plot and it is all in your imagination.  You are paranoid it sounds like.

Maybe not maybe you have cancer or something.  Or maybe it's your body healing nw you have stopped  
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Like you I was scared to ask for help but it was the best decision I ever made.

I almost cried when I went to my doctor to ask for help and she passed me onto my local drug support group who helped me with my mental and physical state, reasons why I use and was a great opportunity to discuss my problems. I’m from England, so I’m not sure what advice an American doctor would offer.
If you are not able to speak to your doctor then try your local CA or NA group as they offer a fantastic support network.  I was really scared when I first walked into my first meeting but its great to meet people who are in the same situation.
Its not easy to stop using but I know that YOU can turn your life around for the better.
Believe me when I say asking for help will be the best decision you ever make 
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If I've only been usIng for a couple months and feel like there is something wrong in my nostril, should I be worried? I feel like more air is comin in an out and it's freezing
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Omg I'm going thru the same thing right now and I found out I had a hole when I sticked a q tip thru my nose and finally reallized I had a hole... And now it's almost to the tip of my nose, I'm seriously scared right now... I grabbed a flashlight and looked thru my nose and it looks so bad in their I can see everything full of blood as if it's tearing everything up!!! I would blow my nose so hard that pieces of what it looked like was the middle skin of my nose it's gotened very bad and the worst part is I can't leave cocaine, I do it every day all thru the night I can't stop doing it... I know I need help but I'm scared of what people would think about me I have my own company and I waist about 1,000 dollars a week on cocaine and it's only getting worst...
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948349 tn?1294380237
wow just read this whole thread and it's unbelievable...  I can't believe the damage of cocaine.  But it's very real.

One thing I noticed that every single person in this thread that had the addiction has in common...  Is...

They all regret their use of this drug completely.  

Cocaine... It's a hell of a drug.  And wherever it goes hell follows.  It opens itself up into a market of working class heroes and sometimes makes them a working class zero.  People are misleaded with this drug pleasure and it's powder white form make it look innocent and get's you as high as angel.  Too bad that pleasure is very misleading and deceiving, just to cause destruction to life.  
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hey dude!
Im recovery addcct.
Coc mostly,been clean for jus under a year..
That backdrop never see,s to go away for me,i can harly smell much..
That pain tho,never had it..
That must be crazy..
Did yo go thru rehab to get clean?
I crave every day!!
Its driving me insane.
Im a  born again christian so its pulling ne dwn..
What advice u hav for me to get rid of these cravings??
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for the past 3 yrs i used coke but only once every six months or so which averaged to basically twice a year, the problem was that when i used ,i did any where from 2 - 6 grams during those occasional binges(actually i went up to 6 only once)the rest of the times was 2-3 and a half grams..i havent used in almost a year and dnt have any intentions on ever using again.the thing is now i get VERTIGO spells on a frequent basis/ the first time i had an episode was a year ago and it was during my cocaine "off" time so to speak so i know i did not get this from cocain use directly.Now the catch is i hurt my back in a car accident two years ago and herniated some disks/doctors say i didnt need surgery but initally i felt the VERTIGO was coming from this intense back n neck pain..after some reserch i found that vertigo really doesnt happen from back pain so now im thnkin that maybe it was my past coke abuse that is causing these spells..F.Y.I ive never had VERTIGO during the time i was using coke (before) i hurt my back...NEVER.....after i hurt my back is when these spells started happening, does anybody have any input for me?..can it be from the coke? i dnt have any nasal pain or any thng like that at all but i do have a hole in my nose that is about the size of a regular sized pencil eraser i dnt get any problems from this,my nose is its normal shape and ive stopped using for a while even though i still smoke chronic daily could it be from the weed or is it just some time of nasal infection?? i do have an E.N.T appoinment next week so i am investigating but still would love u guys's input.
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1405919 tn?1281175167
Over-use of cocaine reduces the membrane to an open wound in your nose. What happens to an open wound if not dressed properly? Infection? Pain? Possible sepsis? Roll up some gauze thick enough to hit the inside cavity and outer wall, soak it in some antibacterial solution, I recommend a gentle over the counter wound wash and shove it all the way up there.  repeat every two or three hours as needed. the membrane will begin to heel naturally without all the pain and freaking out. your welcome.  :)
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isnt it the worst mistake to think everyone does coke so what . so whats the problem . yeh thats exactly  the problem why havnt we got the confidence in us anyway to not need help x just because everyone does it so what. so if everyone does it why dont i be unique an b different, and not do it, becos i was a shitbag,when i was younger i was skinny petite not georgeous but ok but i never felt gud about me so coke gave me the boost to be loud  an hav a laugth but now i know there was nothin wrong with the way i w b4 cos that was me x now my nose has dropped my nose is skinnier and scarier than i ever noticed before i ever had a line ,u know a line!  stop lyin ,a line of coke ! cocaine admit it . doesnt it make you feel powerful , confident,  fun,  exciting, doesnt  it, my nose is never going to look like it used to , and do you know why becos coke made me feel confident it made me not care it made me be the person i thought i shud be becos i didnt hav the confidence to be who i really was or wanted to be . dont let your past hold you . if you didnt like the way your life was ay any aspect dont repeat it with your own and dont let it make you be who u want to be x x x x
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I am very familiar with the pain on the roof of my mouth after doing coke. Any stimulants will cause that dreaded sharp pain on the roof of my mouth, even adderall taken daily. I smoked some meth last week and I had the roof of my mouth pain for a WEEK. I have no idea what causes it as I still get the pain even after taking adderall or E pills or any stimulant, any route of administration including oral, although smoking always is the worst. Ive just accepted it as a side effect of stimulant use.
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1140865 tn?1270286736
I hope you are ok, I know its really hard.  Its hard to feel as though you have no self control but you DO have it, it is within you, you just need to find it.  I've been through the same struggle and I know its hard, but you can do this!

Cocaine addiction is actually a brain addiction, so its your brain making you crazy, telling you it NEEDS the drug.  It will only make you sicker and sicker.

In NA they talk about a higher power, something you focus on to help in your sobriety.

Also, please see my post above about cocaine hallucinations/psychosis - trust me you do not want that to happen to you!!
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1140865 tn?1270286736
I hope you are still staying strong.

I started having cocaine hallucinations/psychosis which is what finally made me draw the line (well that and pretty much my life was falling apart because of the drug).  It is the scariest freaking thing to see dancing skeletons, demons, creatures all around you, to feel things crawling over you can you can't make it stop.  Consistent using of cocaine will do this to you, it will mess with your brain and make you go crazy, I'm not kidding.  
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ineedhelppleaseithurts, hello and welcome to the forum. If you go to the top of this page and hit forum it should take you to the main page where you can post this in your own question. Top left green post a question button..You will get more of the support you deserve.. I will look for you out there.. lesa
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and here i thought know one else had the same issues i have. 25 year old male been doing coke almost 2 yrs.....DAILY....roughly a gram +/day....i need to stop
i say i am going to stop
i know that i need to stop
i come from good background.....i can't even think of the consequences. i work with my family and i do it during the day/family dinners/evenings WHEN/WHEREVER....the pain that your talking about is torture and doesn't stop....without the devil....ive got almost no self control or will power
someone help me.
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hi spicekid, there are a lot of posts here and i didn't read them all but i was wondering.....when you saw your ENT guy did you TELL him about your cocaine use?  i didn't think i read that in your posts.  it may be a different story if you divulge that info?  i don't know.  really feel for you, hope all goes well soon
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You do it for the first time...
You think thats it.
I never even liked pot.
It is not a drug that comforts you.
I feel bad for anyone that tried it the first time.
Just like crowds, its ****.
Nothing good about this.
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Ive been doing coke for 5 years.
I cant stop.
I do it 3 times a week.
No one knows.
My family doesnt know.  My friends dont know.  My bf doesnt know.
I go to work every day.  I am fine every morning.
But I want help.
Help me.
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