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Does taking a pill during detox start detox over?

I was 29 hours in after my last dose of Norco.  I had a habit of @ 100mgs a day.  I was doing good, then things started to go bad.  I ached, diareahea, then I even took an Ambien CR to sleep and could not because of the restless leg thing.  It drove me nuts.  I took one Norco 10/325 about 29 hours in.  Will this start my whole detox over again?  Or will the symptoms be lighter?  Please help....  I havn't taken any other opiate, besides a dose of Immodium.  I am 39 hours into my detox, but I did take one 10mg Norco about 12 hours ago.
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1814148 tn?1332485798
Hey there, I know detox is tough. I'm glad you have found this site and don't have to muddle through this alone. There's alot of info about managing the side effects of detox. Check out the Thomas Recipe and have your wife go out and get you the things you need to minimize your discomfort. I'm not going to lie. You will feel flu-like for a few days or more but the worst is sure to pass within a week. Take one day at time. Try not to focus on what can happen. Symptoms vary from person to person. It's kind of a crapshoot and there's no point in worrying about something that may never happen.

I don't think there is a rule as to how many hours one dose will prolong the detox process. But I agree that taking the odd pill will put you on the never never plan. If you want to see an end to the physical and emotional pain that your addiction is causing you, then stop taking the pills now. Opiates are a sinister drug when taken in high doses for chronic pain. They change the way the brain recieves pain messages and long term use amplifies these messages and heightens our perception of pain. Be careful about using meds for off label uses ie: benedryl for sleep..as this could backfire on you later. Bottom line is that there is no way to totally avoid withdrawl. Sedating with other pills will just tickle your addicted brain and this is how cross addictions start. My advice is to avoid all mood altering substances. Eat recommended foods and amino acids, stay hydrated, immodium if needed, hot baths. Massaging and binding your legs for short periods of time is helpful if you get the crazy legs. If you are able to get out and see an accupuncturist you will be amazed. Some even come to the home. Remember, you CAN do this! Sending well wishes to you and your wife!

There are many ways to prevent and manage pain. Ask your doctor to refer you to a pain management clinic if you havn't already done so. Back pain is a tricky one. Learning the proper body mechanics and maintaining center of gravity takes practice. Recognizing our physical limits is another difficult thing to accept and consequences make a brutal teacher.

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Im am new here and it appears you have some knowledge about Cold Turkey. I was about 52 hours in and I had to take a Percocet because I haven't slept or barely eaten anything but did stay hydrated. Here are my concerns. I had gotten so weak I couldn't even stand, and at this point I wasn't sure if my stomach sick was from not eating or sleeping or from Detox. In my case I feel cold turkey would have put me in the hospital or even killed me. Here is a brief note on what happened. I was not really planning on quitting my percocets but 1 month my provider didn't come through and friend of mine had given me some 4mg Dilaudids. I was not familiar with Dilaudid but the guy I got them from said they were a little weaker than percs. I have been using oxyocodone for about 5 years and I was only taking 4 halves of or 2 1000mg pills a day and have held to it for the last 3 years or so and still felt normal and functioned great. I substituted my halves for full 4mg dilaudids and felt good for the entire month but when I went back to the percs I found nothing was happening and all I was doing was getting sicker and now I know why. As soon as I found out what I was really taking and how strong it was I decided I was going to detox so I can could get that crap out of my system and get back to where I was with the percs before I shoved all these dilaudids in and now I have a major problem. How would you handle this?
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You may want to start a new post as this one is old. I'm a fellow addict, early in recovery, so this is just straight from my experience with myself and others around me.

First, congratulations on reaching out. Relapsing is something all of us have done. The fact that you are reaching out about this is a sign of your progress.

There are no social addicts. Once we're kicked in the teeth, it's over. I don't think we can ever go back to social DOC. I'll get hooked again. It may creep up on me, or it may hit me like a ton of bricks. most of us are this way. it's a disease, we've got it.

I found that admitting i was an addict was a big first step. just admit i've got the disease. accept it.

The problem with the 1 dose is that it is very very easy for it to turn into 2 doses, and then back on again, right where you left off. In my experience, and seeing people around me, relapses take you back to the bottom really fast. If it took 2 years to get to the bottom in round 1. It might just take 30 days to get there in round 2, etc. Alcoholism is exactly the same.

Community help such as NA is a great idea. Cutting off sources is the best thing you can do.

Sober joy is available to all of us. It's been within us all along, we just have to find it.

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Just detoxed off heroin and relapsed after getting out. Will the one shot start my withdrawal over again?????
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Still hanging in there... 64 hours now.  I did take 5mgs last night to help me sleep, but I don't think it did anything.  I took Lunesta 3mgs last night and that seemed to work better than the Ambien CR.  I am going to see my Dr. at 8am tomorrow morning.  She wants to run lab/blood tests on me to see what, if any, damage has been done.  I want to talk to her about my malaise and restless legs.  If I can get those taken care of, then there should be no problem riding this thing out.  Good Luck
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1814148 tn?1332485798
Hey, you're coming back to life lol. That's great you have picked up a few things to help you. Vicki mentioned the calcium/magnesium/potassium which is very helpful for restless legs. Did you check out the Amino acid protocol and the Thomas recipe? Sounds like you have a bit more shopping to do ;o)

Ibuprofen and Tylenol is great stuff and can be taken together because they have different actions to mediate pain. It's always good to talk with a doctor as I can't give specific advise on dosages. If you have acid reflux or stomache ulcers then Ibuprofen is not for you. Tylenol has a max dose of 4000 mg for people without liver problems. Getting baseline bloodwork is always a good idea. Flexeril doesn't work for everyone. It is specific for muscle spasms.

The receptors in your brain have some rebuilding to do. The Amino Acid protocol helps jumpstart this process. In the meantime it's normal to feel blah and difficult to amuse. Happier thoughts and warm fuzzy feelings take time. However if you have a history of depression or seem to be really struggling emotionally then go to your doctor. Most of what we experience is treatable. Talking about how your feeling with your family and friends is important. Not everyone may be able to relate to what you're going through. This is why meetings, a sponsor and this forum are also important. People that understand your journey are invaluable. I'm sure you can connect with a sponsor in your city who shares a similar story.

Hunger, boredom, and lonliness are huge triggers to watch out for. Good self-care is vital to a successful recovery. When you struggle with cravings make sure to have a healthy snack, get busy and reach out to someone you trust. Isolation is a relapse in the making. I'm so glad to hear that you can be honest with those closest to you. That takes alot of strength and courage. Try to get out for a walk with your wife, cook dinner together, watch a movie...I think you get the idea. Take care! Sending you some heartfelt peace from Canada.
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Once again, thanks for the advise.  I have bougth juices from Odwalla, Super C, and the B Vitamin one.  I take a Multi Vitamin that is really good every morning.  It makes Centrum look like candy!  

The worst part of this deal is the Restless Leg thing and the general malaise.  I could sit in a chair and stair at the carpet for hours on end.  Its crazy, I have no drive to do anything.  Well, I woke up from my Flexaril, Benadryl, Naproxen nap and I am just really achey.  I think Ibuprofen works best, so I need to wait till midnight to take Ibuprofen because of the long life of the drug.  I will get though this with the support of my family and friends.

The good part about this, is everyone knows about the addiction.  I haven't hid my problem and I have been upfront with everyone about it.  I have had legit pain, but I don't think its a problem anymore.  Therefore I want off all the medication so I can enjoy some wine with my wife again!
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Hi and welcome-you came to the right place.  I just wanted to say that the advice Mangel gave you was spot on.  I have severe chronic pain and illness and was told by MANY doctors that I would be on opiates for the rest of my life.  I couldn't accept that and went ct off of 100mg oxy a day 21 days ago...Detox is for sure a special kind of hell-but within a week I was in LESS pain and feeling better than I have in years.  Opiates are tricky-they mess with your brain chemistry and in my opinion should never be prescribed for chronic pain in the long term.  I just wanted to tell you that here on the other side life is a much better place.  I still feel pain but I manage using all the tools (plus yoga and infrared saunas) that Mangel mentioned.  There is hope for you-and you can manage your pain in a healthier and more holistic way....Sending support....Lu
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Do you have all the things you need to help?  Mag/cal/potas? (magnesium,calcium,potassium) Epsom Salts?  Do you need a list? LOL!
What's your worst symptom and maybe we can suggest something...
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I want to thank everyone for their input.  Thanks for answering my question, as one pill will not set me back much.  I am extremely achey right now and I just heard the wife come in.  Thanks again for the support! I really need it.  Trust me, whatever benefit the pill gave me last night is definitely gone now.  I'm going to jump into a hot shower and see if that helps me for awhile.
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To answer your question: No. You haven't set yourself back by taking a pill 12 hours ago. Just don't make a habit of that. ;)

I don't know anyone who could have pills around and not be tempted. That doesn't mean you can't do what you're doing but it's highly unusual and we don't recommend it. I do understand about the "what if I hurt my back" situation.  BUT, you're talking to US here!  LOL!   You don't need as many as you have right now...you just need a few put aside. Your wife could hide those for you in case you get hurt. Promise her that's all. If you get pushy with her she'll have to give them to you but then you'll have your anser. I'd give that a try and toss the rest. You've got enough there for 5 people!!

Think about it and I hope you get some rest!
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1416133 tn?1351123217
I totally understand where you're coming from.  But just keep in mind - our best thinking got us into this mess to begin with.  It might be time to try something new?  And I do think it's a good idea to talk to your Dr. to see if there are alternatives for pain management that don't include taking narcotics.  He/she might be able to offer some alternatives that would work for you.

Good luck to you :)
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Thanks for the post.  I am truely addicted, as I know what physical dependancy feels like.  I am going through it as I type.  This is no fun.  I just to a prescription Naproxen 500mg, 2 benadryl, and 1 Flexaril.  I'm going to try to sleep this out.  

There is no doubt in my mind that this is addictive behavior.  Maybe I am protecting my pills, but when I throw my back out, I need something to rely on other than NSAIDS.  They flat out don't do anything for my lumbar pain.  I am truely in the mindset of quitting.  I took this whole week off to dedicate myself to this.  

I guess all I can say is that I will do my best.  If it gets to "edgy," I will go see my surgeon and see what he has to say.  As for now, my eyes are dilating again, so it is very hard to read what I'm typing.  I am going to go now and try to get a few more hours in.  I'm sure that pill I took last night just increased my detox time by 12 hours, right???  I just hope it gets easier... FAST
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Mangel you are a breath of fresh air around here!  I just LOVE your advice.

Sorry for the interruption!  :)
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1814148 tn?1332485798
I commend your desire to make changes in your life. It takes a while to for your body and mind to adjust but everyday gets better.

Are these pills prescribed for a pain management?  I would talk to your doctor about your desire to quit the pills and work on an alternate plan to manage your pain. Opiates tend to be overprescribed for nerve pain and there are more effective options. There is no doubt that you have a dependency to these pills although I'm uncertain if you are truly addicted. Do you take them for the feeling of euphoria or because you are experiencing pain? At any rate your thoughts seem to be along the lines of a true addict. Saving pills just in case you need them is rationalizing your dependency. Many people manage pain with non-opiate analgesia. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are very effective and you should talk to your doctor and see if they are right for you.

When you say that your wife is "scared" about you becoming "irrate", tells me that these pills have changed your behavior. That's what addiction does. It changes us. It depletes our self-worth and how we interact with others..especially those we love. It demands that we put it first at all costs. We risk the loss of relationships, employment, finances, freedom and life. Staying sober is not a matter of will power so don't feel bad about yourself for relapsing when you have access to pills.

It sounds like you are not ready to stop. You are finding reasons to keep using and not get rid of the pills. This is normal. When you are ready you just take the jump. Detox is unpleasant but it is doable. You CAN do it if you want it bad enough. I strongly encourage meetings and a sponsor to help with your recovery. There are many knowledgable people here that can get you through a home detox. Inpatient detox is always an option too. The long term commitment to staying clean and making the changes stick is up to you. Keep posting and take care.
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I would love to detox.  I hope the worst part of it was last night.  I have detoxed in the past off both hydro and oxy.  I never detoxed off such a high dose of hydro before.  So, I left myself with 11 Norco, and plenty of 15 mg Hydrocodone SR's.  The reason being, if I needed a taper, I would have plenty of the drug to do an effective taper.  

I decided that I was/am stronger than this drug and decided to CT this.  Well, I found out last night, I wasn't as strong as I thougth I was.  I could ask my wife to take the pills from me and hide them, but she is scared that I will become irrate with her and she will just give them to me.  

I don't want to get rid of them either, the reason being is if I pinch a nerve in my lumbar area next week, I will need them before I can get another injection.  

All I wanted to know was, am I going to have to indure what I indured yesterday all over again because I took one pill.  By the way, I'm over 40 hours now, even though I cheated a little bit.
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Thanks for your support.  I will be on this site 24/7 probably.  I think this has kicked in some sort of OCD!!!! LOL.... Good Luck getting off these things.  What *****, is I know I am going to have to get back on them at some point in the next year, but hopefully I will stick to the precription!
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271792 tn?1334979657
Hi & Welcome,

It won't start your detox over but where are you going with this? If you still have pills around hun, chances are you will have a tough time getting through this and getting clean.

You will need to make a decision one way or the other and if you decide to get clean then lose your "Just-In-Case". If I had drugs around I would not make it through the withdrawal (physical) part.  

So I guess I am asking what is it you want to do?
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I am tapering vs cold turkey...mainly because of my kids.  I am cutting back little by little and it seems to help.  I think if I went cold turkey I would give in because I am not a strong willed person...maybe taper is better for you.  I don't know, this is my first time trying to go off 80 -100mg hydrocodone a day and I am doing ok.  There are so many people on here with so much knowledge about this.  Listen to them, let this forum support you and you will make it.  It has helped me so much.  Good luck and I am here if you ever just need to blow off some steam!
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