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Exhausted and on Suboxone

Although I have been told that Suboxone has a very long half-life, I've had w/d symptoms within 16 hours of missing a 4mg dose and also when I've gone 2 hours past due on a second day of tapering by 2mg/day. Also, since starting to taper yesterday (from 12mg to 10mg), I've been so exhausted that I went to bed at 9:30. I'm exhausted again today, had a hard time staying awake while driving. All I want to do is to sleep.

I want to taper off the Suboxone as soon as I can. It's taking a real financial toll on me (been on it since early February). But, I don't know how I'm going to do a slow taper if I can't even drive with the exhaustion. Has anyone experienced such a thing when tapering off Suboxone? If so, does it go away? I'm even considering quitting c/t, since I apparently metabolize the stuff rather quickly. I figure that if the w/d goes on too long and they are too bad, I can just revert back to the oxys, at least a c/t withdrawal from the oxys is more straightforward.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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What happend? DId you wake up in withdrawal?

I do believe that I experience a w/d component when lowering my dose because the abdominal symptoms and the stuffines are classic withdrawal symptoms. The pain, I've been reading, seems to be rebound pain. I think that this is a good sign, considering bupe's long half life, and that it means that the Suboxone is decreasing in my system.  

I just realized that my post regarding my doctor visit from hell never took. Last week, I had my doctor's appointment and as soon as I stepped into his office, he informed me that the visit had to be done within ten minutes. He had something that he needed to do. Considering that appointments with him usually last about 10-12 minutes anyway, I didn't feel as though I wasn't getting my typical $150 worth. I just knew that I wouldn't be able to speak to him about things that he would just think were non-existent anyway.  


I wish that another doctor in the area was accepting patients. Who knows? If there was one and he was willing to accept someone already on Suboxone, even if he didn't listen any better, maybe I'd at least be able to utilize the insurance coverage for which fairly hefty premiums are deducted from my husband's check every two weeks because, so far, my current doctor hasn't been able to find the time to submit them (and in fact said that he thinks he might have lost the form) and my insurance won't allow me to submit for reimbursement on my own.
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What happend? DId you wake up in withdrawl? There was a couple times when i tried to quit oxys the 1st time when i took to much sub and i felt flushed and Racy. Didnt like it one bit.It happend twice in 10 days and i reconised i cant take to much, The amount was when i hit the 1.5 during the day, after that unless i waited about 7 or 8 hrs it made me feel this way, I document my useage..Today is day 5 without any oxys.And ive managed to stay at 1 sub a day in 1/4s so far but still felt rough to a point but ok overall considering my 2 yr oxy run..
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I just want to warn you that I have not been diagnosed with Lupus (I say yet), but I do have a complement deficiency, which deals the immunological system and which is seen in Lupus patients. However, the complement "syndrome" can also have "lupus like" symptoms. All that being said...

I have heard that pain management is best on low doses of Suboxone, which I cannot comment one. I haven't been under 10mg yet. I have the "lupus like" pain, two herniated discs, and bone sesmoiditis and nerve pain in my foot. The Suboxone hasn't done anything for any of it, but again... I'm not a low dose.

Taper update:
I had a severe bout of heart palpitations, sweating, and craving this afternoon. Later at work, it began again. I relented and took two quarters, brining my total up to eight (my dose for the entire day). I became exhausted at work and I'm exhuasted again, just like what happened the first couple days of lowing from 12mg-10mg. I've slept most of this evening and am ready for bed. I decided that I don't have to take my nightime dose. I can still stay at 8mg. That's what I'm going to do. The last time that I did this, I woke in withdrawals. I guess time will tell about this time!  
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679575 tn?1245115450
Hi  I just wanted to say the i have Lupus and rhuemetoid arthritis and colitis.  I have had it for 4 and half years.  I managed put off taking pain meds for over 2 years but the pain was to great and my quality of life wasn't very much.  I recently had a dr suggest that i might want to try subs as an alternative to pain meds.  So I was just wondering since you might have lupus what kind of pain control the subs had for you.  I know everybody is different i would just like some opinions as i am at a real loss as to what to do. I know if I stay on pain meds ( i am 41 years old) in 10 years i'll be on some ridiculous amount of pain meds so i am searching for alternatives.  I know this question might be better in the pain management forum but i find this forum people are very informed on many types of medication.  I am just scared that if i take the subs that it won't be enough to control the pain and one night i will wake up in agonizing pain and won't be able to do anything about it.  Now when that happens i can just take a pain pill.  I guess i am just scared.  I can put up with pain but not when it gets out of control like it does sometimes especially this time of year with the dampness.  The pain is in my joints, muscles,  well actually sometimes it feels like it is right in my bones.  I hope some of this makes sense.  so if you have any input no matter how minor it might could you please let me know.  I hate being confused and i am in a middle of a flare up right now and find it hard to concentrate.  Anyways thanks for listening or should i reading me. And also if anybody else has an opinion or advice i am open to anything.  I also the pain management forum might be where most people think i should post this but i find the people here very knowledgeable in all different medications and since i am physically dependant on this pain medication i think i might get some good advice here.
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I was off them for 36 hrs, when i ate my 1st 40mg i hardly felt it.The Sub was still partially blocking it. It took about 4 or 5 days before i felt the full effect of the oxys. It was  huge mistake. I can tell you that i had no plan, i did it because of outside pressure.And after 36 hrs i was in no pain physically but for sure i felt terrible mentally, was in a bad place. I probly could have made it if i would have just been in to it ,IM glad to hear your drop is going good.I think if you really want you can make this happen ..I understand the need for long term maitneance , I just know for me it would continue a cycle that i just cant do and i know i wont use, my head is on that strong, just want the hel off of everything..I would have benifeted with long term therapy when i was younger and not ready to quit. This time things are alot difernt across the board, Except for the Detox. or the pain of CT , That stays the same unfortunaly...GIve yourself alot of credit. You are almost done with this thing, very good..stay strong...and Thanks
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How long had you been off the Suboxone when you went back to the oxys last time? My doctor is convinced that short-term therapy doesn't work and I confess that I probably would have relapsed several time in my first few weeks on the Suboxone. Of course, I can't know for sure that I would have gone back to them if I weren't on the Suboxone, but I seriously suspect that I would have. Considering my early experience, a two-week taper for me would have made the therapy pointless.

Like you, I'm nervous about the consequences of being on the Sub long-term (the PAWS scares the sh!t out of me!) It's this fear that's a good part of the reason that I'm looking to taper quickly. I'm torn as to what I would do if I find that I'm not ready to come off.

My taper update:
Decreased by 2mg yesterday (4,2,2). This morning, I woke with slight headache, slight stuffy nose, and mildly achy ankles. Stomach is mildly upset, but not really nauseous. My hands, eyes, lips, and the inside of my mouth are slightly swollen (which very well may be the complement deficiency being triggered by my body's stress reaction to less Suboxone). However, I do not feel noticeably stressed or anxious. Nor am I experiencing cravings. As anxiety and cravings were what would make coming off the oxys seem so impossible, this is very good.
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I hope you can continue to get off the subs with minimal pain.It appears that the longer your on it and even short term there is going to be a price to pay.ANd because i just started on it for the second time in a yr, last time 10 days. I went back to the oxys.Here i am in my second day of detox and ive taken well below what my Dr told me to take because 8mg 3 x a day in my opinon is way too much.I took 1 and 3/4s one day last yr on day 2 or 3 and it made me feel really bad, I feel best when i just take 1/4 at a time and sometimes i take another 1/4 within an hr or 2 a couple times.Ive only got about 15 days total experince with this stuff and im only on day 2 with this again, and im not going to take more than 1 pill in 1/4s thruout the day and only for a couple weeks at most and lower it before than to make the kick of the oxys more tolerble , that is my plan and i will make it work , i know i will still feel bad to a piont but not as bad as it would hav been, That is my plan after everythign i have felt and read on this board.
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I appreciate everyone's input so much. Monday morning I was barely able to drag myself out of bed, the joint and muscle pain was so great. My PC physician re-ordered blood test to rule out Lupus. I do have a complement deficiency which could indicate Lupus; however, I find it interesting that today is Wednesday and the symptoms, which were less severe yesterday, are pretty much non-existant.

I think that the joint and muscle pain are directly related to me decreasing my dose of Suboxone (as I have experienced withdrawal symptoms with missing a dose before). I intend to decrease another 2mg starting today. My emotional status has been a bit precarious the past few days; therefore, I'm a bit concerned that I will end up struggling with anxiety and cravings with this reduction. But, I'm going to try my best not to project.

If the fatigue and the muscle and joint pain return, it will be proof enough for me that the reduced dose of Suboxone is the cause. Wish me luck.
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i have never taken more than a quarter piece of a sub at a time and been on that a year and i cannot get past day 3 the withdrawl is so bad good luck to all and don't for a minute think these pills are not addicting. day 3 i have severe chills zillions of buterflies and it makes me panic so bad  i cannot get off so tell me how i can get past day 3. and good luck to you all on the tapering because one day it all comes to an end and then the withdrawl will begin.  May God Bless YOU
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"""nearly falling asleep at the wheel several times on a ten-mile drive home is pretty serious"""

atleast you know that you are doing this, its called nodding out, many people think that you cannot do this on sub. but its the reason my husband lost his job, he would take his morning sub and then an hour later nod out at work

you be safe, and btw, this is the most profound and insightful thing i have read all day

""really busy and that he's just sure that he knows everything that he needs to know about Suboxone. I knew from the first time that I talked to him that in spite of him being obviously interested in the field of addictions that he would be difficult to talk to because he tends to have an aswer already formed in his mind before the question has been asked of him. I didn't think that it would matter. I thought that the replacement therapy would be pretty cut and dry. Not so! Not so at all. """

every time you post i can relate to so much of it!

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trying2helpU, I have been on suboxone since Aug 08 and have been tired in the afternoon. Thanks for sharing your experience. I should consider that I may be taking too much. I will bring it up to my DOCTOR the next time I see her. It helps to know other peoples experiences on suboxone.

christin, I know what you are going through. i will not mention my dosage but I am going to talk to my doctor about possibly lowering by dosage to see if it helps my tiredness. I just recently switched doctors. My previous doctor was very hard to talk to and said that under 4mg you should not have any withdrawal symptom (placebo effect is what he said). I have a new doctor now that takes the time and does not rush me when I see her. Maybe you can find a new doctor but I know that is hard to do. I really wish you the best and if you ever what to chat just drop me a line. I am new here and just learning my way around.
Best Wishes
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700244 tn?1272650756
I wanted to touch on a couple things mentioned above.  I used to always get into that '1/2 awake 1/2 dreaming' state when I took too much oxy close to bedtime (oxy was my DOC).  So that made me agree with BQ's idea that may be you were taking too much?
I started my subox inpatient Sept'08 (32mg initially in the clinic) and I've tapered down to 2.5mg.  Tapering was very easy in the beginning, but has gotten harder now.  The only times I can remember being tired from subox, was when I was taking too much.  As soon as I would decrease my dose I would feel better.

Not sure if anything I wrote will help you, but that was/is my experience with subox.  I'm still trying to get from 2.5mg to 0.

Oh yeah, my doctor also told me that coming off subox is very easy and there are NO withdrawl symptoms associated.  He said 'if anything, you will feel a bit tired'.  For some reason, I don't think that's true.

Good luck and hope you feel better!
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formula one... you are the perfect example of why I don't push things too far. I don't want to get dropped as a patient. All the doctors in my area are at their maximum patient load. He is the ONLY Suboxone doctor around for me.

Barry... right now I am pay for things out of pocket. I'm hoping to get the doctor to submit some insurance forms for me. I don't know if he'll be willing to do that. I haven't pushed it yet because I don't even know if my insurance will pay anything. They do help out some with the cost of the Suboxone itself.

I don't think that it's a matter of my doctor not caring (though sometimes I can feel that way). I just think that he's really, really busy and that he's just sure that he knows everything that he needs to know about Suboxone. I knew from the first time that I talked to him that in spite of him being obviously interested in the field of addictions that he would be difficult to talk to because he tends to have an aswer already formed in his mind before the question has been asked of him. I didn't think that it would matter. I thought that the replacement therapy would be pretty cut and dry. Not so! Not so at all.
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781991 tn?1237964779
I don't know your doctor, but in my opinion it doesn't seem he cares like he should.  Taking Suboxone shouldn't be taken lightly.  Some advice I always give members of this forum....if it seems like your doctor doesn't care enough...at least up to your standards, then maybe it's time you find another one.  I don't know your insurance and financial situation, but is that possible for you?  Maybe if you tell your doctor that if he doesn't listen and understand where you are coming from that you will go some where else that he'll re-open his ears and try to take care of you.  With what you're saying, somethere sure doesn't seem right.  It doesn't sound like you're reacting to the medication like you are supposed to.  With that being the case it should be his job to figure a different alternative for you.  I hope he listens to you and at least tries something else with you so that you can finally nip this in the butt.  Take care and good luck.

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I can't tell you how often I have said to myself, "If only he had office staff, at least THEN I could get someone to listen to me for a minute." My doctor has no nurse, no secretary. You call him, he answers his cell phone. When my time for the exam is up, it's like his ears turn off, he's got his receipt book out asking if I'm paid up.

And you're right, nearly falling asleep at the wheel several times on a ten-mile drive home is pretty serious. That's why I'm soooo frustrated because I just KNOW that I'm going to end up increasing my dose again if I have another episode like Saturday morning before Monday, when it's back to work. (Of course it's 4am and I can't sleep now).

I'll try to talk to the doctor at the end of this week. Maybe it'll be okay and Friday and Saturday will be all there is as far as the extreme fatigue goes. Tonight, I only got slightly drowsy around 7:30. But, I started aching and freezing. Also, some anxiety started with heart palpitations. I took my dose of Suboxone around nine and by 10:30, I realized that I was feeling absolutely fine. But of course, now I can't sleep.

I'm considering typing up a description of my experience and symptoms. Maybe he'll read them before putting them in my file. It might not do any good. He really does believe that there are no symptoms of withdrawing from the Suboxone. Unfortunately for me, he SINCERELY believes this. But, I'm here to tell him that unfortunately for ME again, he's sincerely wrong. :(
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781991 tn?1237964779
I think when it comes to Suboxone, it is more personal than anything.  Meaning you see people all over the charts as far as dosage and reaction to the medication.  Plus, you see what people say their doctors told them and that too is all over the place.  It's clear that doctors are still becoming educated about this medication.  asvig is right.....we all should discuss any possible dosage changes and reactions to our medication with our doctors and should be able to do so without worrying about the people in the waiting room...they'll get their turn too, haha.  I shared my experience and I feel that you, christin, have enough common sense to figure something out, because like I said, it's personal, meaning we are all different and react different to Suboxone, so we have to find something that works for us.  All my doctor told me was if I decided to stop taking the Suboxone to taper slowly.  That's it.

For me, it seems tapering doesn't effect me too much.  It did more so when I wasn't too far removed from my pain pill habit.  As far as feeling so tired you may fall asleep at the wheel...that's pretty serious.  Maybe try this....call your doctor (you will have to talk to their nurse first) and let them know of your symptoms.  More times than not, you'll get some "free" advice.  Since it seems like tapering may be the cause in your own opinion and you wouldn't like to have to up your dose again, it probably wouldn't hurt to get your doctor's opinion.  Again...good luck.

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To Avis and to anyone else reading my post, please understand that because this forum has no bold or italics, I emphasize words by typing them in all caps. Nothing that I have typed is meant to come across as though being shouted. I hope that I have not come across as though I was irritated or angry. Thank you for allowing me to clarify my intent.
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You've misunderstood the intent of my post. I simply wish for someone to share their own EXPERIENCE when THEY tapered from Suboxone. I have not asked whether or not I SHOULD taper. I have not asked HOW MUCH anyone thinks that I should taper. I'm merely asking HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED THIS when YOU tapered.

I quoted your first reply when I added more information on my history because I smiled when I read it. I wanted to indicate that I just had that conversation with my sponsor this morning. I DO struggle with not loweing my dose. That, however, is a matter that I'll take up with my doctor.

If someone wants to give an opinion from their own experience as to what they think might be happening to me, that is not medical advice. It's an opinion and it will be viewed by me as exactly that -- an opinion. HONESTLY, all that I'm seeking here is what others have experienced while tapering off Suboxone.

I hope that anyone reading this will not shy away from posting a response. I fully realize that I'm not in the doctor's forum and what I'll be receiving is information based solely on experience. That's exactly what I'm looking for.
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199177 tn?1490498534
you said it YOU have discussed with your doctor tapering when you are ready .No one on the forum can tell anyone else when and how much  is the right amout and time to do this .This is why we have doctors.
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"DO NOT MAKE ANY DOSAGE CHANGES unless they have been discussed and advised from your doctor"

I was just mentioning this to my sponsor. It's sooo hard not to think that it's okay to LOWER a narcotic, especially when all that my doctor tells me is that I will know when it's time to taper and that, when I choose to taper, is up to me. So... why do I have to wait until I have my next appointment before cutting a tablet into another half (other than to make sure that I use up all the Suboxone that I'm prescribed)?

In answer to a previous question: I had a brief oxycodone habit of 110-130mg/day, not anything that many would consider a reason to begin drug replacement therapy. For me, the beneficial aspect of beginning Suboxone was that I didn't know if I was committed enough to quitting the oxys (it was more a supply issue than a desire to quit issue at the time) and I suspect that I probably would have relapsed without DRT. However, I'm finding that, not only are the subs and doctor visits quite expensive, I'm not reacting as favorably to the subs as I had hoped I would.

I was started on 12mg/day in early February and within a few days tried to start tapering. Without getting into all the details of why that wasn't a good idea, it took me the first month to realize that 12mg was what worked best to keep the cravings and the anxiety at bay. However, during the first month, I did experience a day when all I did was nod off most of the day. I was so disturbed by it that I skipped my nighttime dose (I've been prescribed to take my Suboxone 4mg 3x/day). I woke the next day in early but very obvious withdrawals. (I thought that the half-life wouldn't allow for that.)

Long story.. ummm... I guess long, this past Thursday, I decided to try to taper again. Having cut my midday dose, Thursday evening I was exhausted, couldn't stay awake and went to bed at 9:30. I woke tired on Friday. I took a full 4mg dose in the morning and functioned well. I took 2mg in the afternoon, and was wiped out by six-thirty. This morning (Saturday), I woke with slight nausea, headache, and still extremely tired (as I described above.) I took my morning Suboxone, the nausea, headache, and fatigue are relieved.

If the fatigue does not return, I can tolerate the present aches, hot flashes and sweats, (and even the slight anxiety if it remains slight enough). I'm just wondering if the fatigue is something that will keep happening until I've completely tapered off the subs, if it's something to expect the first couple days after I've decreased the dose, or if I'm absolutely nuts to think that the fatigue has anything to do with the amount of Suboxone that I'm taking (although I've experienced the fatigue with past tapers but always increased my dose again for reasons of craving and anxiety).

I'm concerned because a slow taper isn't practical for me if I'm so tired that I'm dozing and entering into peculiar dreamstates for hours on end when I have to work and drive. I'd discuss this with my doctor; however, our office visits are scheduled for no more than ten minutes. There is always someone waiting in the waiting room. And my doctor has expressed that he doesn't think that there are any symptoms when tapering off Suboxone.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I tried to do it the short way ;-)
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199177 tn?1490498534
DO NOT MAKE ANY DOSAGE CHANGES unless they have been discussed and advised from your doctor
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yeah, i was wiped out too, i hope you feel better soon
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It took me awhile to get used to sub. i started at 32mg a day and it took me 13 months to taper but it does cost a bunch, how long have you been on it? and what were you taking and how much were you taking when you went on sub. if i knew that i MIGHT be able to tell you a little more. Good Luck And Keep Us Posted!!
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Thanks for replying. That's actually what I'm in the process of doing. Two days ago, I cut my dose from 12mg to 10mg and, since then, I've had trouble keeping my eyes open when doing sedentary activities (like computer work and driving). Actually, I'll sit at the computer and, as I type, my eyelids close and then I start having this strange thinking which is almost like dreaming.

I've had this happen in the past and have returned my dose back to the original prescribed amount. But, I don't want to do that this time. I need to try to get off the Suboxone. I'm just hoping that this fatigue will not last. I can't go through a month or more of tapering if it's going to make me risk falling asleep while driving. (I just took my morning dose -- about an hour ago -- and I'm remarkably awake now... but it won't last.)

I would talk to my doctor about it, but he allows absolutely no time at a visit. Besides, he's not open to hearing any experience with the Suboxone that isn't positive. He continues to assure me that there will be absolutely no symptoms of withdrawal when I come off. There are so few Subuxone doctors in my area. My doctor is the only one accepting patients at the moment and I don't want to "P' him off. As an addict, I'm scared to death of burning my supply lines -- ANY supply lines.  
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