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Had NO idea at first, but I believe it's withdrawal... HELP?

Coming off hydrocodone and I pretty sure I'm withdrawing. No appetite, stomach upset, racing heart (which is freaking me out) insomnia, no energy basically (from what I've read, withdrawal)  Anyway,  I've been taking Kava Kava root, SAM-e, and a vitamin B complex.  I can deal w/ the rest of the symptoms but the racing heart is what's freaking me out.  Is there another 'over the counter' supplement that will help w/ this?  The Kava Kava DOES help a lot, was just wondering if there's another option. Thank you!

27 Responses
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It certainly sounds like withdrawal. How long since your last pill? The worst is usually over in 3-5 days. Then gradually gets better. You can try some valerian root for the racing heart. You can get it anywhere they sell vitamins. Also, hot baths with epsom salts. I get the lavender scented. Hang in there. It's a little slow here on the weekends, but others will be along.
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1909286 tn?1379435137
The racing heart definitely S*CKS!!..that one was bad 4 me!..I found what helped me most was just keeping busy...going outside 4 a walk will helps tons!!..deep breathing also helps...hot baths w/Epsom salt will make u feel lots better..have u tried Valerian root...I know it helps some people w/anxiety, but it didn't do much 4 me....best of luck!!...remember its just temporary & it will pass!....
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6726276 tn?1421126668
Stop Kava Kava.
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Hey! WELCOME to the forum! How long since your last dose? Withdrawal tends to feel like a nasty case of the flu! Just buckle down and ride it out! The WD'S will be a distant memory before you know it. The Kava may not be the best thing right now. Have you tried Valerian root or sleepy time tea? check out the THOMAS recipe for several tips to provide comfort through detox! How are you feeling now sweetie?
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Thursday was my last pill.  I take Kava Kava root at bedtime to settle me down and it helps tremendously.  It's only bad for you if you don't take the "root" of it.  I'm trying to go the "natural supplement" route instead of going to the docs for anxiety/panic attack meds.  I refuse to go on them.  I LOVE the Sam-e.  I will stop the Kava to take the valerian root, if that will help w/ the racing pulse.  I'm trying to keep busy, but all I want to do is lay down, inbetween bathroom trips. lol  

I've taken Hydrocodone for years for my osteoarthritis in my neck and that in turn cause horrible migraines.  2 little hydro pills knocks both problems out..........which is why I'm here.  I don't want to take them anymore.

I'm drinking lots of fluids, trying to relax, taking a lot of hot baths, motrin, vitamins, the other symptoms are no big deal really, it's just the racing heart. I feel like I'm having a heart attack and that in turn, freaks me out! lol Reading here, helps a lot.  I just took a valerian root.  If one doesn't help, I'll take 2 more in a few hours..........
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Try to focus on something that calms you as well... Music helped me Tremendously with the anxiety! Anything to get your mind OFF of it! Your doing great!
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Thank you all!  If I can just get past the feeling that I'm having a heart attack, I'll do this.  I've always been a "high strung" kind of person, I worry a lot so this "withdrawal" is exasperating this situation.  I'm sucking down the SAM-e (it helps a lot w/ moods and also osteoarthritis) and the extra supplements, and drinking a ton of fluids..........
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That is why its so important to keep focused and stay busy! When you start thinking about your symptoms...change direction..
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K, 4pm on  Sat. and feeling, ok I think. I took 2 more Valarian root and the racing pulse is better. Stomach ok, just no real appetite.  Drinking a lot of fluids. Another hot bath for later tonight and some motrin pm.  Don't care how tired I am, just as long as the racing pulse stops. lol  Not sure if I'll sleep tonight tho, I didn't last night at all.  Tomorrow will be day 3.
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Almost 11pm here and I can't sleep.  Heart racing.  Took some Valrian root but feel it's not working like it did before. hard to keep busy and your mind off of this at night when everyone is asleep. Stomach is also a bit upset.  I'm a bundle of nerves.  wish my pulse rate would go down.
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1742220 tn?1331356727
hi j, not too many ppl on here right now, it's late as u said.  so sorry ur going thru this and can't sleep.  like everyone said I think it's best to try and keep ur mind off it.  I remember a lot of late nights I spent watching tv and listening to music.  sometimes I even wrote out all the stuff on my mind ... reading it back was a trip!  try to put some noise on so u don't go crazy thinking in all the quiet.  sounds like ur focus on the whole heart issue is exacerbating things.  im going to sign off soon but just wanted to let u know someone read ur post.  try to relax and know all of this will pass.  take care.
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1855076 tn?1337115303
Try some Imodium.  It helps with stomach issues but also with all withdrawal symptoms.  Google imodium and withdrawal and it will explain it.  My hands hurt too much to do a lot of typing right now.  I use valerian root and the bottle I have says take five.  Maybe you have a different dosage.  There's a product called Calms Forte by Hylands, all natural, and it helped me with that racey feeling.  I've had a lot of luck with Alteril for help with the sleep.  It's all natural and doesn't cause dependency. I hope you get some sleep.
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2083449 tn?1381354708
Hi, the Immodium is a great suggestion. That really helped me not only with the stomach/bathroom issues, but other things as well. Also, try to eat something to keep your strength up. I know it's difficult, but try bland things like soups, crackers, toast, yogurt, etc.  When you can, get yourself outside in the fresh air and take some short walks. Even if you can't take a walk, just sit outside for about 30 minutes and breathe in the air. This will really help with fatigue.

Best wishes and keep posting. You can do this!
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Have you tried sleepy time tea at night?
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Actually, Kava root is known for it's calming effect.  I've done so much research on anything herbal because I DO NOT want to go on any kind of anti anxiety drug, I found a bunch of supplements that help w/ anxiety, restlessness, etc.  St. Johns wort, Kava, valerian, melatonin, passion flower, to name a few. Kava widely talked about because of the bad rap it's gotten when it first came out.  That it ruins your liver.  That's not true at all.  The kava ROOT is perfectly safe and has been used for hundreds of years on tropical islands for it's calming effect.  If you research and get a good brand, it does wonders.

I did sleep last night for a few hours (thanks to hubby and some extra curricular activity, lol)  This morning, took some Sam-e and a super B complex and ate a little.  Have little to no appetite still.  I'm trying to snack thru out the day on little bland stuff and I'm also drinking a protein shake for extra good nutrients.

I know everyone goes thru withdrawal differently.  I think I've read every post on this forum from years ago. lol  It's helped tremendously.  Part of me can't believe I'm actually withdrawing from the hydrocodone.  Yes, I've been taking it for years.  I take 1 MAYBE 2 10/325's a few times a week.  Sometimes more................sometimes less, just depends on how my neck pain is and if it's caused a horrible migraine or not.  I've never gone up in dosage, never changed scripts.  It's never made me feel groggy or sleepy, when it kicks in, it's like ahhhhhhhhhhh my migraine is gone, I can function now. I will admit, I DO like taking them, because I KNOW it will take away my physical pain.  A prescription of 100 will last me 4 months and I have 3 refills.  I think to myself..............an addict would take 100 pills in a week or less.  That's not me. HOWEVER, I realize that my body has other intentions.  My body, I feel, wants it to now. I woke up on Friday morning and said, I'm not taking this crap anymore..............I don't know if my withdrawal is a mild one.  I've read so many have awful experiences that lasts weeks and I feel for them.  I can't imagine.  So far, I had about 2 days of "bathroom" issues, no real appetite, pulse is racing (not all the time) upset stomach (but NO nausea or vomiting) insomnia and a general feeling of blah.  I'm having NO cravings for the hydro.  Which I'm glad for. This is day 3 so I'm thinking, I should start to feel better tomorrow maybe?

The SAM-e has helped so much, because it's known for a general good mood feeling but also as help w/ osteoarthritis which it has. Maybe, that's why I woke up on Friday and didn't want to take any more of the hydro, because something else was helping.  I don't know.  I have other issues going on to consider why my heart is racing tho.  I'm EXTREMELY dental phobic. From horrible experiences while we lived over seas.  I'm in need of some work and I go in next Friday and my hubby thinks, I'm working myself up.  Anyway, sorry for the ramble. lol Just writing down some things on my mind................I gave my husband the hydro and told him to hide them.  I don't want to see them.  I'm also going to call the doc tomorrow and set up an appt.  I want some blood test done, to check my levels, and some other things.  If I get past my dental apt on Friday, I'm home free. lol  I'll post updates a few times a day so I can read where I'm at.............
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some info on Kava... It does actually have alot of side effects especially for the long term user.
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LOL I've seen that site,  I can also put up 10 other sites that will debunk that one. Like I've said, i've done more research on kava then any other herbal supplement. I've talked w/ doctors, pharmacists, herbalists, read scientific studies, both from years ago and ones from this year. When I first started to take it, I was worried, like a lot of people because that report from years ago, saying that it can cause liver toxicity. That one report from Europe has since been proven baseless and not true.  Going thru what I'm going thru now, I'm going on what I know.  It's working for me.  I took Valarian all yesterday and while I felt calm at some point.  It didn't work like the kava does.  I took it this morning and noticed a marked difference in my pulse rate a short time later. I'm calmer.  I've been taking kava before bed for months and it's worked for me.  I'm taking it during the day now  because of what I'm going thru.  
When I first started my research, I put in the search engine, "is kava safe".  I got a whole mix of sites in which I read them all. All the ones that warned of the liver toxicity, did so from that one European article from 2002, which I know since then, has been proven false. The other sites, talked about it but made sure to say that the ROOT is perfectly safe.  Companies trying to save costs, used the root AND other parts of the kava plant which is dangerous.    The extraction process, is key and the company where you get it is also important.  The proof for me is the way I feel. It works for me and that's all I need. Herbal supplements work differently for everybody.  Kava has a bad rap.  I think it could really help in withdrawal symptoms.  People have to do their own research to see if its  right for them.  Like I said before, other issues in my life have caused me to have panic and anxiety and I will NOT go on any kind of perscrption med for it.  Told my doctor that too.  He's all for me finding herbal remedies.  I've tried a lot. Have settled on SAM-e w/ a super B complex and kava. Anyway, this whole process has been a learning experience for sure.  This withdrawal process has been an eye opening experience as well.  

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3197167 tn?1348968606
I agree with your research.  It's important to read ALL that's out there and the dates OF the research.  Very good point about what part of the herb/plant is used..... the report with the bad rap didn't use "roots only " as you mentioned.  Checking out and knowing the quality/reputation of WHOM you are buying herbs from is super important.  I have learned that when using any herb, buying one that is "standardized" is VERY important as it guarantees quality and potency in each and every capsule.

As with all things, we must check for any interactions or precautions and make decisions based upon our own individual body chemistries.

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Day 4! Monday morning, and I'm feeling a bit better. More optimistic. I slept last night! Yeah!  Took 3 Kava Kava, then an 1 1/2 hours later, took 3 motrin pm and I was asleep by 10:30. Also ate dinner last night.  I'm pretty sure the trips to the bathroom are done with.  Racing pulse seems to be a bit better too.  I think I'm over the hump.  lol  No cravings still, which I'm glad for.  Going to "try" and get on the elliptical for 20 min.  Will see how that goes.  Still no energy to do anything..............
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changed my screen name!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 5 doing good.  Getting energy back a little and my appetite too.  Never made it on the elliptical but I did sit outside in our beautiful 80 degree weather...........fresh air was wonderful.
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I didn't have the energy to do anything in the first few days but sitting in the sun actually seemed to rejuvenate me! Wow @ 80 degree weather! Florida??
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Arizona! lol  Just sitting outside felt so good........... I'm hoping by Christmas that I'll be back to my ol self again..............
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