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Methadone withdrawal at 3mgs

I have been on methadone for nearly 3 years. My highest dose was 80 mgs liquid methadone. In the last year I've gone done slowly with no problems. I am now on day two of coming off 3 mgs and am wondering what to expect. I've withdrawaled from h b4 and it was horrible and lasted 2 weeks. But I haven't really felt n e symptoms yet this time except feeling a little weak. I've heard it can take 2-3 days to withdrawal with methadone but when I've tried stopping b4 I started right away. I've also heard some ppl don't withdrawal at all. Am I in the clearing bc I'm at such a low dose and already on day 2 or should I expect it to hit in a day or two? If n e 1 has gone thru similar experience of getting off at a low dose pls post. I'd like to know what to expect and for how long if I do start withdrawaling soon.
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I was on 120 and over 2 months ago started tappering and now i am on 35 i am coming down 5mg a week. I stopped cold turkey and going through hell and decided to take a 30 mg roxy and didnt feel anything and that was 6 days after my last dose. How long will it take before I can feel an opiate again
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Hi I have now tapered down to 2mg a day of methadone and have been on this dose for about a week now, I was on methadone for over a year. the longer you take it, the longer it will take to get off.
I am having body aches and feel very weak, back pain and heavy legs.
Clonodine yes does help lowering your blood pressure to relax you as with restless legs, I suggest getting on neurotin, it is for nerve pain its non narcotic and helps.
Maybe something to help you sleep.
I find the worst thing is lack of energy, but as they say this too shall pass. (which is what I keep telling myself.
Try to detox yourself, drink plenty water, eat veggies and fruit.
Do breathing exercises, meditation. you have to stay connected and try to manifest the energy you have to your advantage.
Im going through it myself but just think, you are pretty much off this is the end and we have come so far from where we were.
A year ago from today I was shooting so much opiates and dope pretty much anything that I could shoot so to be living like this where im down to 2 mg well hell yeah. So don't give up the good fight just remember how strong you are and how far you have come because not many people can taper that low and do it on our own. we only get stronger and our bodies are amazing and heal in time.
Don't worry, I wish you the best and I know how it is im going through it as I type. Best of luck!
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I’m currently going through detoxfrom75 mg I have been on a 21day detoxat a clinic and I feel very agitated I have a 4 yr old and a husband who is also coming off the same dose and I’ve felt bad lazy no energy and just don’t want to do anything but I have to sometimes I feel like just saying f it I can’t do this and take care of her but on other hand she’s the most of my reasoning for fighting for the pst 5 yrs we were in a Methadone clinic and The detox was not our wanting it was basically mandatory which I believe was a totally wrong thing seeming they have people we have talked to that haven’t been doing what is required from day one and they aren’t on their tails I’m very resentful rite now like I can’t believe after almost 5 years and just this pst yr have been having issues with depression sleep apnea with toddler and I honestly they discharged my husband because they were discharging me because he was is privet pay and was told something different everytime he spoke to someone. I was just wondering also does anyone know who I could call to try to do something I just feel where they are making us do this that I’m going to mess up and I’ve fought to hard and to long to just let this happen we have never caused any issues at this clinic in 4 yes if this isn’t allowed can delete thanks all suggestions appreciated I would love to stay off everything but the way I feel I’m not thinking that’s going to be possible specially with the way I feel all the help or suggestions would be great and thank you
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Can anybody help. Im down to 3mls methadone after a long taper down from 90mls and its starting 2 kick in,feel like ive bn run ovr by a train very teary and very down in myself
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I'm 23 years old and I've been on some opiate or another for 9years for a medical condition. I've also been slowly tapering methadone for sometime now. I'm now at 2 1/2mg every 72hours. I took my last pill on that schedule on Wednesday morning so I'm trying to just never take another one. I'm still experiencing withdrawals but it's not too bad. Headaches, tensing up, yawning and easily sweating. But I'm not in despair tho, I'm not totally dying. Do you think I'm passed it? Should I keep tapering? It's been almost 5 days.
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I'm about to go through withdrawl from 10-15 mg of methadone in the next 2 days. I'm nervous, but I have no choice. I have a 830-500 job so I'm nervous about that as well. Idk how I'm going to function at work while going through this.. And I CANNOT lose my job bc that's the only thing paying our bills right now.. I'm terrified...but it has to be done.. Any advice on getting through and going to work. I'm scared...
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I'm a veteran I been on since Oct 2005. I am hopefully reading your posts.
  I've heard horror stories. About withdraws lasting 4-8 wks. Most are ppl who got locked up at 100,120,150mgs. Though.

   I went to 140-2008
from 2008 to 2011 I went
   Down to 90-
2011-now I went to 40, back up to 55 now at 45
  But the last two weeks I've gone down 5 each Friday

     I had been preparing myself. By not drinking and throwing out 1/3 of my dose at first (when @55mg)
Now I'm drinking about 1/2 my dose.(@45mg) I don't plan on putting myself through the misery of 5mg each week being deducted.
     Once I get klonodin and basic withdraw kit I'm done.
    I've been told marijuana will help. And a few days of subutext aka subocxone minus nar con..
   I hate methadone. I hate the way the Veterans hospital wont treat my serious service caused injuries becux of methadone they prescribed rob me.
    I didn't do drugs b4 military. I did experiment alcohol weed a few normal/average times.
   After military i start H. No build up. No pills. Just H. After methadone I start coke and crack.
    Someone recommended marihuana and a coupl
   Down to
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I am on 11ml of methdone and start 10ml on tues havent used heroin for 3 years im dropping down 1ml a week and then off from 2ml with help of diazpham and zopiclone dont no what to expect just done straight heroin withdrawal in the past with nothing just need advice
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4614494 tn?1368356385
You guys are all an inspiration to me!!   Keep up the good work.  Praying That ur ear infection goes away quickly!!   I'm currently tapering off of methadone.  And looking forward to being free of this junk!!  
God bless you guys!!!!
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You did great... .. Congrats!
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Hi Ashy...I'm sorry to hear you have an ear infection...darn those hurt! Or at least they have every time I've had them. I always seem to wait until its unbearable, and by then I've got the ear pain radiating into my jaw, neck and tonsils. I hope you caught it early!

I just wanted to add, methadone has a HALF life of anywhere from 12-60 hrs...so it could take up to three days for just 1/2 of it to leave your system...then up to 3 days later, half of what's still left leaves the body, and so forth. So it can take SEVERAL days for it to even leave your system. I didn't know that when I first started detoxing. Kinda crazy huh??!!

And congrats on your clean time...one day at a time :)
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Hi Ashy sorry to here your sick but Debbie is right detoxing nocks out your immune system also you will find methadone very cyclic you will have good days sometimes a few in a row the bam it will hit you again.....how is your energy?? that and sleep can be a struggle hang in there you will get threw it good luck and God bless.........Gnarly
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1235186 tn?1656987798
Hi thanks for the update. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. It is not uncommon for people to get sick after they detox.have you tried a Netipot? To help clean out your sinuses?  The opiates stop everything up and then it comes back with a  vengeance. It is ok to take the antibiotic.
it is important to keep yourself nourished and hydrated. Fruits, veggies, protein. Drink hot soups, smoothies, ensure.boost if you don't feel like cooking. Yes the sun does help unfortunately it is winter. Do the best you can.
Congrats on your clean time you are doing awesome.
Keep on keepin on.. Sending prayers . Hope you are feeling better soon,
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Hey everyone sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I think by day 14/15 I was pretty much over it. Problem is I got an ear infection and some symptoms r similar. After getting prescribed to ear drops that had 2 antibiotics and a steroid I had gotten very sick. It seems like I've been hit with a triple whammy as the feeling icky seems to never end. I didn't take n e med today n I'm kind of afraid to take the new antibiotic until the rest of the other med is completely out of my system. Well I'm writing this bc my point is ur immune system goes down when u detox. I'm not sure if I was allergic to the med or my body just wasn't ready. So please take care of ur self when wd. I thought I did pretty good but sometimes u can't help it and I admit I only took vitamins a few days. I know it's hard to get up n make a good meal so that's y it's important u take vitamins. I also suggest if u live somewhere where it gets super cold in the winter (as I live in wi) to try to wd when it's warmer. The sun makes u feel good n when it's cold out u don't want to leave the house. Plus the sun/heat will help u sweat it out so it leaves ur body faster. Just a few tips for u guys who will b embarking on this voyage. God bless u all!
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HI Everone.....you  guys are all doing good coming down it goes threw stages with various states of withdrawals at various doses...I have watched people detox off this stuff for 3 + yrs and no 2 have been the same.....judging from that your all where you need to be.....remember dont rush it take your time eventualy your going to get there ....if I can be of help just message methere are a few tricks to make it ezer..........Gnarly
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Hi Ashy, I too want to thank you for posting and keeping us updated. You have done so well, seeing how it is just short of 2 weeks, you are almost back to normal, I think that is great and an inspiration to those of us that are trying to get off methadone. As I told you before, I am particularly interested in your situation as my time is coming up soon and even though I am going to taper right down to 0, I know that I still will suffer some withdrawal, although hopefully minimal. I know it takes a while for it to completely leave your system and I have been on it over 7 years, now I will be dropping to 5mgs on Thursday. Wow , it's been a long ride and I have been tapering for nearly 3 years, I can't wait to get off, wish I could jump now but I have worked too hard on getting off this stuff, a couple more months is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I for one appreciate all the updates you have given and I hope you will still keep us updated as you go along. You have done awesome! Congrats on a job well done.
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Hello everyone. Now on day 13 and feeling much better. Since I don't have much to comment on about how I'm feeling today I thought I go into a diff subject about mdone; weight gain.
Methadone does generally make u gain weight, although doctors say it doesn't. There r very few cases that I know of ppl not gaining or losing weight. Methadone actually makes ur body hold in water and holds in ur fats. Mdone makes u crave sweet food so eating it continues to stick in ur body to fats that r already there. I have never weighed over 115 lbs until mdone n then went up to 155 lbs. I've dieted, excercised,n tried diet pills n nothing helped. This last spring when I began going down faster I lost about 5 lbs. I've spoke with some ppl and researched this topic and ppl do lose the weight within a few months to a year or so.
Another topic I hear about is if methadone effects ur teeth. It in fact doesn't. Methadone can give dry mouth and bc we r craving sweets we r eating candy n drinking soda which is a lot on our teeth. I'm guessing most don't brush their teeth twice a day too. For a short time I had a bit of a problem with my gums receding which was very sore when brushing my teeth and eating/drinking certain things. I started to try to remember to brush my teeth and cut back on sweets. It helped a bit. It got better as I went down bc I wasn't craving bad food so much.

If n e one has other probs they've been having post it. I will try to help or maybe someone else can help.
Have a wonderful day!
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Thanks so much for keeping us updated on your progress Ashy. Your doing great! Keep it up and youll be over and done with it in no time.
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Day 11 & 12.
Yesterday was rough but a lil better than day 10. I decided to get up n get out of the house to try to get my mind off it which worked. Driving makes me feel pretty good while listening to music. Today I feel better but tired and my muscles r a lil sore. Never heard about the 3in 1 vitamins helping but I'll have to try it. Otherwise I know I have calcium pills n prenatal pills from when I was prego. I've been sneezing a lot which I know is a sign of wd n I didn't sneeze at all the 1st week. So I guess the last of wut is in my system is slowly leaving. I'm so ready to start feeling better n I hope I'm almost there but only time will tell.
Hope u all r doin well
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HI....one thing I noticed about methadode detox is it is very cyclic.....you go threw good days and bad its just the way it isif you above 20 make sure you on the vitamins there is a 3 in 1 calcium magnesum zinc pick them up at wallmart take 4 in the morning 4 with dinner this will cut way back on the withdrawals you feel dont miss this nugget to all of you slow and steady wins the race...................Gnarly
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4629338 tn?1357363185
Hey Ash, hoping ur feeling better n ur sleep meds help u get sum rest. Still rooting for ya!!! God bless!!!!
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Day 10: so yesterday was great today not so well. I had hot/cold flashes n was restless this morning. This evening I'm feeling much better but bummed cuz I thought I was nearly done after how great I was feeling yesterday. Last nite I didn't take my sleep med n made it thru most of the night waking at 5 and falling parshely back to sleep. I'm in bed now trying to sleep but not working so may need my med tonight. Boy was today a surprise- never heard wd do that. I can only assume tomorrow will b better.

Jenelle it takes a long time to detox properly but it's worth it. It took me about a year n a half n I could've went all the way down to zero but I just had enuf. I too feared the wd as the first time I went thru it it was absolutely horrible. But I sucked it up n here I am on day 10 almost 11. I guess the key to remember is mdone has a half life which means it stays in ur system longer. So withdrawal can b easier but longer. I've done a lot of research of helpful things n tried many of them. I suggest u research too so if one thing doesn't help u can try another. It's really not bad at all as long as ur sleeping but I do have to say it ***** how long it takes n not knowing an end date. When my ex pretty much had to rapid detox from mdone he wd for 2 weeks but he also has a fast metabolism. So with that said, I'm 4 days away from 2 weeks. Which isn't so bad lookin at it that way.
Hope u all r doin well!
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Hey Ashy thanks for the informative post. I am so happy to hear you are feeling well, that didn't really take all that long! It's my turn next but I am not as brave as you, I just dropped to 6mgs today and will stay there for 10-14 days depending on how I feel. I think I have done the longest taper in history LOL, almost 3 years! I am fearful of withdrawal so I will be going right down to 1/2 mg/day before I stop. I am taking in to consideration some of the helpful things you posted. Congrats to you for getting off this stuff! I can't wait to be in your shoes, good job!
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Hi everyone. So, yesterday was day 8 and today 9. Today is by far the best I've felt. Yesterday was good but today I feel lots better. I tried not taking my seriquil 2 nites ago to c if I could sleep w/o it n it was a no go. I didn't try last night so I will prolly try tonight. Takin the sleep med Makes me feel in the morning I'm dragging. I've lost 3 lbs in the last 4 days slim happy that water weight from mdone is melting off. So anyway I'd like to go over a few things that have helped me during withdrawal.
A warm bath or shower helps calm ur nerves and temporarily stops hot/cold flashes. Heating pads also help with restlessness although both of these may only allow u to sleep for an hr or two as I experienced when w/d from h.

Sleep medication. I take seriquil but there's many others. Talk to ur family dr and see if he/she will prescribe like a months worth. Tea that helps u sleep (w/ melatonin) may help although I've never tried it personally.

Other meds: clonidine is usually prescribed for hot/cold flashes n restlessness but it often makes u more tired n outta it. Propranolol can do the same w/o the drowsiness. Some ppl take it with others meds to help.

Try to eat healthy it makes u feel better n if ur try into sleep it off u get tired right after u eat.

If ur up to it work out lightly. Even just walking around ur house n picking up is better than nothing n may make some w/d go away temporarily.

Drink as much water as u can to help flush ur body. Add lemon to help w/ the taste since w/d can make ur mouth feel yucky. Tea is good for flushing too. Try to stay away from to much caffeine b/c it will upset ur nerves even more.

Most important keep ur head up n stay strong. It is hell but its temporary n worth being done w/ it forever. God will help if u ask him.  Keep ur eye on the prize. Don't give up!!!

Good luck ya'll!
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4597556 tn?1383305043
For some reason im being block for trying to send you a message. I hope it works this time. when your done with the clinic there suppose to dose you for a week . when they know you cant pay anymore. I beleive its a law that there responsible for you . your on sutch a high dose. call a lawyer ASAP and tell him what happen. im sure they would love to jump on that opertunenity. and let me know what happens ponco
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