4522800 tn?1470325834

Roll Call..I hope this brings some of us back around!!

For the new ones. Roll Call is the time to give us a reply on how much clean time you have in. It does not matter if it is only 1 hour. Also I would like to know how all of you have been working it or the changes you have made to get this far. Hope to bring some of the "old timers out".

My name is Vickie and I have..
1348 off of Street Drugs and Prescribed Meds.
4436  off of the Booze.

I came clean back in 2012 at the age 56. I started taping in drugs & booze in the later 60s and this went off & on for yrs. Because of them times of peace, love and all above, environment played a big role. I have always believed in my Lord, but for some reason I never thought anything about it being wrong. When I got clean I did surrender it back. When I had 18months in things where going good. I went to meeting every night and church. Then when I had lost my Mom, Dad, Father-in-law, Dog and a few friends all in a 90 day period, my world fell apart. I was mad at my God. I kept writing in my journal on here in them times of heart aches. These Angles out here kept me on the straight and narrow road. If it was not for my MH Family I might not be here today. Then a few months after my losses I found out I had a silent Heart Attack and needed to have 2 stents put in. This really gave me a wake up call. I have always ate very healthy and exercised, so for me I just know that my drug use had so much to do with this. All this time I still went to Meeting and Church but I also had to add some more Support. I went to Drs for advice, a counselor a few times, grieving groups and so forth. My wheels where spinning and I was living in the Addiction tunnel all the time. It was not until I REALLY turned my life back to my God that everything came to a Closer. I now have SO much more Faith and just know that my God saved me for a reason. At my age now, I am loosing friends left & right, but this time I can handle it. I used to lay around and just think to myself I was not going to be here on Earth much longer. My Lord had shown me the way and I know I will be around here for awhile. At least if I do go, I know where I am going and I am so Grateful to go clean & sober.

I am sure others have had there own pain & hurt in life. For me it just made me even stronger.
Please share your own story.
Bless All of You!!
27 Responses
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5783082 tn?1374177161
I'm Hailey and I'm almost 9 months clean off suboxone! God has done for me what I could not do for myself.. But I had to put in some work, too, by keeping a sponsor, working steps, and doing meetings... Glad to still be here today and able to help other addicts!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Wonderful Post ImInAwe!

Congratulations on your Time. Wow!! 9 months and I remember when you first came on here. YOU are just rocking sobriety. Keep up the Good Work!

Always keep your Guard Up at all times.
Bless U
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Hi! I'm on day 4... Any words of wisdom would be very helpful! The anxiety is getting to me today!!  BAD!!  This is my first ( and only) time fighting wds! This has been the absolute worst 4 days of my life!! This is hell on earth! The entire process from the first pill to the last! From the first day of wd's to the 4th day! Please tell me it will get better! I do have more energy than I have had been the anxiety and the insomnia is horrific!
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I absolutely promise it will get better. At 4 days you are IN it. The thick of it. A couple more days and you should start feeling some symptoms dissipate a little. Start your own thread so everyone can help you!:)
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Hi! I'm on day 4... Any words of wisdom would be very helpful! The anxiety is getting to me today!!  BAD!!  This is my first ( and only) time fighting wds! This has been the absolute worst 4 days of my life!! This is hell on earth! The entire process from the first pill to the last! From the first day of wd's to the 4th day! Please tell me it will get better! I do have more energy than I have had been the anxiety and the insomnia is horrific!
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Welp, it is June 2 and if I keep doing what I'm doing, on June 19 I will have 2 years clean. My drug of choice was opiates (norco.) I tried and WANTED to get clean several times, but it never lasted when I did it on my own. I finally (finally!) got into meetings and that did it. Obsession to use is gone, now it's cleaning up the mess and working on actual life. It's hard. But, I'm clean. I'm free.
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Oops, my name is Jill. Hi, Vickie! Good idea for this thread!:)
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Thank you for the words of encouragement! I really needed to hear that today! It's like I thought day 4 was going to be this magical day or something but the anxiety and the tingling feeling is driving me nuts! I'm not sick anymore so I guess that's a positive, I'm just hoping to get a few minutes of sleep tonight!!  And wake up tomorrow feeling even better! That's what I'm praying for right now!!!
Thanks again for responding! It gave me an extra push!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
How many yrs have you used? How much in a day? Age and Health plays a big role on bouncing back too. Drink TONS of water and other low sugar drinks like Gatorade and Protien drinks. We have to replenish back what we have lost and Electrolytes play a big role here too. You can find vit/min at the store like Emerge-C or Airborne that helps build up the immune system and some that have electrolytes gong on.. Although food is the best. Baths are good with Epsom salt because the Magnesium helps draw out the toxins. Try to eat healthy and stay away from to much caffeine and sugars at first. Set yourself up with some good vit/min. Some vit/min will help relax you a bit and other will work on down the line for energy. Everything you are going through right now is w/ds. It will take time for the Brain Chems and Body to balance back. The nervous system is highly affected too. These type of meds do alot to our Neurotransmitter and Receptors. We also have a mid-brain that is our survival part of the brain and it remembers the pleasure. Dopamine surge in that area and the "happy chems" are knocked down a bit. It takes time for the Serotonin and other brain chems to fire back up. Meanwhile it also takes time for the pain Receptors to clear out. We have these all over and in the Stomach too. This is why we get the bathroom issues. Your Brain & Body is screaming for this right now. DO NOT give in. The physical will be over before the mental. Look up Addiction and the Brain in a more scientific way and you will understand more. AA/NA are really great for Support. You will find ppl there that had been in your shoes or are going through what you are. Detoxing seems to go in stages. Each day brings on a new light. IT WILL GET BETTER!!! Working on staying clean is where it all begins. We need Help and Support and we have to make SO many changes. No more playing in that old playground with old playmates. You will learn how to set up Boundaries and learn more about your Triggers. It just keeps getting better and better as time goes on. Each day you learn more about yourself and more about Addiction. You just have to keep up the Faith and know this here will pass soon. Surrender this to your God and then you have to do the footwork. YOU will get better I promise!!! I wish you the best and just stick around for Support. Go read some other postings along the way.
Feel free to PM (private message) if you need to. I come and go throughout the day. Some days I do lay low. I will get back to you asap if you need some Support. WE have tons of other People here that will help you too!!!!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Msdelight says Hi!!!

She has 986 days and is still clean & sober.

I know she works alot so that keeps her busy.
She has been such a asset on MH. Always here to help anybody she could.
Congrats MsD. YOU are a BIG part of my Recovery.
Love Ya!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Msdelight has 986 days.

She has been a great help for me in my Recovery.
I know she works alot so this has helped her to keep re-directed.
Congrats on your Time so far girl..Keep Rocking it.

Bless U my Friend!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Oh it did go through. Sorry about the double post!! I thought I did not hit the send.
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Hi Vickie, thanks again for everything!  I have been eating pills for about 5 yrs but definitely got worse over the last 2 yrs.. In all of those years I didn't think it was a big deal until last year, I lost my job and then really started putting the puzzle together..  I was up to about 90-150 mg of oxy , I was taking about 10 7.5 mg of vikes, on the days I couldn't get anything else.. All said and done  my family never knew I had a problem or even took pills.. I have an amazing family! I finally came clean to them on Sunday and they have been very supportive! I just couldn't imagine my life spiraling more out of control than it already was getting so I made the decision on sat to tell them on Sunday and that I was quitting CT.. I had never let my wd's go for too long without finding something. I mean I knew it would be bad but I did not know how bad! I just gotta keep telling myself this will be over and then I can focus on the recovery part! I actually do not want to ever pop a pill again, this will stay with me forever! I just wish I could sleep a bit! And get through the anxiety of it all!
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495284 tn?1333894042
Greetings everyone!!

I just celebrated 8 yrs clean back in April.  I work my recovery the minute my feet hit the floor.  Life is good now.  I love being clean!  Always remember to keep your GUARD UP!!

I will save the novels for Vic!!  lol
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Hello everyone!!! My name is Sherry and I'm a little over 7 years clean from tramadol, that was my doc. It was the hardest thing I've ever been thru in my life, but oh so worth it!!  Good luck to all still struggling and kudos to everyone's clean time!!!

Take Care,
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4341997 tn?1514588688
Hi everyone!  I'm a little over 3 n half years clean from pain pills.  Welcome to the newbies....just keep fighting, it's so worth it to be clean and not worry about where/when you can find your doc.  Stay strong and know you can do this!  :)  
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7163794 tn?1457366813
Hey ya'll......i am around 2 1/2 yrs clean from all drugs (foreign and domestic, lol)....Started my journey here, on Medhelp Jan 1st, 2014 and never looked back. This is what i do to stay clean....
2. Attend N/A regularly, have a home group, sponsor and sponsee's
3. Do service work regularly
4. Yoga 5 x's a week
5. Stay honest, open-minded, and willing because obviously, i dont know it all....or i wouldn't have ended up here!
Good luck to all of you just starting out on your journey...you are worth it!
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1445648 tn?1470319663
hey hey hey.. looks like some new members need some help..
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Ha! I'm an "old timer"... I was 6 years clean from barbiturates in April. The addiction is just a bad memory now and I hope it will be that way for everyone who is new here. Just do it and don't look back!  Get treatment, look ahead, make plans, find a hobby, and exercise!
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Thanks so much for stopping bye.
All of you are a BIG inspiration to this community. I read everything all of you say.

I know we have more out here.
Come on in the price is right..It shows it can be done. Congrats to all of you for staying alive & well.
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hello, i have 35 days clean off of methadone.
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1801781 tn?1461629469
It has been about 6 years ago that I crawled here trying to figure out if I was addicted to opiates.  It did not take me long to figure out I was!  I was also out of my depth.  Tried twice to kick it.  I listened to others here who said getting clean meant coming clean.  The last time I told my doctor, my husband and my 2 adult children.  With their help I got clean.  It took this group to show me the way.  

I have been almost 4 1/2 years clean.  I told my new doctor about my past to be safe (my old one retired).  I am now 65 and pretty happy.  My daughter is about to make us grandparents and I will be proud to hold that child.

Congrats to all who have made it to to those who are trying.
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Hi  my name is mark  im grateful to be here grateful to be clean  for me it was the end of a 35yr long addciton  the last 10 on opiets then 7 more on methadone...I was told at the clinic I would be on it the rest of my life.....Bull sh i t...well the detox from methadone almost killed me  I was dope sick for 90 days  when I gave up hope my substance abuse conslor Paul would keep me going...he would always say '''you feel better then the first week right""  and reluctantly I would say yes today I have been clean 2422 days from opiets and going strong I had a ishue with perscribed bezo's  (XANEX) and kicked them 56 months ago today I live mind altering drug free to do that I work the N/A progam  have a home group have a sponcer have sponcee's and hit 3 to 4 meetings a week and speak at the local rehab here in phoenix twice a month..it is what it takes to keep a old dope fiend like me clean.....it is still less work then using 24/7 for all starting out you can learn from the school of hard knoks or you can follow a progam of recovery......my life is full my family is back and my life is second to none do what ever it takes b/4 this diease kills you  your friend and fellow addict Mark
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Hey Vickie, I just saw your post as I was scrolling.
I don't normally come on mh anymore, I'm very busy and content these days.
Anyway, I have 922 days clean from Subutex.
I quit smoking almost 4 months ago and have felt the biggest change in my life since.
I constantly feared, I wouldn't get better.
I now have all my energy back. I am so grounded and have never been happier.
It took me over 2 years to get this feeling back and it was so worth the wait.
I hope anyone struggling, finds a way to never give up.
I keep myself clean with a simple rule, I don't want what I have now, taken away.
Thanks Vickie :)
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1881798 tn?1339680233
95 days here. I don't get on as much I do read and try to encourage. But also trying to "mourn" my addiction. Reading about using and use has helped me to move to a better state of mind, but anytime I can help someone else I sure will!
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1881798 tn?1339680233
I always labeled day 4 as the magic day as well. It was more like day 8 or 10 where I started to turn a corner. Just keep moving forward. You'll be amazed at how far you can from the point where you wanted to give up.
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