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Help with Vicoden Withdrawels

Ive been taking vicoden on and off for 2 years, Ive been reading on this fourm for a while but i really never had the courage to talk about my problems. Im 20 years old im somewhat healthy i really dont do any other drugs except vicoden. It first started because i had a extreme pain in the region where guys do not want pain. The doctor gave me vicoden and i took them for pain at first i was just taking 1 every 4 hours. Little did i know it kept growing over time and i found out someone i know can always get them so i kept doing it. It grew to a big problem i was taking 80 a day and now i cant get it anymore im quitting. This is my second day quitting but I cant take it it feels horrible i really dont want to go to my doctor for help is there any other way to make this eaiser?
I have been taking the 5/500 Vic generic it grew from 1 and now i take about 10 each round sometimes a little more. The experience is rougher then all the other time i quit and relapsed and now i cant relapse but this is the worst withdrawel yet.

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it helps me understand other people and how it effects them so i dont feel alone i guess its painful but i can do simple task
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I've through the opiate withdrawl - How are you even typing on this forum???
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no i take 80 5/500 generic vicoden a day when i was abusing the drug. My liver was fine and my body got use to it and it was like that for almost two years except when i was trying to quit and then relapsed again.  I didnt mean i was having sex, i ment that i had pain in the region the guy does not want it to be and that what started to get me on vicoden. 80 pills a day is not that much the supplier who i use to get it from did about 130 a day since he had thousands a day. im planning to go to the clinic tommorow to see if they can lessen the wd
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401095 tn?1351391770
u r talking 80 mgs a day?  not 80 pills a day?  5 mg pills are touvh on ur liver cos as a rule 5, 7.5 and 10 mg pills have the same amt of tylenol

ur dose is not estraordinary;;;less thanine//100 mgs for 4 yrs..u can quit this dose by c in less than a week concerning physical wds..mental wds is kinda ongoing unfortuately..but with aftercare and continous attn to ur disease .u can kick this...r u an addict/ or do u take them only for pain?  i am thinking here u r speaking about pain from intercourse..unless u r having tons of sex everyday/then u r abusing them///if u r having this much sex each day/the endorphins released from that activity would probably counteract ur need for narcs....if u r having sex several times a day/be sure u r doing it safely

Thing is...there may be some physical problems that need addressing if u r having pain with intercourse//unless u r dating supeman...there r many reasons for painful intercourse but masking them with narcotics is not resolving the issue...or do u just continually have pain there regardless of intercourse?   these r things u need to look into medically...narcotics are not good used long term..u have already noticed ur tolerence is growing///and it will continue to grow and grow...not a healthy alternative if u stop and think bout "how many will i need 10 yrs from now?"   read thru te health pages on tapering or u could go ct at ur dose..making a plan is imperative tho...keep us posted  
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983679 tn?1276833336
and yeah i agree with sara you were on a pretty high dose and you can get things from a family doc to ease w/ds alot, thats not a bad option, i just would not go for addictive stuff, not yet, not till you know you can not do it own your own
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983679 tn?1276833336
by clinic you prob mean for sub or done, IMO (touchy for lots on here) do all you can before replacing one addiction for another. I do know its helped many others, but i think it must be a LAST OPTION ONLY. this stuff is hard to come off of, you think you are having at bad now. I am sure your brother means well, but this stuff has a high rate of abuse, high rate of dependacy, high cost, bad w/ds. Have you looked up the Thomas recipe on here, if not just scroll  down to the bottom of page and look on right side and you should see it, it helps alot of people, also look at the amino acid stuff. Like i said two days is good, you prob feel a lil better tomorrow. vics,loratabs,percs and stuff in that class are hard to come off of, but not compared to oxys and herion and stuff, so just be glad it isnt worse and dont add fuel to fire by getting on other stuff untill you made a real try at doin it on your own IMO.
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495284 tn?1333894042
There are some non addictive meds they can give you while going thru wd's.  You were on a very high dose and it may be a good idea to see the doctor.  Just be safe and keep posting              sara
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to clear the confusing i am going cold turkey with this i went from 80 to 0 and its horrible and 80 is just a rounded number sometimes i go higher not to be proud of it but yea it was not a good choice on my part. I have not taking anything for 2 days at all and my brother is trying to get me to go to the clinic to make it eaiser but i dont know if thats a good decision?
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983679 tn?1276833336
I think the whole cold turkey or not debate is diff for every person. I never had the ability to taper, never could controll it like that but if you can its a option, but from what i understand and could be wrong, you have not takin anything in two days, right? I say if you already went two days there is no point in turning back, however if i miss understood and you are down to ten a day then you make that call.
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What you are doing is way more exceptional than what you were doing. You went from 80 pills a day to 10 that is a great achievement in itself. If you can keep yourself at 10 for a little while I would and then under doctor supervision slowly ween yourself safely off the drug . Cold turkey is not the way to go and you will get nowhere that way , it is only going to increase your need for physical and mental dependency. Talk to a doctor and he will give you the tools needed to get off of the Vicodin. Peace
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yea i understand i really want to go for walks and exercise but my whole body is shut down. I cannot control anything basically im guessing the more viks you take per day the worses u get the wd. Im just trying to flush out my body as fast as possible for some sleep. But still i have not yet had any sleep im almost on my third day from wd in a couple of hours and it still feels like i wont be able to sleep much. I really appreciate your guys advice this is the first time i ever ask for help other then my family.
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983679 tn?1276833336
i never found a sleep aid that helped, I think the tyn pm made my rls  seem worst+ they made my body just feel weird all over. Man i can tell you that for me, the sleep thing was my WORST W/D PROBLEM OF ALL, i was like you "if only i could sleep", and its crazy because your completely wore out, you sooooo badly wanna sleep AND YOU ARE SLEEPY but your freggin body just want go to sleep. I am not sure if their is anything that will help this (not advised, and not encourageing by anymeans, but the first time i took syriquil-klonopin-xanax, of course not all in a single night AGAIN THIS WAS STUPID AND ONLY ASKING FOR FUTURE PROBLEMS, however it really did not help). However your body is smart, and believe me, it will shut down when it really needs to. Go walking , excercise, whatever you can do, it helps. I think it was about day 4 b4 i really got a few hours of decent sleep, it will come. I am still suffering from it at day 9, I hear sleep can be one of the lingering effects
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yea im just trying to feel better, i can handle being in pain but i have not had any sleep it seems like my legs have rls everytime i lay down i cant get them to stop moving or to stop hurting even if i take a hot soak in the bath. If i could have a decent amount of sleep or any sleep id believe i can be a little better. I have tried tyn pm to sleep but it seems to make the wd worser
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983679 tn?1276833336
Yeah i to had to do the same, its hard. Doing it for yourself is important but as you said as of today doing it for whatever reason , just doing it is IMO good enough. Sometimes it is easier to be strong for others than it is to be strong for ourselfs. I am glad you know why you use, i think thats important.
   So yeah the work thing will be hard but if you have not another option really there is nothing else to do. I had to go to work (strangly enough) both times i went cold turkey on day one of nothing and work 12 hour shifts at a nursing home, so i do feel your pain on that! Just do what you can, thats all the can be expected of you, tell your employer that you are sick and they will atleast understand why you are not as productive. Pray    ( if you do that, kinda a touchy subject for some, but it helped me).
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well i have told the closest people in my family about my problem, i know why i do it i found out the first day of withdrawels. I know i cannot relapse and im try to do it for my family if i cant for me but the last time i quit it took 2 weeks for me to feel normal so im thinking it might take longer to get over the physical pain and i cant afford that because i have to work and go to school
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983679 tn?1276833336
yeah face to face can be hard for some, but maybe it be good for you ( just a thought). I know w/ds s*ck so bad, however , the physical pain does end. You are already on day two of being clean from what IMO a rather large amount, so you are about over the hump. Keep going foward, before you know it you will be better, everyday after today should start getting a little better. Just know it could be worst (i know it dosnt feel it could, but really it could) relapse is sometimes a hard thing to get past, i would think you must change something this time if you really have (and i am not doubting your) desire to stay clean. Getting clean is only a really small part of the sulotion(my spelling s*cks) of this  disease, you have to get to the bottom of things within yourself to learn and understand what drives you to use, thats IMO your (this is for everyone of use) only shot at staying clean, you have to  learn to stay clean. Good luck, you already know what you have to do, I think you will be fine!
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452063 tn?1324074916
Boy do you sound like me when I first came on here almost 2 years and 6-7 relapses ago. I wouldn't tell anyone, I wouldn't even think of NA let alone go. I posted that I would rather die first. Thing is this. If you relapsed 10 times and your not changing anything you will keep relapsing. As addicts we have a way of wanting to do things "our way".....Your way is not working. I resisted everything I was told by others who were trying to help me. I just relapsed again after 10 months. I told my family, went to NA everyday for 4 1/2 months and am on here all of the time. I try something new everytime I relapse. I now realise that I need an addiction counselor. I need to find out why I keep using....so do you. Your way is not working. I am not trying to offend you, only trying to help through my experience. I wish you well with your detox. Please concider some aftercare. Respectfully, Corey
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i have relapsed 10 times so far, and this time i cant go back but this wd is the worst i have ever felt. its been like 3 months since my relapse and the person i use to get it from cannot get it anymore so basically im screwed but the thing is i really dont have time off of work or anything, so im trying to figure out a way to get off easy without getting addicted to something else. I know what withdrawels are like the longest ive been clean is about 2 months. I really dont want to go to NA meetings i know i have a addiction problem but i rather not talk about it to people face to face
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452063 tn?1324074916
Hi and congratulations on your decision to try to get your life back. Day 2 is a bad day. Day 4 was always the turning point for me. For some the physical withdrawals are a bit longer. Time goes very slow and that s@cks when you feel so bad. Thing is as you keep relapsing the wds will get worse. There is no magic way out. If you feel comfortable going to your doctor this would be best. You also need to cut off your supply so you don't cave in. This will be over and you will survive and feel better...promise. Try to stay hydrated and as soon as possible try to get out and walk...exercise. It really helps. Read the Thomas Recipe. Keep posting and stay in touch with us. This helped me get through the wds. You will get through this but think about some extra support like NA or counseling.
How many days did you make it b4 you relapsed last time?
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