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Tired, tired, tired

First try, here. I can't put anything into "Topic" So I don't want to write a whole big question and then have it not go through.
3 weeks on Suboxone, changed to Subutex. Used to take 30 mg a day of Norco. Doctor put me up to 22 mg Suboxone, Now I'm taking 4 mg. I've had the weirdest set of effects than I even can explain. Headache, first week, energy, severe sedation, and tired, tired, tired. I think I'm still on too much, just went down to 3 mg. It's so unpleasant, I hate it. I'm afraid it's not going to work. Does it not work for some people? last week on 8 mg, I had the "low tide" sedation. That's when you are sitting there and your consciousness makes you sink deeper and deeper towards sleep, even though you are talking to someone, or, at least, listening. It feels like the tide going out on a flat beach. Today, on 4 mg, (took last night at 5 pm) I was SO tired I left work early. I was getting dizziness, like spiraling down until I would stop at about the level of the chair seat. That was subjective, of course. No one seems to see how I am feeling.
I haven't had any withdrawal yet, at all. At first I used to think that some of the side effects, like stomach upset, were withdrawal. So I would go up (all approved by the doc - who, by the way, doesn't seem to know much - started prescribing last fall. ) Anyway - I'm trying to get on a dose that feels "normal" so I can work on myself without going through withdrawals from the Norco. I hate how tired I am now, and unmotivated. I also take Celexa 20 mg, and neurontin (Gapapentin) cut down from 200 mg to 100 mg - it's for anxiety. All you guys asking about if benzos are dangerous with Suboxone. YES, that's the only way people have died from Suboxone, using it with Benzos. Probably a lot of benzos - but the doc wants to be on the safe side. He will not let me take any at all. I was just taking .15 mg Ativan at bedtime, but haven't taken it at all, no alcohol, no Norco, no nuttin.
Any advice? (I'm seeing the doc tomorrow, (I see him every week at $75 a pop. -) but like I say, he doesn't know much. He sez to me, he sez, "It doesn't matter how much Suboxone you take - if you go over the amount you need, it just has no effect on you." Duh! What are they teaching them in that 8 hour course they have to take to get certified!!!! )
I'm getting my best information from Chatrooms, like this and like the NAABT one.
Well, one thing, bless his heart, he did allow me to take Subutex, to allay my fears that I might have an allergy or bad reaction to Naloxone. I don't think I do, but still glad to be sure that none of my weird reactions are from Naloxone.
Well, here I am writing a lot anyway. I really wish I could read more written by people who are so tired.
Is it possible that I was taking so little Norco that Suboxone (Buprenorphine) won't work for me?
I'm gonna keep going down as low as I can. But even right now, with the 3 mg of Sub in me for an hour or so, I'm getting those little dizzy, swooning feelings. Not a lot, just a little. And my stomach is a little upset. But no w/d, which for me used to start with a little aching. Bowel reactions. sniffing. none of that..
Anyway, I'll try to stop writing now!
63 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
Hi Lyssa... This is a very old thread and we'd like you to post a new one of your own.  It's kind of confusing, so I'm going to give you the instructions on how to do that...

First of all, go to the home page of the forum, by clicking on the this link:
At the forum home page, there's a red "Ask a question" button... click on that

That takes you to the next page where it asks "What's your health question?"

Then there's a white box to type in... you can type your questions/comments into that box, exactly like you typed them into this thread...

Just below that box, there's a blue "Submit your question" button... Click on that and your question will be appear on the forum.  

Once your question is posted, everyone on the forum can see it.  We'll be looking for it.
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649848 tn?1534633700
Let me go to my other computer... I'll get back with you
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495284 tn?1333894042
Thanks Barb!  I have spoken to her in her status and am waiting to hear back.  I want her to start her own thread.  I told her about the Post a Question but she doesnt have it.  If you have any suggestions it would be helpful!!
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649848 tn?1534633700
Hi Lyssa... My name is Barb.  I don't usually post on this forum, but I wanted to see if you're still here and to let you know someone will be here to talk to you.
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17499065 tn?1457253183
OMG!!!!! You tell my story to a T! I take all the same meds as you do, the only difference is that i'm on 40mg's of celexa a day. I just started Suboxen films myself, been on for 3 days now and feeling the same as you. I was on a much higher dose of opiates. I was prescribed 120 Norco's 7.5's a month and I would have them ate up in less than a week. Then until time for my next monthly script I took 3 to 4 at a time 30 mg's of morphine pills. My husband also has a monthly script for 120 Perc 10's, I would indulge in over half his script and it wouldn't be just 1, I would have to take 2 at a time. Also had another friend that got her script for Norco 10's every month and I would buy as much as I could afford from her. But back to the point is all was to feel NORMAL!  I have spent a lifetime (I'm 45 now) on antidepresents for depression, anxiety, etc. The Suboxen is doing nothing but making me feel like. I'm zombiefied, like I'm at a lunie bin on some major qualudes. My dose is   20mg's of Suboxen films a day. I would think from all i've read with the amount of what I took of the opiates would be right. If anybody still reads this stuff I would love to hear from you. Sincerely "Stumped??"
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i had a 4 years snorting percs20plus pills a day  addiction and i did all the research before i detoxed, i cant believe a dr. would even suggest sub for 25 mg of hydro, boy that is truely scary to know that dr. can do this. the dose is so low, why would he even do that? there were so many other much safer was for you to detox. if you have did all the reading you would know that the sub was way to much for the low intake! please be careful you are treding dangerous waters.           sherri  
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I'm so glad that you clarified why you said "this is not a social forum" in your second post.  But I think it would have been better to be more clear in your first post because so many people are brand new to the forum.  It might turn people off.  You may have been using the website/forum for a while and assume that most people understood your intent, but it did come across in a negative way.  Glad that someone challenged the comment and that you clarified.  We all need to be so careful with potentially negative statements in our posts...last thing we need is to turn someone off.
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Thats crazy, you really got too find a new dr. i was doing almost 2 grams of h a day and or atleast 3 80 mg oxy a day for 7 months and my doctor put me on 16 mg a day.  The first two weeks i had very bad mood swings and felt tired, but it seems everyday gets a little bit better the last week I felt better then i have in over a year and half.  by the way you get dizzy on subs if you get up too quick, say if your laying down or even just sitting.
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Thank you for your support and comments. Triedeverymed, you didn't read my whole post. That's okay. It's just that 8 mg was not a good dose for me, much too high. It wasn't that I was coming down off a stable dose too fast, it's that I was never on a stable dose. I've given up the Suboxone, warned by people here that it's so hard to get off, and the way I wanted to use it was sort of as a substitute drug, and that's not what it's for.
This is very hard and sad. We had a memorial service for a dear member of our family yesterday and it's so sad. It was my son in law, only 48, died from cancer which took him in a year and a half.   I'm not back to where I was on Hydro, I've still got suboxone in my brain. That's making it much harder. But I am glad I was on Suboxone not hydro when my son-in-law died, I was more present, even as weird as I felt.
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Oh I was not refering to you when talking of John Doe and his sprained ankle. By no means am I minimizing the addiction and the strength it has I deal with it everyday battling tro stay clean just one more day so as I said I can relate. I just think the dosage you take is a strange amount to choose to put someone on an alternative drug rather than to help them get clean the old fashioned way. You are not at fault here the blame for that action can be placed elsewhere but the addiction is your responsibility to get clean of and I think and pray you will. Be careful in the year you plan to continue using that your usage does not increase dramatically because it seems to have a tendency to do so. Again my prayers are with you... Mike
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447130 tn?1225470866
Forgot one thing, God for you for admitting you do not want to be on nothing. I was the same way when I was quitting. If they pulled me down to quick on the sub I would tell me doc and he would put my dose back up because he knew I would just end up back on vicodin and that's not what he was treating me for, he was there to help and I have 3 1/2 years sobriety and I owe it to that doctor. He was great. They do know more than we think sometimes.
Hang in there!!
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447130 tn?1225470866
You are going to make it!! I was on Sub to in order to get off 400mg of Vicodin a day, yes that does say 400mg. The sub can make you tired, give you a headache, and all that stuff but I think what's really happening is you are still adjusting from being on Vicodin to being on Subutex. You aren't on your drug of choice anymore and you body is all screwed up. The sub is to help you avoid withdrawls while coming off the vicodin, it's not a cure for addiction. You will be slowly weaned off the sub but it takes 30 days to wean off 8mg of Sub. That's per my doc. So if you try to cut down to fast, you'll be in w/d. Let the doc take you down slowly and make sure you're on an antidepressant. Coming off Sub isn't easy but it's a whole lot better than going cold turkey with vicodin. You body just has to regrow new nerve cells in the brain which takes about 6 weeks and you have to adjust to a life without drugs. I think that's the hardest part, that's why I always tell people to get into AA or maybe NA if you can find a good meeting. You need to be surrounded by sobriety, hear about it all the time, to live it you know? It really helps to go to meeting because your mind is focused on conversation and topics not about will I take another pill.
You are going to make it, hang in there, keep coming here, we've all be there or are there and together we help each other. If you ever need to talk, feel free to message me!!
Best of luck!!
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401095 tn?1351391770
I think that is a wise choice sasha..may sound strange to congradulate someone for going back to their old doc but in this case it was the smart thing to do...suboxone is really designed to help people quit...not as a drug of choice...get on and off quickly to help with withdrawals...long term i know it is hard to get off of...tho i do know people who stay on it for a long time as they feel they would relapse without it...i think it is a great drug when used correctly and in the proper situation...when u r ready to get off the hydros....the forum is a great place and even if u r not getting off...people still need support...there are several people that post who are not quitting...i am really happy for you as it worried me that u may get in trouble with that sub.....keep posting
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Hi, Mike, thanks for your comments - well, I was on 25 - 30 mg of Hydro for 3 and a half years, it is an addiction, not a sprained ankle!! but you are right, I can't imagine how ignorant my doctor had to be to allow me to go up to 24 mg a day. I was having a terrible mess of symptoms, and I couldn't tell if they were w/d or too-much. Obviously, he couldn't either. I was still over sedated on 3 mg. And he was saying he thought the sedation was not being caused by too much Suboxone. I truly don't think his motivation was money. I can just tell that he is a good man. He had been addicted to hydro, as well (found out online etc through the medical board.) of course he didn't mention that and neither did I! But I THINK he was trying his best. His best was none too good, however. I don't blame him, though. Well, I think that one of his "character defects" is arrogance. That's something he should work on. If he had been humble, he wouldn't have been so dumb, he would have listened to me more carefully, he would have researched what I was telling him.  
I've been reading a long thread here on getting off Suboxone, and I'm getting off today, scared ***tless.  I'm back to Hydro, and I'll go from there. I know, I know... But I've taken care of myself this long, I'm NOT going to buy on the street or commit crimes to "feed" my addiction. I'll stop before that happens. It's probably be in another year. And I won't get on Suboxone again. What  weird drug. Never did get a chance to feel what being on the right amount was like. but it doesn't matter.
Thanks for your prayers!
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Thid spost really shocked me at how doctors are very irresponsible or at least that doctor is. Are they that hungry for money or the need to push subs so bad that they give them to anyone. Where are the needed qualifications to put people on this stuff? She said she was up to 25mg then 30mgs aday. Come on the doctor is flipping out to do this to someone..... So if the ordinary john doe sprains his ankle and gets a script of vicadin anymore after he takes two scrips he has to go on months of sub treatment to stop???? Give me a flippin break man!!! Hipocratic oath???? Hypocrite oath is more like it!!!!!!! My prayers are with you Sasha!!!!
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401095 tn?1351391770
great...the forum will always be here when u feel the need....be safe
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Sure, bow out, You haven't posted for 4 hours anyway, to me. This is the kind of angry put-down post I was talking about. Watch how judgmental you are.
I didn't do a "bad thing" to try Suboxone, as you seem to be implying. I told everyone earlier, I explained to the doctor what was in my mind - that it was time to stop using, as my tolerance had gone up, but it was my understanding that since Suboxone is a partial agonist, I might be able to have SOME kind of feeling from it, not a High exactly, but something to protect me. IMO It's really the addict in me that reminds you of the addict in you that you are angry at.
I didn't know what you know about Suboxone. That's not my fault.
I have gotten some good information from this site, for which I think everyone who helped me.
Thank you for the offer to help if when I want to get off opioids altogether. I will come back then.
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401095 tn?1351391770
I am bowing out on this discussion as well...i did misunderstand ur intent and at first naturally thought u wanted to quit narcotics...that is why most come here...u have stated that u do not want to quit narcotics...u still want an opiod...i can not help and do not understand choosing subutex or suboxone as a drug of choice over 30 mg of hydros a day...i would choose the hydros over sub any day of the week from my experience with learning and mostly thru this fantastic learning tool...the forum..unless i was at a very high dose and could not get off of the hydros,,,then i may consider sub...but that is not ur goal..to quit...since i can not understand...i can not help....i am used to people using drugs like this to quit all together...and i will support them 100 percent...not to go on using...i am not sure if maybe u lost ur hydro supply or what ur intentions are for doing this.....suboxone is meant to use short term for severe narcotic addiction or long term for someone who can not stay off the streets and continues to relapse..it is not a recreational drug...and not to be taken lightly...I am really not sure at this poin what u told ur doctor....i just find it hard to believe there are doctors out there who would do this for someone...but sometimes i am nieve...u seem to have been very defensive and i dont understand ...i will bow out...good luck with whatever u choose but if i wanted to stay on opiods...i would not use sub...be safe...and when u want to quit narcotics,,,please stay in touch..i will be in ur corner 100 percent
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Oh, sorry, I just read back to your previous post - that you think that now I am more addicted b/c of the Suboxone, and it will be harder to get off this stuff. sorry to ask again.

Re being a "full blown addict" - yes, I guess I think when it comes to the point where I can't get enough the way I have been, that's when I will stop.
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Dear Sad, will you tell me how it is that I have a worse problem NOW?? because of the Suboxone? I mean, how is it worse? please..

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Oh, geez, I don't want a worse problem. do you think I have a worse problem NOW???
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so bottom line...what is it you hope to accomplish or what are your goals? i am glad you have learned alot of info...but if your not ready to give it up...whatever the drug may be...what can we do..?? another year??? On what? I feel like you don't really know what it is to be a full blown addict...where you lie to Dr/s to get more drugs..you buy them off the streets etc...we all started off with the thinking you have...and i will tell you..it doesn't take long to cross a line that you never thought you would cross...and you won't realize you crossed it until...it's crossed..
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Yes, I see. I didn't know if you meant Suboxone or Hydro.
I suppose maybe I don't have much longer on the dose that I'm on, but I stayed on
25 mg and less for 3 years. So I'm having hope I might have another year.
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CadillacJack is right....and yes it will happen to you..( i think you know that)..I am not undermining the hydros...but compared to what most of us here are on , you are taking very little and your Dr. giving you sub for that small amount in my opinion was negligent..he just gave you a BIGGER problem...
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