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Hi, I have been taking some form of prescription pain medication for over 7 years, first, vicodin, then oxy's, then methadone for pain, not for addiction, but in my mind I feel it is for both pain and  drug control. for the last 4 months I have just been taking methadone and an occasion vicodin for pain that is not controlled with the Methadone..I really don't feel I get much out of the vicodin because it feels as though the methadone seems to block the affect of the vicodin.  I Have overshot my Methadone a bit and will run out 4 days early, I am scared to death of the withdrawel that I am about to face..What do you do to help cope?? Do you  continue to work at your jobs, do you try to stay in bed, do you sit in a chair....I sound like a fool but I am an  educated, Grandmother of 50 with Lupus, Fibro, arthritis, Cancer survivor and the pain I live with at times is unbearable. To be truthful I want to be off of everything I just do not know how to survive..Any and responses will be greatfully appreciated and thankyou in advance for any advice I may receive
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Wow, I just joined this forum and just read all your blogs.. that must have been horrible. Im so sorry for you.  I don't have experience with Methadone but my Mother does.  She has used it to wean off the vicodin.  And eventually weaned off the Methadone, down to nothing for a few days or a week but eventually went back to the Vic..She said the pain was to much.  I don't know if it was or if she just needed to hold off a while (since they say it takes weeks to feel better.)  I am on day 3 of quitting Vicodin and I weaned down for about 1-2wks. My doctor recomended weaning for a few weeks but I didn't have enough to do it that long.  The last few days I had to go from 25mg to 5 mgs that was bad.  Im not trying to compair to you...I know Methadone is much much stronger.  just sharing my experience.  What helped me the most with the anxiety and legs moving all over was sleeping it off with Xanex.  It wasn't nearly as bad as the 1st time I quit (this is my 2nd and last time I will go through this I promise myself )  It is taking longer this time since I have been on them much longer, but the Xanex helped so so much.  To bad they can't just put people in a coma till you come off of it.  That would be great.
Best wishes to you. Im glad you are ok now.
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HOLY COW, I am feeling better finaly. My husband picked up my script and after 2 scheduled doses I am feelin human again.....Iwill      never     ever abuse that again...My husband is hold my meds seems a bit muchbut if you have a tendancy to abuse drugs and you can't live without them I guess that is the only way for me.I am going to scout around for another Doc, I just don't want it ti appear I him Doctor shopping for seeking drugs..I wish there was a miracle shot out there that could control my pain,,Lupus is no fun and the arthritis is party either. And this fribromyalgia (sp) is really quite painful also. I first thought it wqs a cop out diagnosis but the more I have read about it the more it seems I have every sympton...I am going to try and stick with that wean schdule she has me on and then I want to jump off. going c/t on 25 mg must be easier than 90 mgs. Right?? I look forward to hearing from you guess you gave me strengh went I thought I was done for,,,and I thankyou so much for kind words
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like Kim said..you will feel like you are about to die..but you will make it. Just keep thoe fluids going and don't worry about eating..maybe your husband can get you some ensure drinks or even slimfast would be good. I also found Gatoraid to be helpful because of the electolytes in it..have you considered just keeping going with this?? Maybe you could takesome vicodin instead just to take the edge off..do not let your dr. bully you. that is ****..
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I know it feels like death is approaching,but you're right we live through it.You just have to take it a minute at a time hon.You just have to go with it.I know it's not easy but it can be done.Fell free to send me a pm if you need to talk some more.Hang in there.
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Ok I am going to go take a hot shower,,I am in that pace type mode where it feels like your ac and legs are being ripped apart,,and the feeling of restlessness if what is most unbearable..I am glad you folks are out here, thank god for computers at least I don't feel soalone and I know people do go through it and live because right now I feel as though I may die.....
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My heart goes out to you.I remember all too vividly what that felt like.I have been clean from methadone for 7 months.I was on it for a little over a year and after a few unsuccessful attempts at tapering off I went cold turkey off of 25 mgs.It was really 6 weeks before I can say there was a real difference,but the first 3 weeks were in a word,horrific.If you can't eat,try some ensure,you need to keep your body nourished in some way and you need to consume fluids to keep hydrated.I know it's hard but you have to force yourself.I wish I had some really good advice to give,but when I was going through it I took it minute by minute and it wasn't pretty.Try the hot baths to relieve some of the aches and pains,they can help a little with the anxiety too.I'm so sorry you're going through this and if it is at all possible I would look for a different doctor.The rate in which yours is trying to taper you is absolutely too fast and is just going to prolong the agony that comes with freeing yourself of this drug.I'm praying for you and I'm here if you need to talk.....Peace...Kim
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Cassie..there is not much you can do besides wait..honestly, there isn;t much difference between the dose your on now or 60 mgs..your dr. could give you clonodine which might help but truthfully the w/ds from methadone are so hard core that i didn't find much that helped besides time..You will think your dying but your not..please please make yourself drink some water..because you can die from dehydration..I am sure you will never let this happen to you again. hang in there girl..if you were to go c/t now..it will be about 6 weeks until you feel better..I would say at least 2 weeks of feeling really bad, maybe more.
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Oh my God I can hardly type I can not eat it has been 3 days I am dehydrated, I know rhere is nopoint in going to the hospital,,,How long does this living hell last if you decide to go cold turkey all together. i thinkthe dose I was on is just to high to go cold turkey,,,but i will bet you one thing I will stick to my wean schedule after this hellish ordeal.....Only a couple days left until I get my script. does anyone have any ideas at al what I can do to help with all the terribe things that are happening to me????
Thabk you in advance for your input...
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Just checking in on you Cassie...I am sure you are feeling pretty miserable about now..I am hoping you are ok . I know this is hard .
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401095 tn?1351391770
due to the long half life of methadone...4 days will be about when u start to even feel the effects....not a smart thing to do/run out..methadone as a rule is not a drug of abuse...if u r abusing it and not taking it as prescribed...then it may not be a good choice for u
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563594 tn?1309583132
hi there, I've read your post and I sadinmichigan really knows what she talking about in this department. I feel for you, I'm so sorry you have to go through this!! Just wanted to let you know I'm here a lot, if you ever need to chat :) xoxo
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Oh Cassie..I am so sorry..listen..there is no way you are going to be able to work..and you are only going to get sicker and sicker..Methadone is WAY stronger than vicodin..there isn't anything stronger..You are talking like 10 vicodin 10's to 1 mg of methadone...there is nothing your going to be able to do to help right now besides get your methadone. I know that after this experience you will never let yourself run out again..and I really think you need to either get a new Dr...or really sit down and tell your dr what is up..I wish there was something I could do to help..I would call in to work and plan on being out until the 12th...please do not let yourself run out of methadone again.you are on such a high dose to begin with ..and if 100mg isn't helping ,than more isn't going to help either..how often were you running out of your pain meds prior to being put on methadone? ..keep posting..
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Oh Boy, This is terrible, shaking, sweating,,,and I have to go to work...Did I tell you the worst thing in all this... I take care of babies born to Methadone Mom,s. I believe anyone there will be able to tell what's wrong with be right away, because they all are trained for this....I am not sure what to do..Call in, try to go stick it out at work,,Have any of you ever gone to work when you were in the middle of a withdrawing?? I took a coouple of Vicodin that i have here but they didn't do a thing,,,Methadone must be so much stronger...You know I blame my doctor, she gave me that dose because she was right yp on the drug, then she educated herself a bit and took it away as fast as she gave it to me.....I just don't think it's right. She said she would not give me any Methadone until the 12th to teach me alesson and stick with the wean schedule....Boy sometimes I wonder about these Docs.....Well I look forward to any posts and reponses, Makes it easier to know there are people out there who do know how I feel...
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ow are you doing today..I know thats probably a real dumb question..keep posting , it will help take your mind off things..
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I am very sorry that you are in this position..you are right, your Dr. is weaning you way to fast. This is one of the biggest problems with Dr.s , they do NOT know how horrible the w/d from methadone is. You are definitley on a very high dose. I was on methadone for about 1 1/2 yrs..I ended up going cold turkey off of 65mg..I think your Dr. has a very unrealistic veiw on getting you down to 20 mg in such a short time. Most people that are taking as high of dosage as you are take about 2 yrs to wean down not without some discomfort. You are going to be very sick by the 12th..I wish I could lie toyou right now and tell you something different, but you need to know what to expect..Please read this article that I have in my journal about methadone/withdrawal..it is written by a dr. who was also an addict for 18 yrs..it is very informative and there are several things you can start doing to help yourself a little .http://www.medhelp.org/user_journals/show/15543?personal_page_id=793

I do have a question for you though...you stated above that every now and then you take a vicodin but you feel that the methadone is "blocking" it...what do you mean? Are you talking about the feeling that vicodin gives you?? Methadone is one of the strongest pain meds that there is. A vicodin isn't going to do anything but the methadone isn't blocking anything..also..if you think your Dr. is trying to teach you a lesson because you ran out of your meds before you were supposed to..then I would get a new DR. ..
As far as a tapering schedule goes...In a methadone clinic, they would only suggest weaning around 2 mg's ata time and not every week..more like every 10 days..the problem with methadone is it's very long 1/2 life..it stays in your system from 24 hrs to 36 or more depending on your metabolism..when you take methadone..your body only metabolizes around 80% of the drug leaving a 20% surplus..and that cycle repeats itself over and over until your body stabolizes on it..the same process works in reverse as you wean..you may feel fine taking an initial lets say 5 mg or even 10 mg decrease..but then after several days or even not until a week later..that decrease will catch up to you ...this is why many people will decrease and think they feel fine and then after a week will decrease again and then all the sudden it hits them lke a ton of bricks and many people end up going back up a few mgs...please feel free to PM me if you have any questions..I will be on for a little while longer tonight..
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Thank you all for the input, I am going to just sit here and read these forums and just try to get through the night,,, what else can one do...thanks so much....
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640856 tn?1223241935
My best advice would be to have somebody hold the drugs for you during the weaning process and give them out to you. I tried the weaning on my own and didn't have enough self control to do it myself. Ended up going cold turkey. Good luck to you!!!
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199177 tn?1490498534
I agree with you are on a heavy dose .Like I said I am not as knowegeable with methadone but most of the people here that have tapered do not go down that much a week. I agree with you that is to fast .I am sorry she wont let you go slower .There have been many here on methadone hopfully someone else will chime in .
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Thank you for your response. I am taking 40mg in the am, 30 mg 8 hours later and then another 30mg again 8  hours later so I usually take between 70 to 100 mg daily. It is only the second daywithout Methadone and I am feeling crappy, my legs will not sit still and they ache something terrible, I am very ill wanting to  vomit each time I try to eat. I have vicodin here that I can  take , but that would be against my Doctors wishes and I don't want to get started down the wrong road. I am on a wean and the reason I ran out is because I am having a very hard time keeping up with the reducing schedule. My Doc is concerned about the dosage and wants me to get down to 40g daily for 6 months and then in 6 months down to 20mg. she states I will be in pain and that I will need to learn other ways to cope as my condition will never go away. She states at my present dose my memory will be affected if I remain, she truly seems genuine but she has reduced me very quickly, 10 mg reduction every week. Not to long ago I was on 200mg daily. By what I have been learning that is a huge dose and I agree I must get to a safe place with the dosage, I will tell you one thing, I WILL NOT ever take more than prescribed again even if my pain is controlling me, that's what happened this time. I thought she would overlook the shortage because I am in the middle of a wean, but heck NO, she was madder that heck at me, so here I am..I think she is trying to teach me a lesson and show the importance of sticking to the schedule, it's just very quick I believe..Does anyone know a formula for reducing the dosage??? thank you again for your response I am very scared this evening , my husband works all night, my children are all grown, I am here alone crying and praying for the 12th to hurry and get here...
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199177 tn?1490498534
I really cant tell you much that will help you .Methadone tends to have the worst WD symptoms .We have had people here suffer coming off of it for well over a month.At least this will only be for four days .how much a day are you taking .did you run out because you were taking more then you were prescribed .With methadone long half life the day at least should not be difficult I am thinking day three and four will be the worst .Let us know how you do.
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