5082295 tn?1371250911

how long does it take to get off vicodone & how to?

I've been on & off hydrocodone for 2yrs (on more than off..starting bc of two knee surgerys in the past 2ys now can't stop completely) . I've never taken (regularly) more than 3 tens a day. I've been thru withdraws b4 but only made it a couple days bc the leg cramps were unbearable. (That's the worst besides anxiety) & being so fatigued. Plse if any1s been thru this I need help. I also take valium at night so that helps..but other than that idk what to do to get off these & really need to. Ive tapered off as much as I could but I'm gonna be out probably tomorrow. so any advice? More the withdraws & how to keep myself from taking them again..ever. thanks
Best Answer
4810126 tn?1503942735
Hey there psychdegree! Thanks for reaching out.

I couldn't agree more with both ariley13 & kyle505 -- They are covering two different angles of this. You must be prepared to do absolutely everything it takes to get & stay clean. That's simple fact. Nothing else will work. You have to really want it.

What ariley13 is referencing is opiate-induced Hyperalgesia: This might really help you to understand -- a Wiki link explaining it:


You can do this if you want to, my friend! We're pulling for you.

91 Responses
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5082295 tn?1371250911
Hi there! Im ok..luckily my psych wanted to do a tapering plan bc of my bipolar (he didn't wonna send me into a manic episode) which since I was already slowing down that week I got to start off at a much lower dose. Plus the craving really has lessened the in the beginning. Even if I kno im suppose to take one..i may take just a half etc. So think im on the right track..kno I will stumble. Plus I need to see this doc about my hip & tell him about the vicodone when I do so he'll kno where to start. But anway yes much better & not struggle to bad (having some anxiety still & tired/restless) but nothing as severe as it was a week ago! but thanks for checking on me..have a good night
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Hey there - just checking in to see how you're doing?
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5093508 tn?1390543931
Hey my friend. Just saw your reply. You are doing well, considering u ran out of your bipolar med. You sounded more positive today. I'm cheering for ya! Hope you see your psych doc, or a big ew .GP if possible. You already know you're accountable with the Lord, so with His strength, means you also have it inside you! Your admitting your addiction to yourself, to others on this site, is half the battle. Most important, you've asked for help from Jesus. Thru Him, you'll make it thru the worst, knowing victory & freedom, joy & peace is close at hand! It's always darkest, most painful before the light comes to set us free.  You know what u have to do. The choice is yours. Keep picturing your beach holiday coming up, and that all this will be behind you, if u withstand the wds. THEY WILL PASS! Picture you feeling happy, clean and free, even your pain will be less. Get those vitamins, magnesium calcium, potassium, zinc into you. And a protein drink, if u can't eat .much. Your body is the temple of the Lord. Take care of it. It will give you more strength to fight, when you are more nourished. Still praying for ya, mate!
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5082295 tn?1371250911
Yes he knows..bc I didn't pay attention to my bottle saying "no refill" & called it in after taking my last one..on a Saturday..so no one got to it till today..I did call to make sure the doc faxed it back over..& of course they didn't even tho I reminded them of the pharmacy sending it already. So the awesome ppl at my small town pharmacy loaned me one bc my doc, pharmacy & my work all open & close at 6..so just in case. Which thank goodness for that!
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Why did you run out of your bipolar med, and does your Dr. know about this?
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5082295 tn?1371250911
Thank you my dear! Always my back bone on here! Im just amazed on how all yall know about vitamins & stuff! I think I have that certain mind set if I take a vitamin & don't get immediate results it must not be working! Tho I know its not true, but I sometimes fake myself out. But ive been trying new & different things, ran outta my bipolar med so it has just been a crazy couple of days & didn't realize how much that effected me too. But anyway thanks for the support..still at it..I see improvement & resisting the temptation (like I told u I did slip up) but I see that happens..thanks again for the support!
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5093508 tn?1390543931
Hi my friend. I've just read all the comments. Everyone is absolutely right. I'll just add that I agree that YOU CAN DO IT! The One who is in you, is GREATER than the one that is in the world! You have the victory already. You just have to believe it. I know how easy it is to dwell on our pain, on wanting a pill so bad, even just to stop the withdrawals, as 1 pill probably doesn't help ease your pain anymore. You may be wondering why I'm adding my comments here. I just want you to take notice of the nutritional advice. If you're drinking lots of water, which helps flush out the poisons, it also flushes out a lot of vitamin & minerals. For your RLS & cramps, you def need more magnesium, potassium, calcium. Magnesium is for that, also for calming you down. Bananas are rich in all these minerals plus many more. Cucumbers are full of magnesium too. Have u heard the expression "As cool as a cucumber"? It's  bc it has magnesium, which is the calming mineral.  You've done very well. Focus more on getting enough nourishment, protein drinks if u can't eat much, as the brain needs the amino acids 2 help ease withdrawals with all that comes when tapering, the anxiety, depression, what seems like worse pain, & pain all over, the sweats,  nausea, tummy pains, the works! God would want you to look after your body too. Keep your mind on Him. Pray lots, to Jesus, as you've accepted him into you heart. Through Him, if we fully trust & believe, you can do it! He has already given you the victory. He gave you all He is and has when u accepted Him. So it's all in u, meaning YOU'VE GOT IT! Even say "I've got it" over & over.  Do you really want to be free? I've got to ask myself this all the time. It's all or nothing. No half measures! Going thru withdrawals is pure hell but once you really want to do this, (and I know you really do)want, your determination, your faith will get u there. Keep a picture in your mind of how joyful, clean & at peace you'll be. As said up there, you've got to believe in yourself. The road won't be easy, but try not to think on how bad it is or can get, bc it WILL GET BETTER! Your pain will even ease up, as said by others who have been where u are now, the pills end up causing stronger pain, as your tolerance to them has made work opposite now and are not really giving u relief. You've got it in you, to do this. Go thru the pain. It will pass. Don't be so hard on yourself if you fall. Get back up and DON'T GIVE UP!  I'm praying for you my friend. Look after your body, as this will go a long way in aiding your recovery. Walnut & almonds also help with anxiety & depression. Please follow the fantastic advice given. Take Vitamin B complex, especially one with at least 10mg of B1as this is for your nervous system to help u to be less anxious, but u need the whole B Complex for your whole nervous system. I think I've told u, that green tea has amino acids that help balance the neurotransmitters in you brain, and can help them produce the happy hormones. Keep believing YOU CAN DO IT!  And you will! Stop the negative chatter in your head (the devil) telling u it's too hard and saying you can't do this, when deep down inside you, you know you can! Remember you have the Power greater than yourself is in you! It's up to you now. We've been given free choice. Choose freedom , choose life FREE OF ADDICTION!  God bless!
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5082295 tn?1371250911
Wow..I needed to hear this! It really broke thru..bc I've said for so long ok I just gotta make it thru these event, or this week of work etc. Then ill try. That really is me..or I don't wonna hurt ppl by not talking or hanging out bc I need some rest from this. This is my last week of work..put in my two week notice so regardless that I'm starting it all over again or not I have a little over a month b4 a week beach trip. & gonna make that my reward (u kno how good the token system works..n pps reinforcement works) I feel much better now. Gonna take it day by day..no min by min & pray for strength but still push forward..bc my life is top prioty for actually being alive so gettin control of it should b too!
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Im On my way! To work so have to keep it short but yes the lethargic part is one of the hardest for me as I'm a clean freak and the only one that cleans my house and does all the laundry. I have two dogs that need walked and am always in the middle of a craft or re decorating a part of the house. These things were all easy on pills and without them my house has fallen apart, the dogs are anxious cux I can't even bring myself to walk them, and everything has sat the way it was when I started on day 1 except a few loads of laundry and changed bedding. You have to decide that YOU and your health is the top priority. I think so many things, people, and social pressures tell us to put other things at the top of our list to succeed but when you have an addiction I think you have to be willing to let everything else slip away for a month or so and just say f it....I'm more important than ANYTHiNG else. Just be glad you don't have kids? Some ppl on here did this with children..which I cannot imagine doing.

Weekend=pop in your favorite movie and line up about 5 more. Get on Hulu and start new seasons of shows. Paint your nails. Take a bath. Sun bathe outside. Plant something. Etc.

Make it through today,,.make it through this hour. Tommrow is a new day, here goes work for the first time without pills.
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5082295 tn?1371250911
Oh im sure im in the excuse area right now. & I do see I have an excuse really for it all, but I do need to realize those excuses aren't getting me anywhere. I want to do this, but on the other hand I don't know how I will feel after, will I still feel motivated etc. & all I do is think about that pill! I find myself doing other things yet thinking I wish I had one. But keeping myself busy w work this week has been at great time consumer..but now its the weekend & things have slowed down which worries me. & im so exhausted but I wonna get out & go shopping but it was all I had in me to walk my dog around outside. I keep praying im strong enough to wither the storm, but still have doubts that I cant..
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I also have a degree in psych and work in the health care field. I'm in the same boat as you and on day 5. There are always norco's in my house as a family member has to have them. I made the decision that I was DoNE and that I could beat this addiction. I'm not stronger minded than any other addict, I'm not better than you in any way, I'm in constant pain from sports injuries, and I also work a second night life job that feels impossible to do sober. You have to want this. Through and through. There is no other way. I just read this entire post and while I'm no expert (being only 5 days clean) you seem to be in the excuse area a lot...and beating yourself up for failing. The only thing that has kept me clean for 5 days is knowing what he'll it's been staying that way. I've found pills, heald them in my hand, and thrown them away.

You have to keep your mind busy...go for a walk, garden, get a n hobby out of the house, get a pet, paint your feelings out, pinterest, read support groups on here, shower, bath, play games on your phone, watch seasons of Friends, movies, whatever you have to do to NOT concentrate on the idea of a pill. In your weak moments (like I'm in right now) you get on here, read other peoples stories, and you an always find a comment from at least one person that hits home and makes you stay on track. Log off and get back to being busy.  

I can say that I know I can do it. Can you say the same?
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5082295 tn?1371250911
I was also wondering..how do you know if you need professional help? Bc it was 5 days & the physical wds weren't too much better (yet I could see a slight change with it not being so so severe) but  "run down" feeling was worse the rest was still pretty darn bad. & it was wearing on me mentally. & of course psychology the "wanting it" feeling didn't go away..got worse (the 1st 2 days I was going strong tho in not wanting it. Do I need like rehab or something...idk what to do. I know im probably overeacting to the small piece I took yesterday but for some reason it makes me feel like im not gonna be able to do this..kinda like I did it once wont I again? In my life I have always done things to the end no matter how hard..but I cant say it wasn't hard but this idk put me in a tail spin of overwhelming doubt that I just cannot do it. I want so badly to prove to really myself that I can but man it feels like its all I ever think about..how it feels, when will it stop, man I need/want one. Yet ive been trying to replace thos thoughts w one day I can look back & see how great that was I did this or not chained to a bottle, or relied on it. Bc that part has really felt good. Ahh so confused I hope these wd.s don't start back to square one. Just want all this to go away, sadly it wont. Thanks again for the support..& who ever answers this question too
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5082295 tn?1371250911
Ahh I kno I just thought hmm ok I can do it 4-5 days I got this. 4th day comes n it seemed like I was dying. I'm just so angry over it all but I'm thinking 1st thing Mon morning I'm going to call my doc & explain this & finally ask for help. I also told another friend today & she is very proud of me stopping & instead of hiding it from her I kno she'll keep check of me bc she has in the past wondered if I had an to them. But I'm trying I'm shocked I made it this far..at least I kno tapering is a good way to go. Thanks again for all the advice & support
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1416133 tn?1351123217
NG is right.  Starting a taper right now isn't the way to go.  With such a small amount taken, it makes no sense to go back.

And spending any time beating yourself up over this isn't going to help one bit.  You have to move on.  And keep going.  AND get your Dr. on board.  You said you were debating on whether to tell him what's going on, but telling him is a first step.  AND removing your sources.. so important.  Now is the time to do both and begin learning from those before you and get back on track.

Remove your sources - tell your secret - and get a good aftercare plan in place.  This doesn't happen overnight, but it's SO worth it.  You'll see.  Now stop fighting our advice and GET going!!  :)  (not intended to be harsh, just honest!)
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480448 tn?1426948538
One of the biggest things, especially this early on, is eliminating your sources, AND telling your secret (even if to one or two people).  Without accountability and without freeing yourself as much as possible from temptation (pills being available)...then you're setting yourself up to relapse in those vulnerable moments when the addict mind is screaming.

If you only took a small piece of a pill, no there's no sense in tapering whatsoever.  Just get back on the horse and start making the changes that will help you fight the mental cravings.

I cannot tell you how many people who are resistant to doing those two things end up coming back with this SAME story.  Take it from the people who have relapsed countless times...I swear, they all say the same thing about when they turned the corner...it was when they sought aftercare, and did the two things I mentioned above.

You were on 4+ days right?  Going to a taper plan would be going backwards bigtime...and as far as doing that to give you a "break"?  I disagree...I think it's just a way to rationalize giving yourself a week to use again, or at least esacpe w/ds.  All you would be doing is prolonging the inevitable and probably making it even harder.  Jump RIGHT back into it.  Just my opinion.

Hang in there!!
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511409 tn?1373395178
Stop beating yourself up. This monster is a tricky little *******. And you're going to have slips in the beginning. Pretty normal. But what's not, is giving up. You CAN DO THIS. I know exactly what you're feeling my friend. And it's that anger you feel over it that lets you know what you did May have been wrong.  But you have to say NO! I am not gonna be a slave to this crap ANY FREAKIN MORE!
And mean it.
Yes, it something that, if possible, you should take a week off.  It's an inch by inch fight for the first 3-4 days.
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511409 tn?1373395178
Hi. You have been given a lot of great advice already. So I will just say this...
I'm an addict. No qualms or questions about it. Am I happy about? H no. But it is what it is. I have been battling this addiction for over 6 years. And can tell you strait up, deal with this now, or it gets harder and harder. If you would like an example, feel free to scroll through my page.  If you pay attention, you'll see just how clear a picture it paints.  The desperation in my words, the incredible feelings of loss, it's  all there. I know this may possibly be the hardest thing you've ever done.... But that's where you really want to be with this BS... DONE with it. I am on day 5 from a relapse that lasted a whole 4 days..... But it put me back at square one. And I payed for it dearly. I have all kinds of reasons to give up and stay on the crazy train. From pain to a ridiculous home life and everything in between. But I only need 1 to say he11 no!  Life.  

How bout you?
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5082295 tn?1371250911
I am sooooo mad at myself right now! I couldn't make it thru work today & gave in to the freaking addiction mind! I hate this...came so far & was so proud..yet I only took a tiny bit I still cannot believe it took any opiate! My physical body feels better but my inside, my mind besides being able to think clearer is so mad and guilty. I feel like a failure..no I didn't go on a binge or anything but Im now trying to descide if I should figure a way to taper or just try this again cold turkey? I hope yall don't think horribly of me..i wish my own self didn't know I a piece! yet it was tiny like less then a half. But still shows me im not as strong as I thought..idk what to do with myself. Will the withdrawls come back worse or the same now? I read it was by days like the 4th day day of w.d if you relapse " "this will be the percent you will feel. Like on your 5th day you'll feel 50% of the w.ds again or something. I just cant believe myself. Im debaiting on telling my psych and see what he says. & yes all the other meds are controlled by him..every 3 months for my psych meds. AHH if you only knew how mad I am..i got deprete I guess & now I just wonna kick myself for doing this. & if tapering for a week just to get me thru till im not working anymore may be my best bet..ive waited so long bc of work..so not sure if anything else can be done if I CANNOT do this on my own..bc now that I caved idk what to do. HELP!
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1416133 tn?1351123217
CIK - I could NOT agree more with you.  psych.. listen to her.  She knows what she's talking about.

Have you considered talking to the Dr. about all of this?  And unless you have any real health concerns (heart, etc.) going C/T off the painkillers isn't going to kill you.  Uncomfortable, yes.  But it's doable.

BUT I have to ask again - what about all the other meds you are taking?  Is your Dr. on board with what you're trying to do here?
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3197167 tn?1348968606
We can ALL relate to that "resisting water when you are thirsty" bit.  But if you don't push thru THIS time....you will end up here again and again.

You are at a critical turning point....and that is why we say "cut off ALL your sources"....cause if your addict brain "knows" you have a way to get pills...you will get pills.

It's also why we say to share your addiction with someone that is in your daily life that can hold your feet to the fire and make you accountable.

The aftercare support is crucial as well.....if I remember correctly you were at 72 hrs at 8 a.m. today.....that's when it's the very hardest....and if you can get past this most difficult time.....you won't have to do it all over again.

The power of choice is ours......and some of us never make it back....
hope you will re-direct your thoughts and P.U.S.H. (pray until something happens)
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5082295 tn?1371250911
Im seriously at the point where I want one really bad! Idk what to do or how to make this feeling go away! Its like resisting water when your thirsty. Ahhhh I hope I don't give in! I keep thinking I can get by w just one! just one that's all. But everytime its "just 1" yet it slowly builds up again! I feel so helpless & guilty that Ive made it this far & now could rouin it if I really wanted to. Well hope to talk soon!
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5082295 tn?1371250911
I think I can do it..really I think. Its been since sun night/early Monday since I took one last half. So shouldn't things be getting better now? At this point im more tired yet my minds clearing up (the legs cramps come & go now..oh but when they come its awful) the not being able to eat which then makes me sick on my stomach are about the worst. I got off early today & while im at work im not depressed or anxious but I guess that's bc im so busy. Now the "scared/fear" sets in. like I said this happens in the evenings too. So again like I said..its was sun night/early Monday..my last dose (half of 5mg hydrocodone) does anyyyyyone know how  much longer its gonna take for this to be just uncomfortable not debilitating? I thought by now id be done & ok..it didn't go  passed 5 days last time was the leg cramps and a little bit of mood issues by the 5th day (yet this is my 3rd or 4th) Any ideas? Hate the one day I get off at lunch I have to sit around and feel like crap in the summer & do nothing! ahh
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480448 tn?1426948538
Good advice from "Im Done"...also, to be honest hon, this isn't the time to decide to keep secrets, this one is nothing to fool around with.  I know you're still struggling with even being able to call yourself an addict...that's okay...it may take some time...but this isn't a battle meant to fight alone.  If there's any secret in your life that you SHOULDN'T keep, it's this one.

People say here all the time, and I think it's a great saying..."our secrets keep us sick".  That's very true when it comes to addiction.  You don't have to shout it from the rooftops, but it would be great if you can find one person to tell the whole truth, not the watered down version others know.  It will be freeing.  Just keep thinking about it.
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1416133 tn?1351123217
Psych... girl.. this is something you HAVE to do with your Dr. on board throughout the entire process.  Given all the other meds you're taking, you want to be as safe as possible.  Please don't put yourself at any risk in an effort to get clean.  You want to do this properly and effectively.  I get that you're in a "rush".. I remember that feeling.  But please be careful, okay?

I want to see you feeling better, but I want to see you doing this as safely as possible.
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