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just need to reach out

A wee update, this is my 24th day off norco; I had one refreshingly good day this past week which I am grateful for. That said, the anxiety, depression and inertia continue and are intense. I know it takes time, but when I am feeling so poorly, I am unable to force myself to even go for a walk, which is the one thing that helps me. I know this question gets asked a lot, but when do these symptoms start to ease up? I was on morphine and norco almost 6 years. Withdrew from the morphine in Nov. and now the norco, so have been holed up in my home for 4 months dealing with the w/d symptoms. Meetings are not a viable option due to hearing impairment (believe me I tried). I read here one month - two months to stabilize, is this a realistic expectation? Questions aside, just wanted to touch base. Thank yo all for your support thus far.
23 Responses
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1827057 tn?1397520277
GREAT JOB!!!!    awesome
You are doing it and have come a long way.
Take a walk.Just put on the clothes for it and go from there.  It will get easier at one month and I bet you will be at 75 % by 2 and that 75 will feel like 90% compared to what you have been going through lol
keep it up!   Again happy for you.
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Congrats on 25 days off opiates!! youre awesome. And u did it without detox? u r brave. the worst is over, that physical withdrawl is over. What you are dealing with is PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawl Syndrome). I cant remember all of the symptoms, memory loss, distorted thinking, stress intolerance, emotionally unstable. If u type in google im sure it will come right up. It typically last 6-12 months. I know that sounds like a long time, but it gradually gets less and less severe over that time. Your brain is trying to reset itself, its all whacky from the whacky drugs!! Keep it up, youre doing great!!
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4341997 tn?1514588688
congrats on 24 days!!  my anxiety was off and on but after day 24-25 it lessened each day...energy took awhile to come back but it will so hang in there!  you are about to turn the corner!  you are doing great!  i always thought i'd feel almost 100% at 25 days too, but it does take time...but it's so worth the effort!  
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got this from

every person is different, in post-acute withdrawal most people have the same symptoms.

The Symptoms of Post-Acute Withdrawal
The most common post-acute withdrawal symptoms are:

•Mood swings
•Variable energy
•Low enthusiasm
•Variable concentration
•Disturbed sleep
Post-acute withdrawal feels like a rollercoaster of symptoms. In the beginning, your symptoms will change minute to minute and hour to hour. Later as you recover further they will disappear for a few weeks or months only to return again. As you continue to recover the good stretches will get longer and longer. But the bad periods of post-acute withdrawal can be just as intense and last just as long.

Each post-acute withdrawal episode usually last for a few days. Once you've been in recovery for a while, you will find that each post-acute withdrawal episode usually lasts for a few days. There is no obvious trigger for most episodes. You will wake up one day feeling irritable and have low energy. If you hang on for just a few days, it will lift just as quickly as it started. After a while you'll develop confidence that you can get through post-acute withdrawal, because you'll know that each episode is time limited.

Post-acute withdrawal usually lasts for 2 years. This is one of the most important things you need to remember. If you're up for the challenge you can get though this. But if you think that post-acute withdrawal will only last for a few months, then you'll get caught off guard, and when you're disappointed you're more likely to relapse. (Reference: www.AddictionsAndRecovery.org)

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4204073 tn?1361831476
Great job on your clean time!!  I know exactly how you feel.   What I had to do was force myself to go for a walk, etc.   It wasn't easy because I had to have an internal fight with my addict.  Sometimes I won, sometimes my addict did.   The best advice I got on this was to not over think things, just do it!  As addicts we tend to over analyze everything, including how we feel.  That's counter productive.   I find if I trick myself and say 'hey, I can't feel any worse than this and sitting around isn't going to make it go away, so I might as well try to do something.  It can't make it worse.'   That's helped me many a time.  And once I got going, I actually felt better because endorphins kick in.   Everyone is different on when they atart feeling better.   Seems like days 22 to 28 seem to be common tough/trying times.   This too shall pass.
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1827057 tn?1397520277
I am sorry frjs85 but this is not paws and it WILL NOT last 6-12 months.
You will be feeling a llittle better every day from here on.Sometimes the only way to realize that is to chart all of our symptoms but take it from me you will feel alot better a week from now and even better another week from then.
PAWS does not even come into play until after at least 3-6 months and it is nothing like withdrawal malaise which is what you have.
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1827057 tn?1397520277
That is good info on PAWS but alot of people don't even experience PAWS and it is best not to obsess about it too much and think you are going to feel like you do today for the next several months or years.I am at over 7 months and it has been a slow and steady climb.No pink cloud and off and on bad days but nothing and I repeat nothing like the first 30 days.Yes on the lower mood days it is best to move some muscles and get yourself out of whatever you are stuck in at the time
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i would recommend the amino acid protocol (listed in MedHelps archives) Just look at lower right hand corner of the page. some amino's are good for energy (like L-tyrosine) and others are good for anxiety (theanine) .... treat your body well and it will reciprocate. We all neglected to care well enough while using.
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1700643 tn?1464846682
Congratulations on ur clean time.it sux to hear it takes time but it does.I hate to be the dummy but what is inertia?U will get past this.Also at this point its far too early to call this PAWS.I c that posted everytime someone doesnt feel perfect in a couple weeks.Also has anyone noticed that the symptoms of PAWS r all just moods,feelings we get in general we call a bad day?I had those symptoms on a day once n a while way before I ever became an addict.I do believe PAWS is real but I think its automatically assumed if we dnt get back to perfect asap after our physical w/d ends.Go get a physical,c if u may need an anti depressant(changed the way I felt and doing great99%of the time).I needed seratonin
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1700643 tn?1464846682
Sry sent too son.I depleted my seratonin from opiate abuse and needed a boost to produce it again and fix all that I did to my brain.Dnt jump to conclusions.Give it time
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1700643 tn?1464846682
Ur brain is trying to normalize and regulate the sensors in ur brain that have been so out of what from the norco.U had a good day this week which means ur brain is getting there.also when addicted and u quit ur brain and body will make u feel awful til it FINALLY gives up trying to get those feel good pills they r so used to having
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Hi Doll-

Inertia, in this context, means sluggishness, inactivity,resistance  to change...
You know...LAZY!    LOL
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Ha!  You just described me!!  :)
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"The tendency of the body to resist acceleration" and that would be ME!!

Some days I have to NOT THINK and just do...it's hard, huh?
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4204073 tn?1361831476
Exactly.  I figure it ain't going to go away sitting around so I might as well make an attempt to do something.  And surprise...I usually always feel better afterwards.   But yes, it is hard and some days are harder than others.  Thank goodness it gets better.  :)
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Yes...it gets better! But you have to push!

I was going to mention the Amino Acid Protocol to the OP, as eagle did. It's amazing how great it works for energy, stamina, and overall well being.
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4204073 tn?1361831476
It makes a huge difference.  Tried without it and with it...and I can testify that it really does help.   Im sitting here relaxing today and one thing I do that may sound weird, but it takes my mind off how I feel is coloring!  Get a cheap coloring book and crayons or pencils then start being creative.  At least I can accomplish that when having a bad day.  ;)   I don't know why, but it relaxes me.  
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Sonrissa played with Legos...she's built entire countries!  I started reading more and doing needlepoint during the quiet times.  It really helped...
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3197167 tn?1348968606
GOOD ON YA for 24 DAYS!!  I'm glad you were able to experience one refreshingly good day!!  LOL  The inconsistencies and lack of an "even climb" UPhill have troubled me greatly since I didn't understand why I could feel so good for days and then NOT for others (or even just PARTS of a day).  Even at 8 mos+ clean, I STILL experience a LOT of inconsistencies with anxiety, fatique, my mind not focusing or remembering simple things, etc.  Times I just get depressed or feel stupid.  So...I needed to know more.

There seems to be WIDE opinions about Post Acute Withdrawals on this forum.  I've read a lot of varying opinions....so when I was experiencing a particularly frustrating day, I decided to put my research hat on and found some information that has helped me to not get down on myself when I
have a day or time that feels like a setback.  Knowing this info has not necessarily made it EASIER to live with, but has equipped me to understand what's actually going on with me/us.


That article above is on our health pages and even tho you don't have to have any credentials to post a health page, the above info was excerpted from two professional guys who have spent 20 and 40 yrs of their lives studying and helping addicts/alcoholics.
Post of course, means after.....AFTER the ACUTE w/drawal.  And one of the stmts made in this excellent article about PAWS is:
"In the alcoholic/addict, these symptoms appear 7 to 14 days into abstinence, after stabilization from acute w/drawals."

Another stmt, "these symptoms typically grow to peak intensity over 3 to 6 months AFTER abstinence begins."
"Often those 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 1 & 2 yr sobriety dates seem to be "triggering" times for PAWS symptoms to increase".

So.....that taught me that after my acute (7-14 days) w/drawals past......I am now experiencing some....all......or a few of those.  And they might rear their heads at ANY time during my recovery for awhile.  

I value what has been shared in that article because Terence Gorski and Lee Jamison have DEVOTED their lives to studying these things they speak of.  Gorski says "My primary mission is to use my 40 yrs of professional and personal experience with addiction, recovery and relapse prevention to help professionals and programs to use the most effect treatment technology".

I STILL have so many of the specific things mentioned:  inability to solve problems....six things contribute to this:  trouble thinking clearly, emotional overreaction, memory problems, sleep disturbances, physical coordination problems, and difficulty in managing stress.  I also relate to rigid, repetitive thinking.  ALL these things plague me STILL at some time or another.
I appreciate learning and knowing WHY I'm still feeling like such a mess at times.  It has helped me greatly to be more gentle w/myself as I travel this road to recovery.
Maybe...it will help someone else, too~

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470217 tn?1360565361
Try Rhodiola? It's saving my a$$ these days ;)
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sorry if i dont mean to disencourage you with this info, and i didnt mean to stir anybody up, this is what i learned in rehab,  I could only speak for myself being an opiate and cocaine addict that i went through it and still am.
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1700643 tn?1464846682
frjs85 I hope ur not thinking u may have upset me or stirred up anything as far as I go.U learned great stuff n rehab and shared wonderful info.U were in rehab for basically the2worst drugs as far as the length of time it takes for ur brain to start producing chemicals normally again and a huge risk for PAWS.I was n NO way saying people dnt get PAWS.I was just saying I c the post suggesting people have it if they still r having issues after2,3,4wks after they quit opiates.I just dnt want people to jump to the conclusion that for the rest of there lofe everytime they have a bad day(any or a couple of the symptoms of PAWS)they r suffering from that.Sometimes we just have a bad day or week.Life wasnt perfect before we started using and YES u will have a lot of great days after u quit but like everyone else we will have bad ones for a million reasons or none at all.It also needs to be known that it takes time for the brain and body for that matter to feel better after we quit using.
What clean is describing after 8+months if ur still experiencing these multitude of symptoms for days on end sounds like it very well may be paws.Just dnt want people to give up after a short time amd think they r stuck in a vicious cycle if feeling bad for an unknown amount of time without thinking of reality of the situation&time.Listen to our beloved members who have tons of time under there belt.Amino acid protocol/vitamins/forcing urself to get up,get out,get moving.Produces seratonin and all those chemicals that make us naturally happy flowing.
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4522800 tn?1470325834
WOW Great information... into 154 days my brain seems happier because of the A A Protolcol an other natural things but I know it does take time for the brain to balance out, but for me my body does not want to follow. I wake up some days good somedays bad. Sleep pattern is still a bit off. I seem to still have the pain in my back. But I due have some pain issues anyway due to age or whatever lifting, cutting wood snacking on & on. SOOOO I due get a little confused if this is normal still being early in recovery and the mix I was on or what!!!! I did not think it could be PAW yet but maybe.....Thanks Gang good info....
PS If I do talk or see someone High I go into a slight w/d feeling I thought that was PAW????
Vickie----mooselips ha ha thnk clean ks
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