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oh no i need anorher surgery. how will i manage my pain so scared

I've got a serious problem ahead of me. My knee replacement is giving me bad problems. Blood clots and a newly torn ligiment. I went to my doctor today for the clot and he told me he has to go back in and repair the ligiment. The bleeding is causing clots under my knee cap. I'm so scarred. I'm less than 30 days of no oxies. We scheduled surg for next week. I am scared out of my mind when it comes to post surgery pain management. I told the doctor my problem with the pills and he said moss not the time to detox. He says I need them for relief. He said I'm not able to manage my pain at this moment. My fear is the sickness I just overcame. What will happen if I take the meds again? Will the sickness be worst? I came clean with my whole problem with the oxies. About taking more than needed. He said I needed a stronger med. Really. I don't know about that. The other fear is infection. Infection increases when they go back in a replacement. A fifty fifty chance of infection. But if I don't do the surgery ill keep throwing clots and that could kill me. I'm in a bad bad spot. This knee surgery is the surgery from the pits of he**. Guys help me. Has anyone been through this before? I'll not be outpatient. I will have to stay a couple of days in hospital. Has anyone had surgeries following detox? Does anyone know about medications that won't make me sick? Should I give in to the meds? I'll have to following surgery. Please help me.
49 Responses
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Oh bama, that is great! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
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Hey all. I dont hurt near as bad as i feared. I did take two demerols yesterday. Before i would have taken alot. Umm like half. I dont like these. They knock me out. Ibephrophen works wonders.
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1895503 tn?1332373374
Hi, I just read to the end, and you are on the other side of this issue.  Praise God.  I agree with Lulu (pre surgery)- you didn't go this far, For God not to bring you through this!  I am so happy for you!

As for me, I am thrilled I am down to less than 1/2 of what I used to be on!  I just so wish I didn't have to contend with the anxiety.  I get really scared, and this season--when i can't do my usual activities, really makes me anxious (along with the new decrease). God bless you.  Marie
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1895503 tn?1332373374
I saw that Lulu wrote to discuss Opana with me.  I am on Opana ER, which is a little different animal than Opana.  As she wrote it is 6 times stronger than Morphine.  It definitely helps my pain.  But, I can't fathom CT from it.  Just from going down from 25mg Opana ER to 20 mg Opana ER, without properly tapering that dose (20% drop), i was totally wiped out--can't function; cancel everything wiped out.  I have decreased again--crumb by crumb using 20 mg ER and a 5 mg short acting, and have been able to "stick" 20 mg this time.  I am so happy about this.  I will use a mg scale, and try decreasing by the single mgs.  That is the strength of this drug.  I have decided to treat each mg as its one entity, and to decrease ever so slightly--after nailing the 20 mg I am on through the holidays!  And you can't go down without 5's and 10's of Opana ER.  I don't know what my receptor sites look like, but no place in the Atlanta area would detox me, and the places all over the country that I talked to wanted me to switch to Fentanyl or other drugs before they would "detox" me (these are the best known rapid detox places).  So, I am very terrified of the drug that is still in my body!  
  On the subject of the detox, I would be glad you detoxed because pain medicines wouldn't work if you hadn't.  So, at least now, with what you have to do, you will be able to get relief.  Big Hug and Lots of Love from GA,
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Other than this set back i gained full range of motion in seven weeks. My doctor said i will be happy by spring and glad i did this. All my scopes went great. I was bone on bone for five years. You'll be fine. Get ready to do physical therapy. That is the key.ask me any questions about knee surgery. Im not a doctor but I've been thru five scopes before replacement. Now six.
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Everyone is different i fell seven years ago. If you have torn your meniscus beyond repair then you'll be bone on bone. That's what happened to me. Its not a matter of getting it right. Its knees period. My blood clots were because i twisted my knee two weeks after surgery. And i tore mcl that never healed. Don't be nervous.
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1920386 tn?1323282549
this is making me nervous. i have to get my first arthro on my left knee next month. i have a monster cyst and atleast 1 torn meniscus, but most likely both my medial and lateral are torn. worst of all my rt knee is starting to have the same symptoms as my left. im currently taking celebrex and tylenol 3's for the pain. i dont want to have multiple surgeries for my whole life on my damn knees. do the docs ever get it right the first time?
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And if I take them only when needed will I skip the detox process? Guys I can't do that again.
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I am doing good. The pain pump OS coming out this morning. I don't want to give it up. It's wonderful. I didn't need any demerol yet. But on discharge notes it says to take one this morning before  I travel. I can't believe I haven't needed anything because of this pump. It's the best thing. I am so scared to even put a pill in my mouth. Demerol is scheduled 2 dug here like oxy. Maybe I won't like it lol.
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Hi bama! Glad everything went well and you are back home. I am also happy that your hubby is getting clean and is so supportive. Be good to yourself and keep us posted as you feel up to it. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and blessed New Year :)
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Bamma I'm so happy it went well...I too prayed for you as I was awake at the time of your surgery...always awake(:  I think the demerol is probably a good one because it is short acting and doesn't bind to the opiate receptors in the same way as oxy.  Just be vigilant.  Your recovery comes in two phases-the physical and the mental.  You are a strong woman with all the tools to do this.I am happy your husband is there for you.  Keep us posted with your recovery and if you need ANYTHING I know we are all here for you.  Wishing you a speedy and comfortable recovery.....Love Lu
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Good for you, Little Miss! I was wondering when that pump was coming out. My patients would always ask why they just couldn't have it numb the entire time it's getting well! The reason is that lidocaine constricts the vessels to help with the pain, and if you were numb all the time, you wouldn't heal, as you need a good blood flow to clean up the surgery site and bring O2 and nutrients to the site so it can get well. You'll probably need more pain medicine after the pump's out---that's normal. Just take what you need to be comfortable, yet functional. And as Vicki says, eat a little with each dose--a couple crackers or cookies and a full glass of liquid is plenty. You've earned a good rest now, so take full advantage and make everyone baby you for a minimum of one week---longer if you can get away with it.  ;-)
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I'm so happy you're home and have the big guy to wait on you!!  Aren't you thrilled this is behind you?  I know that I'M relieved!

What do you want to know about Demerol?  It's just another opiate,related to codeine but stronger, it's short acting and works pretty well. Some people get sick to their stomach so eat something when you take it. I don't like it that much...HAHA!  I guess that's good!

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495284 tn?1333894042
I am glad to hear everything turned out good for you Miss Flamingo!

When you no longer need those pills get rid of them.  No sense having that temptation in the house for either one of you.  
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They sucked it out. And fixed my mcl. Thanks for the prayers. I know God hears us. And now my left knee needs surgery. But I will wait a long long time. I need to be able to stand on one leg like a flamingo. Haha. I am so thankful I found this site. Everyday I am still amazed at how many people have this pill problem. It truly is an epidemic.
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   So glad you are ok.  Been thinking of you these past few nights with no sleep.  I loved that pump after my right knee surgery.  For some stupid (it was Thanksgiving and nobody was paying attention) reason, I didn't get it with the left leg and I was miserable!  Have had more trouble with left leg too,, developing lymphedema.  How about the blood clot?  Did that get resolved.  God is good!  Thankful you are alright.  They probably still have you on the blood thinner shots don't they.  Don't neglect that.  It's important!  And if you hold the fat for about 45 seconds before relaxing it after the shot, it doesn't burn so bad.  
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Does anyone know anything about demerol?
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And I've got a lidocane pump hooked up to my knee. It is kind of neat. Keeps my knee numb so I have not had to take a pain pill today:).  Just one yesterday when coming home. I get my lidocane pump removed tomorrow.
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Hey yall I'm back. I had surg yesterday. I got to come home last night. Doc fixed ligiment. I tore my mcl. Doc rx me demerol for pain. Is this stronger than oxy?  I hope not. He said oxy effects people differently. And demerol was a short acting med. I am not holding my meds. Husband has them. He's so much better. Not even sick anymore. Only four days for him. I wanted to punch him when he said he feels great now. Only he could have it easy. He told me its all in your mind. Ha i say to that. But I'm thankful he's not sick now he can wait on me. I'm gonna need him. Thank Goodness we got our Christmas shopping done.
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I'm so glad you're going in tomorrow--this way you won't have four more days to fret and hurt and worry. I prayed for you several times last night and today, and will do the same tonight and all day tomorrow. I know your situation is dangerous, but you are young and have enough physical reserve to get you through this. I'm curious--did your surgeon ever give his opinion about why you are having a blood clot, and worse yet, one that is growing? Does he think you have a ruptured blood vessel of some kind, or did you injure yourself falling or twisting? It's kind of unusual to have this occur that long after surgery. Oh, well, you don't have to write and tell me--you have bigger fish to fry! I just want you to know I'm cheerleading for you to have a safe and successful surgery and a short and comfortable convalescence. I'll be looking for your first posts when you can write again. God bless you, sweetie.....
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Praying for you and sending you lots of healing thoughts and support....You will do great-you didn't come this far for nothing....Big hugs...Lu
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Thanks everyone. I calmed down for now. Lol. I took back oxy script and he said sorry for mistake. He changed the surg date to tomorrow: ugh. When I came in to give back script he. Checked knee and said the clot is growing. He tried to asperate but couldn't. He said we've got to go earlier than Monday. So here I go. It's better to go tomorrow because this is serious and can kill.me if the clot floats to my lung or brain. Please keep me in prayers. He said I might not have to stay or just overnight. Im glad about that. Well thank god Christmas shopping is done. Husband is doing better. Please say a prayer for me tonight. Surg is scheduled early. Got to be there at five thirty. Im ready to get this over and recover.
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1926359 tn?1331588139
Hey girl-I hope you're hanging in there and feeling less stressed and getting some relief.  I want to encourage you again to ask your doc about hydromorphone (dialuadid) My aunt (who is an addict) had the same surgery you are having about a year ago and she was given hydro and came off of it easily-she even threw her left over pills out because she didn't need them.  I remember being really surprised because she consumes absolutely everything to excess.  Hope this helps and that you are resting easier....Lu
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1416133 tn?1351123217
I'm with vicki - treat your pain and your condition.  And stop worrying about the addiction part of this whole situation.  You NEED these meds (that's where your situation differs from so many others) so take them, feel better and stop worrying.  :)
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