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Random Swelling

In October 2007, I broke out in hives from my neck to my thighs, and my entire face swelled.  I went to the doctor and got a shot, nothing has happend until January 2008.  Randomly my lip will swell, my eyelid, sections of my ankle or elbow.  One nostril has swollen as well.  They don't all of these at the same time, just at random times.  It has even happend when I haven't eaten or drank anything.  Any suggestions/ reasons why this his happening are welcome.
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For the past 15 years I've had swellings on every part of my body, from head to toes.  Went to allergy specialist, done the test, looked at food, etc.  The trigger I found was stress, either mental or physical but didn't happen all the time.  Finally something changed.

I didn't get swellings for months.  the only  thing that changed was that I switched from an antiperspirant to a deodorant.  After that, the swellings slowely went away.  Now I don't even get the slightest of swellings.  Antiperspirant are apparently not very good for you.  They contain aluminum oxides that stop you from perspiring.  When I switched to a deodorant everything changed.  This worked for me, but may not be the cause of your allergy.  Good luck!

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I have the same symtoms. Same answer from doctors that everyone else got. Which means no answers really.  I came across this. Hope this helps. http://www.thedoctorstv.com/videos/disorder-causes-random-swelling
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Hello I have the same problems as you. I do have a few questions for you. You said that the symptoms ie.. swallow tongue got worse or happened more frequently when you were on birth control and during your period. What I want to know is if it also gets worse during your period if you are not taking or were off birth control.
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Hi Swellguy; Im looking for answers too....this has been happening to me for about 2 years now and seems to be getting worse. Im a 54 year old woman and figured it was brought on by menopause. Im getting pretty desperate so if you find any answers let me now. Im thinking of ging to see an ayurvedic practitioner or similar.
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Well, it looks like another person (me) suffers from this unknown and random swelling condition. I have been suffering from this for many years now. I also have been tested for allergies. Checked my blood, watched my diet, and tried to control my stress levels. None of which have contributed to adding to or curing our condition.

The last post in here was more than 7 years ago, so I'm checking in to see where everyone got the cure from.

I haven't tried changing deodorant,  but will be giving it a shot. So far that's one I haven't heard of, and if you suffer from this you will know I am willing to try anything.

My swelling happens in random places at random times. I have seen it from pressure (ex. swelling on shoulder after carrying a backpack, but not every time) Most recently, yesterday it was only on my left hand, middle finger. Today, it was only on my right hand, but again middle finger. I assume maybe because they are the furthest part on my hands. I haven't even been driving in traffic to be using my middle finger too much.

My symptoms start with a slight itch to the skin. then within a few hours, the area becomes inflamed. Then it swells and becomes very tight. with the skin stretched to its max, it then feels like a sunburn. It takes anywhere from 24-72hours to subside.

during the times it moves into my mouth, I can feel it in the lower part of my lip, then it moves to the top of my lip. many times it lumps up like I bit my lip, but then it will move around my mouth never occupying more than 30-40% of my lips at the same time. Eventually it will disappear.

The allergist looked at a spot on my arm and quickly called it hives, has prescribed anti-histamines but I cant find that they work. since there are many years of posts, with hundreds of posts about this and no one offering a cure, we may need to band together and compare symptoms and such (the reason behind this lofty post)

The only thing my blood work determined is I have a deficiency in Vitam D, so I take D3 and try to enjoy my tie in the sun.

If you have any recommendations, or would like to share in ideas please post back. Maybe we can all figure this out since doctors aren't trying

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Hello swellguy and all the others! I randomly swell during past six month, eye lid, eye orbite, nose thrill, lower lip, upper lip, left side of lips, localized on arms sometimes, middle finger,a part of left palm somwtimes, a lower part of one butt cheek. Had someone find an answer so far? I've been tested and tested, billion blood and urine analysis, ... They didn't find anything, except some higer IgM antibody in blood serum, but haematological malignancies are excluded...for now. I have completely changed my life style, I eat healthy, exercise, yoga, diet, but now result, the swelling still occure, at least once a week, for 3 to 5 days, changing location. I am desperate, I am taking xyzal for months, but nothing. Btw, I am 41, female. Help, someone! Thank you.
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I've had regular strong allergies and I'm on my monthly period, for the last few days I've had swelling in my hands, fingers, feet, and stomach area. I usually drink a lot of water, but haven't in the last week. I have no redness or skin issues. I'm guessing maybe its the combination of my period and the allergies, and maybe some water retention. I have been drinking more Sprite soda, more than usual. Perhaps this too is the cause. I took some pictures of myself recently and I noticed it, and my rings I like to wear on my middle finger have been a bit tight. I did take some very strong prescription allergy medication I had gotten in Europe. It did affect me and I felt like I w as really drunk, it made me crave a lot of sprite soda to ease my stomach. Hope it goes away soon.
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