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Random Swelling

In October 2007, I broke out in hives from my neck to my thighs, and my entire face swelled.  I went to the doctor and got a shot, nothing has happend until January 2008.  Randomly my lip will swell, my eyelid, sections of my ankle or elbow.  One nostril has swollen as well.  They don't all of these at the same time, just at random times.  It has even happend when I haven't eaten or drank anything.  Any suggestions/ reasons why this his happening are welcome.
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What if anything did you end up finding out? My situation is similar....thx
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I'm up at 5:00 am searching for answers to random swellings as well.  Mine started about 10 years ago with hives and swelling in my throat.  I felt like I was suffocating.  Since that time swelling with and hives on legs, bottom of feet, finger tips and arms only when exposed to very cold temperatures.  Alternating swelling occurs on upper or lower lip, either cheek, chin, and forehead with no triggers whatsoever that I have observed.  it starts with tingling progresses from a small bump to a huge nodule that looks like it will pop!  Usually completely goes down within 12 - 24 hours.  This remiains a mystery to me.  I have begun taking pictures so  I can show my doc on my next visit.
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Would like to echo the sense of relief that I'm not the only person in the world suffering from this weird illness. As everyone has said, all the doctors I have been examined by have expressed a sense of bewilderment and put the cause down to angio edema, this is just to make them look smart, translated it just means more or less skin swelling.

I too seem to have random outbreaks of this, I would say I am more susceptible to it when my body is already in a run down state, recently I had a bad cold and woke up one morning looking like the Elephant man and having difficulty breathing. The most common symptom I have is swollen lips but have experienced it over most of my body. The thing I can relate it to most is gout, I have had this a few times and the sensations are similar. This is just my theory, but I think the catalyst for the illness is a combination of factors, run down, the presence of certain chemicals in your body as a result of your diet, stress levels etc.

Hopefully someone will come up with a cure one day.

Thank You.
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Woww everything from this thread just sounds all too familiar all the symptoms, hives, swelling you name Ive experienced it all. Started many years ago for me when i was in my late teens into my early twenties. Although when i first started experiencing these hive breakouts and swelling followed by unbeleivable shivers I noticed it always happened when my body was exposed to sudden temperature change..for example it all started one day at the beach ( I live in California) I though initially maybe i was allergic to the ocean, salt seaweed wasnt sure but it would happen about ten min or so of being in the water than as soon as id come out under 90 degree weather id have a good 5-7 min shiver session... well then I started noticing while playing Tennis in gym class instead of perspiring I would turn blotchy and red not one bead of sweat, followed by the same symptons...same when id walk out of the house on a very cold or rainy day all bundled up in a coat and scarf wouldnt even make it to my car with out taking it all of cuz I would feel my skin starting to tense up and swell.....

Doctors could not tell me what was wrong cuz by the time id go see one everything was already cleared no rash or swelling....I went from being 138 lbs at age 19-20 to 218 lbs at the age of 25. 80 lbs I had gained well one hot summer day in june after drinking a red bull I started to sweat doing absolutly nothing just running erronds around town, and let me tell you after that day something must have change in my body because once i started to perspire like a normal person it wouldnt stop like my body was on overtime to let it all out. In just a few short months I lost about 35 lbs and noticed that I was no longer having these swelling episodes so it just went away....Im now 33 and have maintaned my weight at 155 lbs and try to stay as active as possible to avoid what used to happen...

well I found myself on google looking up symptoms because just recently I started with swelling, hives and itchiness but just blotchy different parts of my body evrytime different area, chest pains sometimes,or my palms super itchy under my feet sometimes feels like it turns into a very hard tissue and i can hardly walk on it and then i got the half lip swelling sometimes one side, sometimes just the top lip would just wake up with numb feet numb hand shoulders in pain....i wasnt sure if it was being caused from maybe stress things have been a bit crazy with work and home, family so I thought Id do the research and this is how I came across this...Actually this morning I woke up from chest pains (every now and then I get them, so I just always have baby chewable aspirins on hand, after chewing 1-2 the pressure and pain goes away almost instantly) about an hour later the Angelina Jolie upper lip was in full effect and now my throat is a bit swollen....I usually take allegra when I start to feel the itchiness coming on or benadryl...

Im gonna schedule an appointment to have blood work done...many years ago i was diagnosed with what turned out to be arthiritus and not tendinitus but doctor had said that it was very mild and as long as I didnt do repetative motions it wouldnt aggrivate it and it would not bother me which for many years I had no complaints but im just wondering now if any of all this ties in together....

Sorry all didnt mean to write a novel but I surely did enjoy reading everyones experiences, situations and symptoms cuz it all sounds like I had some of your symptoms at some point over the last 17 yrs.
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This is crazy. The same thing is happening to my mom. Prednisone and benadryl seems to help. I have a feeling that a lot of this might have to do with GM crops, or some sort of allergic reaction. Angiodema and hives combined especially leads me to believe that it might be something to do with regular consumption. Also, I think this is also common with people with autoimmune diseases. My mom has severe psoriasis and the angiodema recently developed once she came off Soriantane and Simvastatin.

Wish you all the best.
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I know this happen to you in 2008 but I just found this web page and have the same symptoms and was wondering if you ever found out what it was. I have hives almost every day and swelling on my face randomly and take Benadril every day for the hives but the swelling takes longer to go away and I'm a slave to my house when this happens. Did you ever find out what the cause was? Any help would be appreciated

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