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Random Swelling

In October 2007, I broke out in hives from my neck to my thighs, and my entire face swelled.  I went to the doctor and got a shot, nothing has happend until January 2008.  Randomly my lip will swell, my eyelid, sections of my ankle or elbow.  One nostril has swollen as well.  They don't all of these at the same time, just at random times.  It has even happend when I haven't eaten or drank anything.  Any suggestions/ reasons why this his happening are welcome.
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I had swelling on various parts of my body, mostly bottom of feet but also hands and arms.   Diagosis:   ANGIO EDEMA.   I had to diagnose it myself and then went to an allergist and he confirmed it.   No treatment worked, but it went away on its own.  I had it for probably 1 1/2 years.
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I wonder if it is a wheat allergy. I always thought that was just a new agey thing (wheat allergies) that affected upper middle class hippies, but turns out that modern day wheat is actually toxic. It's supposed to cause dementia and all sorts of illnesses. Try cutting it out completely for a couple of weeks or so and see what happens.
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i know this is old but i've been having the same problem for two years .
when it first started i went to the hospital because it was all over my body. (its burns really bad at first then if i scratch it , it starts to swell up like welps all over . i've gotten on my neck, stomach, chest, eyelids , arms , butt , etc . its painful and keeps me from sleeping ) any how the same week i was emitted into the hospital for a ruptured cyst in my ovaries . i was giving shots , etc for what they thought was "allergic reactions" i didnt have a problem with the reactions for a long time then it started coming back ALL the time and now i have these outbreaks almost everyday and i've tried to deal with it without taking benadryll because its the only thing that stops it for awhile and helps me sleep and i dont want to depend on medicine
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Hi everyone, I've had andigeodma with utercarial vasculitis for over 9 yrs now. Well this is what doctors have said, as I really don't think they know what's wrong with me :( I've had every symptom u all discibe, swollen face, lips, chin, feet , hands, tongue throat( where take epi pen) waist, but swellings on my body are hot to touch and so painful and red, feel itchy at times but can't touch as too sore. Last tablet was plaqunil which is an anti malaria tablet. But it actually worked as outbreaks where not as consisted. But I'm here crying and depressed as I'm destroyed all over with serve swelling and pain, I stopped taking tablets as my husband and I want to get pregnant and plaqunil needs to be out of your system before u consider conceiving as many side effects to baby.. So I'm back to square one, so depressed :(
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I have had this problem over ten years, usually my feet swell,sometimes my hands, once my scrotum to the size of a softball. I have logged: my diet, activities, wherabouts, you name it. I have had blood panels done only to show that I have edema at the time of the blood work, (no S---).I finally gave up. It usually goes away in about 24 hours or so; so I have come to live with it. It seems to be more of a nuisance then anything else except for the pain while walking when my feet are swollen. I have notice it occurs sometimes when I am ill or not feeling well but not always. Sometimes when I'm under stress but not always. This only happens to me about every 6 months or so on average, sometimes less sometimes more. I hate to tell everybody this, but I feel my doctor and I have really tried to isolate this and it was fruitless. Which is why I have given up and just learned to live with it. Depending on the severity of the swelling in my feet it can be very painful to walk and can effect my work for a day sometimes.
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I have had the all the same symptoms as well for about 4 years now. The hives, all over my body. Swelling of my face parts of my lip. I also on some occasions have issues at night where I will wake up and have a hard time breathing and have itchy body.

I have been doing research for years.  I happen to believe it is a thyroid issue or some type of bug bite that occurred years ago but is still effecting me. I take a Thyroid med everyday. The Doc seems to disagree and won't allow me to come off of it. I take Zyrtec daily and it seems to help with the hives and the swelling.

It first occurred one evening after I was outside with my children. I came in and the bottom of my arms started to swell. Eventually I had hives all over my body...and this happens daily, I found Zyrtec will stop the hives and swelling. I'm really upset this has been happening and Doctors/ Allergists have no clue.... Anyone else have a Thyroid issue ?? Maybe have your Thyroid checked...this seemed to occur after a few months of being on a Thyroid med..
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