280891 tn?1261013050

Just a few thoughts on autoimmunity

I could have put this topic in about 4 autoimmune categories.  I have 4 AD so far, diagnosed, and that's not counting *what I believe to be MS* and who knows what else.

Just a few thoughts about autoimmune diseases...

It drives me crazy thinking, should I avoid Gluten?  Was it all of the vaccinations I received?  Was it because I never had Chicken Pox (or the anti-body), despite being exposed to it repeatedly as a child, as an adult, and even had the vaccination for it while I was pregnant?  And yet, no anti-body for it is still in me.  Is it because the world is so clean, that our immune systems go into a recluse phase because they don't think they have to work as hard?  Is it molecular mimicry, like in Rheumatic Fever, in ALL cases, but we just don't know that?  Is it because hormonal birth control was invented?  It is something in the plastic, the water, the environment?  Or, is it THAT easy to say, we don't know, it's "probably" a combination of things?  

Your thoughts?  
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It is all about the toxins we get in our bodies which make us sick.  Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, steriods, viruses, parasites to numerous to mention them all.  When we get these things in our bodies our bodies have to get them out.  When we get too much of this stuff in our bodies we get sick.  We have to give our bodies the nutrients it needs to get rid of this stuff.  The drugs the doctors give us just cover up this problem.  We all must design a plan for ourselve since we are all different.  Important to get the knowledge as to how we can follow a healthy lifestyle.  Everyone must take control of their own life and address their individual illness by trying to eliminate the toxins and giving the body what it needs to get rid of the toxins which are in the body.  Real healing comes from the body.
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745975 tn?1258960922
I've struggled with those thoughts myself. When i was 9 and diagnosed with ideopathic scoliosis (not an autoimmune disease but still....) I thought it was something I was responsible for. My parents changed my diet we went to the chiropractor, and we tried EVERY alternative. But at age 13 I needed surgery anyways. I've lived my life extremely healthfully, I only eat whole foods and never touch processed food and still ended up getting more then one autoimmune disease in my mid 20's. (by the way i do not use hormonal birth control).  The harsh truth is that it is NOT known what causes these diseases. There is a genetic factor, and it is unclear if any environmental factors are contributers. I also think each autoimmune disease are all very different from each other and probably have different triggers.

To answer your question if you should avoid glutens, I would say.... probably. I do not think it will reverse or cure your current AI issues..... but human beings were not designed to be eating grains and it's really not good for the body. You might actually feel better by cutting them out of your diet even though it's extremely difficult. Everyone i know who has gone gluten free reports feeling a LOT better in general. It's not as easy as it seems and it is a life style change, so it takes a big commitment.

I started going gluten free when my brother was diagnosed with Celiac and i feel a whole lot better. It has not rid my body of my thyroid disease or gotten rid of my antinuclear anitbodies, but one thing it does do is eliminate the option of really bad carbs and most processed food and, as a result I've become really thin and fit.

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1080243 tn?1262975363
Hi Kellymgo yes all these autoimmune deseases are all caused by toxins I have been very involved in this subject and spent thousands of £s in having blood tests everyone I come across have more than trace metals in their body which are stored in fats and bone. A group of us with MS autoimmune problems all share the same lab results.
I have worked out we have all been exposed with either toxins or pesticides one time or other. Arsenic is a real problem it can cause debetus. We all need to live a toxic free lifestyle which is difficult given that benzene is in so many products.
This subject is so important to make people aware, thanks for bringing up the subject. tarter  
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I have not been to this forum in awhile mostly due to the fact that people here seem to be stuck in the PROBLEM and not the solution.  I've continued my education and reading and researching into autoimmune issues etc.  I feel that i am very well educated on this subject overall.

I challenge you all to go back and study what "health" really means.  I see people on this thread and many others here on this forum and on all other health forums that I've been in over the years talk about CAUSES.  True , most of us want to know what CAUSED the illnesses that we have so we can AVOID them, have our family avoid them, and by all means try and educate others on avoiding them too.  HOWEVER
one thing I don't see addressed enough is the IMMUNE SYSTEM itself.

It only makes sense that IF you have an immune system that is functioning as it should...it could/would/will deal with any kind of toxin overload and or exposure of heavy metals etc.  Now here in lies the issue...we all have autoimmune diseases...as far as I am concerned there is no "professional"..medical, alternative or otherwise who has this issue "cornered"..meaning the jury is STILL out on what the causes are...I have my own theories and I have come to believe in the end you must begin at the beginning..YOUR FOOD.

Will changing your food CURE you? I have no idea.  I do know the amount of information I am finding that links our diets to our diseases is HUGE..I mean absolutley HUGE!  and where do we find this information?  why don't we hear more about it on the eveing news?  why do we not know that the higher the animal products consumption the higher the cancer rate ( of all cancers)..why do we still continue to hear on the news that cancer has gotten better in certain areas of the body when only they are manipulating the statistics to "look" as if it has...why is the American Cancer Society telling people the wrong information and getting away with it STILL!

See if you feed your body what it needs ( and finding out what that is is everyone's individual responsibility), your immune system is able to function properly.

is there MULTIPLE reasons for disease? YES!  Do we need to know CAUSES, YES!  But most of these I have found are no brainers.  Obviously MERCURY in any form INSIDE the body, whether through amalagam/mercury fillings or immunizations or chemicals in the air is BAD FOR YOU!  Can you detox from the mercury YES! I have done it..am doing it...sterified fatty acids engulf the mercury and take it OUT of the body, yes even fat tissue...there are MANY SOLUTIONS..but first you must be willing to learn everything you can..and I mean everything..not just what the media gives you.

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An interesting thing I have been able to pinpoint is animal products have caused my "fine tremors" and my irregular heart beat.  Hands down...I've experimented on myself and found when i eat animal products ( meat, diary, cheese, fish..anything animal related) it causes the heart beat to go wacky and my fine tremors to return.  Now I saw a movie that EXPLAINS why this is ( Healing Cancer from Inside)..no I don't have cancer...but in my quest to understand how the body functions, how the body heals and how people have CURED themselves of all kinds of illnesses when the doctors have told them they have no idea what's wrong, I am looking at EVERYTHING that is available.  And no I can't look and read absolutley everything..there aren't enough hours in a day. lol Animal products cause 100's of issues in the body...100's!!! Could it be that they cause autoimmune issues as well?

Ok second point..my belief is that 99.9% of all illnesses can be reversed.  I've been raised with this belief, it is part of who I am.  This alone can cause a person to thrive or just survive this journey of life.  Look into books that talk about mind over matter etc...authors like Wayne Dyer, Dr. Gabriel Cousins M.D., Dr. Joel Fuhrman M.D., have much to offer a person who wants to heal.

Third point...energy medicine is huge when it comes to healing.  You first must believe without a doubt that you can get better.  You are NOT an aimless victim in all of this...everything is on purpose and YOU are IN CHARGE of your destiny!  period!  I have personally seen many people's lives improve with just a diet change and a positive mind set change...do some still have dis-ease sure...but you wouldn't know it!
Are some compeletly healed YES! and you would know that because most of them tell people what has happened to them.

So back on point: autoimmune is showing up in today's society in HUGE numbers because it is TIME, I think, that we pay attention to the one thing that has the power to heal us and that's our food supply in the United States...it is being run by big business and it's time to simplify our food and our lives...is this a tall order to fill, you bet...is it doable on a daily basis , absolutley.  All you have to do is be ready to make the change...find people to support you in those changes...and begin to take back the control of your life and your health.

Eat well, live well, be well.
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anytime you can rid the body of something it must expend energy to "fix"...it frees up that energy for healing. ( this can be pesticides, herbacides, hormones in meat, gluten, dairy, cheese, toxic metals in your mouth, fat, bones, breathing in air from a diesel truck, plastic bottles, hair sprays, fingernail polish, supplements with added this and added that..etc.)

For example..if I go eat Mc. D's for lunch, my body has to expend energy all the rest of the day and maybe even into tomorrow to try and break down and get rid of the toxins in that meal...IF instead I ate an organic green salad and an apple for lunch..there is MUCH less energy expended to digest that meal AND since it is HIGH in nutrient value it is actually going to HELP my body do what it needs and if I have say an infection or cancer ( that I'm not even aware of yet, most cancers take over 10 years to grow to detection) then my body is healing and keeping me healthy..in reality doing what it's suppose to do.

Now look at how many times over just the last month you have eaten something that is taking up energy and NOT feeding you...leaving you in a deficiet? no wonder we're sick ;-)

FOOD is the place to start, we eat it 3-4-5 times a day..and I say go raw organic for just 6 weeks...that in and of itself is NOT going to do any harm..you WILL go through detox...a wholefoods diet is NOT going to heal the body back to health because there are so many things you have not been told about WHOLEFOODS...the information is SO confusing...I am finding out myself what raw organic can do.  It's simply amazing this information is buried so deep most can't have access to it unless they look it the right places.

Guess I'm on a soap box today...my apologies
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I love to read your post.  Only the body can heal itself.  The drugs given by the doctors just cover up these problems.  These drugs are toxic and the body must eventually deal with this problem.  I had a friend with cancer of the liver.  She went through the chemotherapy and after the doctors told her there was no hope she went to Mexico for nutritional treatment.  Problem is she waited too long and at some point the body can no longer heal itself.  Diet is why we have an explosion in health care problems and it can only get worse with the things most of the people are eating.

If you look at it logically why do we have an explosion of all these neurological diseases and names I had never heard of when I was young.  What has suddenly made everyone sick?  When I was young you couldn't buy hamberger helper.  It didn't exist.  Many of these processed foods didn't exist then.  All these man made foods are a real problem and have a part in the illness we are seeing.  All these preservatives, pesticides and steriods are taking a toll on the body.  To give an example: I make my own muffins.  After about 3 days they start turning moldy because they do not have the hydrogenated oils and preservatives to keep the bacteria from attacking it.  We have bacteria in our stomack which processes the food we eat.  If the bacteria outside us can't attack this food how can we expect the bacteria in our stomack to process this food.  Many do not realize the body is actually starving because we are not giving it the food it needs.  

Glad you are feeling better.  
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You are EXACTLY right in all that you stated above.
And until people wake up and stop being the victim in all of this they aren't going to get better they will get worse.
Sorry to hear about your friend but that is the grim truth, some people get the information they need too late in the game.  The chemo was probably the last straw for her, the body couldn't come back from that.
I'm all about education.  But people need to begin to put their dollars where they need to put their dollars.  They need to educate themselves about THE FOOD SUPPLY in the United States!  It IS a mess and it is SOOOOOO ADDICTIVE....fat is an appetite stimulator...you have to do whatever it takes to get off the fast food and then the processed food....eat fresh whole raw food most of the day...then the body atleast has somewhat of a chance to repair the damage you've done to it all the years you've been eating what America eats...just look at The Biggest Loser....use to be you could only find those size people once in awhile...now they have an entire show and the people are getting BIGGER every year...I love the Biggest Loser but wish they would do a RAW biggest loser lol :-) I picked Danny at the beginning of this season...I trust they all have started to work with their emotional issues...we need support to stay healthy with all the bad food we've been trained to eat by the tons!

I'm teaching 18 workshops and books studies Jan-Apr in my coaching business and 1/2 of them are about educating people about the food they are putting in their bodies.
I'm still losing weight..down to 168 now...and feeling good...want to get off the thyroid meds but that will come in time or it won't , not HUNG UP there...

If you want to see something awesome go to youtube and search for Dave the Raw Food Trucker...look at how this man has changed his life..he's done with cancer and diabetes....FOOD makes all the difference in the world!

Good to hear from you want2bik1 :-)
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280891 tn?1261013050
I'm not arguing with anyone, but raw food isn't the *panacea* for AI diseases.  All I know is that it has something to do with our immune systems (of course) and something to do a wacky gene that hasn't been clearly identified yet.  

If raw food is your thing, good for you.  My theory is that you only live once, we're all going to die anyways, so you might as well enjoy yourself.  So, I'll have Burger King once every 2-3 weeks or so, simply because I enjoy it.  Not eating it is not going to reverse my rheumatic fever, grave's disease, vitiligo, or MS... And whatever else live throws at me in my short 28 years on the planet.  Might as well be happy.  :)  
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please google the marshall protocol. i am new to this website and dont know if its been discussed but it may revolutionize the whole treatment of autoimmune disease if he is right. the nih is now funding further research on his theory which has cured mutiple cases of autoimmune disease including his own. he had sarcoidosis and now his cxr and labs are clear. he is developing the attention of many in the medical community right now. check it out! good luck.
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I didn't say raw food was the cure all.  You didn't understand what I wrote..  One reason why I don't come here very often.  People want to be sick, they want to give all the responsibility to someone else, to a toxic chemical, to a gene expression etc. I'm not saying you are , however.

Yes by all means be happy.

I'm looking for intelligent conversation with people who have a vested interest in healing the body back to health.

Raw food IS healing my Hashimoto's, Pernicious Anemia, Pre-Diabetes and Hypothyroid Disease.  But I'm not the only one.  There are literally thousands who are seeing healing of thier chronic diseases that their doctors once told them couldn't and would never be cured. You can choose to do your own investigating or not.  

I'm just offering it up for discussion and one "answer" to the autoimmune issue.

The "gene" theory is just that...it's not about genes unless you take one step backwards and look at WHY the gene expresses itself at a certain time...and that is directly related to the food we are eating. There is a direct link. Read Eat To Live by Dr. Fuhrman M.D. or Dr. Gabriel Cousins M.D. The "bad" food causes a breakdown in the chain of health.  Therefore the "gene" has an OPPORTUNITY to be expressed and manifest. You don't HAVE to manifest an autoimmune disease..it is through lifestyle choices that it has been able to express itself at the time it did in your life.  Lifestyle choices are just that, a choice.  The power to change your health picture is yours and yours alone.

If you want symptoms relieved go to an MD.  If you want health and healing go to a healer. ;-)  That's pretty simple.

I'm sorry you felt like I or anyone else was arguing with you.
I thought this was a forum of dicussion.
I'm only sharing what I have learned and have tried out on myself in the last 8-12 months.

Be well,
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Most people cannot accept the fact that something as simple as food (organic, raw, steamed) can heal.
It can, I'm proof.
~ Amy~
And wouldn't it be worth it to try it out on yourself?  instead of using drugs that cause harm to the body?  food , the last i checked costs LESS than drugs...and it helps the body heal...so it's a win win? right?
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If you have MS you might want to google "Dr. Swank Ms diet".  He has had excellent results with his diet in treating people with MS.  He started his research in the 1950's and has had good results.  There is web site supporting his diet.  The Paleo Diet has also shown success in treating these neurological diseases.  If you want to find out why you have MS Hal Huggins has a book "Solving The MS Mystery Help Hope and Recovery".  It is my understanding that the earlier in the disease you address the problem the better chance you have of recovery.  Is it all about our genes being messed up?  Maybe,but  something is messing these genes up.  Why is the immune system attacking the body?  Maybe the immune system is doing what it is designed to do.  You get mercury or any number of foreign substances in the cell the immune system see the cell as the enemy.  The doctors can give you drugs which will fool the immune system but the real path to good health is getting these toxins out of the body.  Why are we seeing such an explosion in these diseases today?  This is just some information in case you ever start feeling bad and need something to try.    
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280891 tn?1261013050
No one wants to "be sick".  What a silly thing to write.  

You HAVE to focus on the problem before you find the solution.  

Mercury isn't killing us.  Gee, I wonder if all the Mad Hatters in the previous centuries had AI diseases.  Some one should research this mind-blowing connection regarding mercury and AI diseases.  Sarcasm aside...

And what about all the rotten food and parasites people ate before modern refrigeration?

Surely, you can say, "Well,  people didn't live long enough to find that out".

No, no.  AI diseases mostly strike women in their child-bearing years.  So... Obviously it has something to do with hormonal changes (puberty, ovulation, pregnancy, and menopause).  That's my theory anyways.  

What's my real theory?  The body does an incredible job at eliminating toxins.  It's what we have a liver and kidney for.  It's amazing.  People can drink alcohol and smoke a number of substances and take Tylenol, and guess what?  Eventually it's gone.  "Toxins" are not hidden parasites that hang out in extracellular material, people!

My theory is this:  We're too healthy for our own good.  And our immune systems say, "Hey, we don't need to fight off all of this... We don't have to deal with polio, or small pox, or measles anymore... We rarely have to fight off the common cold, so we're gonna take a break".

And then, something goes wacky.  This is where molecular mimicry comes in.  And this isn't some far-fetched, psychotic theory and it has nothing to do with "toxins" and "raw food".  And *one* idea of mine is that maybe more AI diseases are caused by molecular mimicry, yet we don't know it.  

For those of you who don't know, rheumatic fever is a classic example of molecular mimicry.  Basically, you get strep throat and it goes untreated.  And that's okay 99.97% of the time, because the immune system recognizes and kills the streptococcal bacteria, as it should.  In rheumatic fever, however, your immune system develops an antibody cross-reactivity that mistakenly attacks the cells of your myocardium, simply because they *vaguely resemble* the strep bacteria cell.  Odd, eh?  

If anyone has any *rational* theories on this in particular, which has nothing to do with toxins or food, and doesn't mention some quack doctor's website or book, and can back it up with some form of a medical journal or article, I'd be grateful.

Thanks in advance.  

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Mercury is killing us.  They use mercury in pesticides to kill pest.  If you get enough mercury in your body it will kill you.  How much does it take, It all depends on your genetics and how well your body can deal with it.  In the 1800's the people working with hats and using mercury got very sick from dealing with this substance.  They called it mad hatters disease but now we have fancy names for all of these diseases.  No one denies that mercury is hazardous.  The only question you should ask is why is the mercury the dentist puts in your mouth hazardous before it goes in and hazardous when it comes out. Why is this mercury safe when it is in your mouth.  Doesn't make sense does it.   There are scientific instrument which can show you the mercury given off by the fillings in your mouth is higher than the levels the EPA  allows.  They put these fillings in animal such as sheep and monkey.  After they kill these animals and examine their organs they find extremely high levels of mercury in the organs.  There have been studies done in many of the foreign countries suggesting mercury may be a cause for many of these neurological problems.  Some countries have ban these amalgam fillings.  Hal Huggins has dealt with patients with MS and other neurological diseases for 35 years and he is not quack.  Many people have been given their lives back because of what he has done.  He has tested these people before removing their dental problem and found elevated white blood cell levels.  After removing the problems from their mouths the white blood cell levels go back to normal.  To me this is proof that what he is doing is working.  Weston Price did a root canal on a sixteen year old boy who died shortly after that of a heart attack.  He implanted the root tip of this tooth in 100 rabbits and they all died of a heart attack.  He spent the rest of his life researching the thing which had killed his son.  These people are not making this up.  When you see a young kid die playing sports and they want to tell you it is all genetics.  What they do not tell you is the childs heart is full of mercury.

The FDA has discovered the dosage of Tylenol may be too high and is harming the liver in some people.  Some people who take this drug die of liver failure.  It is not a good thing to kill off your customers too fast.  Are you aware that many of these drugs which were said to be safe have later been determine to be harmful?   Many children have defects because of drugs which the mother took which were suppose to be safe.  Women who are pregant should not be eating fish because of the mercury problem?  I could go on and on with evidence.  The evidence is out there.  

As for you Rheumatic Fever my book "Prescription for Natural Healing" suggest:

Acidophilus-- taken after any antibiotic to replace the good bacteria
Garlic -- 2 capsules 3 times a day which is good for fighting infects
Vitamin C with bioflavanoids-5,000-20,000 mg in divided doses to boost the immune system.
There are other things recommended so if you are interested get the book.

I can relate to why people want to deny the facts.  I denied it for 60 years.  I had to get really sick before I could accept what was going on.  People enjoyed eating before we had McDoanlds or Berger King.  When I was young we didn't have these fast food places and I enjoyed eating.  The only way to find out if diet will work is to try it.  It has worked for me and that is a fact.  It is not easy doing something different but it is worth it when you feel better.    

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745975 tn?1258960922
It will be 100% pointless to carry on an argument with some of these people. They will say the same thing over and over and will not respond to the facts that you present that 100% counter their claims. It's almost pointless to try, because you can't argue with someone that cherry picks their information.

First i need to address when people are saying stuff like "the reason why we see so many people with autoimmune diseases now is because of the toxins we are now eating". WRONG. totally wrong. The reason why you are hearing more about auto immune diseases is because they are finally getting classified and diagnosed.  For example; Lupus was not really classified as an autoimmune disease until the late 1940's even though symptoms of the disease had been described in the 1800, and recognized as a systematic disease in the late 1800's. Modern times and research has allowed us to identify auto antibodies and make diagnoses where that was once not possible. Even up until a few years ago someone suffering from many many symptoms similar to lupus but not lupus would just get a lupus DX, because they didn't know what else to call what they had. Now they know for example, that there are antibodies that attack the blood and make it thicken, and they can call that disorder anti-phospholipid antibody syndrom, and it can be treated at it is, and not treated as lupus (something that it is not), or someone can get a Dx of Mixed Connective Tissue disorder and not a false dx of Lupus. (This is significant because people take relief in finally having a solid correct diagnosis, and it is also beneficial for health insurance reasons.)......

FURTHERMORE... autoimmune disease in general was not accepted into medical mainstream until the 1960's..... so it would make sense if want2bik1 is 60 years old, that during a great portion of his or her life, literally nothing was known about auto-immune reactions, which is why he/she believes that auto-immunity is a new phenomenon that cropped up with McDonalds and Burger King. The only thing that cropped up with those franchises is obesity.... Autoimmune disease is not new, people have been sick forever, we are just now beginning to learn what is causing it. For the record, research into molecular mimicry did not even begin until the 1980's so this is new and important research into autoimmune process and i hope it leads towards finding cures.

Moving on.....I think the whole molecular mimicry thing is FACINATING. It's unbelievable what can go wrong in the body.  When my brother was getting his PhD/MD he did some research on this topic when he was working specifically on the central nervous system. I wish he was on here because i believe he would have a lot more to contribute to the discussion then I ever could.

I'm in a similar boat as you, KellyMGo.... though with different sets of auto-immune problems. I'm a 26 year old female (105 lbs) and much like you was in tip top shape. I would run 6 miles a day, always ate healthfully and am one of the lucky ones that never had fillings. I randomly started feeling ill a few months after a thoracoplasy (major rib surgery) that i had in 2006.... After that event, i never stopped feeling tired all the time, but i chalked it up to working long hours. Then when I moved to the tropics with my husband and wasn't working, but still felt sick, I knew something was wrong.  Eventually I got my hashimotos DX in 2008. Oddly enough, my Hashimotos antibodies came out of nowhere. Since my brother had it, I had been tested a few times and did not seem to have the disease. And then one day was tested and had all SORTS of auto antibodies. I always wonder, was it the trauma of the surgery that did it, a mild infection, or something of the sort??? I have to agree it must be in some ways brought on by hormones. After all, they are the chemicals in our body, that tell our body what to do. Also, it would explain why some women who have autoimmune diseases feel significantly better while pregnant... the body has to change it's immune process while carrying a baby in order to accommodate (and not attack) a child that is not 100% the mothers own genetic material. Incredible stuff, but a tad more complicated then writing it off to eating, breathing or drinking toxins ;)

I also think the systems in the body are in delicate balance and when something is a little off, it can throw off many other things. That's why it seems with autoimmune issues, when it rains it pours. When i have a T4 hormone (for my thyroid) increase or decrease, it completely alters my menstruation cycle for the month, and technically this hormone should have nothing to do with that system of my body!

As for the people who think mercury and toxins cause all autoimmune disease.... it's rubbish. Yeah, sure mercury is poisonous to the human body (obvious), but mercury does not "go into the cell". That statement right there tells me this person has no clue how mercury poisoning works, or anything at all about cellular biology, and very little about auto-immune diseases in general.  when i see this person posting on just about every topic, from people coming on here asking about Lupus, MS, Graves, they always say exactly the same thing " food can cure you". What this person does not understand is that those are different diseases, with different causes, and different treatments.

Anyways, this whole diet theory is just too simple for my taste. I know I am not an expert on the topic of autoimmune diseases. I'm just a girl, who was doing great and then hit my mid-twenties and began really struggling with my health.
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Of coarse I am going to say the same thing because that is what the problem is.  The drugs will cover up the sympthoms but eventually the body will have to get rid of this drug.  I explained to you that many of the drugs that the FDA approved have latter been determined toxic and removed from the market.  The FDA reports the level of Tylenol is too high and is causing liver failure in some people.  What if you were one of the people who couldn't tolerate  the level and died of liver failure?  

Most of the experts agree that mercury is a problem because the FDA recommends that pregenant mother refrain from eating fish which is contaminated by mercury.  It is pretty much accepted that mercury in the mothers body can get into the baby and hurt the child's development.  What ever the mother has in her body will be in the baby's body.  The mother can deal with this posion alot better.  The baby does not have a good immune system yet and it would have a hard time dealing with this posion.  There is no arguement I know of saying mercury is good for you.  The real question is how much mercury it takes to make you sick?  What do they call the disease mercury can cause.  MS, ALS, Parkinstons or any of the many neurological diseases.   It all depends on your genetics as to what disease you end up with.  Check out the numbers and you will see all these disease are rising and why?  My thoughts are why take the risk if you know this stuff is poison. It is pretty much accepted that mercury can get into the cells and damage the development of the baby.  I do not know where you have gotten your information as to the fact that mercury cannot get into our cells but I would suggest you google "mercury toxic" and read some of those articles.  The American Dental Association has been telling us mercury in our teeth is safe but I have a problem with their argument.  They treat mercury as a toxic element before the put it into your mouth.  Mercury is a toxic element when they take it out of your mouth.  When the mercury is in your mouth it is perfectly safe.  Can you explain this?  There are scientific instruments which can measure the level given off by your fillings.  Do you not believe what these instruments are showing?   There have been studies done on sheep and monkeys which show mercury from dental fillings have traveled throughout the body ending up in various organs.  Do you think this is a big lie?   All the evidence suggest mercury will make you feel very bad before you die?

The body was healing itself a long time before there were doctors.  Eating healthy will allow your body a chance to heal itself..  My question is why not give it a try.  What have you got to lose?  If it doesn't work go back to eating the grease bergers and fries.  You might find that eating healthy is enjoyable and it could help your problem.  As I get older I realize how much I do not know.  One thing I know for sure is eating raw fruits and vegetables has made me feel better.  Hope everyone can realize what is making them sick so they can get well again.  If the drugs do not do it give the diet a try.  
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I truly appreciate your persistency. I can agree that too much mercury is bad. I don't think i've ever heard anyone say that Mercury is good for consumption in the body. That is a fact. I also concede that there is evolution in drugs and drug development. Okay, so some drugs can have a negative effect on the liver, some drugs have been deemed dangerous and pulled off the market.... other drugs are literally life saving drugs and there is no reason to clump them all together and say they are toxic and not needed.

Now I need to address the argument about pregnant women and mercury. The reason why it is not recommended for women to eat a lot of certain types of fish because it is a contaminant that effects the brain development and nervous systems of babies. NOT because it causes immune problems in the baby. it literally has NOTHING to do with the immune system.  The American Journal of Preventative Medicine does not recommend pregnant women cut fish completely out of their diet, they recommend avoiding shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish. Not all fish have mercury concentrations and fish contains nutrients which are critical for the development of the baby and health of the mother.

In addition, you are not realizing that each of these autoimmune disease are DIFFERENT diseases. They are not caused by mercury toxicity.... mercury toxicity is it's own problem, not related to the majority of autoimmune conditions. In your above posts you mention that people with mercury poisoning often have a high white blood cell count, but MOST people with chronic illnesses like autoimmune diseases have LOW white blood cell count. Why? because an autoimmune disease is NOT an infection it is NOT the body trying to rid out toxins and i think you are confusing autoimmune with auto-toxicity, they are two distinct things and i believe you are on the wrong forum.

Furthermore, you are not answering my simple argument which is that I eat basically the paleo diet that you recommend, I have no mercury exposure (I don't even have ONE filling), and I really don't like fish except sushi grade sashimi which i just started liking with in the last year (after i already had my autoimmune DX), and salmon is not a fish that is on the list to worry about anyways.

Lastly the reason why it is SOOOO frustrating having a discussion with you, is because it's almost as though you didn't even READ my posts. You said yet again that these diseases are on the rise... and my argument to that is that awareness for the diseases is rising and so is the population so it only makes sense that we see more and more people coming out of the woodworks with autoimmune problems. Also most of these diseases have not been classified until recent times (like the last 30 years), Hello! you are not going to see someone with MS until it is classified and recognized as a disease.  For example, MS was first described in the late 1800's but it was not until myelin was discovered that any real knowledge was reached and it was all the way until the late 1940's that it was recognized as an autoimmune condition. The criteria for what defined MS was not even formed until the mid 1960's...... So again, research on autoimmune diseases is very very NEW. The reason why we are seeing more and more people get autoimmune DX is that we FINALLY have names to describe the illnesses that have been around forever.

I don't think anyone has ever argued with you about mercury in dental filling or mercury poisoning... I'm sure mercury poisoning is horrible but the symptoms (though in many ways might be somewhat similar in some AI diseases), do NOT mimic the symptoms of all autoimmune diseases. In addition, mercury does NOT enter the cell, and any simple google search will explain how mercury poisoning works. There is zero evidence that mercury causes autoimmune diseases. It might be possible that it triggers a change in the body that might then result in a disease.... but the mercury itself does NOT enter the cell and cause the body to attack itself, period.

You cannot explain why it is the vast majority of auto-immune disease effect women of child bearing years. It's not because we have more fillings, or eat more mercury loaded fish, or eat more fries and burgers. It's hormones and genetics. I'm not asking you to answer this, because no one really knows the exact answer and it will take more research into auto-antibodies and what is going on, on a cellular and molecular level.
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No one I mentioned is a quack...you make me laugh...
Dr. Fuhrman M.D. has ALL the medical journal documentation you'd ever want or need in Fasting and Eating For Health and in Eat To Live...you might want to pick up The China Study BOTH those books talk about molecular mimicry...I very much agree with you on this point...but there is no ONE cause for AI diseases.

And I totally disagree with focusing on the problem before the solution.  Backwards advice there.

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I must differ with the statement made by JENB12..Mercury DOES go into the cell.


Mercury is a liquid metal at ordinary temperatures and pressures. More importantly, it is a reactive element. Since it was first isolated, mankind has developed an increasingly vast array of uses for mercury. The advances in mercury toxicology have turned full circle, the knowledge of mercury poisoning comes from studies of cases of acute poisoning. The present danger presents itself as a chronic, low-level chronic exposure, also known as mercurialism and micromercurialism.

Most people are familiar with elemental mercury in liquid state found in a thermometer or thermostat. The most common source of chronic exposure is from Amalgam in dental fillings, amalgam has been used for mettallurgical purposes releasing mercury vapor. Vaccinations contain thimerosal used as a preservative, exposing undeveloped organs at a critical stage. Then bioaccumulation of methyl mercury in seafood, industrial uses and coal fired power plants.

Monomethylmercury (MeHg) participates directly in biochemical reactions. MeHg is crated both by humans and by the environment. Industry uses MeHg, and in the past poisoning were due to industrial discharge. MeHg is also created through biomethylation processes in the environment and bioaccumulates primarily in fish and people who eat fish.

Mercury compounds vapor can enter the body through various pathways, including inhalation of vapor, ingestion, and skin contact. Most of the exposure to elemental mercury comes from inhalation of mercury vapor, injections of thimerosal and ingestion of MeHg.

Mercury vapor is nonpolar, monatomic gas, and lipid-soluble. For example, let's follow the path of inhaled mercury vapor. From the lungs it dissolves in blood plasma, and from there it has access to diffuse into the cell in the body. Once inside a cell, mercury dissolves in blood plasma, and from there it has access to diffuse into any cell in the body. Once inside a cell, mercury vapor, itself unreactive is oxidized to the highly toxic mercury (+2) ion. This is also known a divalent mercury. This oxidation process is mediated by the enzyme catalase. Catalase normally functions in a two-step process to remove hydrogen peroxide from cells. However, in the second step of this process, mercury vapor can be oxidized to divalent mercury.

There is also oxidized to divalent mercury, this divalent mercury in the brain leads to strange symptoms, including erethism. Mercury is also found to be the process linking behavioral symptoms and Alzheimer's.

Monomethylmercury (MeHg) is estimated 100 to 1000 times more toxic than elemental mercury in humans. MeHg seems to specifically target the Central Nervous System (CNS). Until recently, this was a mystery, as the CNS enjoys the protection of the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). The BBB consists of tightly packed endothelial cells that line the walls of the blood capillaries in the CNS.

The key to understanding why MeHg is so toxic is to see that structural similarities in biochemical reactions can lead to active transport of toxins. In the case of organisms with a highly advanced CNS, this active transport can lead to accumulation of MeHg in the brain. The pathway of MeHg from the bloodstream to the brain is complicated, to understand the pathway a number of processes are involved:

MeHg in blood plasma can combine with cysteine, forming a compound that is structurally similar to the amino acid methionine.
This MeHg-cysteine compound is actively transported into the endothelial cells in the BBB, on the methionine carrier.
A high level of reduced glutathione is maintained in the endothelial cells, and the MeHg switches from a cystein carrier to a glutathione carrier.
MeHg-glutathione is actively transported out of the endothelial cells and into the brain.
In the brain, the hydrolysis of MeHg-glutathione generates MeHg-cysteine.
This MeHg-cysteine can now enter nerve cells in the brain, where it accumulates. The reason why it accumulates is unknown, but it is known that reduced glutathione levels are low in some neurons. It is thought that this low level of reduced glutathione might allow MeHg-cysteine to remain in the cells, unlike in the endothelial cells.

Furthermore, since MeHg-cysteine is structurally similar to the amino acid methionine, it may interfere with protein synthesis in nerve cells. This is especially likely, since methionine is always the first amino acid involved with protein synthesis. However, the exact process is not yet fully understood.

The toxicity of MeHg in the developing brain is even more complicated. MeHg has been shown to affect proteins that are involved in the assembly of microtubules in the nerve cells cytoskeleton. By noting that microtubules are essential for nerve cell division and migration, we see how MeHg can affect brain growth and development. This is why the fetal brain is particularly sensitive to MeHg. Also, the BBB of the fetal brain is about three times more active in amino acid transport, which only makes the MeHg brain concentration rate higher.

MeHg also produces subtle changes in the production and secretion of neurotransmitters in the developing brain, which alters brain development in subtle ways. For example, MeHg has been shown to accumulate in astrocyte cells in the developing brain. One role of astrocytes is to regulate levels of the amino acid glutamate in the developing brain. It happens that glutamate is toxic to the developing brain. Since an inhibition of astrocyte cell function will enhance glutamate levels, we can see an indirect path for mercury poisoning in the brain. This is a very complex subject, and very little is known about the exact developmental changes that are expected from MeHg.

The standard methods for determining the concentration of mercury compounds in the body involve urine, blood, fecal and hair samples with a challenge test using a small portion of chelator to push out mercury. The problem with these methods is that they only show a recent history of mercury exposure, whereas mercury is a cumulative toxin. Since these tests cannot account for past exposures, they are only valid indicators of recent, acute exposure. This is part of the reason that there is so little known about chronic, low-level mercury exposure.

Unfortunately, by the time symptoms appear, usually the damage is already done. This is complicated by the fact that mercury toxicity is difficult to diagnose. However, when mercury contamination is diagosed and there is still a concentration of mercury in the body. Removal of all sources is first necessary, followed by chelation therapy that may help. Chelation therapy involves the formation of a complex of mercury with a chelate ligand. DMSA, EDTA and DMPS are such chelating ligands used in the treatment of heavy metals. Do not use a chelator without fully understanding which metals they chelate and the possibility of permanent damage due to the organs lack of ability to remove toxins. Doses of chelating agents increase the blood and urine concentrations of mercury, and thus help eliminate it from the body.

Mercury molecule and mercury molecule bound as in chelation.

Most of the effects involve complex biochemical reactions that are affected by the presence of mercury compounds. These include the immune system, particular organs, brain growth and development and behavioral patterns. Chronic mercury exposure is an important area of study.

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This is ONE case study of Dr. Fuhrman M.D. with an autoimmune case of diabetes. ( There are thousands more case studies he has been involved with over the last 10 years.)  Diet will make a difference.  

Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Restored to Health: Case Study of James Kenney

Diabetes affects roughly 135 million people worldwide, with more than 16 million Americans suffering from diabetes. More than 70 percent of the adults with Type 2 diabetes die of heart attacks or strokes. Diabetes can be prevented through nutritional methods.
This case history shows a Type 2 diabetes treatment success story of James Kenney, one of my patients. Type 2 diabetes prevention is possible, with diabetes education, Type 2 diabetes diet, proper weight control, and exercise. Instead of controlling diabetes, simply get rid of it.

Name James Kenney  
Chief Complaint Poorly controlled diabetes
Weight 268 pounds
Insulin 175 units per day

Mr. Kenney was referred to my office from his nephrologist at St. Barnabus Hospital in Livingston, New Jersey. Mr. Kenney was originally referred to the nephrologist by his endocrinologist (diabetic specialist) at the Joslin Clinic because of kidney damage that resulted from poorly controlled diabetes (very high glucose readings) in spite of maximum medical management.

In fact, Jim was taking a total of 175 units of insulin per day when he came in to my office for the first time in January. At that time, he had already suffered from severe complications of Type 2 diabetes, including two heart attacks and Charcot (destructive inflammation) joint damage in his right ankle.

In spite of this huge dose of insulin and six other medications, Jim’s glucose readings averaged between 350 – 400. This was the case “no matter what I eat,” he said. Jim told me that he was already on a diabetes diet, and was already following the precise diabetes nutrition and dietary recommendations of the dietician at the Joslin Clinic.

First visit: Type 2 diabetes patient This is what my Type 2 diabetes treatment plan for Jim entailed. At his first visit, I put Jim on my Eat To Live program for diabetics, with diabetes nutrition and his specific needs in mind. In addition, I reduced his insulin dose down to 130 units per day. Jim and I spoke over the phone over the next few days, and I continued to decrease his insulin gradually.

Within five days, Jim's glucose was running between 80 and 120, and he had lost ten pounds. At this juncture in my Type 2 diabetes treatment for Jim, I put him on 45 units of Lantus insulin at bedtime and 6 units of Humalog regular insulin before each meal for a total of 63 units per day.

Two week visit: Type 2 diabetes patient At his two week visit Jim had lost 16 pounds. I was already stopping some of his blood pressure medications and he was taking a total of 58 units per day of insulin.

After the first month of my Type 2 diabetes treatment and diabetes diet from my Eat To Live program, I was able to stop all of Jim's insulin and start him on Glucophage (one of the safer oral medications). He lost 25 pounds in the first five weeks and his blood glucose readings were well controlled without insulin. His blood pressure also came down to normal and he no longer required any blood pressure medications.

I had also found that Jim had an elevated homocysteine when we checked his blood tests. With the appropriate supplementation of a specific form of folate that he required (methyl tetrahydrofolate), his homocysteine returned to the normal range.

Five months later: No more diabetes medication, 60 pound weight loss Five months later, Jim was off medications for diabetes, he no longer had high cholesterol or high blood pressure, and he was over 60 pounds lighter. His kidney insufficiency had normalized as well.

This case illustrates not merely how powerful the diet from my Eat To Live approach is, but how the standard dietary advice given to diabetics from conventional physicians and dieticians can be disease promoting. The standard nutritional advice given to diabetics is not only insufficient--it is dangerous.

Jim Kenny would likely be dead by now had his nephrologist not referred him to me for an effective diabetes nutrition and dietary approach.

Caution: Dietary and medication changes while on insulin should be done under the care of a competent physician.
Message to physicians: More and more physicians are expressing their support and enthusiasm for the Eat To Live approach to treating Type 2 diabetes and other diseases. I invite other physicians to come to my office and observe the spectacular results first hand. Those who have taken me up on the offer have often commented that the experience was actually more fruitful than anything they did in their residency training.

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Once again I have to differ on a statement you made:

"NOT because it causes immune problems in the baby. it literally has NOTHING to do with the immune system."

We have NO IDEA what harm it does to a babies immune system because we can't do clinical trials on HUMANS in this country.

We must go back in time to the age of "blood-letting"...they did that until they figured out it was KILLING most of the patients!  They thought at that time it was THE ONLY WAY to rid the body of a problem..whether it be a headache or disease.

SAME goes for today...they ( the medical professionals) are doing what they think is best...only until the facts are re-examined and they figure out what they do for most people is HURRY them to their death.

I truely believe that food is ONE of the answers.  As you believe it isn't.  That's ok...I'm enjoying the discussion.  This is what MORE people need to be doing...everyone come tot he table with their thoughts, ideas, opinions...some backed up by fact some not...because A LOT of what people know to be true is just their own personal story...there is no government funding to show how RAW food cures disease because who would REALLY benefit from that?  Who would amke the most money from that discovery?

The American Cancer Society is a HUGE business.  It's not about finding a cure, they already have a cure.  BUT if it were on the evening news that the cure for cancer was found..how long would the ACA be in business after news like that?

There are millions of pieces of information that are NOT being shared with the public. This I find outrageous.  I believe each single human being has a brain in their heads smart enough to take in ALL the information and solutions and they are smart enough to determine which solution is best for them.  People are NOT being given a choice, when only two of the solutions are being discussed with them by their doctor.  When there are simply 25 solutions at hand.  This makes me very angry.

The studies are all there. They have been there since the 1940's and before.
It's sad, that people will not open their minds enough to see what wool has been pulled over their eyes.


I'll go get my books and begin siting them.  Be prepared though, because you will be amazed at what has "already been proven" and hasn;t been shared with the public.
I hope the moderators of this list allow me to post the studies sited by Dr. Fuhrman and Dr . Cooper.

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Sited studies at the end.

Eat For Health - The Anti-Cancer Diet

By Joel Fuhrman M.D.

As reported by the U.S. government and Center for Diseases Control, cancers of the colon, breast, prostate and lung are the top four deadliest cancers in the modern world.  After billions of dollars devoted to researching drug treatments for cancer and minimal increases in life expectancy for those undergoing chemotherapy for most common cancers, many authorities such as the National Institute of Health and the American Cancer Society, have been issuing a stronger voice advocating more preventive measures to reduce cancer incidence.  Diet has become a key element in the fight against cancer.

The American Cancer Society recommends that people lower their risk of developing colorectal cancer by managing the risk factors that they can control, such as diet and physical activity. Diets high in vegetables and fruits have been linked with a lower risk of colon cancer, and diets high in processed and/or red meats have been linked with a higher risk. The American Cancer Society recommends the following:

Eat a healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant sources.
Choose foods and beverages in amounts that help achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Eat 5 or more servings of a variety of vegetables and fruits each day.
Choose whole grains rather than processed (refined) grains.
Limit consumption of processed and red meats
However, for those desiring more powerful protection, these guidelines are not sufficient and are still somewhat vague.  For example, it is well established that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day is still not ideal for cancer protection. This recommendation was made to improve the diet-style of Americans, whose typical grocery baskets are dramatically lacking in these protective foods, but the recommendation is still sub-optimal. The recommendations as a whole were established in response to the dismally low intake of vegetables being consumed in America, and do not represent an ideal. The most recent scientific advancement in the anti-cancer research is the identification of specific foods and food elements that offer powerful protection against cancer.  The purpose of this article is to review some of these recent findings so people can take action now to dramatically lower their risk of all cancers and in particular colon cancer.

Let’s review some of these research findings and then review what a powerful, anti-cancer diet will look like.  

Meat and cancer

Accumulating epidemiologic evidence indicates that high consumption of red meat and processed meats increases the risk of colorectal cancer.  A meta-analysis assessed the association between red meat and processed meat consumption and the risk of colorectal cancer from 29 studies.  It showed a clear dose-response relationship, confirming higher intake corresponds with more cancers and a lower intake with less.1

The consumption of red meat and processed meats on a regular basis more than doubled the risk of some cancers. Even ingesting a small amount of red meat, such as two to three ounces a day, was shown to significantly increase the risk of cancer.2 Red meat and processed meats contain more saturated fat and trans fat than other animal products, and, therefore, are poorer food choices. However, the fat issue does not tell the whole story. Toxic nitrogenous compounds (called N-nitroso) occur in larger concentrations in red meat and processed meats. Red meat also has high haem (also spelled heme) content. Haem is an iron-carrying protein, and it has been shown to have destructive effects on the cells lining our digestive tract.3 Processed meats, luncheon meats, barbequed meats also contain cancer-causing heterocyclic amines.  These foods must not be a regular part of your diet if you are looking to maintain excellent health into your later years of life, because they promote heart disease and dementia too.

The too frequent consumption of animal products in general increases the risk of cancer. To achieve optimal health, we require a significant exposure to a full symphony of antioxidants and phytochemicals in unprocessed plant matter that we would not ingest sufficiently when animal products comprise a higher percent of total calories and the percentage of vegetation decreases proportionally. Also, since animal products contain no fiber, they remain in the digestive tract longer, slowing digestive transit time and allowing heightened exposure to toxic compounds.

The goal is to gradually reduce even the non-red meat animal products in your diet until you’re only consuming them two to three times per week, but even at that low level of consumption the choice of animal products should exclude or only rarely consume processed meat and barbequed meat.
Sugar and white flour and cancer

It has been hypothesized that levels of triglycerides, glucose, and insulin are associated with increased risk of colon cancer and that diets high in simple sugars and white flour increase risk of colon cancer because of their impact on these factors.  There are interesting similarities in the epidemiology of colorectal cancer and adult onset diabetes.  In a number of studies, diabetic patients have been shown to have an elevated risk of colorectal cancer[ and non-diabetics with elevated postprandial glucose levels also have a higher risk of colorectal cancer than individuals with normal glucose tolerance.4

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One explanation for these associations is that both diseases are linked to becoming overweight and the resultant metabolic effects and heightened inflammation that results, but it is interesting to note the evidence supporting the possibility that chronic exposure to diets rich in rapidly assimilated carbohydrates may act directly as a promoter of colorectal carcinogenesis.  Considering that both animal products and processed foods supply us with a rich caloric load, but not with antioxidants and phytochemicals necessary for the normal function of cells and the immune system, it may also be the lack of these nutritional elements that are important (as low-nutrient carbohydrates make up a higher percentage of total caloric intake). Free radical production increases and chronic disease develops as the level of produce decreases in the diet and the combined consumption of animal products and processed foods increases.

Epidemiological evidence supports the direct association between simple carbohydrates and risk of colon cancer.    A population study reveals a particularly heightened risk when a diet high in refined carbohydrates is associated with a sedentary lifestyle.5

Vegetables and cancer

Even though the key dietary strategy for preventing cancer of the large bowel is to increase your intake of fresh vegetables and fruits (especially vegetables) while lowering the amount of animal products and meat eaten, the evidence that eating more green vegetables is protective for  cancers of the colon and rectum, lung and prostate -- is building into an avalanche.  Cruciferous vegetables (the cabbage and broccoli family) are simply the most powerful weapon against all forms of cancer and especially colorectal cancer.6  

Cruciferous vegetables have been studied extensively for their chemo protective effects. Although they contain many bioactive compounds, the anti-carcinogenic actions of cruciferous vegetables are commonly attributed to their content of glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are relatively biologically inert but can be hydrolysed to a range of bioactive compounds such as isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles by the plant-based enzyme myrosinase.  A number of mechanisms whereby ITC and indoles may protect against colo-rectal cancer have been identified. In experimental animals, cruciferous vegetables have been shown to inhibit chemically-induced colon cancer.  Human studies show a huge protective effect; people who were regular consumers of these foods had approximately 60 percent less cancer.7

Cruciferous vegetables act by altering the metabolism of carcinogens present in cooked food, such as the heterocyclic amines.  They help the body eliminate carcinogens and also keep free radicals in check, but even more fascinating is the body’s ability (when fueled with a sufficient amount of these greens) to repair broken DNA cross-links and modify the expression of genes that influence the risk of colon cancer.8

Vitamin D and cancer.

Studies in recent years have added more support to the idea that higher levels of vitamin D may decrease risk of colorectal cancer. Further, typical dietary intakes such as 200-400 IU/day may be too low to exert appreciable benefits, and protection may occur with higher levels of vitamin D.   Recent studies also suggest a potential benefit of vitamin D on other digestive-tract cancers, and that vitamin D status at the time of diagnosis and treatment may influence cancer survival.9  For most Americans not living in and working outdoors in southern states,  supplementation with 800 to 2000 IU’s optimizes serum 25-hydroxy Vitamin D levels for protection against cancer and osteoporosis.

Eat For Health  --   effective for all health conditions

The foundation of nutritional science  can be explained by  my  simple formula: H = N / C  or  Health = Nutrients / Calories.

This is a concept I call the nutrient density of your diet.  The key to both longevity and healthful weight loss is to eat predominantly those foods that have a high proportion of nutrients (non-caloric food factors) compared to calories (carbohydrates, fats and proteins).  Maintaining a favorable body weight is an important component of an anti-cancer lifestyle.

If you had a hundred dollars to spend, would you want to purchase a pencil or a laptop computer? You would want to receive the most value for your money, right?  Likewise, if you were to consume 1000 calories per day, would you want to spend those caloric bucks on empty calorie, low nutrient foods, like pasta, oil and sugar, or would it make more sense to eat foods that are rich in micronutrients such as fruits, vegetables and legumes?  

A food is healthy or not-so-healthy based on how much fiber, phytochemicals, antioxidants, minerals., omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and other unnamed (or yet to be discovered) nutrients it contains in proportion to its calories.    Based on this N/C criterion, you can grade food quality, construct menus, and make food choices to support excellent health.   Once you know which foods have the highest nutrient density, you will become an expert in nutrition and weight loss. It is that simple.  

Eating large quantities of high-nutrient foods is the secret to optimal health, disease prevention and maintaining a healthy slim waistline.  The health equation describes a way of eating that is truly a longevity diet, yet it effortlessly has you achieve an ideal weight and it is an anti-cancer and anti-heart disease diet-style.

A person who Eats For Health is called a nutritarian.  You already may be a nutritarian if youunderstand that food has powerful disease-protecting and therapeutic effects and you seek to consume a broad array of both discovered and undiscovered micronutrients via your food choices.   It is not sufficient to merely avoid fat, trans fat or saturated fat.  It is not sufficient for the diet to have a low glycemic index.  It is not sufficient  for the diet to be low in animal products.  A truly healthy diet must be micro-nutrient rich and the micro-nutrient richness must be adjusted to meet individual needs.  Since the foods with the highest micro-nutrient per calorie scores are green vegetables, colorful vegetables, and fresh fruits, consumption of enough of these foods are required to meet our micronutrient needs for optimal health.  It helps if the produce-rich diet is designed to be delicious.  There is no reason why healthy foods can’t taste great.

A typical anti-cancer diet should contain at least 3 fresh fruits daily, at least one large raw green salad, as well as a two other cooked (steamed) vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots and peas, squash or other colorful vegetables.  A huge pot of soup ladened with vegetables, herbs and beans can be made once a week and conveniently taken for lunch.  Raw nuts and seeds are another important, but often overlooked food with documented health benefits contributing to longevity .

Many individuals are choosing to modify their lifestyle to improve their health or reverse diseases.  Unrefined plant foods and phytochemical support is the foundation of an anti-aging lifestyle.   Most diseases are effectively treated and in many cases completely reversed through aggressive nutritional intervention.  Uncovering the cause, and fueling the miraculous natural repair systems that are built into your body is always a better choice that results in a more favorable outcome, rather than covering up symptoms with medications. I urge you to learn more about healthful eating, and try some great tasting high-nutrient recipes in your regular diet, the effort is worth it and it may even save your life. Remember, the prescription is nutrition.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
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