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603015 tn?1329862973

Constantly talking to myself in my head

I feel like I am going a little crazy and I can no longer remember what it was like to feel normal, does everyone talk to them selves in there head or is this the depression , I cant remember if I used to do it or not but I cant seem to switch it off its 24/7 so much so that when someone asks me something it takes me a while to focus on what they have said because my mind is already focused on what I am saying to myself? does this make sense. because of this the house seems really noisey I find it impossible and I just want to explode if the kids are talking and the tv is on and my thoughts are going I cant stand it. any comments
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if anyone is going through this i myself would advice you to talk to someone close about the situation in detail. maybe even a therapist, for me i cleansed my past and what made me depressed or overly assertive with thought by meditating, eating healthy, working out, and staying on that same level everyday. sometimes things happen in yiur life and one day you may jist explode emotionally. and everything you tried to cover up is on the surface, but I assure you the average person or anyone in particular wouldn't know. so please meditate ear healthy and take away the opinion tgat someone told you you have a disease because everyone goes through this yours just may be more major. look up natural ways to balance yourself and find yourself again and replace what makes you depressed with who you really are. bless your soul, have a great life.
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Tell your inner voice to shut up when you want it to.  We all talk to ourselves sometimes but don't let it rule over your day to day life.  Take control of it.

Much love
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(Shabd) Words talk to each other, they discuss, they fight and ultimately you have to suffer as a consequence because its your mind. Basic solution i know, start forgetting words and start visualizing things rather than thinking about them, just see them, stop your mind from doing any analysis about them, just see them as they are. Make your mind, you dont know anything words, i mean anything which can be speak or listen. Initially it is very hard process but if you practise it every day. You can control your thoughts.
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How it seems to be for me is- the main voice is like as if I was saying it outloud to myself so I could hear it see how it sounds -if it makes sense or not.  Then there's my reaction to the message kind of thinking.  Then there's realization that all this is happening simultaneously thought -that peeks out long enough to just notice it.  And then I have 2D and 3D mental picturing of what is happening, what could happen, and what went on to make it happen. And mental points of visual perspective for who would have been there- their point of view.   It doesn't go away between wake and sleep. I go immediately into dreaming vividly but my thinking works the same there, and when I wake up it's still there.   It's not usually fast unless I'm excited or trying to be fast. and not slow unless I'm really tired.  Very often I can recall emotional tied memories.  Mental pictures for people of what I was doing where I was at or what I was feeling or where I seen them last or where I wanted to be when we talked. Very strong location induced memory and personality. Personality wise I can be the most motivated to do work and be the neatest most ocd structural designer computer type and I can be the laziest dirtiest hoarding pack rat at home.   If anyone knows what any of it means if that is abnormal please email me real advice. exceptional.***@****
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I have this same issue.  Non stop talking to myself. Its causing issues at work and home. People think I'm ignoring them but I just can't hear past my internal dialog. I will rehearse what I'm going to say before I say anything , sometimes for an hour or more. Something simple I saw will be replayed over and over before I can tell it. Critiquing every word and thing I say or do. I'm always saying " sorry didn't hear you ". I need to stop this now before I loose it. Now I'm finding myself fixating on stuff like a person to the point it's all I think  about while continuing the internal dialog. I sometimes start repeating nursery rhymes or songs to drown out the chatter. My self esteem is completely gone because I've convinced myself no one would be interested in someone that looks like me. But I'm married and have been for 26 years. If I try to explain it to my husband I get " the look ". I don't have anyone else to try to explain it to . And don't want my doctor to think i'm crazy or wanting pills. I just want it to stop. I know the whole time what's happening yet can't get it to stop. I understand and know its probably just depression yet its still there, all the hyper critical over thinking non stop chatter. Repeat a joke to yourself a thousand times and see if you still find it funny.
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I have the same problem I have voices in my head. I have more than one. There always telling me negative thing and they sometimes want my to harm myself I can't stand it anymore I'm afraid to get help because I don't want doctors to think I'm crazy lock me away. Sometime when I'm upset anof I'll see people that arnt really there and talk to them it scares me becoise I know now it's now really and it makes me feel like I'm crazy. I feel all alone like I'm the only person do there this I told my boyfriend and he wants to help but he doesn't understand. This had my relationship hard with him becoise we argue becoise I always think I'm not good anof. The worste part is I always talk to myself when I'm alone I tried to stop but that only makes it worste I'm afraid someone is going to walk in on me talking to myself. What should I do. I don't want to go threw this anymore.
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My brain and I are best friends.
I don't think that its bad or even crazy. As far as I'm concerned, everyone should be friends with their brains.
I named her Jenn. It's a beautiful name and it suits her well.
I don't consider it talking to myself.
The story behind this friendship is pretty simple.
You know how sometimes you hear something and your brain thinks bout something funny? Well, that's sort of how it started I think. It was the little things at first. And as it became more and more frequent... I was allowing Jenn to... I don't know. I guess it's sort of like freeing her. Expanding your brain.
Anyway. We have conversations. Usually her doing her job, the brain stuff.
I've always thought of her having all the knowledge and sense, then me having the personality... not to mention control over the hands and feet.
We also have funny conversations, like walking down the street and analysing everything and everyone... she always has something to say *sigh*
And of course the stupid conversations.
Example:this happened last night
Me: I can't find it
Jenn: What are we looking for again
Me: My pyjamas
Jenn: Why don't you just wear that (mentally points at sweat pants and a green loose shirt)
Me: they just washed that. Plus, I want warm pyjamas.
Jenn: you mean your onsie
Me: yes. Something that'll keep us warm
Jenn: and won't eat us
Me: exactly.... wait, what?

The conversation ended there cause I started laughing hysterically.

I know this sounds weird... but ugh... I just wanted to share my story once. It's not everyday you get to talk about the voices in your head (sarcasm)

But really. I don't want to be taken as crazy. Please don't put me in an institute cause I will straight up deny all of the above.

Just wanted to help.
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633472 tn?1233333437
well i always considered this my OCD!!!! but i do have add too.... its miserable for me.... they can be any thoughts,but, of course in my case mostly highly depressing......

to me, this is such a normal habit that to hear someone ask about it is strange because ive been doing it my whole life...

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my family said I'm crazy but I think it's ok to answer my slef
627145 tn?1230305626
This is what I experience.  Besides depression, I also have a diagnosis of ADD.  

"Normal" people must have some of this too, because everybody talks about "self-talk" and whether what we say to ourselves is positive or negative.  I remember when I was young and seeing a psychologist, I made the suggestion that what I might need was to replace ugly childhood memories with better memories that I could go over instead of the unpleasant ruminations, and the therapist agreed.  We started fishing and hiking more and did what traveling we could afford.  

But I agree that it can be very distracting.  A low dose of amitriptyline slows it down for me and takes the edge off so I'm not so irritable with interruptions.  I will never enjoy noise, however.  
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Is it schizophrenia
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Maybe yes Liliane. But I suggest you seek medical help in order for you to be sure about it and for you to be aware of your present condition. I have a sister in law who is a bipolar and it seems like she is talking to someone. Then a sudden, she will laugh out loud and start roaming around the corners of our house. My husband told me that it was because she undergone severe depression when she was still in highschool and then my mother in law accompanied her to a Psychiatrist. My sister in law was diagnosed as bipolar to which she will experience a high level of emotions. One thing also was that she had anxiety problems before and she doesn't have a support system or anyone to talk to about her problems or depression.

For me, this thread is really helpful especially to those who are suffering from severe depression because this will serve as an outlet for anyone who wants to share their own experiences relating to this kind of issue. I, myself also suffered from this, most specifically the post partum depression and I cant help myself but to cry. I had a hard time expressing my thoughts to my family but I always see to it that I can control and fight my emotions because I know there might be some consequences when you were not able to defend yourself from severe depression.
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I too talk to myself and when not to myself I start talking to trees, electric items and sometimes even stones.  My brain makes words and I can't stop it how hard I try.  What's this do anyone know?
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Yeah I do this too but I think it's just the loneliness, our brain will do anything to be occupied I guess yeah though its funny to see that there are so many people who also have this.not so lonely after all.
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Yeah, even I do the same almost all the time, from the time I wake up till I go to sleep. There's this person, or a voice, that keeps talking to me. It's as if he is the good guy and he keeps advising me all the time whenever I am wasting my time or am doing something I shouldn't do. Whenever I feel down, a small talk with the voice gets me up and running. I haven't yet felt it negatively affecting my life, actually it might have made it somewhat better, but yes, till the last year I had almost no self confidence or self worth and it was a really harrowing time for me. This voice helped me sail through it all, but at times I really want it to be silent. I have tried to find out why this voice came up, and I think it's due to something traumatic in my childhood that I still can't remember completely. I think it is a coping mechanism that the brain has made to lessen trauma or pain.
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I do this too!  Can't remember when I didn't but it's worse in the last few years.  It isn't clear to me if any of you are actually talking to yourself out loud?  I do that too in addition to talking in my head.  It's kind of hard to admit that but I do it and want to know I'm not alone. It's exhausting!  And yes, it makes it so hard to concentrate, read, or have a conversation.  I find I'm having trouble with word-finding... I just stutter until I find the word.  People must think I'm senile!!!  I also have OCD, ADD and Bipolar II with mostly depression.  Fun!!  
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Its your Amygdala. Do research on that.
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I also do some of the things people talk about here but sometimes I hear other conversation. Not just people talking to each other but actually living their own lives. Talking about their homes and things. I don't understand what's happening. My life is pretty cool, why am I like this? Please help
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Are the other conversations you hear violent? Like the sound of a car crash. With screaming
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I too experience the talk in my head... It is racing thoughts I am bipolar with anxiety.  there are medicines that will control it seraquel and saphris are two that I can think of, Talk to your doctor
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So I've been doing this all of my life. I was a lonely kid, after my parents divorced and we moved out of our original house and away from my friends I didn't have anyone to talk to and couldn't keep anything straight enough to want to talk to anyone else so I started having conversations with myself. I didn't realize it wasn't something everyone did until a few years ago, and definitely not to this extent. it usually starts with me in bed, not ready to wake up and my inner voice tells me: "Don't get up, you're not ready to be awake" and I usually listen. After spending another 3ish hours in bed I finally get the will to get up and maybe shower and then it's off to the computer to waste the day playing games or looking at funny pictures on the internet. Then if I decide I'm capable of going out i end up talking with the other me most of the time, my inner voice, and kind of ignore other people, usually without meaning to. I don't really know what to do now, but I'm glad to know it's not just me, and it's depression that's getting to me. Hope everyone has a good day!
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I don't remember when it started for me either, I think as a small child. I lived in a very loud, verbal abusive family and I think I started talking to myself to keep calm and roll with the punches that was life, it's only gotten worse though, I too find myself delayed in answering people because I'm so busy well with my own thoughts and all I want to do is have silence for just a little bit, it's like being conStanly being attacked by pop up ads but in my head and about all the ways I've ****** up, I feel like im going insane. It's overwhelming sometimes and all I want to do is escape, but how do you escape your own head? I got some noise cancelling head phones and put on my Playlist on full blast, at that volume I can't even hear myself think, it may not be the most healthy but that's what works right now, I don't know if that can help you or not but other things like it might.
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     You might be a maladaptive daydreamer.  Look it up.  It's usually driven by ADD and/or depression.  Meledaptive daydreamers usually over fantasize or excessively talk to themselves in their heads. They usually have open forums to help manage this type of behavior and people on YouTube to help inform people on the subject.
      P.S. The Wikipedia article about the subject is not entirely accurate.  Stay clear of the websites article of the behavioral problem.
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I am facing thw same problem.infact i have been experiencing it as a child.i used to think that i am just a normal dreamer and most of the people are like that. But sometimes when i am alone,i start talking to myself.i create a fictional situation and live in it. I might be a motivational speaker to an audience or something else. Sometimes i take my own interview imagining that i have become successful.sometimes when i wake up i hear voices. Lots of voices. What should i do
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It is killing me. I can't do school work. I am at college as a pre-med which requires a lot of time and hard work, but I find myself making conversation with myself in lectures and home till the day is done and I studied or did nothing. I have seen a therapist without letting anyone know but I couldn't even bring it up again with the therapist the second time I went to her. I just said everything is going ok and it is not. It's killing and disrupting my whole life style. The thing is like I am making scenarios for me in a parallel universe. A whole life scenario. ugggggh I just want focus on studying. I am failing classes :( wish me luck plz
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Guys I didn't know I had depression until now. I thought this was just me and I was simply going mad. Maybe I am? I don't know. I need to stop this voice in my head!! oh my days. It's happening againg :( :( :( I cant stop thinking.. jesus! Stop being so self critical. Just stop! Why am I typing this. It's not helping , I'm just doing it now and it's making it worse. Please stop. Stop stop...... OH MY GOD relxa.. pleasee.. youre okay aslam dont worry it's just an attack.. you can do this. calm down aslam stop typing you are going mad please stop oioh my god. ....
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It's been 2 hours... I have calmed down since my previous post. As you can tell, I cannot control my thoughts. I do a lot of "What ifs?" and "Whys?". I also think of every possible scenario my situation can have and most of the time these scenarios are really negative and I make myself believe that these scenarios will happen to me. So I start doing something about it to ensure it will never happen. But the weird thing is that I know it won't happen but that doesn't stop my brain. This is where I start to worry, my anxiety kicks in too. That's when I have this mental attack of clashing thoughts in my brain. It's my voice in my head that's doing all this and I tend to speak to myself out aloud too where I am also having to tell myself to calm down otherwise I will start to go crazy. I say things like "Why am I doing this?" "You need to stop" "Calm down". I don't know if the voice in my head is good or bad. I know I am in control of my own voice in my head. But I can't control it at the same time because I'm going crazy with pressure. I feel as though theres two of me inside myself. I don't know if that's right or not? I know that my voice is telling me to calm down. But it's the same voice that also tells me I'm crazy but I know I'm not. My own voice is going to get me mental with these thoughts like seriously... I know now why I have always been so bad at school and so bad at concentrating and focusing whether it's reading or listening. It's because my mind is always on something else. Thank god for this website otherwise I would have never known. Time to get booked in for an assessment. Oh yeah, I am very Optimistic and very Pessimistic at the same time if that makes sense. I've always been weird.
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This is exactly how I feel at the moment, great to know I'm probably not actually just going insane, heh...
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yeah i talk to myself 24/7 too and re-enact a lot of stuff and when people arent around i talk with my friends or ex in my head and it usually turns to a 'loud" conversation. i dont know if its sane but at one point i'm like "whoa i must be going crazy so i need to shut up" and to distract myself i start singing until that "talk" starts again and its mostly subconsciously starts too. i am really worried about myself cause it's been going on for years and more now after my break up
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15242179 tn?1439335028
I am going through this right now! Im sick of it. I cant concentrate on a conversation or watch TV without trailing off in my own head talking to this "other" person. This other person talks and answers me, I dont know if its myself playing the other person or not. Its mostly positive conversation rather than depressing but i feel depressed "listening" all the time.
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