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Scalp is covered in white waxy substance that my hair is stuck under

So I broke out with a fungal infection all over my body well my scalp was then infected and the whole ordeal was so weird and nothing I ever seen or heard of before it left me so confused . I can’t find anything online about it which is so frustrating cause I have no idea how to treat this . Anyway it started out with somewhat of an itchy scalp with these tiny little dots all over that felt gritty like sand and were mostly around the crown of my head . The 2 days later the dots were gone and I had these dark little hairs shooting straight up all over my scalp which looked so odd well later on that day I noticed my hair line looked like it was shaved off and within an hour it was even further back with more of my hair all from the front of my head missing and looking like it was shaved my hair appeared thin all over like my hair was falling out . I then for some reason decided to take tweezers and pull at the little hairs shooting out of my scalp and what I never was expecting or thought even possible was to pull a full stand of my bright red dyed hair from my scalp !! I started pulling more and more and thick long tuffs of hair were gliding out from my scalp with hardly any effort and I started pulling the hair from my hairline that vanished earlier and when I pulled on them the hair was back again and I had my hairline back and my thin hair was back to being thick but it wouldn’t stay and my hairline was back to missing and looking like it was shaved . So I pulled at the little stubs again to get my hair back this time filming it so I could show anyone because it was so insane I couldn’t believe what was happening. All night I sat in front of the mirror playing tug of war with my hair scared that I wouldn’t be able to keep my hair permanently. The next day after passing out from doing that all night I instantly ran to the mirror and saw all the missing hair from my crown and went to pull it back out but this time there was some resistance and wasn’t gliding out with ease as the night before . Later on that day I could no longer pull any of my hair out and it was like a normal scalp if I pulled there was pain and pulling any harder would rip the hair from the root . I was devastated I was now stuck with bald patches along my entire hairline in the front of my head one patch going back pretty far with no way to cover it up and my right ear completely exposed with no hair to cover my ear . Within a couple of days I noticed my scalp looked really white and felt almost waxy . I decided to wash my hair and use my husbands tar shampoo. When I got out of the shower and dried my hair I could really see how white my scalp was and the weird film it had over it . It literally felt like candle wax I then pulled on the little stubs of hair coming from the missing patched and with some pulling my hair came out I was freaking out again I started pulling more and more hair came out it was now like it was trapped under this sticky feeling substance. So now I realized my scalp was encased In this thick white waxy sticky film and that a lot of my hair got trapped underneath it . There are even some baby hairs that are coming from my face more than my scalp cause it’s skin and I could actually see the fine hairs trapped under my skin but with some pulling can pull them out . Which makes this weird substance on my head so weird cause it’s obviously thick enough to completely cover tuffs of hair without making them visible but thin enough you can’t see it and it looks just like your normal scalp and skin so I’m extremely baffled. Also every time I pull the hair out of the sticky substance it ends up disappearing again . I’ve been showering a lot and using the tar shampoo and also purchased different fungal shampoos and every time I do the scalp becomes less sticky and now it’s very dry with little flakes of dandruff but barely that much and the hair is still sticking underneath. I was hoping if I got it super dryed out it would start to flake and release the hair but it hasn’t worked and now that it’s dryer it’s getting harder to get the hair out . I am so confused I have no idea what I’m dealing with  or even how to treat it I’m scared I’ll never get my hair back and have bald spots all over and thin hair . I’m even starting to get big bumps now from it becoming infected because of the hair being trapped because these are big wads of hair not one little strand . Around my hair line it looks like I have huge thick veins running along my head when it’s actually hair you can actually rub my scalp and feel large bumps and can feel all the hair underneath it’s so weird . My family is so freaked out they can’t believe what’s going on with me we all tried looking endlessly online and can’t find any help I’m getting so tired of this and just hope I can cure this I also noticed the roots of my hairs are all white now like this fungus that’s all over my scalp is growing up the shaft of the hair now . I hope I can get some answers about this and some serious help . Thank you
And just to clarify there are no scales with this it’s completely one piece and smooth it looks like my scalp but in certain lighting you can see whatever this is on top of my scalp and can tell it’s not my actual scalp but a weird film covering it .
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ITS WHITE MOLD. After very much researching and pictures after pictures I too had long hair I have a swimming pool I live in the desert and I do water haul I do believe there was cross-contamination from the pool to our water Hall tank to the fresh water holding tank. I found out that I have white mold. I found out that two parts of rubbing alcohol one part of dish soap has helped remove it off my body and my scalp however it didn't remove all of it may take a few treatments. I cannot put rubbing alcohol in my eyes though. Does anyone know how to treat the eyes? I have the same symptoms as everyone else on here hair is curling up into the scalp it's really not the scalp it's a bile film it is not dandruff but once I get the hair pulled out of the twist it instantly will dry and very powdery poof this is what I believe to be molds for I have taken pictures of my shower that leaks my swimming pool my water hauling tank my fish water tank all the patterns match. People the answer is white mold I hope this is very helpful I have been through the most miserable time of my life been severely sick for 2 years. All my clothing my camper my vehicle are all contaminated. I'm on my way to the emergency room with my pictures and all my proof and if they refuse to help me I just may go postal. At least I'll get treatment in jail. Please people check into the white mold the alcohol and the dish soap is working. It is two parts alcohol one part dish soap says leave it on for 5 minutes but that is for surfaces I think it needs to be left on a little longer for skin and hair it will help you
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You say "white mold" that's not a specific mold which type of mold are you speaking of??
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Hi, all.

This is the first place online I’ve found anything resembling what’s going on with me.

It started for my in my lady-bits area, with little folds of skin on the exterior that seemed to get “stitched” together with what I assumed at the time was hair. It progressed to flattening down the body hair and covering it in some places, or getting it all snarled up under the surface of something that felt like rubbery skin but wasn’t my skin. Sometimes hairs would grow through my skin trying to get out, though. Then it deformed and glued together some anatomy inside the labia and grew a rubbery film over my leg creases that trapped hair there.

Other places on my body would get a film-like patch that was textured oddly, or strands of kind of gummy film. It could be peeled off to relieve itching, which works for a while and then it would come back.

It finally got on my head, where it is the most reactive and aggressive. I’m bald in some spots now. My dermatologist thinks I’m pulling my own hair out. I’m not!  I get hair stuck under “skin” (?) on the back of my neck, my cheeks and forehead, the corners of my eyes, behind my ears, IN my ears… in some places I can nick a fingernail under and peel a hair out. In others (the big bald spots) the hair really seems to all be gone, and a lot of the follicles too.

How many of you are still dealing with this? I feel like we need some way of keeping in touch better so we can talk about what works/doesn’t and share information. Maybe a Facebook group, idk. What do you think?
Helpful - 6
I’m so sorry you are having to deal with this awful affliction.  I’m 4 years in and even though mine is seemingly reversing and coming out, it is excruciating and slow going.  No doctors have helped and all think I’m doing this to myself somehow.  You can private message your email on here if you want to talk more about it.
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**** This is a bit all over the place, tired not in the mood to edit, the content is all there, everything you need to know is here, experiment/feel free to PM me! I want to help!! ****

Note (this isn’t about or not about Morgellons it works its way in there but more just for the sake of conversation. Maybe I have it but it turns out what it is is a “syndrome,“ brought on by what I explained. below. Just a way to get give something a name, what’s needed is the missing piece, an overgrowth/spiral of hair seems to be the missing link to the symptoms/ body loaded with word keratin/collagen activity.

Problem solved!!!!  It’s hair! The major clue was it’s reaction to Nair!

The “Morgellons,“ fibers came flying right out of my skin. when I applied the Nair! I don’t know that everybody else but if The lesions/fibers etc. react to depilatory and your head is overgrown, it isn’t Morgellons, it would mean Morgellons is a bunch of bored housewives who just didn’t know what to think. I’m not saying it exists or if it doesn’t, I just know that I have all of the symptoms and what I explained below is what happened. If you know anything about engineering etc. or just basic science you can look online at some of the women’s experiments with the Morgellons hairs and you will see what the skeptics are saying. Then again the people who are making some of the videos and talking about it may not actually have Morgellons, it’s just something. Watch all of the stuff reacts to depilatory, make sure of include oxygen (moving around) and had a tiny bit of water. It doesn’t say to do that in the instructions but you got a mess of a little bit.

Unfortunately I am not a believer in more jealous, not in my case. If it reacts to NAIR (Or other depulatoratory, I like the Nair “face”  formula the best)  it is hair and byproducts collagen stomach breaking down and just growing and everything over the years. I gave her a message I didn’t say I have excellent hygiene and I don’t even have a beer, I am cocaine cut,“ I did have my hair in a ponytail and used pomade etc. but I was like 20 something, I think it locked down then and the pomade kept it down while it tightened up my regular hair continue to grow right through it.

Not “mostly,” “oo%,” “pretty much,” or “virtually,” solved… It’s fully solved.  Mind you, there are residual effects incl. trauma of all most of then  stuff you guys have listed- included is a 72 hour “voluntary” hold at a psyche hospital because of my “delusion”/”psychosis” involving a “scalp under my scalp,” (it was hyperbole not literal) I made the mistake in thinking that someone (most people)  at the ER would have done idea about what I was complaining about- I honestly forgot what initially brought me the their.

It is HAIR!

. The way it reacted to Nair! was the giveaway. I’m a pilot and have a background in engineering- this was the biggest mystery of my entire life,

, it will take a few weeks/ month+, you want to work slow, and prevent irritation.
It’s ALL hair. Start with NAIR, it needs oxygen so make sure to Rob it in/use your nails a bit to reallly get it in there. The hair is a big SWIRL 10,20, 30+ year old swirl, MINE covered my whole body that’s the “slime” people are taking about. Your hair is oily after a week, a decade, lifetime will yield “waxy” (to say the least) yes you have been washing but you haven’t paid attention to the giant swirl that has/is continuing to twist on your head. For me it has been, overall, the most maddening, frustrating and  simply life ruining/pausing evehts of my entire 45 years.  

people who describe the “holes,” on the scalp, that is the center of the swirl. Nair, a bunch of high quality disposable razors, a high quality electric razor (with the screen not rotary, a VERY high quality WHAL/Andis brand buzzer. Start from the outside (margins) and work in. Around the ears, even onto the ear. Go way way outside the edge of your hairlines, like two inches.
Use the high quality  “trimmer” abd grab a “buzzer” as well. The thing that finally worked for me was when I used the guides (start with the size #1, this way it doesn’t have to bite into it, you want the sharp/powerful buzzer to just be skimming the surface. However for the first cut just start from the front’ abd use the trimmer Rob bites into it, once you make a goood cut into it you with start to feel, the first of many, releases of tension yiu didn’t know was there.

It’s probably all over your body, don’t start low. Down on  your body, if you cut into the “slime” (hair) on (for guys) your chest, it will get pulled up, perhaps around your neck (I felt pressure on the side of my neck, oh yeah that’s how I wound up in the ER, I thought I was getting strangled, it (the hair) settled/balanced out, felt pressure on my carotid artery so I freaked out. I figured it was better to save my life… A little bit of pressure around your neck can be pretty damn scary.

Oh by the way if you’re having some dental issues, look into this.

Look up “hair tourniquet,” and relation to
dental issues.  

The damn thing wrapped around one of my teeth, I didn’t have a receding gum line, I had hair pulling, that’s just one of the many “highlights,” if you have suddenly started having some dental issues maybe even kind of symmetrical looking cuts into your teeth look into
Helpful - 2
OH BY THE WAY,,, the hairs are mostly INVISABLE, nothing “magic” just really long “Vellus” hairs. Maybe THAT is the secret to what “Morgelens” is, really long hairs that shoul be “peach fuzz,” again with a good tweezer the will slide, you feel it you just wonder, “where the heck did it go?”  Whose you shouldn’t/can’t “shave” with depilatory, you will need to move them around, tell me your method, I still have some more left. You obviously need to shave, your head and keep it that way, I want to grow my hair back.
I said I had the cure/answer, still not done though. Oh, I have Cortizone cream, I got it so irritated that I wound up on prednisone for a bit. Get some prescription Cortizone cream he will wind up screwing up and irritating things. I’ll share with an air, when it crisps,” up, shake it was the razor with the screen (electric) again tell me your method. We will beat this. The question is why does your body produce these tiny little hairs?

I’m pretty sure that all of the hair that got into the spiral eventually just had the follicles get out (fortunately not all the way) these tiny little “Vellus,“ hairs as opposed to “terminal,“ which other ones you can see.

Uggggh! Hey, at least we know what it is now!

fully transparent and REALLY thin. Nair or something that works well for you “magic” brand as well. They are so tiny that when they get the slightest bit compacted down they congegele and feel like rubber/wax,

You can “feel” them by using (get a bunch h high quality (“Tweezerman” brand) teeezers. You can SLIDE them but you can’t pluck them. Absolutely ideal would be to pull them onto a piece of paper
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Sounds like demodicosis

Demodex and mallazessia
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(Caps got annoying,,for all of us I’m sure)!, just wanted to use them for the “disclaimer”)
Anyway I was having chest tightness (anxiety), this was from my overall level of  angst being through the roof. The fact is when you are being inadvertently  “gaslit” by literally everyone you can certainly question your sanity, you think  “maybe I really am ‘crazy,” you’re not.

Ok so what is it?


It is a tangle of VERY VERY fine “vellus hairs.” They have fused/keratonized over many, maybe most of your life.
Did you ever have dreads?
Super tight braids?
A tangle of some sort that was so tight it just kinda became “part of your scalp,” it was tied down in the back, top, everywhere. It made it so tight I couldn’t even tell that it was there, my hair was (I don’t know how) growing through it.

When I shaved it off, it extremely hard to start the buzzer. When I thought it was done I would discover an other layer like a week later . The hairs looked like they were my “scalp” because the invisible, Vellus hairs intertwined and just kinda held everything in place, the whole thing was very close to flesh tone.

Mine started off with what must have been 20+ years of tangle. The hair tied itself down to my scalp in an in credibly intricate way. Like two spirals If you take a tweezer and grab some of does it move around like a weird solid but not go anywhere?

So essentially this is your hair with a decades old literal network of Vellus hairs holding  them together. The hairs are super soft and fine so they just kinda stay in place. In the places they are woven down side by side they look like a solid wax.

Ok so HERE is how to fix it.  So here is what you need to get all off!

• NAIR (the magic ingredient!) the “face” variety is more gentle on your skin, you can try different depilatories if you wish, but this is what I used.  

• A HIGH QUALITY BUZZER, the “Whal Peanut,” or better. We want it sharp and precise, it’s just better this way,

• A HIGH QUALITY ELECTRIC RAZOR, the kind with a screen (not the circles or whatever) I like Braun.

• DISPOSABLE RAZOR W/plenty of extra blades. The Gillette “Fusion Sensitive” was ideal for me. You want everything to be as  
non irritating as possible.


• VASOLINE (to provides lunrication for getting out knots)

• CORTISONE CREAM(make sure to use very little, if you have/get strong Rx cream and you put on too much it can literally make you jittery/heart race. Like everything else I learned “the hard way.” In that case I used soap and water, washed  it off and took a Klonipin or Xanax (get some).

• A “TWEEZER MAN” SLANTED TWEEZER (keep it clean with Alcohol so it grabs better)

• A “TWEEZERMAN” pointed tweezer, I really liked the (unusually shaped) “splinter model.”

• “TEND SKIN” you will be using this to remove the ingrown hairs on the margin.

First, if you haven’t you need to shave your head, just do it. The good news is  that the “bald spots” will be revealed as exactly what they are- hair. It’s all hair.

OK, because you are dealing with hair, and pretty much only hair you will be dissolving it with -NAIR- this will be a wonderful moment. You should work from the edges up, this way you won’t mess up the “ballance.”

The balance is very important if it is super tight, that’s how mine “plastisized,” (seems like a good name) it will pull on one side and maybe even feel scary on your neck.  Remember you may have slot of ingrown (white) hairs around your neck, expose and get rid of these with the Nair and razors. If you have these they came from tiny hairs collecting over the years, they traveled down your body with sweat/gravity and got into different creases and seem to have hardened with something. That’s what I came up with.

If they are around your neck/shoulders it is way more important than your head. Slowly get rid of it, get help from somebody who has a better feel for this type of stuff if you don’t get it. Remove keep it balanced, this includes the back. DO THIS SLOWLY! ANYTIME I WENT TO FAST/CARELESS (mostly during trial and error) something put pressure around my neck and I (nearly) panicked. Keep your high quality, buzzer, shaver and  blades at the ready.

These hairs are acseoerstr issue but if the overgrowth/knowingness got to this level on your head it is probably doing stuff elsewhere. Put a small amount of Nair on your chest (sweat runs down your chest). If there are a lot GET HELP from a Dr. take video etc.  

The ingrown hairs around your neck is one of the places where the electric razor will help out. If it got this tight around your head for the tight spouse then use the electric razor to slow log and carefully even it out, If this is your case  it will take practice.

So for your head, a put some Nair in the small area you are ready to talkie.,work  in small patches from the margins up. For example 2 inches up left side burns then 2 inches right sideburn.

The Nair will immediately expose and remove hairs, follow the instructions, move with a hot towel etc. You will then see the hair get kinda “crisp” (I hate that word) this will just keep happening.

So as the hair hardens/gets crispy or whatever this is where your choice of razors comes in.  Just keep Naring and removing, slowly,

Use the other stuff as you see fit. The powder is to put all over yourself if it gets tight around your neck while wet, it will loosen it a bit. Again  because this comes from hair that got tight that didn’t know about, the ingrown (mine were thick and white) are prob part of it.

Remember, your scalp has been covered for a long, maybe very long time. Get it checked by a Dermatologist, oh avd here is a tip. Just show the doctor(s) your symptoms, let them figure it out. Don’t mention the waxy feeling, they are wearing gloves and it will just add to their BS.

Hope this helped. Good Luck!

Feel free to  opt paste this as you wish

I’m not asking for money but if this info saved you the way it did for me, feel free to send me some. II would have paid anything for this info and I could really use some help with med. etc. expenses. Again I’m not selling medical advice, but if my story inspires you to lol :-)
I’d really really appreciate it!

PayPal: ***@****

Feel free to use that email to say hi if you wish, I’d love to hear how this worked for you.!
Helpful - 2
This is very interesting: did you say it started as a response to nair? I seriously used nair on my face and close to hairline right before this problem arose in 2020. I feel like it’s in my throat somehow
It is in your throat! And in your mouth, around your teeth, gums and tongue!!  Mine is coming unraveled and the hair in the mouth is pulling my teeth crooked.  
It’s also in your eyes and ears and up the nose into the sinuses.  I didn’t realize all of this until it really started coming out.  
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White piedra
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I've often wondered about white Piedra.  I live in the desert and it's not humid so they won't even listen to me the doctors in dermatologist and I'm doing the antifungal shampoos it is not helping at all I even went on one anti-fungal one pill a week for a month and they won't give me any more it seemed to help a little but I'm right back where I started I don't know what else to do
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