637356 tn?1301924822

Bad Bad Bad weekend!!!

This weekend I totally went off the diet and ate everything in sight. I know I shouldn't and I usually do really well on the weekends but this weekend Hubby was down and things were rough between us and me and my sister and like I know I shouldn't I turned to food, mainly chocolate!!

It rained all weekend long so I was stuck indoors most of the weekend and depressed because he is working out of state and our marriage is on the rocks majorly!

4 Responses
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649848 tn?1534633700
I'm very sorry to hear that you had such a rough weekend -- I didn't do so well myself.  I'm also very sorry that things are not well with you and your husband, but I hope you won't let that be a crutch to lean as an excuse to over eat.    

If you are really serious about losing this time, just say that you fell off, then pick yourself up and start again - your whole weight loss effort need not go down the drain because of one slip up.  I hope I don't sound mean -- that's not my intent; just trying to be realistic.  

It sounds like most of your eating was triggered by emotional episodes - so I might suggest that you start a journal or make notes in your food diary about the way you felt when you were eating -- that will give you a better idea of exactly what the triggers are AND it will give you something to think of besides eating.  

Whenever, you are tempted to eat and it's not meal or snack time, get busy with something else -- go for a walk, write a journal, take up a hobby that will keep your mind/hands busy, phone a friend to chat, play games with the kids, etc.  

Also, if you note in your journal how it makes you feel AFTER you've over indulged, maybe next time the urge strikes, you might read back over it and remember.  Reminding yourself of that, could be incentive to not do it again.  Your post sounds like you feel kind of guilty and that's usually not a nice feeling AND it's counter productive, so maybe if you write down how you feel now and give yourself permission to leave it behind you can get going again.  

Good luck.................

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637356 tn?1301924822
Thank you and yes I put this weekend behind me and started over again Monday morning.  I desperately need to go shopping which I will do tonight so that I can continue on the right track.

Thank you for caring and responding so quickly thanks to your support I know I can do this, this time around. I am determined to loose weight.

The hobby thing I realized my son loves to do puzzles and so do I so I plan to buy some puzzles for me and him to do at home at night. That always relaxes me and keeps my mind on other things beside food. I also plan to buy my kids the WII for X-Mas and I will buy myself the WII fit so that I can alternate on what I do.

The cardiologist has me on light exercise for a while so that we can get my heart rate back in check but I am still allowed to go for walks and do light aerobics.
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649848 tn?1534633700
That's the spirit ----- keep trying. Puzzles, hmm - what kind?  I love puzzles too (jigsaw, word finds, etc)..........Have fun with it and keep up the good work.  

A nice walk after dinner, then sit down to a relaxing time with the puzzles -- sounds pretty good to me!!
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637356 tn?1301924822
Jigsaw, even though I like the word finds as well.

My bedroom is decorated in Jigsaw puzzles of indians and wolves. I am glad to see my son has an interest in it as well.
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