649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In - Jan 30, 2011

Good Morning, everyone!!!  

Another week has gone by, and I must apologize for being absent from the forum a lot this past week; sometimes, life takes over, and I don't have the "computer time" I like to have.  That said, it's once again time for our weigh in.  For those not aware, this is the time when we discuss how our past week has gone, in regards to our weight loss efforts.

I didn't do quite as well as I had hoped, but I'm down by 0.4 pounds, so I guess that's a start!!  Actually, I've bounced all over the scale this past week, ranging from 147 to 150.  This is the way it's been lately; even last Sunday after I posted the weigh in, with my weight at 149.4, I stepped on the scale later in the day, and I was down by almost 2 pounds....... made me wish I'd waited a while to post.   LOL

Anyway, I did pretty good this past week, as far as my eating goes.  I did end up in the fast food drive thu, one time, which is better than most weeks.  I've had a problem with being able to eat breakfast lately, for some reason; I just can't seem to get anything down, without feeling sick to my stomach afterward.  Hoping that resolves soon.

Some of you may know of the situation with my elderly aunt, who has a variety of health issues, and for whom I am responsible.  She lives about an hour and 1/2 away from me, so I often end up doing a lot of running back and forth to take her for doctor appointments, etc.  After an appointment, we always go to her choice of restaurant for lunch.  Friday, we had a doctor appointment, after which, she chose Red Lobster....  of course, that did nothing for my weight issue!!  

Okay, here's my new strategy:  I am currently in the process of reading the book "The FLEX Diet", by Dr James Beckerman.  Dr Beckerman is a cardiologist, here on Med Help, and his book is full of common sense ideas, that we can all use, every day to lose weight.  It's about making small changes that we can live with, something as simple as skipping the mayo on our sandwich, or eating a veggie instead of french fries.  There are ideas that anyone can incorporate into their routine, and of course, no one has to try them all - pick the ones that work for you.

I am only about 1/2 way through the book, but am trying to start putting some of the ideas into practice.  Once I get going with it, I have a feeling that this will be the "diet" I stick with.  I highly recommend it.

As far as exercise, I walked with my neighbor most days after work, in spite of the fact that I was very tired.  I also had a very busy week at work, that kept me on the move.

This coming week will be a very busy one; no time for grass to grow around my feet, for sure; and of course, I'll walk daily.  I'm optimistic!!  

Now, it's your turn -- how did you do?  Lost a couple pounds?  Gained a couple?  Stalled?  Let us know how things are going, so we can offer our congratulations, provide motivation or whatever you need from us.

Remember:  there are no failures, only set backs....

Ready.............................. set...................................GO

10 Responses
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1449821 tn?1421079096
Lol, yeah I would have wanted to post later if that had happened to me but congrates on your lose.  

I have been trying hard to get back in the swing started over last week and went up and down but didnt go over what I started at so I am happy for that,  as of yesterday I was up 3.2 but some how manged this morning to only be up .08 so I will take that and run with it lol, so hopefully next sunday I can say I have a lose.  
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1179375 tn?1296662480
Hey, Good job on the walks, after a long day that's awesome. I actually lost 4lbs this week! I wrote down everything and stayed at or below 1200cals. Wed. was the only day I did a 30min. workout, Monday was shopping all day, lots of walking, Tuesday was 5loads of laundry carpet cleaning,My poor Morkie was left in the house the day before,shopping you know.

Wed=thurs. the triplets had basketball, Friday Birthday party at school and more housework and laundry of course. The week went by fast and The lean cuisine french bread pizza was good, I had that on friday, while the rest of the family had their normal pizza night. When they all had their normal icecream for watching the movie i had a weight watchers icecream bar which was so good I didn't feel deprived at all

This week is going to be another busy one, but I just stocked up on fruits and veggies, and if the rest of the family is eating something with too many calories I have a whole freezer full of choices I can pop in the microwave. So bring it on!!!
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1068689 tn?1325827206
Sounds like everyone is having their ups and downs. Probably to be expected. Myself included. Keep up the good work everyone.

This pas week for me I think has been fantastic. My main goal was to eat healthy and I did so so on that. I made good choices but with the diabetes I didn't always stay off the carbs. Didn't go overboard either. So still need to work on that.

The days I went into work I did prepare my meals and brought with me so made that goal! Had breakfast each day consisting of non-fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs, toast with peanut butter. Or switched it up with cereal and the toast. Coffee too.
Lunch was typically a turkey sandwich no mayo, lite cheese, fruit and veggies.
Dinner was a mix of salads, noodles, stir fry, etc. My snacks in between to keep blood sugars down were whole grain crackers, pepperoni slices, nuts, or fruit.

In the exercise department I blew my goal out of the water! Aimed for 3 days and did 4. Mon and Wed I did 20 min elliptical and weight training for 40 mins. Thursday we walked for 3 hours around town then I came home and did weight training for 30 minutes. Saturday we spent 5 hours walking around in the city. Was literally walking the entire time. I was totally wasted when we got back home. So I think I did pretty well there. Hope to keep that sort of thing up next week.

As for the weight well not surprisingly I lost only 1 lb. I think because of the weight training I am gaining muscle again and the weight went up. That should smooth off in a couple of weeks and start to notice a drop. Let's see if my theory works!

Good luck everyone and have a great week.
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1536914 tn?1302701594
Barb- I am sorry you have been all over the place, but .4 is still good, expecially considering you got to enjoy the delicious Red Lobster. :D The Flex Diet sounds interesting, but i doubt I'll read it... not because im not interested, just too many other things that my money needs to go to. And even though you end up in the drive thru lane, doesn't mean you can't get something healthy. Drive thru is a normal thing for us,at least twice a week, cause we are always on the run... but i always get a grilled chicken and switch the fries for something else. for example: wendy's is a normal one for us, so i get the grilled chicken, no tomato, take off half the bun and it has delicious honey mustard on it. then i switch the fries for there baked potato. :D Or if you have a Jack N Box around you, try there breakfast pita, only 350 cal and only 18 carbs. very filling, lots of protein. Also I know hardee's will take any of there stuff off the bread and wrap it in lettuce. I hope this helps. You are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up :D

giggles, just keep trying. my recommandation to you is not to start over. just keep going, okay, so you splurch or slip up for a day, just jump back up on the train the next day. you are doing fine... just keep working at it. I am here if you need me.

nicky, great job on the 4lb loss! that about how many calories i eat. My doctor said tis not enough, but I just can't seem to eat more than that. but you seem to be doing a fantastic job watching what you are eating! I am very happy for you!

As for me, This has been a very horrible and stressful week for me, as some of you may know. my landlord towed my car, and it felt like my blood sugar was up, which i come to find out that it was actually normal. And then earlier in the week i had gained 1 lb, which made me want to cry. But that was all earlier in the week... I still don't have my car, and there is still a large whole in my ceiling from the insallation guys but I am down to 221! so that is a loss of 2 lbs, 3 if you count my 1 lb gain! I did splurg alittle, but not by much, i still watched my portion sizes. I am so close to 220, so my new goal is to see if i can be 200 by my anniversary... (March 17) and if i can do that then i my 2ndary goal is to be at 180 by May (swimming season). I did my yoga only 2x's this week but yesterday I walked around the mall for a couple of hours. :D I hope everyone else is doing good. Also i wanted to thank my good friend tkd4u2, he was there for me when i really needed someone this week... so thank you... :D
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1068689 tn?1325827206
You're doing great Krysie. With all that adversity and still keeping your goals in check. And the weight loss is terrific. I would like to think that is why we are here. We are telling all about our ups and downs and I hope we're here too, to also help others. We don't have to have all the answers, sometimes just listening can be the best thing.

Have a great week.  
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649848 tn?1534633700
Well, I'm happy to see that we have a good turn out for the weigh in this week, and it looks like everyone is doing good.  

giggles - I agree that starting over isn't really necessary. We all stumble or even fall down, once in a while, but we just pick ourselves up and move on.  The very best thing you can do for yourself, is to be forgiving.  Just keep working at it; you'll get there.

Wow, Nicky - 4 pounds; I'm impressed.  Do try not to lose too fast, though or it will be  hard to keep it off.  Take it slow and easy....... doing great.

tkd4u2 - You're doing great too.  It's not really so hard, taking lunch with  you, is it?  And such good breakfast.  Too often people skip breakfast, and it really IS the most important meal of the day.  I'm really impressed with your exercise as well.  Yes, will all that, you are building muscle again, so the weight loss might seem "slow".  You might want to measure yourself (chest, waist, hips, upper arms, thighs) and keep a record.  You might be surprised that you'll go down in inches, even if not pounds.

Krysie - I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time; I do hope things level out for you soon.  It's really hard to stay on a program, when "life" gets in the way!! Keep tyring; we're here for you.

tkd4u2 said it --- we are here to help each other, as much as we are to get help.  

Congratulations to all.......................
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Wow I needed inspiring and I got it, thanks guys you are all doing a wonderful job, just staying motivated is awesome in itself without the weight lose, that's jsut an additional bonus.

As for me I lost 0.5kg, this week which I am stoked with, as I worked out that I wasn't drinking enough water and since I have been I've been losign it, I also started back on my glucos support meds, as I am reisstant to sugar, adn taht ahas helped too, despite my wishing I didn't need it but apparantly I do.

Well this week I've been on three big walks 90mins each and spent a couple of hours on the Wii, plyus a few shopping trips and sw2imming with the little one.  So doing enough exercise ahsn't been a problem.  Staying away fromt eh softdrink however is still a concern but I didn't habve anywhere near as much s I usually do, which is a good thing.

This week my goal is to drink less fizz, and to keep enjoying my exercises and eating healthy.

Good luck to everyone.
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505857 tn?1329681517
well after 3 weeks of no weight loss, i finally lost 5lbs this week.  I have stuck to a strict 1300-1500 cals per day and i had been doing a few days of dance nation on the kinect and xbox which i think helped.  before the end of February i'd like to be down to 14 stone which is a total of 13lbs i need to lose.  I'm going to try so hard as now my BMI at 35. something i won't be taken off the IVF list either :) here's hoping for another good week everyone, best of luck
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359142 tn?1321120923
Its been a tough first week for me, but I know I can do it.  I just keep saying that over and over to myself.  I have my next door neighbor sending me messages of inspiration and its a great help.  

I'm down to 212.4 from 217.8.  I wish it was more given how STRICT this diet is.  

I was so proud of myself on Saturday.  We had a party and there was tons of yummy food (pita chips, doritoes, salsa and dip, meatballs, pizza, etc. etc. etc.....).  I didn't eat a bite of it.  YEAH!!!  

I'm sort of tired and achy but, I think that's because AF is coming to visit this week.  

On the weird side, my mouth tastes like metal sometimes and I had to start taking Fibercon.  My neighbor said that is likely from my body getting rid of all the toxins built up in my body.

Anybody ever do any "alternative health" stuff to help rid the body of toxins?  Did it work?  

Good luck everybody and congratulations!!!
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719902 tn?1334165183
Good job everybody!  A loss is a loss, :)

I'm a little late, but down 1/4 of a pound.  Woo-hoo.  Oh well, at least it was a loss.  I think this week will be much better.

I'm staying on track, exercising when possible.  Trying to stay under 1800 calories a day (really, I'm trying to stay around 1500, but 1800 is much more realistic, haha)  Also been drinking a lot of unsweetened raspberry tea (to replace my McD's frappes) and to curb cravings at known times, like my planning times at school.  
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