649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh In November 8, 2020

Good morning.  How is everyone doing this morning?  Everything is pretty calm here for right now, though we do have a tropical storm bearing down on us... of course, we all hope it's turn and go somewhere else before it gets here - or at least, diminish in strength.

Except for the Presidential election, it was a quiet week here.  Like many states, mine is having another surge in COVID cases, so we stay home most of the time, except to go for good and other needed items.  We keep our circle of people we associate with very small.

The only doctor's appointment I had was with the ortho doctor.  He says my broken foot is healed and he's released me from his care.  I'm quite concerned because I still have a lot of swelling and pain, but as has been the case, almost from the beginning, the swelling/pain isn't where the break was.  I tried to talk to the ortho about this and although he was willing to take another look at the x-rays, he continued to reiterate that the break is healed and there's nothing more he can do.  I kept asking if there could be something else wrong and he finally mumbled something under his breath about ligaments and tendons but was not inclined to help any further, other than to provide a couple of pages of exercises for which I need to go buy some supplies in order to carry out.  I plan to talk to my chiropractor and see if she can help me - or, at least point me in the right direction.  Not only is the swelling in my ankle unsightly (looks like I have golf balls implanted under the skin, where ankle bones should be), but it's uncomfortable as well.  That's in addition to the pain in my foot.

Aside from the foot, everything else is pretty much the same.  I'm continuing to add a small amount of extra thyroid medication every day, but haven't added enough to actually "do" anything, other than keep my weight from ballooning and keep me from sleeping all the time.  I've had to be very careful not to get my levels too high because I have to do blood work this week for an upcoming appointment with my pcp.  If my thyroid hormone levels are too high when I do the blood work, he'll think the dosage prescribed by the endo is adequate, when it isn't.  I plan to get my blood work done on Tuesday, and once that's done, I'll go ahead and increase my dosage to something that might work.  We'll see what my pcp has to say about it all and if he's not willing to help, it will be time to move on from him.

I've begun walking with my neighbor, most days again, but with my foot in the condition it's in, walking is slow and difficult.  Of course, it does get me moving, so slow and difficult is better than not at all.  

I'm also trying to cut back on the amount I'm eating and doing pretty well with that; however, the weight doesn't seem to be budging.  Of course, when the amount of swelling in my foot is taken into consideration, along with low metabolism due to lack of thyroid hormones, I shouldn't really expect much to happen weight-wise.

On that note, at least, I've been able to keep my weight stable, even though I can't seem to lose any.  As of a couple of days ago, weight is the same as last week.

So, what about you?  I hope you've had a good week and that you reached whatever goals you set for yourself.

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~

**Stay safe and wash your hands**
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134578 tn?1716963197
It looks like I gained about .5 of a pound. Given the elections, that's not bad. We ate comfort food every night from the 3rd to the 8th. (Lentil kielbasa soup, beef stew, chicken and dumplings ...)  I'm glad they called the election or we'd probably have begin on navy beans and ham. We had some stress chocolate in there too.

Anyway, by tonight nobody felt like a full meal. Taking a page from the way they do it at the old Aussie Steak House, I cooked a half pound of sliced mushrooms in wine, butter and "Better than Bouillon" roast beef paste, and my husband and I called it dinner. (Our 13-year-old is made of hungrier stuff, so he made himself a bowl of spaghetti to supplement. I had stocked a jar of pre-made sauce against such a need, and he made himself a very serviceable pot of pasta, heated the sauce and poured it on.)

A family friend had her son cooking when he was really young ... my mom was terribly impressed to find him standing on a chair so he could reach the stovetop, making himself scrambled eggs. I've always encouraged my son to cook, but only lately has it seemed to have sunk in that if he wants actual food, he can just make it.  (And he does with aplomb, though he's almost a total loss at cleanup. He'll get up at 2 am and make himself rice and a glass of milk, and leave out the sack of rice, the salt, the measuring cup, the dirty pot, the dish he ate out of, the glass, and if he remembered to put the carton of milk back in the fridge, that's amazing.) But at least he can feed himself a certain amount of real food cooked from scratch. With college in mind, I think that is just fine.

Husband and I have been throwing away barn stuff. It might be originally good things, but a lot of them have gone to the side of the road with a "Free" sign and to charity, and what we've tossed into the roll-off drop box from the garbage company has melded together and just looks flat-out like a big drop box full of garbage. I was kind of appalled this evening to look under a tarp in the upstairs of the barn and find all kinds of plastic toys (basic little kitchen appropriate for a 2-year-old, and like that). It's hard to believe I saved them. They're in almost untouched shape, meaning it's off to the charity shop with them, but why do I still have them? There's something to be said for not having that much storage space.

Anyway, have a good week and take care. Covid numbers are shooting up, and Mr. Bannon wanting to behead Dr. Fauci seems to suggest we won't get a firm hand nationally to fight the virus for a while, so wear your mask and avoid crowds.

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