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Diminished hearing after ear tube procedure in adult

I had tympanostomy / ventilation / PE tubes put in both ears today and I now have significantly reduced hearing.  Is this a short term effect of the procedure, or will my hearing be like this until the tubes are removed?  Human speech now sounds muffled and background noises seem excessively loud.  I have to turn the TV volume up a good bit to hear it clearly.  I’d rather have the congested feeling than the diminished hearing.

The tubes are to treat eustation tube dysfunction that was causing a sensation of chronic ear congestion – always having to “pop” or clear my ears.  My left eardrum was significantly retracted.  There was no fluid in my ears, no infection, and my hearing tested normal for my age (43).  I had tubes in my ears twice as a child because of recurring infections.

There is a great deal of information online about ear tubes for children, but almost nothing about what adults experience when they get ear tubes.
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This is a very old thread, but I'm curious how things have turned out after 8 to 10 years. I am 58 and finding that hearing loss is quite diminished in the higher frequencies around 7000 hz. Disturbing to me because I am a musician and this area is important to the color of music (air, depth, etc). I have had to pop my ears ever since I got the surgery as a kid. Although, I do have to say after the surgery and for a couple years, my hearing was exceptionally better - too much so that in the first month I could not sleep because I could hear things much further away than most of my friends. Felt like a freak in many ways, because I could hear words whispered across a classroom of kids. Many that was weird. Cool. But weird. When I pop my ears, I can hear so much more. I think forgetting to pop them may have allowed me to dismiss louder noises, and that may have led to the premature loss - especially working around air tools and other.
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A tube was put in my right ear due to fluid in the middle ear.  My voice also echoed through my head when I talked and I experienced diminished hearing loss. This was done 9 days ago.  I have the same feelings that everyone else on here has stated. Since the surgery, it has felt plugged up beyond plugged up.  My voice echoes worse than it did before.  I can barely hear and some days I can't hear at all.  3 days after the surgery I called the ENT who prescribed Antibiotic Ear Drops.  I use them 3 times per day, for 14 days. I am now on day 6.  Every once in a while my ears will pop open and I can actually hear and it's amazing but my voice still echoes.  They will only stay open for about 5 minutes before they get plugged up again.  It's only happened on two different days.  I noticed it's more plugged up when my nose is clear and it pops open when my nose is stuffed up.  If it opens up and I bend over, my ears instantly plug up.  I am freaking out because I keep thinking that this is permanent.  All of my friends that have had tubes put in their ears had relief within the first 3 days or so.  It's day 9 and mine still feel like they aren't right.  I was told to wait at least 30 days and if it still feels plugged up, the ENT will prescribe a different antiobiotic.  Use the antibiotic for 15 more days and if there are still problems, then they can either take out the tube or do a more invasive surgery to where I would have to be off of work for 6-8 weeks. Am I right to freak out about this or should I just be patient and see if it clears up after 30 days?
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Mine did not clear up,it has been 10 months and now scary to have them removed,I might not be able to hear at all,I don't know what to do,did I wait to long?
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I will provide a fu answer this Thursday. I have all the symptoms people are listing here. I am getting my tubes removed 1 week after insertion. My ent told me here sx are not normal. I have opted to not wait any longer.
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Hearing returned after ear tubes were removed 1 week post insertion.
Great to hear that this feelings went away after having your tubes removed,I am having mine removed on the 31 it has been a year though and hope that I did not wait to long to have this done,
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did everything ever go back to normal?does the hearing come back to normal
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everybody body is asking questions but no one is giving any andwers. Whats the use of this site if no body answers>or has any comments.
I agree. Did your issues go away?
I agree too, no answers, only questions. I wanted to post my experience out here, and hopefully help someone who may be struggling with tubes or deciding to have them.  I have had the same set of long term tubes in my ears for 4.5 years.  My ears had a very long adjustment time, like everyone else has mentioned.  I have experiencing heartbeat symptoms in my ears, but not too much in the past few years. I am finally starting to having plugged up symptoms again, and there is so much wax over my tubes that my regular dr could barely see them and I have to go to an ENT to see if they can remove the wax without the tubes coming out, if they are still in place.  I had such a horrible experience post surgery for the placement, that I will not go back to the OR for them again, and would opt to do the short term, in the office placement, instead.  For the most part, the tubes have really helped.  My ears were so bad that I couldn't even bend over to take clothes out of the dryer without my ears filling up and not being able to hear.  Any questions, please feel free to ask me.  Signed Ear Tubes For Life
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Hello, I've had a tube put in my left ear 6 days ago and I've had the stuffed and hearing loss that I've read others have posted, has anyone resolved their issue, did this go away? I have extreme anxiety as I feel like my ear is permanently damaged, it sounds like my ear is submerged in a bathtub full of water, I've had no relief, please any response would be greatly appreciated
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I had a grommet fitted in left ear 6 weeks ago. Since then I've had an infection so was given antibiotics which helped a lot with the pain but didn't clear infection completely. Saw the consultant last week & I'm now on antibiotic drops & have to go back in 10 days. My hearing is worse & this was confirmed with hearing test. Like everyone else it's very muffled especially when there's backgound noise. Worried about the outcome, surely my hearing should be on the up.
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it should be,but mine is still not good after one month,not happy.
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Don't take antibiotics, you sound like you have candida overgrowth and antibiotics will make it ten times worse. Get online and research candida symptoms and natural remedies. It takes dedication and a strict diet to get ride of it. Candida usually is accompanied by parasites. You first address the yeast and when it backs off, go after the pests. Everyone has parasites but if they get the upper hand it causes the symptoms you mention plus many others.
Research both candida and parasite ailments and see if you match up.
If so, forget doctors they will try to give u antibiotics and make u worse. Take care of it yourself and save thousands of wasted dollars. Trust me on this! Or find a very good holistic practitioner or infectious disease specialist. or both. If you really want to spend a lot on tests. A bug is a bug, you get rid of them the same way. Oregano oil, GARLIC, wormwood, green husk of black walnut, NO SUGAR EVER! forget sugar u can't have any, I'm sorry. Go search candida diet. Parasites love sugar and starch and the same stuff. Starve the b*stards!
The are eating u alive, and get on the track to getting rid of them ASAP.
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Had a tube put in because of clogged head/ear feeling, random vertigo issues and some tinnitus which tube won't help.  Had the underwater/echo when I talk feeling that others describe.  Started to get anxious because hearing seemed worse with these sensations so called ENT next day and he said this would not be permanent.  Trying to give it a few weeks to see if it clears up.  Echo sound not as bad today, almost day 4 of placement, so keeping fingers crossed it clears altogether and I can get rid of that feeling.  Definitely won't do the other ear until first one resolves completely.
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Hi - saw your post about this procedure and was curious to know what the outcome was. I'm very nervous as I had the tube put in my right ear 4 days ago and I still feel the muffled fullness in my ear. I'm so scared I made the wrong decision. How long did it take before your hearing was normal again. Right now my ear feels like it is submerged in water as others have described. Doc said this may last a few weeks but feeling very anxious.
It's been over a month and hearing in right ear has not gotten better!
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I just had a tube put in one ear 4 days ago because my head/ears always feel clogged like when you have a bad cold and difficult for me to clear my left ear so doc said Eustachian tube not doing what it's supposed to.   Also have a kinda tinnitus thing going on which occurred one day last year (tubes won't help that).  Anyway, I am experiencing the head under water feeling with an echo sound when I talk.  Called the ENT Weds cause I was starting to freak out thinking this is now permanent!!!! Oh NO.  He said not to worry, that it would not stay that way forever.  Earlier on in these posts someone said after a couple of weeks, it cleared up.  Trying to hold on to see if it all clears up for me before having him remove.   Definitely will not get a tube in my other ear if this situation doesn't remedy itself.
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It did not get better for me,has now been 9 months since I had the tubes,will have then removed  next month.
I did decide to have my ear tubes removed! My left ear tubes is clod up now and on ear drops to help it clear,hope it does.
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I have a similar situation right now and had tubes removed last week since they made my ears feels worse.  As soon as they put the tubes in I felt more clogged as if I am under water.  I see this was a few years ago for you.  Did you ever get relief from your symptoms.  I'm  not sure what way to go? What kind of Dr. to go to next.  Any help you can provide me would be greatly appreciated. It is very hard to function like this and can't enjoy anything about life at all right now.  Thank you.
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I had an ear tube put in yesterday in my right ear only. I had the myringotomy with no tube done about 5 weeks ago. I had the same symptoms others are describing...the change in hearing, a muffled sound, change in certain sounds like when you are driving and all you hear is the sound of the tires. I had some itching as well. My doctor said it would take 5 - 7 days for the ear drum to close and heal. He said I might have some issues for the first couple of days with my hearing. It took a week, but the problems with my hearing went away. When he made the incision in my ear drum, I had instant relief of the pressure in my ear, which was great. When my ear drum healed, the pressure came back, along with the pain, etc. So it was decided to put a tube in.  Had the tube put in yesterday and the same exact symptoms as before (change in hearing, etc.). My doctor said this is completely normal and I should be back to normal in about a week. He said that since the ear was dysfunctional, my brain was compensating to try and hear better out of that ear. Now that the issue has been taken care of, it takes time for the brain to stop compensating for the restored hearing, anywhere from a couple of days up to a couple of weeks. I hope this helps everyone.
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it's been one month for me and still have a hard time with hearing people. I had fluid behind both ears, but I feel I am behind  a rock and a hard place in knowing what to do! no pressure at the point when ear tubes were put in,I want them taken out.
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Hi. I had done myringotomy last night to drain the fluid out of my left ear. The doctor removed the tube after an hour bec he said there is no more fluid. This morning when i woke up i feel like my left ear is clogged with nothing on it.i cant tell if its deft or what. But i feel it needs to pop or something.
Im taking antibiotic drops for my ears.
My left ear doenst really feels normal and i dont know if it will come back once its healed. Im kinda regretting doing this procedure. :(
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I regret it,to late now,I will have them removed soon
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I have had the same problems that others report: having had tubes inserted to allow drainage of fluid behind the ear drum. Without the tubes sound reception in that ear becomes quite muffled. I have had the surgery done a number of times on the same ear, as the tubes work their way out and fluid builds up again causing loss of hearing. While the tubes are working their way out I have also experienced itching, pain, and recurrent hearing loss. I am currently scheduled for surgery in Nov to reinsert a tube, as currently none is present. The surgery will be done this time under general anesthesia, as I don't want to re-experience the discomfort of having it done in the Dr's office under local topical anesthesia.
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After reading several post I am worried about these tubes that were put in my ears a couple of months ago.The ENT put them in one at a time about 2 weeks apart. I have hearing loss and background noise is very loud. Sometimes I can't tell where a sound is coming from and I have trouble determining what someone is saying. On my last visit the doctor said my ears looked dry and said I needed to see a neurologist. He did extensive testing just to prove I do not have a neurological problem so don't go down that road. I am so glad to have found this web site, I just hope and pray for an answer because it is really affecting my quality of life.
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Same here!
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Hey guys,

I got an ear tube yesterday and currently feel like my left ear is stuffed and my hearing is not only muffled but also much, much lower. I can't hear nearly as well as I did before the surgery. I notice a lot of people stop posting when their condition improves so I'll try and follow up when I get some changes.

JessePink27 and worldpeace1, any improvement yet?

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Hi, i just had a tube placed in right ear yesterday and am not liking how it is feeling and i have some hearing loss in that ear.. How are you feeling now and do you know if this is normal?
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Hi I know this discussion closed about a year ago but I just had an ear tube put in my left ear only yesterday and I'm having the hearing loss and muffled sensation that others have described. I immediately called the office this morning and they said it happens to about a third of patients who get ear tubes, which wasn't made clear before I had the procedure. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my hearing goes back to normal once the tube is out!
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The same thing just happened to me with my left. But the hearing has been amplified in my Right ear. Did you have this experience? What happened with yours?
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I was wondering if it ever went away.  I have have ETD for two years now and had a tube put in about 7 months ago and it has not helped.  In fact made it worse and I have had blood come out of my ear three times, last night it happened again after about two weeks of constantly feeling plugged up.  All of a sudden when I was lying on my side in bed last night I felt fluid coming out of my ear which also took away some of the feeling of plugged up ness, but when I saw it was blood again, I wasn't very happy.  It is Veteran's Day Weekend and my ENT or Family doc won't be in until Tuesday.  This happened last night, Friday.  But I started using the antibiotic drops she prescribed last time this happened and those make it feel plugged up again!  This is really a vicious circle and I have read many threads like this by frustrated people with this ET problem.  There seems to be no solid solution!  I've been to 3 ENTS and still cannot get rid of this problem. I think the tube is what is causing the infections which cause a small amount of blood to come out of my ear when they occur.  I am going to talk to my doctor about taking it out because it really hasn't helped to make the ear any better!  I am so fed up with this problem!  Are you doing any better?  i have experienced a whoosing sound in my ear before also, but usually when I was up and walking around, not laying down.  Please let me know if you find out any new information and I will do the same.  There has to be a cure for this!
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I had an ear tube inserted in Aug. 2013, as my eardrum was very retracted & always felt stuffy,  When I flew it was very very painful, therefore, I had a tube put in.  Since that time, my ear also feels "stuffy".  I've done okay however for about 4 weeks, (it really helped with pain upon flying), it still feels stuffy however.  But almost 4 weeks later, I noticed this pulsating, swooshing noise, especially when I lay down at night & I cannot sleep because of it.. Please tell me this will go away, also ???
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I know this is old but any updates? Just had tubes placed 2 days ago... Feel like I'm under water. Please help!
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    i am having the same exact problem and want to take out the tubes can you tell me if it healed and how long it took.  I am desperate please respond.
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I want mine out also,but no ones seems to respond here. Has been one month for me.
Anybody out there??
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    i am having the same exact problem and want to take out the tubes can you tell me if it healed and how long it took.  I am desperate please respond.
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I wish someone would answer these question people have,I am facing the same as you,should I or shouldn't I have the tubes removed??
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How are feeling now? Just had tubes put in 3 days ago and I feel awful the same as you.Not sure if I should have my ent take them out or what to do
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This is an old post but just wondered if your symptons went away. I started with an ear infection and now my have that clogged up feeling in my ears. the ENT say I have issue with my ETD and negative pressure. He said ear tubes may be needed.  Please let me know if  your symptons got better Thanks
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Ear tubes did not help!

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