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Tinnitus constant after Septoplasty and Sinus Surgery

Hello, I am just beginning the journey to find out what is causing my tinnitus and to get some answers and relief. I am currently awaiting an appointment with a neurotologist, but in the meantime I have been researching, talking on forums, and am shocked that figuring out what is going on with me has been so difficult.

I had a history throughout most of my adult life with sinus infections, foul odor in the sinuses, and occasional ear fullness. In June of 2017, I had septoplasty and endoscopic sinus surgery in my 50's after suffering with these problems for years and years. An Otolaryngologist did the surgery after a scan and his exam showed a septum deviated to the point that one side of my nasal passage was pinched off, and I had pockets of fluid, mucous, and who knows what else in my sinus cavities. He said the sinuses were not draining. The surgeon states that the surgery was a success, and I no longer have the odor and can breathe much better. We have not yet done another scan of the cavities, as it has only been 6 months since surgery.

The problem I have is that IMMEDIATELY after surgery I noted a ringing in both ears that sounds just like a cicada bug. The ringing is loud and constant in both ears with the right one slightly worse. I have ear fullness in both ears nearly all of the time. I can hear my heartbeat internally. My voice sounds the same to others, but to me, I don't even recognize my own voice as it sounds much lower.  My surgery was 6 months ago and I have had this EVERY DAY with exception to December 5th. For some reason, on that day, the ringing was absent, but it came right back the next day and has been constant ever since.

The ENT who did my surgery told me that my tinnitus was due to sensorineural hearing loss and said I would benefit from going to a tinnitus clinic. I have been back for 6 post-op appointments and the doctor stated he was not worried about my ears yet. He tried puncturing the ear drums and said they would heal in a few days. He found no fluid behind the ear drum and the ear drums took 3 weeks to heal.  He says that so far, all of his tests on my ears have been normal with exception to hearing loss noted within the last year.....well is that because the tinnitus makes it harder for me to hear the sounds on the hearing test? I don't know? I am not blaming the surgeon. I'm sure he probably did a wonderful job on my sinuses. But why is he not acknowledging that the surgery uncovered or created another problem, as the symptoms have been daily ever since.

Prior to my surgery, I would hear ringing in my ears that sounded like the same cicada bug maybe 1 or 2 days out of the whole year. Fullness in the ears on occasion.  Now this is every day. My anxiety is growing. I need help.

I have wondered about patulous Eustachian tube or ETD or both or some other underlying problem. I have been pretty good about wearing ear protection most of my life. I certainly could have some ear damage at my age, but why the constant symptoms since the surgery?? Please, someone out there help me figure this out. I have 9 more days until I see another doctor but it feels like a much longer time because of my anxiety. Any helpful info would be appreciated. I have scoured the internet and have not come across anyone with the exact same symptoms.
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