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"Kaleidoscope eye"

Hi - I am a 58yo male and wear multifocal specs and use computers a lot in my work. For several years I have experienced bouts of a particular disturbance in both eyes at the same time. It starts out as a small prism like effect which gradually spirals in my vision - then after a few minutes it slowly dissipates. The effect really isnt in my eyesight as it is still there when I close my eyes and cannot be blocked out. I sit quietly, avoid light and have a drink of water during the episodes. I dont experience any especial pains such as migraines etc and seem to fully recover. I think it may be related to lack of electrolytes and mild dehydration but would like some guidance onthe possible causes. I know of only one other person who has the same symptoms but hers goes on to be a migraine. Any thoughts please?
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I get the same thing as I am a 63yr old woman with no heart problems , s blood sugar issues and do not get nausea nor headaches.  Had my eyes throughly check by retina specialist and Optomology and no issues with visual.  I had one a few weeks ago that lasted for 20 minutes in Right eye only and the Zig Zag line start small but gets bigger and takes out my vision even when I close my eye.  It passes after 20 minutes and I get these symptoms 2-3 times a year sometimes when I turn quickly or doing something in a rush but I should see a neurologist if that will help me.  It is very scary and while I do not get any pain after I am more scared of what is happening.  Glad I found this site so maybe by networking we can all aid in each other’s concerns.      
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At age 63  key questions is whether at any time in your life you were diagnosed by a physician as having migraines.  If so the odds are very high this is another form of 'older life' migraine.  If you have never been diagnosed and do not have migraines in your family then it needs to be investigated and it can only be called late onset migraine if disease of the eyes, heart, brain and blood vessels are excluded. If you have seen an "ophthalmologist" and your eyes are normal then the next step would be see your personal physician for a general physicial exam with special attention to heart, brain, blood vessels. Consideration should be given to a carotid artery ultrasound test.  If that is normal and you continue to have these you do need to see a neurologist.  Likely you will need MRI/MRA of head. Only then can you ascribe this to late onset ophthalmic migraine.  Also if you are on any estrogens for menopause that can cause these symptoms. (like premarin)
Thanks for your help as I recently had a full work up of my head, vascular, eyes and overall blood work.  Next step is an neurologist just get scared when this happens. So grateful for this site.  I am following up with an neurologist appt.  I am not a drug or alcohol user so I am not having any side effects from recreational substances.  I will drink more water thoug.  Thanks again
With that kind of work up the chances of late onset visual/ophthalmic migraine is much more likely than anything serious.    If you get a chance come back and post after you see a neurologist so readers may learn from your experience. It's a common problem. Thanks and best of luck
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maybe this?

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Sorry the link does not work for me.
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This just happened to me and it's not the first time. In the past, it has happened about 3 or 4 times, with the most recent episode happening a week or so ago. It happened in my right eye and I saw a kaleidoscope prism that grew and grew, so much so that it distorted my vision. I drink plenty of fluids on a regular basis and I am 28. I do take birth control pills and I have stressful days but nothing over the top. Sometimes I try to cover one eye and see if I can see better in the other but usually it's around the perimeter of one eye completely and a little bit in the inner corner on another. Like others have said, it does start out as a C shape and then gradually grows. I do get headaches frequently but so far none have ever followed nor preceded my kaleidoscope episodes.
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You need to see an ophthalmologist for a baseline eye exam and tell her/him about your zig zag symptoms,  hopefully you also have a personal physician and you should go in to discuss and for a basic physical exam with attention to neurological and cardio-vascular.
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I have the exact same symptoms and I've been diagnosed as having complex migraines (although infrequent...just as the prisms are). Last night I experienced a complex migraine and today the prisms. I do believe it is connected because it's too coincidental not to be when they occur back to back. I am hydrated so that's not an issue but I also spend quite a lot of time on the computer. The prisms just now subsided after about 20 minutes.
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When zig-zags, Kaleidoscope images occur in a young person associated with headache by far the most common cause is migraine however in older individuals who have never had migraines it can often be due to disease of the heart, brain, blood vessels or eyes or a form of TIA (transient ischemic attack).
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Water. The next time you get the "kaleidoscope" effect, think back to the last time you drank some water. Chances are it's been a while since you drank some water. Several people here have stated that they got the "effect" after strenuous activity and sweating. That type of activity most certainly drains a large amount of water from your body. If you are not drinking water during any exercise, that's just plain wrong. I'm 62 - I've had the "kaleidoscope" effect since...well, all my life as far as I can remember. I just had one episode about 40 minutes ago. As the link from "pugh" stated, it lasts about 30 minutes. You can't drive during them nor read or watch TV. If you drink a couple (yes at least 2) glasses of water right when you "see" the effect coming on, you can minimize the intensity, but it's not going to stop until it's darn good and ready. I've never had a headache before or after an episode, and never felt ill. It's just a pain in the a--. Until I found this forum I didn't know what it was called because everybody "I" ever talked to about it, including physicians, simply ignore me - AND ignore the fact that I've had Tinitus all my life. There are some things that physicians simply are not prepared to address and blow off a patient due to lack of expertise, but would never be honest enough with their patient to say, "I don't know. Let me research that." My physical health? I've eaten only natural foods since 1983. I've worked out all my life. During most of the 90's I was a personal trainer and body builder. Additionally, during that time I played racquetball most every day. Once in a while I'd experience an episode after playing racquetball, but I knew why and what to do for that. Even today I work out 4 days a week at the gym. I know all about hydrating, but sometimes I slip and that's when I get another episode. It's pretty common for me to get them on average once a month. Sometimes I'll go several months without one. The only thing "I" have found is to drink water and sit until the "kaleidoscope" passes. It starts in a different spot every time, and it always in both eyes. It may start on the right of each eye and move to the left - like a slow moving "ring" that passes over each eye. So today, after having another episode, I decided to search for either a cause or at least some information. In "my" mind, I just need to make sure that I'm drinking enough water all day because there is nothing I can do about the episodes otherwise. I've only had them once or twice while driving and was close enough to my destination (luckily) that I could get off the road within a minute or two after noticing that it was happening. Until physicians are educated on this "kaleidoscope" effect, I doubt we're going to find an absolute answer or determination of what we are experiencing. Those who experience more symptoms than the "kaleidoscope" really need to push their physician for more concrete answers.
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My grandma went the er on Saturday for high blood sugar(421), after that and being diagnosed with a uti. She was released. While this was happening, she started seeing kaleidoscopes in her left eye. It's progressed as the week (today is Thursday) has gone by. Sometimes not happening for 30 mins other times happening every 3 mins. Usually only last around a min and no headache after. She got a referral to an eye dr and we go on monday. I'm just nervous that it's more. They are worse today then any day this week. Please I need some reassureance.
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When zig-zags, Kaleidoscope images occur in a young person associated with headache by far the most common cause is migraine however in older individuals who have never had migraines it can often be due to disease of the heart, brain, blood vessels or eyes or a form of TIA (transient ischemic attack).
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This is happening to me as I write this. Started out rather small and now is becoming a bigger c and I have a slight headache. Im 18. Ive had this happen when I was younger but thought nothing of it. Glad to know it might just be a migraine.
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I got this for the second time ever just now. I'm 26. It freaked me out. It happened at work for the first time and I was pretty stressed that day. It happened again just now while I was outside smoking. I went to unplug a light and thought it was just spots from staring at the light. I didn't stare at it long. Came inside and tried to read but my vision was blocked by the c shaped kaleidoscope like crystalline thing. It was in both eyes. Was super annoying. Then after it started to go away I got a small headache. Was there for at least 10 mins.
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You need to be checked by a personal physician to be sure you have no disease of heart, blood vessels or brain that might mimic migraine and by an ophthalmologist to be certain you have no problems in the eye that might mimic migraine. And.......try and stop smoking.  If it is migraine and you smoke you considerably increase the risk of stroke.
177275 tn?1511755244
Migraine changes for most people as they get older. In the very young its nausea, vomiting, headache, sensitivity to light and sound and sometimes zig/zag (scintillating scotomas). As people enter middle age the symptoms tend to be more zig/zag and less headache, less nausea and vomiting and much milder. If someone starts migraines in middle age its usually zig/zags and mild or no headache.   Most people older than 60 with migraines outgrow them.  The problem is that in unusual cases migraine can be mimicked by disease of the heart, brain, blood vessels or eye.
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Hey countless other weird eye disturbance folk!
Cannot express how relieved I am to search the net for 10 seconds and straight away stumble upon this thread. Exactly the same as everyone else is describing with no pain or warning, the zig zag circle that gradually gets bigger, turns into a 'C' then disappears off to the left.
38 yo female. Under a bit of stress but normal day to day stuff, that's all! History of migraine on first day of period that is easily controlled with painkiller meds. But never, ever anything like this!! Really freaked me out for the 20 mins I had it. Will make appt at GP and opticians. Horrible thing.
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Wow. So glad I found this thread. Same here. Shimmering "c" pattern, prismatic in color. Both eyes.  It expanded until covered 1/4 vision, then dissipated. No pain, no headache.
Off the chart stress 2 years straight. Not relating any sob stories here - everyone has stress.
53, male, work with computers all day for 20+ years.
Stomach pain center of chest for 10 months. Endoscopy, colonoscopy, cardio CT, abdominal CT, and just about every other test you can do - all normal or insignificant findings (lucky!). Tried no gluten, no sugar, no carb, etc. (hey, been at this for 10 months - tried everything for 6+ weeks each. No change.
Only posting here to add to the data.  Pfizer, you listening? One $80 dollar pill a day that changes intestinal flora thereby curing migraines. What do you think?  Better yet, what do your researchers think?
You're welcome.
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I have something in my eyesight too, I'm 13 and for as many years as I can remember I get orange and blue vertical stripes through my vision if I focus on something, I don't know what it is and the doctors can't say what it is either, I feel like our two eye problems are connected
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177275 tn?1511755244
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I just started experiencing it for the first time....I'm 33 female....no real health problems other than iron deficiency. It was a triangular mess inside of a line??? Kinda like a kaleidoscope....never had it before? What the hell is this? =/
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177275 tn?1511755244
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WTF is the point of your = comments?
=  have read posting and have no comment
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Also, I don't notice them or haven't had them except while watching TV - a flat screen led.
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I've been having something like kaleidoscope images for a couple of months now. Mine are a partial "wheel of fortune" but in black and white, lasting 10-20 minutes. Always on the left peripheral side of both eyes. No headache after.  I'm 65 and female. I recently had a thorough eye exam and the Dr referred me for a carotid doppler thinking I might be having TIA's. It is scheduled for June 7.
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i've been experiencing this since an auto accident in 2007, i have no idea what brings it on, but it's impossible to say which eye, because both are affected. open or closed it's there. it's starts out as a little multi colored spot in a random area of my vision that looks like a mosaic window of bright kaleidoscope colors then it opens up slowly and eventually opens all the way up and is gone. while it's happening i have no vision in the area of the colors, and none if it's a complete circle until it opens up enough to get a small window of vision in the center.  I get a dull, thick feeling in my head afterwards. the eye doctor told me in 2007 that it was cramping in the optic nerve due to the concussion that i sustained. I can go weeks with nothing and then it will happen 2 or 3 times in a week.
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hello all, i came here after googling. i'm experiencing the same symptoms as many above. squiggly kaleidoscope lines that distort my vision. i experience it after an extremely intense session at the gym sometimes. i'm already being treated for high blood pressure and i'm almost sure mine comes on after exerting myself. my blood pressuer likely sky rockets during an intense set, and then the "effects' come on after i leave the gym when i'm presuming my blood pressure drops back down. just posting because i found it somewhat comforting to hear others experiencing the same problem. and just to throw up the possibility that it could be a rapid change in blood pressure that's causing it for some people. for example after sitting at a computer for a long time, and then rising rather quickly. thanks to all for posting. i clearly need to pay more attention to my blood pressure issue. btw i am 45 yo
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hi i was reading storeys at a UFO web site one night in the dark and the letters were in red after trying too read the red words i said holy cow the red words from the site is bothering my eyes! so i turned the computer off and then the ziggy kaleidoscope thing was in my right eye  best i can describe its like if you look at the sun an then close your eyes an still see  it?  it lasted for half hour i was scared it wouldn't go away it did but now i get it evy now and then one time 3 months later sometimes twice in one day?   i keep getting repeats of the ziggy triangle coloured kaleidoscope  it its been 7 years now no change or headaches i think its permanent i really believe its from the red words form computers if its in red dont read it!! its the source i think.

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Really a strange theory. Sounds like something you read at a UFO web site.
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hi i was reading storeys at a UFO web site one night in the dark and the letters were in red after trying too read the red words i said holy cow the red words from the site is bothering my eyes! so i turned the computer off and then the ziggy kaleidoscope thing was in my right eye  best i can describe its like if you look at the sun an then close your eyes an still see  it?  it lasted for half hour i was scared it wouldn't go away it did but now i get it evy now and then one time 3 months later sometimes twice in one day?   i keep getting repeats of the ziggy triangle coloured kaleidoscope  it its been 7 years now no change or headaches i think its permanent i really believe its from the red words form computers if its in red dont read it!! its the source i think
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I see a lot of people with the exact same problem BUT there's no answers to the problem. Does anyone know what causes these? Because I've had them in the past and am having one now but I don't have a headache.


I find that my cause is from being in front of a computer screen too long.
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That is a classical description of eye migraine (often has no headache) but in a small percentage it can be due to diesease of the brain, heart and blood vessels.

Use the search feature, archives and health topics to review the many discussions of ophthalmic migraine.

Then make an appointment with an Eye MD for an exam and to rule out eye migraine or transient ischemic attack.

Migraines tend to get better as a person gets older and around 40 the nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound get better and the migraine becomes mostly seeing visual phenomena especially dark spots and shimmering "rick-rack".

177275 tn?1511755244
Sure happy to be helpful. I have family members with onset of eye migraines early 40's  Just remember to have family MD and ophthalmologist do an evaluation

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Wow this is amazing to see so many people with a similar experience, looks like there is few common denominators here, Computers, stress, 50+. Second time it happens for me, first time was very scary as I was on my lunch break and had to return to work but had no idea if I would pass out as a result. It did go way eventually with a head ache at the end but had no idea of going online at the time or getting it checked by my GP. A year on and this is the second time I'm having it and decided to go online and do some digging and came across that page. Thanks for the share and the help
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