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Group A Streptococcus & Vitamin D

I want to share with you the results of my exams with my doctor.
As I said last week, I did this time, 23 exams in a laboratory in Paris and here are the ones that were positive:
- Streptococcus A
(I note that you can be a holy bearer, for years, it is a bacterium that contracts in the air and that has large impacts.....)
- Vitamin D and iron deficiency
(The vitamin D deficiency also has very detrimental consequences on the skin).

- epstein barr virus virus
(I also specify that 95% of adults in the world do this, I do not know if this has anything to do with the PATM)

Since I take antibiotics (already 7 days, my PATM to decrease by 70%).

You do not lose anything to do the exam.
The consequences may be more severe in some cases.

And for those who have other symptoms like night sweats and fatigue, do not hesitate to do the Chlamydia Pneumonia test, and other chronic diseases misdiagnosed,
Mine were negastive, I could forward the list to those who wish.

Good evening to you
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Hi Ray2502
Yes I can transfer you my results, or you just want the page on vitamin D?
Leave me an email and I'll send you that when I get home from work.
Note: My results are in English.
When I think about it, my PATM started 8 months after I arrived in France, I lived alone and when I was not in school (inside), I was in my room. I think the vitamin D track is serious, but we have to make sure that it did not bring opportunistic diseases.
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Sorry  My results are in French
(Google translate :)  )
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Hello Atonych,

Could you please forward me your results. I'm  very interested in your results as I have been diagnosed with also having vitamin D deficiency myself.

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I think Vitamin D would be really helpful
One of the best, but we need everything that performs like vitamin D. I read zinc glycinate does the same thing to leakygut.
We need more things like that.
I'm not sure if someone is capable of making an enzyme to reach that far into the gut without being destroyed.
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