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Odorless gases that irritate membrane?

Hey , I was just searching about odorless gases that can irritate membranes, meaning that they can irritate eyes , nose , throat so causing to cough and sneeze and so on , exactly like out symptoms, some simple gases would be NO2 and SO2
did anyone do a research about it? Or had a breath test ? ( blowing into a device that tells what gases are in your breath )
It would be great if anyone has experience
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Well I don’t have it at home but I have a friend who has air purifier at home because he has a big orchid gallery at home , when I go there  the symptoms are the same to be hoenst , no change , after 10-15 minutes he starts to scratch eyes nose cough and sneeze
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Do you know what kind he has? Is it a good quality one ?
I own a mid quality one and it doesn't  seem to help my family much.  We have tried different positions with it.    It was about 250$ so I know their may be better ones out there.    I'm sure I've mentioned that wind direction out side rodent affect mine either.  It goes where it want even against the wind.    
I took the plunge and bought an air purifier for $560. I’m gonna see if it helps at all. And I will keep you guys posted.  
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Any thoughts ? I mean if we find this we at least know why people cough , itch and scratch eyes and sneeze ... maybe we can reduce the symptoms
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Has anyone thought about buying a type of air purifier for the home? I know it won’t resolve our condition but maybe it can help resolve the allergies of the people we live with. I’ve been looking at reviews on amazon for the rabbit air and I’m really thinking of buying it but It’s really expensive. I wonder if it will be effective for what we have. Any thoughts ?

You are reading content posted in the People Allergic to Me (PATM) Community

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