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Describe the bystanders that you affect the most

It's been my experience that PATM does not necessarily affect the nearest bystander host. Please describe, in as much detail as possible, who you notice to be most affected by your condition. Examples of criteria could include: family, age, race, sex, intelligence, physical appearance, travel history, work history, health, physical attraction, etc.

I have a lot to say about this, but I'd like to post after a few others. Yes, these observations make me sound kooky. But I feel there are some really important clues available to us here, so please humor me by posting.
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OK, I'll go first.

Children least affected, thank God. Menopause-age women most affected. People who would generally be considered attractive, intelligent, and well-traveled surprisingly more affected than those who appear unhealthy or sick. The exception to this is those who have visible skin issues, they are generally sensitive. Caucasians and Asians more sensitive than Native Americans and Blacks. Tradesmen with regular solvent exposures (ie painters) are also very sensitive.
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Not the case for me I affect children and animals.
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I have noticed that many people who smoke usually are the ones that react to me the strongest. Maybe perhaps because of weak immune systems, but those generally are the ones besides elderly people that are always having reactions.
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Yes people who have some allergic problems,maybe weak immune system and heavy smokers  react the most.
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Warning signs of a barker:
tension, insecurity, nervousness, aggression, dominance
Stay away from the 'types'!
It's more about them not you.The easier social setting, the better.
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This is strangely accurate in my case, but doesn't make any sense medically.
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Well I live in a home with 4 small children who all react.  1 way more than the others.  My wife didn’t react at all for a while but for the last 6 months has started.   On the outside world mostly older people and white  ladies.   But honestly just about 90% of  everyone.   4 doctors have said they feel nothing.  One was ticcing like they had Tourette’s.  Another was licking their lips continuously while slapping at their neck.  The 3rd was well when I got there but had a horrible runny nose before I left.   The 4th was holding their lower right side the whole time.   I’m sure at least the first 3 were all reacting.  The fourth probably.    Mine has been know to travel far 100 yards maybe.  But at least 50 yards constantly.  So I know I have a severe case.    Hope this helps. Anything else you want to know just ask. I’m trying to solve this 24/7 as I know whatever is coming out of me I’d damaging my children’s immune system.  It’s a unreal position I’m in.
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From what i know, this affects the upper respiratory system. If someone inhales what we exhale or give off from our bodies, then he/she would react. Even 6month old babies have been coughing around me. I feel so sad seeing kids puff out their lungs coughing. For some its a gas choking up the throats.

Did you try running/jogging to let off some sweat to detox? Alternatively, you could also try those facial steamers with eucalyptus or peppermint oil. Somewhat helps for a short while.
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Other Children outside the home not so much.   But when mine are  outside and we catch eye contact from whatever distance they react.  Heartbreaking man
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This "Eye contact" reactions is something i can relate to. If i look down, less reactions. But if i look up, i immediately have the person look back at me giving off some reaction. I could be on the 15th floor of a building having people on the street react just by looking at them from up there. Weird!!
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First let me apologize bad english, and not logical text. Not going to fix text cause im done, really done. Reason im done with this stupid condition is that my cats and dogs are ones who suffer most, and all I can do is watch in horror. They are all kinda dizzy and breath hard also skin itch very much and eyes watery. I have tried so many remedies and asked doctors and they laugh at me and say go to speak with psychiatric, even they themselves cough and scratch and smell my sewage odor! About 80% all people I contact will cough, including almost all people who live in this highrise. Even outside where is plenty of gas from cars people cough when im around or about 100m away. I have asked some of them and they think I cause their symptoms. I am so sick and tired of this thing, living only with my animals, no job, no friends, no hobbies just inside apartment and walk outside at night with my dogs. Years and years and no one believe, they just dump me off their lifes. But as I said worst thing is that only reasons I live anymore (my pets) are ones who suffer most and there is nothing I can do about it, that has killed me inside. As final result I bought gas mask and put activated charcoal filter in it but STILL that patm **** affects my pets!! I have now made decision to end my life cause mental pain is too much. Sorry for this rant, you guys are only who could understand, I have no one else.
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Man where do you live?   I’m going through it too.  My little kids are suffering. I thought about that same things last night at 3am.   I wish you were close man.  I’d come over and take that walk with you and your dogs.  I could use someone too.  My children are becoming sick because of ME.  I know this.   What county or state.
On a side note.  Maybe make you Laugh maybe make you cry but I would like to do the autopsy.  I have set up someone to do mine already for when the day comes. I would. Like to see if there is some type of bug/worm/mold/entity  inside us.  Would be great help to the patmer on here.   Some good people are on here.  Maybe they find nothing because it’s something with the Braine. But it’s worth a shot.  I never want one of these for profit doctors to get ahold of my dead body.   And most people already just wrote me off so why have a funeral.  The fake mixed with the truely sad . What a waste.    Trust me if my wishes are fulfilled all my info will be posted here and sent directly to a few people who I know will be grateful for the info.    
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Did he kill himself :(
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