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PATM cured

Hey guys I've been suffering from patm for about 2 months. luckily I was able to find am instant cure. I believe most people with patm are generally the type of people who would never want to hurt other people and damage others, which is why we care about other people coughing. I was quite generous and nice to others, but never nice to myself. Once you start having negative thoughts about others and yourself, you'll realize how quickly patm comes back. The trick is to remind yourself that you are someone who deserves to live, and that you shouldn't be afraid of anything. I mean you aren't afraid of thoughts of killing your ownself than why would you be afraid to go not give a dam about other people coughing and start enjoying your life and yourself.
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I feel bad for all of us, there are more than two types of this crap. One type is the oder type, think this is some type of intestinAL problem. And the other type from metals. I'm a plumber and exposed to metal dust from lead,cast iron to my full back tattoos of black ink.
Witch has metals. Creating a positive or negitive ion release
The opposite charge of a normal balance and feel the release of this crap and when it comes to nickel, the doctors are now reconizing people are alergic to certain metals in electronics ect. When doctors test for metals in blood, they are absent,  because the metals leave the bloodstream and enter your muscles and fatty tissue as well as your skin. A skin by op
Is the key to see what's really going on. I believe a drip set up with iv might be the cure. They use this on lead poisoning.
Gonna get a doctor soon to do this. Tired of this crap. Also our water and cigarettes have heavy metals In them. These metals can actually get in your brain and using cell phones and electronics just keep the cycle in morion. I'm not a doctor be I have this crap and people say they have a cure but that is crap also. Had this **** years ago, was in jail for two weeks and went away on its own. Foods different, no smoking, no electronics or sun radiation.
Thinking the medical field dont want to touch this because the cure is to simple, and there no money to make curing this crap, but let us keep going to the doctors and paying bills for no answer. Next time I go I'm damaging what I want them to do.
Good luck and stay away from home remedies in this site, might be dangerous ***@****
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OK you do not have a cure. It's not about someones thinking.
It's real and for you to post a I got a cure statement is wow messed up. It's real and comes in many forms. It's rare but becoming into the light. Hope a real cure is out there soon.
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Did you guys try drinking inough water after every meal? Not realy a cure but it helps. Dont forget to pray too, im optimistic that only God can heal us
Nothing to do with God. Sorry.
Your exposed to something, whether you got what I got or the other crap that makes you stink. Heavy metals is one. The other is intestinAL
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you are trying to tell us patm is in our heart right, you might be right but i guess somewhere somehow there is something wrong in our blood, thn we make it worse by overthinking.
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Think it's metals, because I tried probiotics and all that. And I don't make people cough as much as itch. Nor do I have any smell. And when the doctors test for metals well it in my muscles and skin trying to release, in positive or negitive ion form. And I am sensitive to electronics and florescent light. When I'm in wall mart the effects are to much. I am like a magnet and what I got keeps repeating itself because of constant exposer to something wich keeps this damb thing going.
I am going to talk to a doctor about getting iv to detoxify all the metals out of my body.
This **** *****, don't want to meet anyone or do anything because of this.
With all this DNA technology you would think one test and get an answer. But really think they don't want you cured unless you see all the docs and are broke from paying them for no answers.
Anyhow probiotics ain't working for me. People be like I got the cure, well them folks are just lucky because it went away on its own. I had this back in 2012 for 4 months. Went away on its own. After two weeks in jail. Only difference in jail was, the food, no electronics and no smoking and no sun.
All have some type of metal or radiation in them. Just like this cell ph where my hands and face itch while I type this.
Anyhow this crap is exhausting and it's physical not mentally.
Share any real dicoveries in this crap. Thanks
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Oops I also wanted to add that I do have Post Nasal Drip and allergies where I blow my nose and sneeze everyday so maybe I am reacting to myself too????
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I hand post nasal  drip as well. Cough and sneeze here and there but not much.
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Oh and I forgot to say I have started to make my own Kombucha and drink that everyday which is suppose to be a good probiotic and good for the gut.
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Just a little about myself and some thoughts on PATM. I am a female in my late 50's and have had PATM for 10 years or more on and off. It does seem to be worse when I drink alcohol a lot and am stressed.
It seems to have gotten worse as I have now even seen people around me when I am not in a closed room outside start rubbing their noses,eyes, sneezing and sniffling but no one really coughs. My friend that never seemed to react to me now gets really itchy eyes and nose and sneezes every time we get together. I can't have a relationship as anyone I date ends up having alergic reactions around me and either never calls again or I run away from the relationship so I don't have to explain and sound crazy telling them that I have PATM.
It is funny though that some people seem to have worse alergic reactions to me than others so not sure why that is?
I usually try to stop drinking for a day or two before flying and take a sedative or some sort to calm me down. If I don't the flight is hell with so many people around me constantly sniffling and violently sneezing for the whole trip.
I hate going to the Dentist or Doctor but I did have to go to the Dentist as I needed a root canal and a crown and find if the Dentist wears a mask they don't have reactions so I think it must be airborne. I have so much going on against me right now that I am so depressed with PATM, severe hot flashes every 20 minutes from Menopause and a drinking problem so I have turned into a recluse and hate leaving my home.
I have noticed that I do have a white coating on my tongue and have tried to get rid of it by using a tongue scraper after brushing my teeth but that doesn't do much. I have a suspicion that it is a Candida thing as I also get nail fungus all the time but that may be because my feet sweat, who knows?
As of yesterday I am at my wits end and am really, really trying to cut out alcohol and sugars and try and get healthy by exercising too. I have read quite a bit here and do take 1000 UI of Vit D3 but have just upped it to 2000 UI. I also have been prescribed an anti depression/anxiety drug that I hope will help me deal with my, sweating social anxiety and this PATM thing.
I really hope we can get some Cure to this debilitating problem we all share as I just cannot live like this!!!!
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I'm going through the same thing. I'm a 25 year old female and just had a baby six months ago. I've noticed this reaction from people a few months before my pregnancy. I've noticed that I have actual heat coming from my nostrils, it makes my body hot feels like hot flashes on my upper body, back of my neck,and all down my back. The heat coming from my nostrils also makes my body itch.I'm constantly sneezing, coughing, and clearing my throat and so does everyone else.
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