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PATM travels thru phone lines....amazing.

I was very skeptical at first and I apologize to everybody. I have definitely proved it to myself that I make other people sneeze and clear their throats over the phone, that is just wild. I also noticed that if I clear my large intestine then PATM reactions stop completely until processed food is moved down into the large intestine again.

Experts in holistic medicine and the GI trait mention that to have an optimal digestive system, if we eat 3 times a day then we need to have 3 bowel movements a day.

Note: IF I stay away from sugar or processed food then I don't have PATM issues.
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Stomach gas cannot pass through phone lines.

Ive had people react over the phone and over playstation network, over discord, teamspeak, all kinds of voice comms.

Its sonic, its a sound we cant hear but others can feel.
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I don't know what it is but I have tested this theory several times even with cell phone calls. It' s like the person is next to you and not a 1000 miles away. This is crazy but at the same time its true. I cant wrap my head around it. I work in a lab that does vibro/acoustic testing for all sots of hardware. Maybe its some kind of molecular or sub atomic structure that uses high frequencies as a carrier. This is beyond normal!!!!
I totally agree it's sonic i.e.sound waves that ordinarily can't be heard but affect others..mine has been so severe that it actually causes little click or static noises in the environment, among other phenomena....
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Hi Ray, do you have any objective proof that these people are only having their reactions when you're present?

I'm asking because I know that over all these years with PATM we at least got a bit paranoid (maybe rightfully so).
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I wish I was being paranoid. In my line of business, I have to call vendors all the time. I might make 20 calls a day via hardline. Out of 100 people that I called 95% of them complained of sudden allergic reactions, some of them actually had to put me on hold so they could sneeze. Mind you, this is only when I eat garbage food/sugar. I really think that there is different levels of PATM and depending how severe PATM is, different symptoms will manifest. Right now I'm in a room full of people that is divided by cubicles. I don't here anybody clearing there throats, coughing or sneezing until later when I eat and food gets pushed down into my large intestine.

I know people are more prone to be sick at this time of the year but I really do think that PATM makes their symptoms worse.

ONLY PEOPLE WITH PATM WOULD UNDESTAND WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT,  everybody else will think that we crazy, psychotic lunatics....
I hear you, Ray. Let me tell you, I found out that A LOT of the reactions I always had attributed to myself and my PATM were actually also present when I was being absent.

How did I find out? I audio recorded my workplace when I had some days off work. Of course quite illegal and amoral, but I had and important point to prove to myself. The reactions (coughing, sneezing, heavy breathing, yawning, ...) were exactly the same as if I was being there. Some years ago I would NEVER have thought that.

Now, I'm not saying that PATM as a physical illness does not exist or that we are completely imagining this madness. But an experiment like this proves that we became (at least to some extent or maybe even completely, I don't know yet) paranoid.

I can only recommend this audio experiment to every PATM sufferer to get back some of their sanity.

I really do think that people with PATM have different levels of potency depending on how long the person has had PATM, how they take care of themselves, how much antibiotics they’ve used in their lifetime etc etc....

You might not be at the stage where some of use that has had it for a long time. So your symptoms might be different.
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