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PATMers who drive a vehicle

Guys if you could please share your driving experience? Im literally baffled by how far and how deep our smell can penetrate.

Here are few observations:
1. im driving at over 120km/hr and most cars that passes by me, end up winding down their windows. Passengers who pass by me, i can see them holding their noses. You've the a/c on but still the smell gets to you.

2. Cars that are driving in front of me, lets say about 100-200 ft also have their windows down. And at times, passengers turn behind to look who's behind them. So here's what i dont understand, the smell penetrates one car and then also the cars infront of it. That's surreal!!

3. In tight alleys, even before i come to the end of the road, ill notice people holding their noses. And then stare at you when you reach there (most of time there isnt anyone around). How can some of them sense its us?

Its like a cloud of gas that has engulfed us and keeps moving as we move.

I guess if we all form an united gang, we could take over the world since everyone would be scared to get close!
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It is not gas, it is some sort of non-EM radiation.

It is very-very weird....

So far I have pretty much excluded EM and sound.

This thing that you describe is not gas, most likely not sound and not EM.

However odd this maybe sound, - my guess right now is that this thing is some sort of quantum particle/information transfer, call it particle teleportation.....Recently there were some experiments done in that field of physics, you can google 'particle teleportation'. That's the best explanation I came up with so far for what's happening to us.

It is happening though, trust me - I know exactly what you're talking about.
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LOL…so you’re saying we are radioactive? Come on dude, be serious. There are very few impossibilities in this universe and I think that suggestion is one of them.
Why impossible?  Just curious.  It’s still on my list as a possibility.   What is  impossible is that I have this stupid unexplainable thing.  I was pretty happy compared to most people before this got me.  I’ve had a farm now for 8 years and I want them just spray and spray my neighborhood.  My soil samples this year had an off the chart aluminum reading.
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Cest très très grave les gens ce gratte partout de loin a distance et par téléphone
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True. People do scratch from a distance and even within 10ft. They scratch back of their neck, head and ears in a confused state. At the same time, there are individuals next to these scratching people, who hold their nose with the odor.
It's like our bodies are giving out mixed reactions. This applies to people who have odor and patm symptoms.
What happens when you look at someone directly?
When I look at someone directly I can cause a direct hit.  Haha.  It’s true. I was even walking into my house backwards for a while to see if that would slow the reactions of my family.  Didn’t work.  I also tried holding my breath and keeping my eyes closed upon entering a room.  None of those really slowed it down.  Just not eating seems to help some. Or really if I eat junk it makes it way worse.  
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Moi aussi instantanément les gens a touche en voiture de loin et même par webcam
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That’s a very interesting experience there Jon. Here’s the thing winds don’t always go in one direction. Light a fire and smoke wouldn’t always go in just one direction. There are times when you can smell a smoker walking towards you from a few meters away. That is because the wind happens to be blowing in your direction. Also, some become agitated but not everyone that rolls down their window or cough is doing it because of you.

TMAU people too have been known to sometimes exhibit these overly concerns because of the bullying they’ve experienced throughout life.

One day this disease will be fully known and it will surprise us. I’ve had this disease for so long to know that sometimes other people would cough, sneeze and stare at you without knowing they’re doing it to you. It’s almost like how some animals act on pheromone without really thinking about it.

Here’s what I’m trying to explain, most of the overloaded toxins in the blood are just antigen that originated from gut bacteria which most people’s immunity will spring to action if it gets onto any of their epithelial cell linings, lungs, sinus, throat. It’s like humans are programmed to sense these dangers and avoid it without really thinking about it. Unpleasant olfactory reception of anything will consciously make us leave. I sometimes think that we have evolved in such a way to unconsciously sense a particular source of antigens of an unhealthy environment and leave or avoid it. I hope I live long enough to see how it turns out scientifically.
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