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People Are Allergic To Me (PATM)

People are allergic to me. And a lot of other people around the world are suffering from this condition. Doctors do not beleive the reports, and most of them claim that we are crazy but we all know that we're far from being crazy. This condition causes so much heartache and stress. I have sent emails to CDC, NIH and WHO with no help. Would you please address this issue?
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“Maybe eating a vegetarian diet would actually cure us.”
no it doesn’t, but it lowers patm. I’ve been on a vegen diet for years now and patm hasn’t disappeared. It has remained pretty much moderately low for years and it doesn’t get any better than that. I don’t know anyone in this patm community who’s ever said to have 100% patm free or cured completely from going on a vegetarian or vegan diet… you can call it a control mechanism if you must but it’s not a cure. If it was a cure, wouldn’t all patmers on the strict diet be cured by now?
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@jn4357, great ideas. We had a long discussion about that on private message. I did suggest to him to go on a junk diet prior to taking samples but perhaps staying on a normal diet is one way as you say. I think he’d choose to go on just a normal diet as it’s easier for him. It turns out he’s a family man with a successful career and kids probably our age in college. He’s got other priorities so couldn’t be bothered with things that many of the single guys would do. Hope you don’t mind me just revealing this part ray!

I really hope he can convince the researchers to do this test. If it does happen, I’m thinking about other things that could go wrong. For example mass/gas spectrometers looks at different ranges of molecular species. For example, what if they choose to only concentrate on just a range of large organic molecules but the source molecule is instead a small molecule like CO? If they don’t test for those ranges, then we wouldn’t know. Again I’m just hoping for the best as this all depends on what the researchers do and what we tell them to test for. Intriguingly, I’m have the suspicion that it will be within the Trimethylamine (N(CH3)3 ) molecular size range.

@ray2502, please collect all the information as much as possible. If he has notes, books, videos etc. that will help us understand more about the procedures then please let me know. I’m thinking if you fail, I’ll have a look if I can try once again to approach and convince researchers at our university. I tried approaching one before and he was so arrogant so I changed the subject altogether.
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I myself had my tonsils removed which helped some.Allergy shots helped a lot. I also noticed eating salads helps. Maybe eating a vegetarian diet would actually cure us. I also stated taking two gas pills a day especially at night. Weird, but it works.

I was just recently diagnosed with alternating IBS. I also had an EGD performed and was diagnosed with mild inflammation due to acid reflux. Not anything else.
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To add, you should first complete the treatment your doctor prescribed and if it does not work then try GCMS. Otherwise the results for both will be all messed up.
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Lots have been happening since my last post. I see CO has been ruled out, how about the other gases like HS, which is very similar as well. I know it has an odor but apparently low long term exposure causes olfactory fatigue?

Anyways I have been looking into IBS, SIBO and gut bacteria based on ray2502's GI doctor's diagnosis. Hopefully this will lead us into the right direction.

Ray2502, that's great to hear that you might have a chance at using the GCMS at your workplace. I would suggest trying to convince the guy to possibly do a test run to see how it works because your so fascinated in learning about it. Maybe he'll agree? At the same time he wouldn't know what your real motive is. If you do get a chance, I would just go back on a normal diet with no food restrictions of course, that should likely be enough. Just make sure that your patm reactions are noticeably higher than usual. I think eating lots of junk food may actually skew the results.
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I agree with your ideas on private message. You can start with yourself to establish a pattern first. There’s just one problem with that. Because of the diet and medication you’re taking, it might lower the effect and therefore the overall result. For an experiment that cost so much we need to maximize the result and leave no room for errors.

One way you can counter that deficit is by proceeding on a junk diet during the holidays for two or more days and secure samples promptly and store, then you can return to your diet afterwards. If you are able to convince your researchers for a date, you can just acquire the stored sample to utilize that preferably.
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