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Hello PATM community. Here is the third part/post of me sharing my gift of knowledge and thoughts with the world...  (sorry for the confusion with the word "parts": there are 3 posts/parts (because of text size limit), and within those posts there are ALSO sections/parts, if that makes sense...)

- Please read PART 1 here:
- Please read PART 2 here:

Part III: Psychologically healthy self-help tools to  survive in this world when you have the PATM curse

Go see a therapist. Not about convincing them about PATM... But to help you find techniques to deal with your emotional pain, the mental torture you go through... If you read about I wrote above, you will understand that MOST LIKELY IF YOU TRY TO CONVINCE THEM ABOUT PATM, THEY WILL THINK YOU ARE CRAZY! OBVIOUSLY, BECAUSE THEY WILL HAVE 98%* OF CHANCE TO BE RIGHT TO DIAGNOSE YOU WITH OTHER MENTAL CONDITIONS THAT ARE EXTREMELY MORE LIKELY! (*I'm using "98%" as a reference number to prove my point linked to my analogy with the justice system above.) Here's my point: DON'T GO TO A THERAPIST THINKING THEY WILL BELIEVE YOUR PATM CONDITION, GO THERE TO HAVE THEM WITH YOU DEAL WITH YOUR EMOTIONAL PAIN. It will help you survive mentally with however you want to move forward with your live....  Here are some techniques: catch yourself before you make a conclusion when your mind goes automatic and think, "oh the person is coughing because of me"... On that moment, catch yourself and stop. (like CBT therapy) Think about the alternative conclusions (e.g. "oh that person has pollen allergy, they sneezes all the time, it's normal. It's unrelated to me... My mind is a bit overactive sometimes... And maybe laugh about it in your mind in a positive funny way, so it's not a big deal.")... Also, mitigate your thinking... Maybe, it is true that you have PATM and they do cough because of you... BUT IS IT THE CASE ALL THE TIME??? so think about it this way in a less black-and-white conclusion: "sometimes, I think causing this person to cough... I'm never sure...  But it's not all the time... This time, I don't think I'm the cause". Also... Question yourself to get the facts: write down the emotions you had at that specific time, write down the facts of the situation, and write down the alternative interpretations. This will help reduce the chance that you will be your own harsh judge and executioner. REMEMBER? YOU CAN NOT TRUST YOUR OWN (NEGATIVE AND UNHEALTHY) CONCLUSION WITH PATM. -- SO TRY TO COME UP WITH POSITIVE CONCLUSIONS, BECAUSE THE POSITIVE ONES MIGHT MORE LIKELY BE THE REALITY, PART, OR MOST OF THE TIME! Here's an important healthy psychological tip for dealing with PATM: DO OVERLY ASSUME A POSITIVE HEALTHY CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION (satisfying for your mental health) THAT THE "ALLERGY" IS NOT BECAUSE OF YOU, BECAUSE IT'S MORE LIKELY TRUE... MORE THAN YOUR UNHEALTHY SPIRALING BLACKHOLE  DARK DEFAULT NEGATIVE INTERPRETATIONS (OF THINKING THAT YOU CAUSE PATM REACTIONS 350% OF THE TIME!!!)

Part IV: Suggestions on how to contribute to the PATM community on this forum

- Please share with us what other people factually told you about their PATM reactions, so you can let the PATM community judge by themselves if it makes sense (and not interpreted through your own unhealthy mind) (try not to interpret and extrapolate). Share what tests you did do to evaluate the validity of your claims.
- Start some awareness websites, groups, youtube videos, etc. Regroup all the knowledge of the PATM community together. Do an experiment to provide proof to the world (ideally in a video, getting PATM reactions, and it happens with repeatable tests).
- Perhaps we should have the people "reacting" to us come to the forum and share their thoughts. What are the facts? Can they work with the person causing PATM and do some homemade repeatable experiments and document them through Youtube videos together? I'm just brainstorming here... But I believe we need more facts and test results... And less imagination and wrong conclusions...
- Can you share your medical test results? What did you test for (that you think is related to PATM)?
Again, I'm just brainstorming here... Please share your ideas on how to help the PATM community grow to get to practical solutions and scientific studies...  MY KEYWORDS: FACTS, TESTING, TEST RESULTS, MEDICAL STUDIES, SCIENTIFIC TEST, PROOFS, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS, WRONG CAUSES

AN IMPORTANT TIP: If you find my writing useful and you were on an epic quest to prove that PATM exists with doctors or medical scientists/experts, feel free to share the link to this post to give them the background and openness to listen to you (assuming you found some experts patient enough to read through this and want to help you). I believe my text is a balanced analysis and will avoid making you look crazy by you trying to explain your own situation in a clumsy way (and then get dismissed). After having them read this, I believe you would have a bit more backing/leverage to explain your pain and situation better to get the result you want...
3 Responses
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If you want to contact me I have plenty of tests completed and hypothesis as to what is causing my PATM. I’ve had it for about 20 years.
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Hey  Killthecough give us again link to Discord group. Thanks.

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Again thank you so much for this and for being a leader and i want to let you know your effort is not going unnoticed i really appreciate and respect you if you ever want to contact me my Snapchat is my username and my email is my name then michelito then the year 6 years ago as of 2022 and then the standard google mail sorry if i have to tell you like this medhelp wont let me type it in ***@****
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Also there is plenty of info and test results to sift through on the gut ear discord group. We have a TMAU/PATM group of over 1700 people.

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