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Silent Reflux?

Anyone heard of this?

Apparently considered an epidemic, maybe...just maybe we are internalizing a wide spread issue that is being relatively ignored? I just cant seem to make sense of PATM. Some people cough around me one month, next month a different set of people cough, why does it change so much? I want to believe so badly that theres nothing wrong with us, and that the problem lies with those who cough/sniffle/sneeze.
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Going to just add for those who dont want to bother reading the article, it suggests that modern food has way too much ACID thanks to FDA regulations due to widespread food poisoning in the 70's. Anything in a can or bottle had to be acidic to kill bacteria and prolong shelflife.

This would once again mean the solution is healthy eating, but not for US to eat healthy. Those around us need to change their diets if you ask me!
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CG man,  good luck with changing the poor diets of people.  its ingrained in our society now. look at all the nician in packaged food.  too much nician causes a lot of different problems in the body. methylation and detox problems being on that list along with enzyme production.    basicly in the US here we are losing ground by the day.    That all aside.  my opinion is PATM is a frequency either caused by neurotransmitters leaving our body or something else I don't want to write publicly due to being blocked here.  trust me diet wont fix this problem.  
Hey Helpsavemykids.All of that it's true. At the moment I doubt whether to take antibiotic.I know that I had most PATM symptomps due to so much antibiotics that I took in the past.But after that it's like I was at the other side -supplements,vitamins,detoxes,diets etc.And you know that too good actually it's not that good.It's true that I'm about 90-95% PATM free.But actually I have other problems and feel like I'm not in the right way.I will be very careful because I know what's happened in the past.
And I also do not recommend to take antibiotic.It's your responsibility.
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I have LPR and some people have it
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The video does not correlate to PATM bro,, once you have a PATM you cannot resist to mention about the reactions of other people around you.. here in this video, he doesn't even mention the said reactions,  
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